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ISSN: 2655-6251

Social Return on Investment (SROI) Program of Drilled Well Construction in

Kayang Village, Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)

Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat1, Dwi Ratnasari2

Surabaya Yatim Mandiri Ziswaf Institution
Surabaya Yatim Mandiri Ziswaf Institution

Paper was presented at the 6th Indonesian Conference of Zakat (ICONZ)

30 November – 1 December 2022, Semarang, Indonesia

Drilled well have a vital role in fulfilling the water needs in a community, especially for people
in Kayang Village, Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. It is
because those people have to spend IDR 3,000 per 20 liters of water to fulfill their need for
clean water. Normally one person spends 49.9 liters of clean water a day in 1 month (30 days),
which means they require 49.9 liters of clean water x 30 days = IDR 1,497 per liter of water a
month. If 20 liters cost IDR 3,000, then the total need for one person in a month is IDR 224,550.
This number is multiplied by the number of residents; 870 is the total population of Kayang
village. This research assesses the impacts of the construction of a drilled well program
conducted by LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri by applying the Social Return on Investment method
(SROI) in Kayang Village, Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
This method calculates the extent of the social impact resulting from the programs that have
been carried out. SROI calculation is taken from the value of input from the construction of
drilled well, assistance in the management of drilled well, sustainable use of clean water, and
operational costs. Meanwhile, the value of impact is monetized by increasing the quality of
human life, improving health, and minimizing environmental damage. The outcome of value
impact was 2.97, which means that each LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri investment of IDR 1 has a
social benefit of IDR 2.97. In other words, the social benefits of the program generated are
more significant than the funds distributed. This can encourage the growth of the economic
activities of the surrounding community with money as capital for a business rather than for
buying clean water. This also means achieving the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), namely regions free from poverty, healthy and quality lives, the availability of clean
water, and proper sanitation.
Keywords: Social Return on Investment, The construction of Drilled well, SDGs

INTRODUCTION and the quantity of the water resources

cannot meet the needs of the people,
Water is the primary need for every living especially those who live in rural areas.
thing. In the life process, humans need
The availability of clean water
water as a basic need, so water poses as the
service in rural areas is far beyond the
natural resource on which life depends. The
ability to meet the need, so efforts to
community requires clean water for all
develop a clean water distribution system
needs, such as drinking water, cooking,
are needed (Lakbeh, I. F., Messakh, J. J., &
washing, bathing, watering plants, and
Tamelan, 2021).
cleaning their vehicles in large quantities.
Hence, the need for clean water also One of which is Kayang Village.
increases. However, in reality, the quality The Kayang Village is in Pantar Barat Laut
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 205

District, Alor Regency, Province of East Based on the research done by

Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. It is one out of Retno Suryani and friends (Suryani et al.,
seven villages and wards in the District of 2022) entitled “Evaluasi Implementasi
Pantar Barat Laut. The villagers are a Program Pendekar (Implementation
majority of Alor Tribes, with a population Evaluation of the Warrior Program)
of 870, a livelihood as farmers, and an area (Penderes Badeg, Karangsari Village)”
of 11.50/km2. using the SROI method, the empowerment
program of warrior community (Penderes
In research titled “Study of Clean
Badeg Karangsari) obtained the SROI 2.34,
Water Distribution Systems in Tribur
which means that the program could be
Village Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
carried out because it offered the return of
Province” by Ilwinto Folino Lakbeh,
IDR 2.34. Budi Asmita's research (Asmita
Jakobis J. Messakh, and Paul G. Tamelan
et al., 2021) which measured the value of
explained "The presence of Tribur Village,
the social investment impact of the village
a village located right next to Kayang
BAZNAS microfinance program, used the
Village, there was a gravity delivery system
and the unit of public hydrant service. Social Return on Investment or SROI
method. The value obtained was 2.66 (> 1),
Unfortunately, not all villagers got their
which means that every BAZNAS
share of the clean water. It was due to that
investment in the BMD program of IDR 1
the pipes used were very limited, and some
had a social benefit of IDR 2.66. In other
taps were dysfunctional. It was worsened
words, the program's social benefits are
by the fact that the water did not flow for 24
greater than the funds disbursed.
hours, only for a short time, even so, not
Meanwhile, research from Meilanny
quite much in quantity. Moreover,
Budiarti Santoso et al. (Santoso et al.,
sometimes it stops flowing at all" (Lakbeh,
2018), the SROI method could be used to
I. F., Messakh, J. J., & Tamelan, 2021).
measure the impact of social investment in
Similar to the conditions in Tribur implementing CSR programs. The
Village, based on interviews and two-way acquisition of an SROI ratio of 3.70 means
communication between Yatim Mandiri that every investment of IDR 1 gets an
and Kayang Village stakeholders, it was impact or benefit of IDR 3.70. The biggest
found that one hamlet and one Islamic benefit from Posdaya Baramulyo was the
boarding school were not able to meet the increase in access to early childhood
need for clean water. To meet their need for education, which was 66.5% of the total
clean water, residents had to buy per can or outcome value, and an increase in income
20 liters of clean water for IDR 3,000. of 14.09%.
Whereas normally, one Indonesian needs
By considering the phenomena and
an average consumption of 49.9 liters of
problems in Kayang Village, Yatim
clean water per day, based on WHO
Mandiri is interested in assessing the
recommendations for household use in the
impact of social innovation in the
basic access category of 20 - 49.9 liters per
construction of drilled well by using the
capita per day (Howard G. & J., 2003). One
SROI method because so far, there has been
person in one month (30 days) should spend
no research that has measured the impact of
49.9 liters of clean water x 30 days = IDR
the drilled well construction program. This
1,497 per liter of clean water. If per 20 liters
program involves the village stakeholders
IDR 3,000, then the total need for one
as supporting pillars from the Seven Main
person per month is IDR 224,550
Principles of Social Return on Investment
multiplied by the population of Kayang
(SROI) so that the community, as the agents
Village, 870 people, which is IDR
of change and the ones facing them, can
optimize the outcomes and impact of the
good construction continuation. This
206 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

program's final goal is to implement social that must be carried out include: (1)
innovation in community empowerment Involving stakeholders, (2) Understanding
that can solve problems or social needs what the changes are, (3) Identifying
(more effective than the present solution). important values, (4) Only using clear
It encourages capability and social materials, (5) Avoiding excessive claims,
improvement and uses natural resource (6) Transparency, and (7) Verifying the
assets to the best of it (The Regulation of results (Nicholls et al., 2012).
Ministry of Environment and Forestry No.
1 2021).
In the long term, the social
innovation program in the construction of Development is a social change process
drilled well is hoped to be with broad participation in a community
a sustainable and benchmark program for intended to promote social and material
the other institutions that want to develop progress (including increased equity,
social innovation with SROI methodology, freedom, and other valued qualities) for
which can later achieve the Sustainable most people through the greater control
Development Goals. they gain from their environment (Bayu et
al. al., 2018). While the physical facility
development is tools or facilities that can be
LITERATURE REVIEW directly benefited by the community, such
Social Return on Investment (SROI)
a) Transportation Infrastructure: roads
Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a
and bridges;
method used to measure social impact. It
not only talks about the value of money but b) Infrastructure and Marketing:
also measures a broader value, including buildings and markets;
social values, the economy, and the c) Social Infrastructure: school
environment. SROI has a strategic buildings, worship houses, and public
advantage compared to other investment health centers; and
measurement tools that highly focus on
calculating financial aspects. SROI d) Waterway production infrastructure.
involves stakeholders from a program or From the explanation above, it is
project to be analyzed to explore the clear that development is a changing
various impacts enjoyed once upon running process to a better one that will work well
(Santoso et al., 2018). when involving humans in the planning,
Calculation of the impact of this execution, utilization, and evaluation of the
social investment can be done by measuring outcomes (Bayu et al., 2018).
Social Return on Investment (SROI). SROI
is not only about value for money but also
about the broader value, which includes Groundwater
social, economic, and environmental values Groundwater is necessary as one of the
(Asmita et al., 2021). The SROI calculation suppliers to meet life's needs, as surface
involves stakeholders from a water cannot fulfill this needs. The long use
project/program to analyze the various of groundwater can cause groundwater
impacts arising after the program/project is extraction that exceeds the reserves in the
implemented. Compared to other groundwater basin. To maintain a balance
measuring instruments, SROI is a more between extraction and recharge, the
comprehensive and implementable analysis utilization of groundwater must go through
tool (Purwohedi, 2016). SROI principles certain stages (Ministry, 2017).
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 207

Groundwater management is meant achieving food security, nutrition

to balance conservation efforts and improvement, and encouraging
groundwater utilization. The sustainable agricultural cultivation;
implementation of these activities needs to 3. Good Health and Welfare. Ensuring
be adjusted to the behavior of groundwater, healthy life and encouraging welfare
such as availability and distribution, and for all society from all ages;
potentially encompasses the quality and
quantity of groundwater and soil 4. Qualified Education. Ensuring
environment. The need for clean water is equitable distribution of quality and
very crucial, so it is required for the improving educational opportunity
construction of drilled well (Bayu et al., for everybody, ensuring fair,
2018). inclusive education, and encouraging
long-life education opportunities for
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
5. Gender Equity. Achieving gender
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals equity and empowering women and
(The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable mothers;
Development or SDGs) are a new 6. Clean Water and Sanitation. Ensuring
development agreement that encourages
the availability of clean water and
shifts towards sustainable development sanitation continually for all people;
based on human rights and equity to
promote social, economic, and 7. Clean and Affordable Energy.
environmental development. The SDGs Ensuring access to affordable energy
were ratified on September 25, 2015, resources, reliable continuation, and
replacing the previous program, namely the modernity for everyone;
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 8. Economic Growth and Proper Jobs.
as a joint development goal which ended in Supporting sustainable and inclusive
2015 and had been approved by many economic development, many
countries in the United Nations forum in productive job vacancies that are
New York (Bappenas, 2015). proper for everyone;
In maintaining the balance of these 9. Industry, Innovation, and
three dimensions of development, the Infrastructure. Developing qualified
SDGs have five main foundations: industries, encouraging the increase
Humans, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and of inclusive and sustainable
Partnerships. Those five aims to achieve the industries, and forging innovation;
three noble goals in 2030 by ending
poverty, achieving equality, and tackling 10. Reducing the Social Gaps.
climate change. Poverty is still the most Reducing the inequity in a country
important and major issue, in addition to and within the countries in the world;
two other achievements (Sampedro, 2021). 11. Community. Developing cities and
To achieve those three noble goals, 17 settlements that are inclusive,
Global Goals have been established qualified, endurable, and sustainable;
(Dahlia, 2021).
12. Responsible Consumption and
The 17 Global Goals from SDGs are Production. Ensuring the continuity
as follows: of consumption and production
1. No Poverty. No poverty in any other pattern;
form throughout the world; 13. Action toward Climate. Giving fast
2. No Hunger. No more hungry people, responses to fight against climate
208 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

change and its effects; 2022. The research was conducted in

Kayang Village, Pantar Barat Laut District,
14. Underwater Life. Preserving and
Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The
maintaining the sustainability of the
location was chosen purposely because it
sea and marine life resources for
was the region where clean water was
sustainable development;
scarce, so expenses were required to obtain
15. Life on Land. Protect, restore, and it.
increase the sustainable use of
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests; reduce barren land Data Collection Method
and land swaps; combat The types of data used are primary and
desertification; stop and restore soil secondary. Primary data was gained
degradation; and stop biodiversity through a deep interview method with the
loss; stakeholders. Secondary data was collected
16. Strong Judicial Institution and from books, literature, or websites
Peace. Promoting peace in society for correlated with the research topic.
sustainable development, providing
access to justice for all people,
including institutions, and being Data Analysis Technique
responsible for all levels and The data analysis technique used was the
establishing effective, accountable, one with the SROI method. The stages of
and inclusive institutions at all levels; calculating SROI are based on the book A
and Guide to Social Return on Investment
17. Partnership to Achieve the Goals. (Nicholls et al., 2012) as follows:
Strengthening the implementation 1) Defining the scope and identifying
and reviving the global partnership the stakeholders,
for continuity development.
2) Mapping the impacts,
In response to those 17 global goals,
the UN General Assembly's president 3) Proving the presence of impacts and
asserted that the UN members' ambition assessing it,
would be granted if the world had been in 4) Setting the impact value (monetized
peace and safety. Respect for human rights impacts),
is not only in a world where the investments
in armaments and wars are so large as to 5) Calculating SROI ratio, and
destroy the resources that have been 6) Reporting, utilizing, and
committed to the investment in sustainable implementing.
development (Sampedro, 2021).

In the simplest form, the SROI

METHODOLOGY Ratio can be calculated as follow:
Design, Time, and Place of the Research 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
SROI Ratio = 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
This research was conducted regarding the
methods, principles, and guidelines for
SROI measurement initiated by the SROI  Present Value of Impact = The
Network UK. The type of data used is present value over social impact
cross-sectional, namely data collection. The gained from measuring the money
information is collected only at a particular unit
time. The data was collected in August
 Value of Input = the value of all
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 209

investment funds spent to carry out District, Ponorogo Regency, from

the program June to August.
The plan for constructing the
drilled well for people in Alor, East
Nusa Tenggara, is the third work in
Location Identification and Construction 2022 as the effort to implement one
Design of the Drilled Well of the goals of Sustainable
1. Identifying the Location Development Goals (SDGs) in the
environmental sector, making sure
National Amil Zakat Institution that people can reach universal access
Yatim Mandiri has made some efforts to clean water and sanitation.
to provide clean water for people Sanitation and clean water will be
where water was scarce in two places elaborately discussed in the sixth goal
since the beginning of 2022. It was of SDGs.
from April to July, the development
of drilled well was conducted in Here is the general description
Gedoro Hamlet, Nglegi Ward, of the well location, the beneficiary
Kapanewon Patuk, Gunung Kidul coverage, the development method
Regency, and in Krajan Hamlet, and cost, and compensation. It is all
Watu Bonang village, Badegan stated in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Design of Drilled Well Construction
Location Method and Expenses Compensation
Kayang Village, It can be Drilled Well Full branding on
Pantar Barat Laut utilized by the The cost of the project is Bathing, Washing, and
District, Alor community in IDR 118,160,000. Toilet (BWT) is two
Regency, East one hamlet and The depth is around 70 units, and the branding
Nusa Tenggara an Islamic meters with an expense of is on water storage,
boarding school IDR 900.000/meter including the branding
in that hamlet (recommended by the on the nameplate on
community). the well. The
publication is on the
national media and

2. Design of Construction Program Pantar Barat Laut, Alor Regency,

East Nusa Tenggara is as follows:
The design plan for drilled well
construction in Kayang Village,

Figure 1. Construction Plan of Drilled Well

210 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

Identification of the Stakeholders institution familiar to the people in

Alor Regency and will gain more
Stakeholder identification is traced based
trust from the communities there.
on their involvement and role in
constructing the drilled well. Those
stakeholders are as follows: Impact Mapping
a. The people of Kayang Village and
Tracing the impact on each stakeholder is
one Islamic boarding school, Markaz carried out by conducting interviews with
RTQ Sinergy Ummat, Marica village officials, mosque administrators,
Branch. They are the main and mustahiq and observing data in
stakeholders who receive direct program documents. Impact mapping is
beneficiaries of clean water upon done by mapping the drilled well program's
drilling the well. inputs, outputs, and outcomes. This can be
b. LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri is an seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Impact Mapping

No. Stakeholders Input (Investment) Output Impact (Outcome)

1. The community of The construction ofIncreasing the Improving the quality
Kayang Village and drilled well amount of clean of life
one Islamic Boarding water and proper
School, Markaz RTQ sanitation
Sinergy Ummat, Decreasing daily Reducing the level of
Marica Branch life expenditure due poverty sustainably,
to the availability of free access
clean water without availability of clean
purchasing it water in a long term
Adequate mineral Improving the
needs in the body community’s health
with the
consumption of
clean water
Assistance in the Increasing the
Minimizing the
management of knowledge in water environmental
drilled well and management so that damage with the
sustainable use of it will no clean presence of
clean water water exploitation groundwater’s
2. LAZNAS Yatim Conducting a The published of The increased
Mandiri partnership program LAZNAS Yatim awareness of
implementation Mandiri Program LAZNAS Yatim
Mandiri Program
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 211

Calculation of Value of Input construction of drilled well is in Table 3

The calculation of input (investment) in the
implementation of the program

Table 3. Calculation on Value of Input

Types of Input
No. Stakeholders Calculation of Input
1. The community of Kayang The construction of Every resident of Kayang Village, Pantar Barat
Village and one Islamic drilled well Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa
Boarding School, Markaz Tenggara gets clean water facilities which can
RTQ Sinergy Ummat, be converted per gallon or per 20 liters of clean
Marica Branch water is IDR 3,000. Whereas the average need
for clean water for one Indonesian is 49.9 liters
per day, based on WHO recommendations for
household use in the basic access category of 20
- 49.9 liters per capita per day (Howard G.,
Bartram J. Domestic Water Quantity, Service
Level and Health. WHO; Geneva, Switzerland:
In general, from the data displayed, it can be
concluded that one person in one month (30
days) normally spends 49.9 x 30 days = 1,497
per liter. If per 20 liters is IDR 3,000, the total
need for one person per month is IDR 224,550.
This amount is multiplied by 870, the total
number of residents in Kayang Village.

The cost of the social innovation development

program in the construction of drilled well is
IDR 92,460,000, the depth is approximately 70
meters which costs IDR 900,000 per meter
(recommended by the community) in Kayang
Village, Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor
Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

2. Assistance in the The cost of social assistance and supervision of

management of drilled Social Innovation Development of a drilled well
well and sustainable use is IDR 10,000,000 in Kayang Village, Pantar
of clean water Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, NTT
3. Total operational cost in The social operational cost of drilled well
drilled well construction construction is IDR 15,700,000 in Kayang
Village, Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor
Regency, NTT
Total Investment Input of social innovation The construction cost + cost of social
program of drilled well construction program assistance management + operational cost
Kayang Village, Pantar Barat Laut District,
Alor Regency, NTT = IDR 92,460,000 + IDR
10,000,000 + IDR 15,700,000 = IDR
212 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

The calculation of the Program Impact

(Impact Monetization)
An overview of the impact calculation
approach and the financial valuation
approach (monetization) of each impact
parameter is identified in table 4 below:

Table 4. Impact Monetization

No. Impact Monetization Approach Value Impact
1. Improving the life Life quality can be One of the indicators to measure human life quality
quality of humans measured from proper life Human Development Index by Central Statistics
standards to humans that (2021) is by measuring the proper life standard for
are monetized by real humans, based on Central bureau Statistic (2021),
expenses adapted per The real expenditure data can be used as an indicator
capita as an alternative. because the expenditure in a region reflects there is
The real expenditure income and stable economic turnover there.
indicator can also show the The adjusted average real expenditure per capita in
indicator of the income of Indonesia is IDR 11,156,000, while the real
the community and levels expenditure per capita in Alor Regency is IDR
of prosperity enjoyed by 6,751,000. It shows that the expenditure amount in
the population as the Alor Regency is still far below the average real
output of economic expenditure in Indonesia.
activities. Impact Indicators of quality improvement of social
innovation toward the construction of drilled well is
an increase of 0.14% or IDR 15,618 per person so that
it can catch up with other districts or cities in
2. Reducing poverty Calculating the difference Through the presentation of the input assessment, it
levels in a between the amount of can be concluded that naturally, one person in 1
sustainable, long- expenditure made by PM month (30 days) spends 49.9 liters of clean water x 30
term way from the in meeting the need for days = IDR 1,497 liters. If per 20 liters IDR 3,000,
availability of clean water before and then the total need for one person per month is IDR
free clean water after the availability of it 224,550 multiplied by the number of residents, the
for free total population of Kayang Village is 870 people. The
existence of this program can reduce poverty by IDR
195,358,500 per month.
Indicators of Impact on Poverty Reduction Social
innovation on the Construction of drilled well is IDR
195,358,500 out of a total population of 870 people in
Kayang Village, Alor Barat Daya District, Alor
3. Increasing the Calculated from the cost According to the book Clean Water Supply in
public health approach incurred to Indonesia: The Role of Government, Local
overcome diseases caused Government, Private and Community published by
by the unavailability of the Secretariat General, one of the impacts of a lack
clean water of clean water is diarrheal disease. Reported from
https://mediakom.kemkes.go.id 2019 that there were
243,983 cases of diarrhea in 2018.
The costs incurred for patients with diarrhea in 2018
amounted to IDR 304.25 billion. The budget is quite
large for the treatment of diarrhea which should be
prevented with clean and healthy living habits and
improvements in environmental sanitation and the
availability of clean water so the cost spent for
diarrhea patients was 304.25 billion compared to
243,983 diarrhea cases in 2018 which mean IDR
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 213

No. Impact Monetization Approach Value Impact

1.247.013 was spent per patient. The prevalence of
diarrhea that occurs in rural areas is estimated at 10%
as stated in the Diarrhea Bulletin book of the
Indonesian Ministry of Health.
Improving public health by minimizing diarrhea
cases through social innovation of drilled well
construction so that access to clean water is available
for a total of 870 residents in Kayang Village, Pantar
Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa
As much as IDR 247,013 was spent for each patient
times 870 people at risk with diarrhea. The percentage
of at-risk people was 10%, which was equal to IDR
108,490,131 per year.
4. Minimizing the Calculated from the clean This training provides comprehensive knowledge
risk of water management regarding a Complete Introduction to Clean Water
environmental training cost approach Treatment, Introduction to Drinking Water Provision
damage due to from GRC Training Techniques, Quality and Health Aspects, Drinking
groundwater Water Supply Systems, Water Treatment Systems,
extraction General characteristics of raw water based on source:
activities through examples of water sources, water pollutant content,
assisting in the alternatives process unit and water treatment
management of operation, the working principle of several operation
drilled well and units, organic and inorganic characteristics of water.
sustainable use of The costs incurred for training are IDR 900,000 per
clean water participant. The training is Team Training.
Improving the community's knowledge and skills
with clean water management training so that it is
ready for consumption by people in Kayang Village,
Pantar Barat Laut District, Alor Regency, East Nusa
IDR 10,800,000 the costs incurred for 12 training
participants consisting of the Board of Trustees of
Islamic Boarding Schools under the Shohwatul Islam
Foundation, Hamlet Heads, Village Heads, and their
5. Increasing public The calculation uses Public Relations (PR) Value is the value gained from
trust and Public Relations (PR) a brand or the related figure after the news is
institutional Value published in news portals.
brand sustainably The calculation of PR Value external media:
1. Yatim Mandiri
= Advertisement Value (AD) x IDR 2,500 x 3
= 345 x IDR 2,500 x 3
= IDR 2,587,500

2. Zakat Forum
= Advertisement Value (AD) x IDR 2,500 x 3
= 345 x IDR 2,500 x 3
= IDR 2,587,500

3. Kumparan
= Advertisement Value (AD) x 3
= IDR 1,149,000 x 3
= IDR 3,447,000

4. Republika
= Advertisement Value (AD) x 3
= IDR 1,149,000 x 3
214 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

No. Impact Monetization Approach Value Impact

= IDR 3,447,000

5. Kompasiana
= Advertisement Value (AD) x 3
= IDR 2,199,000 x 3
= IDR 6,597,000
Total of PR Value of External Media is IDR

Calculating the PR Value of Social Media

= Advertisement Value (AD) x 3
= IDR 25,000,000 x 3
= IDR 75,000,000
The total PR Value of Social Media is IDR
So that the total PR Value realized is
= IDR 18,666,000 + IDR 25,000,000
= IDR 93,666,000
Advertisement Value (AD) is the cost spent for
The target news portal is an external news portal, such
as Kumparan, Republika, Kompasiana, Forum Zakat,
and Yatim Mandiri News.
The costs incurred for each portal are based on the
Press Release News Portal of External Media or by
using the PR Value calculation formula.
The package published on social media and Yatim
Mandiri news portal is IDR 25,000,000.
From the above formula, the calculation of the PR
Value exposed for LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri is IDR

SROI Ratio Calculation Ratio is worked on. The calculation of that

ratio on the construction of drilled well is
Upon the calculation of impact
presented in table 5 below:
monetization, the calculation of the SROI

Table 5. SROI Calculation

Explanation Total

Value of input
Pawn Investment of 1 drilled well in Kayang Village IDR 118,160,000
The residents of Kayang Village invested in drilled well; 5 BWT: [5 x (1.5 m x 1.5
m)] + 1 drilled well; (3 m x 2 m) = 17.25 meters2, the cost per meter square is IDR IDR 6,900,000
Total Investment Impact IDR 125,060,000

Value of impact
Impact Monetization of 1 well IDR 314,648,631
Sri Adam Dewi Setyaningrat & Dwi Ratnasari 215

Explanation Total
a. Increasing poverty IDR 195,358,500
b. Improving health IDR 108,490,131
c. Minimizing environmental damage IDR 10,800,000
PR Value [IDR 0 while the news of the construction has not appeared in publication
IDR 93,666,000
media, yet]
Total Impact IDR 408.314.631
5% attribution IDR 20,415,731.55
Total Impact upon 5% Attribution IDR 387,898,899.45
Discount Rate [4.75% BI Rate October 2022] IDR 16,485,703.23
Net Present Value of Impact IDR 371,413,196.22
SROI Ratio 2.97

Assumption: This can also realize the goal of the

first SGDs, namely alleviating poverty,
The discount Factor is assumed as follows:
where savings of IDR 195,358,500 per
1) Deadweight value = 0 (nil) assuming month which is used to purchase clean
that the utilizers are other than the water. Apart from that, it can improve
members of the group that is in public health, following the third goal of
relatively stable condition. SGDs, namely by minimizing the
2) The attribution or role of other occurrence of diarrheal diseases through
parties (outside Laznas Yatim social innovation of drilled well
Mandiri) for the success of the development so that clean water is
program is 5%, after all the support available for a total population of 870
from the local government has people in Kayang Village, Pantar Barat
contributed to the success of the Daya District, Alor Regency, East Nusa
program. Tenggara. In the sixth point, the goal of
sustainable development is also met by the
3) For the calculation of the discount existence of clean water and proper
rate of interest value, it uses the Bank sanitation for the community, which
Indonesia interest rate (SBBI) per causes water consumption for daily needs
August 2022 is 4.75%. to be fulfilled.

The Report, Use, and Implementation CONCLUSION

The results of calculating the impact using The need for water sources is an absolute
the SROI method of 2.97 means that each thing in life. This is because water is a
LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri investment of basic human need in everyday life. Thus,
IDR 1 has a social benefit of IDR 2.97, in in the need for water sources, it is
other words, the social benefits of the necessary to make drilled well in dryland
program generated are greater than the areas (areas far from water sources).
funds distributed. This can also encourage
the growth of the economic activities of the The drilled well construction
surrounding community by using money program has been successfully carried out
as capital to run a business rather than by LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri in Ponorogo
buying clean water. Regency. The positive impact has been
enjoyed by mustahiq and the environment
216 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Zakat

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