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Collaborative Engineering Paradigm Applied to the

Aerospace Industry
Fernando Mas, José Luis Menéndez, Manuel Oliva, Alejandro Gómez, José Ríos

To cite this version:

Fernando Mas, José Luis Menéndez, Manuel Oliva, Alejandro Gómez, José Ríos. Collaborative
Engi- neering Paradigm Applied to the Aerospace Industry. 10th Product Lifecycle Management for
Society (PLM), Jul 2013, Nantes, France. pp.675-684, 10.1007/978-3-642-41501-2_66 . hal-

用于航空航天工业的协同工程范式。第十届社会产品生命周期管理(PLM),2013 年 7 月,法国南特。
第 675-684 页,10.1007/978-3-642-41501-2_66。hal-01461915

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Collaborative Engineering paradigm applied to
the aerospace industry

Fernando Mas 1, José Luis Menéndez 1, Manuel Oliva 1, Alejandro Gómez 2,

费尔南多·马斯 1,何塞·路易斯·梅南德斯 1,曼努埃尔·奥利瓦 1,亚历杭德罗·戈麦斯 2,
José Ríos 2
何塞·里奥斯 2

AIRBUS, Av. García Morato s/n, 41011, Sevilla, Spain,
空中客车公司。García Morato s/n,41011,塞维利亚,西班牙
Univ. Polit. Madrid, José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain,
大学。政治。马德里,何塞·古铁雷斯·阿巴斯卡尔 2,28006 马德里,西班牙

Abstract. Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineer-

ing techniques since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures
and tools, and the need to reduce time-to-market, led Airbus Military to pursue
new working methods. Traditional Engineering works sequentially. Concurrent
Engineering basically overlaps tasks between teams. Collaborative Engineering
promotes teamwork to develop product, processes and resources from the concep-
tual phase to the start of the serial production. The CALIPSOneo pilot project was
launched to support the industrialization process of a medium size aerostructure.
The aim is to implement the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept and its
exploitation to create shop floor documentation. In a framework of a collaborative
engineering strategy, the project is part of the efforts to deploy Digital Manufac-
turing as a key technology for the industrialization of aircraft assembly lines. This
paper presents the context, the conceptual approach and the methodology adopted.
新的 PLM 方法、程序和工具的引言,以及缩短上市时间的需求,促使空客
开发产品、流程和资源。CALIPSOneo 试点项目的启动是为了支持中型航空

Keywords: collaborative engineering, industrial Digital Mock-Up, PLM systems.

关键词: 协作工程、工业数字模型、PLM 系统。


The design and the industrialization of aircrafts is a complex process. An aircraft

like the Airbus A400M is composed of about 700.000 parts (excluding standard
parts). The parts are assembled into aerostructures and major components, which
are designed and manufactured in seven countries all over the world [1].
飞机的设计和工业化是一个复杂的过程。像空客 A400M 这样的飞机由大约
70 万个零件组成(不包括标准件)。零件组装成航空结构和主要部件,在
全世界 7 个国家进行设计和制造[1]。
In the mid-nineties, PDM and CAD systems let Airbus to build a product Digi-
tal Mock-Up (DMU), mainly to check functional design interferences. Then the
ACE (Airbus Concurrent Engineering) project [2] started to develop and deploy
methods, processes and tools along all the functional design disciplines. A sum-
mary of the Airbus product DMU is presented in [3].
在 90 年代中期,PDM 和 CAD 系统让空中客车公司建立了一个产品数字
客产品 DMU 的总结见[3]。

Since 1999, Airbus has successfully applied Concurrent Engineering to all the
aircraft design programs: A380, C295, A400M, and A350. The gain is obtained
mainly in the functional design area. The Industrial design activities make use of
CAx tools in not fully integrated areas, causing interoperability issues and a lack
of real influence on the functional design.
自 1999 年以来,空客已经成功地将并行工程应用于所有飞机设计项目:
A380、C295、A400M 和 A350。增益主要是在功能设计领域获得的。工业设
计活动在未完全集成的领域使用 CAx 工具,导致互操作性问题和对功能设
The development of computer based shared workspaces was the main aim in
the early years of the Collaborative Engineering concept and product modeling, or
product DMU, was the main focus [4]. Currently, Collaborative Engineering pro-
motes to integrate design teams, both functional and industrial, to generate a
unique deliverable, named industrial DMU (iDMU), integrating: product,
processes and resources. It also promotes the intensive use of PLM tools to per-
form virtual manufacturing and support the DMU as kernel of the collaborative
work [5]. The downward link with the physical manufacturing is created by feed-
ing work instructions (WIs) to the shop floor. Since the iDMU comprises the full
definition of the manufacturing activities, it can be used to generate WIs [6].
建模或产品 DMU 是主要焦点[4]。目前,协作工程提倡整合功能和工业设计
团队,以生成一个独特的可交付成果,称为工业 DMU(iDMU),集成:产
品、流程和资源。它还促进了 PLM 工具的密集使用来执行虚拟制造,并支
持 DMU 作为协同工作的核心[5]。与物理制造的下行链路是通过将工作指令
(WI)馈送到车间来创建的。由于 iDMU 包含制造活动的完整定义,因此它可
用于生成 WIs[6]。
In this context, Airbus Military launched the CALIPSOneo pilot project to con-
tribute to develop and deploy Collaborative Engineering processes and tools. The
project focuses on the new A320neo Fan Cowls. The low complexity of such
aerostructure, the manufacturing technologies involved and the company expertise
on the design of fairings make it an excellent sample to conduct a pilot project.
在此背景下,空客军方启动了 CALIPSOneo 试点项目,为开发和部署协作
工程流程和工具做出贡献。该项目侧重于新的 A320neo 风扇整流罩。这种航

Review of the traditional, concurrent and collaborative process


The evolution inside Airbus from Traditional Engineering to Collaborative Engi-

neering through Concurrent Engineering is an ongoing process. The main triggers
are: technological evolution of software tools, the need to short time-to-market, to
reduce cost and to increase quality and the maturity of the development team.

Traditional Engineering

The Traditional Engineering approach, also known as sequential engineering,

comprises the implementation of sequential tasks, often referred to as the ‘over-
the-wall’ approach [7]. Disadvantages of this approach are extensively mentioned
in the literature: focus on product functionality and drawings, lack of industrial
design, problems growing at the end of the lifecycle, different teams with lack of
communication between them and long time-to-market.

Concurrent Engineering

In the last decades, methodological and technological advances have significantly
influenced engineering activities. Concurrent Engineering has become widely ac-
cepted. About twenty years ago, with the introduction of the emergent PLM tools,
经被广泛接受。大约二十年前,随着新兴 PLM 工具的引言,

a company-wide project, ACE (Airbus Concurrent Engineering) [2] was launched.

Framed within the Airbus A340-500/600 development program, it aimed to devel-
op and deploy concurrent engineering practices and the associated PLM tools.
一个全公司范围的项目 ACE(空中客车并行工程)[2]启动。在空客 A340-
500/600 开发计划的框架内,它旨在开发和部署并行工程实践和相关的 PLM

Fig. 1. Traditional view vs. Concurrent view


Currently, there are still pending issues, the wall described in Traditional Engi-
neering still exits but it is not so high. The industrialization tasks are not as ad-
vanced as functional tasks in terms of PLM tools usage. The current deliverable is
the product DMU, interoperability and working practice issues cause that compact
disks or memory sticks flies over the wall instead of paper based drawings. Indus-
trial design is not fully integrated with functional design, and it has little influence
over the latter. They comprise two separate teams with dissimilar skills.
高。就 PLM 工具的使用而言,工业化任务不如功能性任务先进。当前的可
交付成果是产品 DMU,互操作性和工作实践问题导致光盘或记忆棒飞过墙
In fact, one of the most important reasons to have the wall is the certification
process by the aeronautical authorities. Traditionally certification was made using
the product definition, drawings, and marked the end of the aircraft design
process. Concurrent Engineering still hold this idea and consider the aircraft de-
sign only as the functional design, enriched with manufacturing constrains and

Collaborative Engineering

The iDMU is the key element of the Collaborative Engineering to tear down the
wall between functional design and industrial design. The aim is a design process
with a single team that creates a single deliverable. This approach needs new
working procedures and new PLM tools. By applying virtual validation, using vir-
tual manufacturing techniques, a further reduction of time-to-market is feasible.
iDMU 是协同工程拆除功能设计和工业设计之间的墙的关键要素。目标是由
的 PLM 工具。通过应用虚拟验证,使用虚拟制造技术,进一步缩短上市时

Fig. 2. Concurrent view vs. Collaborative view


Collaborative Engineering Airbus Military conceptual model


Both the functional and the industrial design areas shared the concept of Collabor-
ative Engineering. It is seen as an answer to the current industrial challenges.

Analysis As-Is To-Be

Current or ‘As Is’ situation (Fig. 3) shows an optimized functional design area
with a clear deliverable: the product DMU. The concurrent process closes the gap
between functional design and industrial design, and feeds back functional design
with manufacturing information to facilitate ‘Design for Manufacturing’ and ‘De-
sign for Assembly’. The functional design deliverable, the ‘DMU as master’, is a
valuable item in the first stages of the lifecycle, but the value for the process de-
creases with time and most of the industrial design tasks are paper based.
当前或“原样”情况(图 3)显示了一个优化的功能设计区域,具有明确的
可交付成果:产品 DMU。并行过程弥合了功能设计和工业设计之间的差
去征兆”。功能设计可交付成果,即“DMU 作为主”,在生命周期的第一

Fig. 3. Analysis ‘As Is - To Be’

Future or ‘To Be’ situation shows an optimized functional and industrial design
area with a clear deliverable: the iDMU [8]. The previous gap is eliminated by the
collaborative way to build the iDMU and the virtual validation of it. The design
(functional and industrial) deliverable, the ‘iDMU for all’, is a valuable item along
the whole lifecycle. The information contained in the iDMU can now be exploited
by Sustaining, to produce shopfloor documentation in a wide variety of formats.
确的可交付成果:iDMU[8]。通过构建 iDMU 及其虚拟验证的协作方式消除
了以前的差距。设计(功能和工业)可交付成果“面向所有人的 i DMU”是
整个生命周期中的一个有价值的项目。现在可以通过 Sustaining 利用 iDMU

Functional Model
Fig. 4 shows the main functions and information flow involved in the develop-
ment and production of an aircraft. Management activities, box ‘Manage’, influ-
ence all the downstream functions.
图。图 4 示出了飞机的研制和生产所涉及的主要功能和信息流。管理活动,
Development activities, box ‘Engineer’, are controlled by the output from
‘Manage’, ‘Customer requirements’ and ‘Industrial strategy’. Development activ-

ities include ‘Functional Design’ and ‘Industrial Design’. Both work together, as
a single team, to develop product, processes and resources from the conceptual
phase to the start of the serial production. The deliverable is an ‘ iDMU’, a com-
plete definition and verification of the virtual manufacturing of the product [8].
All the deviations coming from the shopfloor, in terms of ‘Deviations (non con-
formances, concessions), are inputs to ‘Engineer’, included in the ‘iDMU’ and
sent to ‘Operation’. The final output is an ‘As built’ iDMU that fits with the real
product launch by ‘Operation’.
段到批量生产开始开发产品、流程和资源。可交付成果是“i DMU”,即产
合、让步)”而言,都是“工程师”的输入,包含在“i DMU”中并发送
Production activities are represented by the box ‘Operation’, controlled by the
output from ‘Manage’ and by the output from ‘Engineer’ ‘iDMU’. Operation ac-
tivities include ‘Sustaining’, which is in charge of exploit the iDMU, with the help
of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), to launch ‘Shopfloor Documents’ to
‘Serial production’. The ‘Manufacturing Problems’ that can be managed without
modifying the iDMU, are managed by ‘Sustaining’. Any other item affecting the
iDMU is derived to ‘Engineer’ as deviation. The output from ‘Operation’ is the
final physical product that fits 100% with the ‘As built’.
生产活动由“操作”框表示,由“管理”的输出和“工程师”“ i
DMU”的输出控制。运营活动包括“维持”,负责在 MES(制造执行系统)
的帮助下利用 iDMU,将“车间文档”启动到“批量生产”。无需修改
iDMU 即可管理的“制造问题”通过“维持”进行管理。影响 iDMU 的任何
其他项目作为偏差导出为“工程”。“操作”的输出是 100%符合“竣

Fig. 4. Collaborative functional model


Digital MockUp (DMU) and industrial Digital MockUp (iDMU)


Collaborative Engineering involves a lot of changes in terms of: organization,

teams, relationships, skills, methods, procedures, standards, processes, tools and
interfaces [4]. It is a business transformation process [5]. One of the key changes
is the engineering deliverable, it comprises evolving from the ‘product DMU as
master’ to the ‘iDMU for all’ (Fig. 3).
程可交付成果,它包括从“作为主产品 DMU”发展到“面向所有人的 i
DMU”(图 3)。

‘DMU as master’ is a standard inside Airbus [3]. All the information related to
the functional aspects of the product is included in the product DMU, e.g. aspects
like ‘design in context’ and clashes-free product are fully deployed. The DMU is
the reference for the product functional definition, and it is built in concurrent en-
gineering taken into account manufacturing constraints.
“DMU 作为主机”是空客内部的标准[3]。与产品功能方面相关的所有信
息都包含在产品 DMU 中,例如,“上下文中的设计”和无冲突产品等方面
都已完全部署。DMU 是产品功能定义的参考,它是在考虑制造约束的并行
The ‘iDMU for all’ is a new concept. It is the main enabler of the Collaborative
Engineering approach and provides a common virtual environment for all the air-
craft development stakeholders. Functional design and industrial design are part of
a single design process where they progress together and influence each other.
“全民 i DMU”是一个新概念。它是协作工程方法的主要推动者,为所有飞
The iDMU collects the information related to functional design plus all the in-
formation related to industrial design: manufacturing and assembly process, asso-
ciated resources, industrial means and human resources [8]. All is defined in an in-
tegrated environment, where complete and partial simulations are done
continuously, and at the end of the design phase, they guarantee a validated solu-
tion. Fig. 5 shows an example of a 3D view of an iDMU.
iDMU 收集与功能设计相关的信息以及与工业设计相关的所有信息:制造
时,它们保证了经过验证的解决方案。图。图 5 示出了 iDMU 的 3D 视图的

Fig. 5. Fan Cowl industrial Digital MockUp (iDMU) (Not a real iDMU due to confidentiality)
图。5.风扇罩工业数字模型(iDMU)(由于保密,不是真正的 iDMU)

Collaborative engineering pilot project: CALIPSOneo


CALIPSOneo is an R+D+i pilot project and it was launched early 2013 to sup-
port the development, customization and deployment of the PLM tools and
processes in Airbus Military. CALIPSOneo is a joined effort that involves Engi-
neering Companies, IT companies, PLM Vendors and Research Centers and Uni-
versities. The project runs during 2013 and the first quarter of 2014.
CALIPSOneo 是一个 R+D+i 试点项目,于 2013 年初启动,旨在支持空客
军方 PLM 工具和流程的开发、定制和部署。 CALIPSOneo 是工程公司、IT
公司、PLM 供应商、研究中心和大学的共同努力。该项目将于 2013 年和
2014 年第一季度运行。

CALIPSOneo makes use of the newest PLM tools. It aims implementing new
methods and processes needed to support a collaborative way of designing. It
takes as input developments from previous projects, related to digital manufactur-
ing techniques implementation [6, 8] and aircraft conceptual design modeling [9].
Similarly to other initiatives reported in literature [10-12], the main results will be
definition and modeling of collaborative working procedures, and their implemen-
tation into collaborative software tools. The project aims to demonstrate:
CALIPSOneo 利用最新的 PLM 工具。它旨在实现支持协作设计方式所需
Collaborative Engineering concepts applied to aircraft design and manufacture.
Capability to generate an iDMU and virtual validation by using it.
应用于飞机设计和制造的协同工程概念。能够生成 iDMU 并使用它进行虚
Configuration based on individual specimen.
To assess the benefits of the iDMU concept when compared to the usual prac-
tices for the industrial design.
评估 iDMU 概念与工业设计的通常实践相比的优势。
Availability of PLM tools to develop and deploy new capabilities.
开发和部署新功能的 PLM 工具的可用性。
Capability to exploit the iDMU to produce advanced shopfloor documentation.
能够利用 iDMU 生成高级车间文档。
Fig. 6 shows the business model framework where the project is developed. It
comprises the frame and conceptual model for all the project activities.
图。图 6 示出了开发项目的业务模型框架。它包括所有项目活动的框架和

Fig. 6. CALIPSOneo functional diagram

图。6.CALIPSOneo 功能图


The project aims to change the current product design business process to the col-
laborative paradigm. To achieve it, it is proposed the use of the latest PLM tools to
使用最新的 PLM 工具来

support the new design paradigm. As a consequence, the project required a ba-
lanced multiskilled team and a sound methodology to succeed. For that reason, a
multi organization project team was created, where Dassault Systèmes, commer-
cial PLM software provider, is the technical advisor, two university research
groups are in charge of the research work and the methodological support, and two
industrial partners are in charge of the development work.
方法才能成功。为此,成立了一个多组织项目团队,商业 PLM 软件提供商
For the systems development methodology, the NDT (Navigational Develop-
ment Techniques) methodology was selected. NDT was developed by the IWT2
research group (University of Seville) [13]
对于系统开发方法,选择了 NDT(导航开发技术)方法。NDT 由 IWT2
The project was planned in two main phases, a first phase of analysis and defi-
nition and a second phase of implementation and testing of the defined solution.
The NDT methodology uses UML as the documentation technique. In the first
phase, requirements defined by suitable use cases and the system data model are
defined using a UML based CASE tool (Enterprise Architect). Fig. 7 illustrates a
sample of the UML Use cases and data model diagrams.
无损检测方法使用 UML 作为文档技术。在第一阶段,使用基于 UML 的
案例工具(Enterprise Architect)定义由合适的用例定义的需求和系统数据模
型。图。图 7 示出了 UML 用例和数据模型图的样本。

Fig. 7. Use Case & iDMU structure

图。7.用例和 iDMU 结构

A different software application was needed to manage the project documenta-

tion and to provide a collaborative environment, for this purpose a web based tool
was selected: Alfresco. Alfresco provides a web environment, where all the partic-
ipants can share all the documents created during the project and it also provides
collaborative utilities. Alfresco allows customizing a folder structure for docu-
ments, defining review and approving workflows, establishing discussion forums
for specific topics and managing the project tasks. In this way, all the documenta-
tion and task management were supported by a single tool.
选择了一个基于网络的工具:Alfresco。Alfresco 提供了一个 web 环境,所有
具。Alfresco 允许为文档定制文件夹结构,定义回顾批准工作流、为特定主

Results and conclusions


Collaborative Engineering is a broader approach derived from the previous Con-

current Engineering experiences. The availability of new technologies and the ma-
turity of the teams are the key elements in the success of its industrial implementa-
tion. During the execution of the CALIPSOneo project, which is still running,
several barriers were identified and have to be overcome to implement the Colla-
borative Engineering approach.
和团队的成熟度是其工业实施成功的关键因素。在仍在运行的 CALIPSOneo
The first issue is the application of the Collaborative Engineering functional
model from an organizational and social perspective. It demands the harmoniza-
tion of the functional design area and the industrial design area, when both are as-
signed to different departments that are headed by different people. In addition to
the organizational issue, the concept of a unique team doing all the design func-
tions has a large set of human relationships implications. Company top manage-
ment implication is a key factor. CALIPSOneo is helping to make explicit some of
the benefits of the collaborative approach in the context of the Company. Exten-
sive literature shows the expected benefits of the collaborative engineering ap-
proach, but due to the high impact of the specific organizational and social envi-
ronment of each company, results must be shown in the company specific context.
The second issue is the complexity of managing a real pilot case in parallel
with the development and deployment of the associated PLM tools. The PLM
tools are the key enabler in creating and managing the industrial DMU (iDMU).
The interoperability between the different commercial software applications and
modules used in an industrial project is still an issue. Without the proper integra-
tion, the iDMU cannot be created to enable the collaborative approach. For this is-
sue, the adopted solution was to set up a multidisciplinary working team model,
where engineers, experts on the industrial design tasks, and PLM experts work al-
together conducting industrial and CALIPSOneo R+D+i tasks. Engineers were
trained in understanding how PLM tools could help in the industrialization design
process. PLM experts were focused on developing specific utilities to facilitate the
collaborative work, on customizing the PLM tools and on creating working proce-
素。CALIPSOneo 正在帮助在公司背景下明确协作方法的一些好处。大量文
署相关 PLM 工具的同时管理真实试点案例的复杂性。PLM 工具是创建和管
理工业 DMU(iDMU)的关键推动者。工业项目中使用的不同商业软件应用程
建 iDMU 来实现协作方法。对于这个问题,采用的解决方案是建立一个多学
科工作团队模型,其中工程师、工业设计任务专家和 PLM 专家共同执行工
业和 CALIPSOneo R+D+i 任务。工程师接受了培训,了解 PLM 工具如何帮
助工业化设计过程。PLM 专家专注于开发特定的实用程序以促进协作工
作、定制 PLM 工具和创建工作流程-
dures to create the iDMU.
创建 iDMU 的时间。
Next steps

The next step is consolidating the collaborative process, methods and the asso-
ciated engineering teams and disseminating the collaborative culture inside Airbus
Military and the Extended Enterprise as a standard.
Launch a new R+D+i project, as an extension to the CALIPSOneo project, to
identify possible additional issues that may arise and to cover further develop-
ments associated to the complexity of larger aerostructures.
启动一个新的 R+D+i 项目,作为 CALIPSOneo 项目的延伸,以确定可能

Finally, the last step would be the introduction of the collaborative process in a
light or medium military transport aircraft, where the Services area will be also
considered. The inclusion of MRO design in the iDMU will help to consolidate
the collaborative engineering methods, processes and tools along the Company.
考虑服务区域。将 MRO 设计纳入 iDMU 将有助于巩固整个公司的协作工程

Acknowledgements: Authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to colleagues from Airbus
Military, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Sevilla and partners of CALIPSO-
neo project for their collaboration and contribution to the project.
CALIPSO-NEO 项目的合作伙伴对该项目的合作和贡献表示诚挚的感谢。


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