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Phonology and Phonetic

What is definition of Phonology?

A. Definition of Phonology Phonology is the study of how speech sounds are organized and how they function in a language. The term Phonolgy can be used in the wide sense of the world.

Definition phonology according: This is according with What Francis(958:30-31) sais that Phonology is a cover term ambracing phonetics and phonemics. Accord Akmajian, Demers and Harnish(1984:99) sai that phonology is the subfield of linguistics that studies the structures and sistematic patterning of sounds in human language. The term phonology is often used to refer to the abstarct rulers and principles that govern the ditribution of sounds in a language.

a. Phonetic Phonetic is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound making, espectialy those sounds in speech, and provided methods for their descriptoion and transcription. There are three branches of the subject are general recognized : 1) Articulatory phonetic is the study of the way speech sounds are made (articulated) by the vocal organs, 2) Acoustic phonetics studies the physical properties of speech sounds as transmited between mouth and ear Auditory phonetics studies the perceptual response to speech sounds, as mediated by ear, auditory nerve and brain.

B. The production of sound The production of sounds is possible because of the coorperation of four aspect Those four aspact are: 1. The Air-Stream Mechanisms stream is produced by an air stream mechanisms. There are three main types of air stream mechanisms in human sound producing system namely : 1) Pulmonic air stream machanisms 2) Glottalict air stream mechanisms 3) And vetaric air stream mechanism

Among these are three air stream mechanisms, only the pulmonic airstream mechanisms that play an important role in the production of speech sounds, the other two also play a role in the production of sounds, but most of then are not linguistic. Each of these air stream mechanisms has its own miliator which can set an air stream, in motion.

The pulmonic air stream mechanisms consisist of the lugs and the respiratory muscle. The respiratory mucles move the lungs, so that are is either drawn into the lungs or pushed out of them . the airstream drawn into the lungs is called the ingressive air stream, and the akir stream pushed out of the lings is called egressive air stream. The air stream whic plays a very important role in the production of liguistic sound s is the egressive air stream.

2. The articulatiion

The articulation also play a very important role in the production of the speech sounds. These articulation lie in the head, particuraly in the mouth. These articulators are commonly divided into. 1) Extive articulators and 2) Passive articulators The articulators are the articulators that can move to word the passive articulators and in clude to lower lip teeth.the lip of the tongue, the blade of the tongue, the body of front of the tongue, and the back of the tongue, and the velum. All these active articulators, expectthe velum, lie in the lower art of the mouth the passive articulators are the articulators that cannot move and lie in the upper part of the mouth. They include the upper lip the upper tooth the teeth ridge, the hard palate, and the front part of the soft palate. These articulators, both active and passive articulators, can block the air stream coming from the lungs completely or partly at some point in the mouth, the pending what sounds are produced

3. The glottis the pulmonic air stream on its way into our out from the lungshas to pass the wine-pipe or trachea lying at the top of the larynx.the larinx also plays an important role in the production of speech sounds. The most important part of the larinx is the vocal cords (also commonly called the vocal folds are trhee primary states of the glottis, namely : a) Open glottis b) Glottis in vibration and c) Closed glottis

When the vocal cords are pulled apart, the air stream passes directely said to be voiceless sounds, namely sounds produced whithout the vibration of the vocal cords . when the vocal cords are brough closed together, but not tingty closed, the air stream passing between them causes them to vibrate, producing the so- called voiced sounds. The vocal cords can also be brough together tightly, and this is the state for producing glottal stop.


The clasification of sounds The sounds of a language can be grouped into clases based on the ohonetic properties that they share. The most basic clasification among sounds is into two main clases, namely, consonants and vowels. Consonants and vowels can be diostinguished on the basis of differences complete clousure of the vocal trac. This means that vowels are louder and longer lasting than consonant.

1) The clasification of consonant All consonants can be classified on the basis of: The place of articulation , the manner of articulation and, the voising or voicelessness.which the air atream can be modified to produce a different sound. The manner of articulation is the modification of the lips, tongue, glottis, and velum in different ways to produce different types of sounds.

Based on the place of articulation, consonant are classified into : Bilabial consonants Bilabial consonants are consonants articulated with closure or near closer of the lips. The bilabial consonants in english are p,b,m,and w.

Labiodental consonants Labiodental consonants are articulated by the lower lip the upper teeth. The labiodental consonants in english are f and v. Dentals consonants Dental consonant are consonants articulated by putting the tip of the tongue between the upper teeth and the lower teeth. The dental consonants in english are : and Alveolar consonants Alveolars consonsnts are consonants articulated by raising the tip of the tongue agains the teeth ridge. The alveolar consonants in english are :t , d, s ,z, n, i .and r Alveopalatal consonants Alveopalatal consonants are consonanats articulated by raising the blade of the tongue agains the alveopalatal consonants in english area : , j, , Palatal consonants Palatal consonants is a consosnants articulated by raising the body of the tongue againts the hard palate. There is only one palatal consonantsin english that is, y

Velar consonants Velars consonants are consonants are articulated by raising the back of the tongue againts the soft palate. The velar consonants in english are : k, g, and Glottal consonants glottal consonants is a consonana articulated by adjusting the glottal opening to states other than voising or voicelessness.there is only one glottal consonants in english , that is h.

Based on the manners of articulation, consonants are classified as follows. Stops or plosives Stops are made whit a complate and momentary closure of the air stream trough the oral cavity. In the worls languages, stops are found at bilabial, dental alveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal points of articulation. These stops in english are p, b, t, d, k, and g. Fricatives Fricatives are consonants produced whit a countinous air stream trough the mouth. The fricatives from a special class of continuants during their production. The fricatives in english are:f ,v, , , s, z, , ,and h.

Affricates when a stop is released, the tongue moves rapidly a away from the point of articulation . some non-consonants show a slow release of the closure. These sounds are called affricates. English has only two affricates. Both of which are alveopalatals. They are heard initially in church and jump and are transcribed as/ / and / j / respevtively. Liquids languages are I and r and their numerous variants. They from a special class of consonans known as liquids. Liquids are continuants, but the vocal tract obstruction formed when producing them is not as great as it is for the fricative consonants. The liguids in english are I and r. Glides A type of sound that shows properties of both consonants and vowels is called a glide. Glides may be thougth of as rapidly articuilated vowels, that is the auditory imppression they produce.glides are produced with an articulation like that of a vowel. However, they move quickly to onother articulation as do the initialglides in yes or wet or quickly terminate, as do the word-final glides in boy and now.

Based on the voising of voiceless consonant are clasified into two group, namely:

a) Voiced consonants Voiced consonants are consonants produced with the vibration of the vocal cords.the voiced consonants in English are: b , d , g , j , v , z , m , n , l , r , w , and , y. b) Voiceless consonants Voiceless consonants are consonants produced without the vibration of the vocal cords.The voiceless consonant in English are:p, k, t, c, f, o, s, and, h.

3. The Classification Of Vowels English vowels are divided into two main types,namely,(1)simple vowel and (2)diphthongs.Simple vowels do not exhibit a change in quality as in the following words:pit,set,cat,dog,but,put,and the first vowels in the word suppose.Dipthongs are vowels thta show a change in quality within a single sylabble.This change in vowell quality is clearly perceptible in the following words:say,buy,cow,ice,go,and boy. -Simple vowels can be further classified on the basis of (1)the parts of the parts mouth where they are produced,(2)the height of the tongue in the mouth,and(3)the shapping of the lips.Based in the part of the where vowels are produced ,vowels are classified as follows.

a. Front vowels Front vowels are vowels produced in the front part of the mouth .They are; i, l, e, and . b.Central vowels central vovels are vovels produced in the central pan of the mouth they are: :, , , and a. c . back vowels back vowels are vowels produced in the back part of the mouth there are u:U , o:, and o

Based on the height of the tongue in the mouth, vowels are classified as follwes : a. High vowels High vowels are vowels produced whit the tongue high in the mouth they are : i, I, u:, and U. b. Mid vowels mid vowels are vowels produced whit the tongue is neither raised not lowered. They are: e,:, , and . c. Ow vowels Low vowels are vowles produced whit the tongue is lowered. They are : , a, , o.

Based on wether the lips are round or unround. Vowels re classified as follows:

a. Round vowels Rounded vowels are vowels produced whit the rounding of the lips all back vowels are rounded. They are: u:, U, o: and o.

b. Unround vowels Unround vowels are vowels produced whithout the rounding of the lips. They are : i, I, e, :, , ,, and a. In the following, all the vowels mentioned above are put into the vowel chart, so that is casy describe and name them.

Vowel chart

Front High i I


back u U

Mid e Low o: o


Description and naming of consonanst

1.Description and naming of consonants Acoording to aborcrombie (1967:42) consonant can be describe b answering seven question as follows: Q I what is the airs-tream mechanism Q 2 is the air-stream ingressive ? Q 3 what is the state of the glottis? Q 4 what is the position of velum? Q 5 what is the active articulator? Q 6 what is the passive articulator? Q7 what is the degree and nature of the stricture?

For the description of consonants, some example are givven in the following

[p]: - The air-stream mechanisms in the pulmonic are-stream mechanisms - the air-stream is agressive - the gottis is open, but not so wedely opened - the velum is raised, so that the air-sream pasess through the mouth - the acctive articulator is the lower lip - the passive articulator is the upper lip;and - the degree and nature of the stricture is completely closed [d]: - the air-stream mechanism is the pulmonic are stream mechanism, - the air-stream is egressive - the glottis is close, but not so tiglatly closed, so that the vocal cords Vibrate when the air-steram passes through thera - The velum is rained so that the air-stream opassesthriugh the mouth - the active articulators is the tip of the tongue - the passive articulators is the teeth-ridge or alveaolar - the degree and nature of the stricture is completely closed

[]: - the air-stream mechanism is the pulmonic-air-stream mechanism - the air-stream is egressive -the glottis is close, but not tightly closed so that the vocal cords Vibrate when the air-stream passes through them - the velum is lowered,so that the air-stream passes through the nose -the active articulator is the back of the tongue -the passive articulator is the soft palate -the degree and nature of the sricture is completely closed

a. [p] : voiceless bailabial stop; b. [d]: voiced alveolar stop; c. []:voiced velar nasal

2. Description and naming of vowels Vowels are description and named by using three parameters, namely (1)part of the mouth where they are produced. (2)the height of the tongue in mouth (3)whether the lips are rounded or not rounded . The parameter that mus mentioned first is whether the vowel is round or not round,followed by the he of the tongue in the mouth and the part of the mouth where the vowel is produ some examples are given as follows. a.[i;];unround high frent vowel b.[e];unround mid front vowel c.[a];unround low central vowel d.[u;];round high back vowels

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