CitizenZ WB Sample

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be going to for intentions

SB p.112
B ‘I’mnotsure.Mybestfriend4
(travel) around the world and he wants me
togowithhim.I5 (not do)
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 6 (notgo)touniversityeither.
of the verb to be. Use the contracted form.
0 I ’m goingtobuysomestampsatthepostoffice. 4 Write five plans you have for this year. Use
going to.
1 We goingtoseeashowattheconcerthall.
I’m going to …
2 I’mtakingmychildrentothesportscentre.They
3 I’mgoingtotheshoppingmalltomeetmywife.She
4 We’regoingtothebusstation.We goingto
Present continuous for arrangements
2 Complete the questions, then match them SB p.113
with the answers. Use the verbs in brackets.
0 Are yougoing to watch thegame?(watch) 5 Look at Claire’s diary. Complete the
sentences with the present continuous form of the
1 theygoing inahotel?(stay) verbs in brackets.
2 wegoing Granthisweekend?(visit)
Morning Afternoon Evening
3 Davegoing ataxi?(take)
Monday tennis – Sue kids–cinema
4 Jogoing the competition? (enter)
5 Katiegoing tonight?(cook) Tuesday

a No,they’renot.They’regoingcamping. Wednesday partyatJo’s

b No,he’sgoingtowalkthere. meeting dentist –

withJen 4 pm
c Yes,sheis.She’sgoingtowin!
d Ihopeso.I’msotired. Friday golf flytoRome

e 0 Yes,Iam.Ilovefootball. 0 Claire and Sue are playing (play) tennis on

f Yes,weare.We’regoingtogoonSunday. Mondayafternoon.
1 Claire (fly)toRomeonFridayevening.
3 Complete the answers with going to and the
verbs in brackets. 2 Claire (go)toJo’spartyon
What 0 are you going to do (do) when you leave Wednesdayevening.
school? 3 Claire (go)tothedentistonThursday
A ‘I1 (study)MathsatNottingham afternoon.
University.Twoofmyfriends 4 ClaireandTim (have)breakfaston
2 (go)theretoosowe Tuesdaymorning.
3 (find)ahouseandlive 5 Claire (play)golfonFridaymorning.
6 Claireandherchildren (go)tothe
7 ClaireandJen (have)ameetingon

6 Write the questions for the answers about 10 Unscramble the words to make adjectives.
Claire. Use the present continuous of the verbs. Then write the adverb form.
0 Is Claire going to the dentist on Thursday?     adjective adverb
 Yes,sheis.Herappointmentisat4pm. 0 saye easy easily
1 1 wols
 No,they’rehavingbreakfast. 2 kiquc
2 3 souranged
 No,she’sflyingintheevening. 4 revosun
3 5 teiqu
 Yes,buttheydon’tknowwhatfilmtoseeyet. 6 dab 
4 7 larefuc
 That’sright.They’replayingintheafternoon. 8 dogo

7 Mark the sentences P (present arrangement) 11 Circle the correct words.

or F (future arrangement). 0 Jacksonplayedverygood/ well , and won the
0 Henry’snotathome.He’sfishingwithhisdad. P match easy/ easily .

1 Sorry,Ican’thelpyou.I’mstudying. 1 Itwasaneasy/easilytestandIfinisheditreally
2 Areyoudoinganythingthisevening?
2 My dad isn’t a very careful/carefully driver and
3 Lookatthebaby!She’stryingtowalk. sometimeshedrivesquitedangerous/dangerously.
4 IsAuntMarycomingtostaynextweek? 3 Pleasebequiet/quietlyinthelibrary–youcantalk,
5 We’relookingatnewhousesthisafternoon. butnottooloud/loudly.

6 I’mstayingatmyfriend’shousetonight. 4 Ididn’tdogood/wellinthetest–Ihadareallybad
8 Write five arrangements you have for this 5 He’squiteanervous/nervouslypersonandhetalks
weekend. Use the present continuous. really quiet/quietly.

Adverbs SB p.115
GET IT right!
9 Read the sentences. Write the names under Adverbs usually come immediately after the object
the pictures. of the sentence or after the verb (if there is no

Bellapaintsreallywell. object). They never come between the verb and

the object.
He drives his car dangerously.
He drives dangerously his car.
Change the adjective in brackets into an adverb and
put it in the correct place in the sentence.
0 Hecanrunfast,buthecan’tswim.(good)
He can run fast, but he can’t swim well.
1 Youshoulddrivewhenit’sraining.(careful)

0 Molly 1 2 ShespeaksFrenchandGerman.(fluent)

3 Shewaswalkingbecauseshewaslateforschool.

4 Theydidthehomeworkbecausetheyworked

2  3


Things in a town
zebra crossing

bus station
concert hall
football stadium

car park
police station youth club

opera house shopping mall
in town

post office speed camera


sports centre
graffiti wall

cycle lane

litter bin

Key words in context

culture I love meeting people from different cultures – there’s so
much you can learn from them.
population The population of our town is about 20,000. billboard
local Our local shop is just across the road from our house.
invite The Jacksons invited us to dinner at their house.
tourism  ourism is very important for our country. Millions of people
visit us each year.
pedestrian Pedestrians must be careful when they cross the road. high street
fluent He speaks really good French. He’s almost fluent.
tourist attraction The museum is a really big tourist attraction. Lots of people
visit it.
sand We went to the beach and now I’ve got sand in my hair.
mine This mine goes more than 200 m under the ground.
skateboard park
diamond Is that a diamond ring? Wow, it’s beautiful.
resort Cannes is a popular resort in the south of France.
demolish They demolished the old stadium because they want to build
a new one.


Places in a town SB p.112 3 Where are these people? Choose from the
places in Exercise 1.
1 Complete the words. Use the picture clues to
0 ‘Whattimedoestheswimmingpoolclose?’
help you.
sports centre
1 ‘IwanttosendthislettertoAustralia.’
2 ‘IthinkManchesterUnitedaregoingtowintoday.’

3 ‘WhattimeisthenextbustoLiverpool?’

1 b s st t n 4 ‘Iwanttobuysomenewshoes.’
0 c o nc e rt h a ll
5 ‘Thebandstartplayingat8pm.’
6 ‘Itcosts£2everyhourwestay.’
7 ‘There’saproblematthebank.Comequickly.’

Things in town SB p.115

4 Write compound nouns using the nouns in

the lists.
2 f tb ll 3 c r p rk
st d m cycle | graffi
ti | speed | zebra | bill | litter
lane | board | camera | crossing | bin | wall
0 cycle lane  3
1 4
2  5

5 Match the words from Exercises 1 and 4 to

the definitions.
0 Carsslowdownforthis. speed camera
4 p l c_e 5 p st ff c
1 Youfindlotsofshopshere.
st t n
2 Youcanrideyourbikesafelyhere.
3 Itadvertisesthingsonthesideoftheroad.

4 Usethistocrosstheroadsafely.
5 Agreatplaceforlocalartiststopaint.
6 Agoodplaceforyoungpeopletomeetandhave
6 sp rts c ntr
7 Throwyourrubbishinthis.

6 Which of these sentences are true about

2 Complete the text. Use the words in your town? Correct the ones that are false.
Exercise 1.
1 Carsalwaysstopatzebracrossings.
2 Therearelotsofthingsforyoungpeopletodo.
areallygoodsports0 centre .Youcandolotsof
differentsports.There’sabig1 hall as well
3 Speedcamerasmaketheroadssafer.
4 Youcangeteverywhereonyourbikeusingcycle
SaturdaysIgotothefootball2 to see our
3 5 Peoplealwaysusethelitterbinstothrowaway
bored,youcangotothebus4 to catch a
6 Therearelotsofbillboards.
7 Thehighstreetisfullofshoppersattheweekend.


1 Remember and check What are these things?
Check your answers in the blogs on page 111 of the
Student’s Book.
0 TheBurjalArab
A building in Dubai that looks like a ship’s sail.
1 JebelAli 2

2 khaliji

3 Yellowknife

4 SnowkingWinterFestival

2 Read the article. Write the names of the towns

under the pictures.

Elsie Eiler is famous in the town of Monowi in
Nebraska and everybody knows her name. SHEFFIELD, AUSTRALIA
That’s because Elsie is the only person who In the 1980s, the citizens of Sheffield on the
lives there. Monowi was never a big town. In Australian island of Tasmania decided they
the 1930s the population was 150 but over wanted more tourists to visit their town. They had
the years people slowly started leaving. In an idea to turn their streets into an outdoor art
2000 there were only two people left; Elsie gallery. They asked artists to paint huge paintings
and her husband, Rudy. When Rudy died, on the walls around town. Children from the local
Elsie became the only citizen. school helped too. They painted little murals on
THAMES TOWN, CHINA the rubbish bins. There are now more than 60 of
these murals, which show important scenes from
Shanghai is one of China’s biggest cities. But
history. The plan worked and these days about
just outside of Shanghai is a rather unusual
1 200,000 people visit Sheffield every year.
town called Thames Town. It cost £500
million to build and it is part of their ‘One ROSWELL, USA
City, Nine Towns’ project. When you walk down the streets Some people believe that in 1947 an alien
there you might forget you are in China. You might start spacecraft crashed near the town of Roswell
thinking you are in England. in New Mexico. They believe that the American
That is because Thames Town is a copy of an English town. military seized this UFO and took it to a secret
The streets and the buildings all look English. It has red place outside of the town. These days Roswell sees
phone boxes, London street signs, fish and chip shops and many tourists who are interested in life on other
English pubs. There are also statues of Harry Potter and planets. There are many shops that sell souvenirs
James Bond. Elsewhere in China, you can find the Eiffel and there is one fast food restaurant with a UFO
Tower, an Austrian village and even Stonehenge. theme. There is also a museum about aliens.

3 Read the article again. Write the names of the towns after the sentences.
0 Aretherealienshere? Roswell 4 Peopledidn’twanttolivehere.
1 Theywantedmorepeopletovisithere. 5 It’slikebeinginanothercountry.
6 It’samysteriousplace.
2 Ithasapopulationofone. 7 It’sagreatplaceifyoulikeart.
3 It’sneartoareallybigcity.


An informal letter / email

Hi Jessie,

Thanks for your letter and all your news. Sorry about your broken arm –
what a terrible thing to happen. I hope you feel better soon. Just be careful
when you get back on your bike!

Anyway, I’m sorry my reply is a bit late, but there’s so much happening it’s
difficult to find any free time.

The move here was OK. The new house is nice and big. I’ve finally got
my own bedroom. Worcester is quite a small town (well, compared to
Manchester) but it seems quite nice. There are lots of good shops on the
High Street and there are a few parks to hang out in. I’m sending you a
photo of the cathedral. It’s a really beautiful building. I’m spending most of
my time at the sports centre. I’m quite fit at the moment. I haven’t got any
friends here yet but I’m starting school on Monday. I’m sure I’ll find some.
I’m feeling a bit nervous.

Anyway, I miss you loads, of course. I can’t wait to hear all your news.
Please give my love to everyone, especially Tom and Jasmine. By the way,
Mum says we’re going to visit next month so I hope I’ll see you all soon.
Hope everything’s OK.

Lots of love,



1 Read the email. Answer the questions.
We usually write informal letters to family and
0 HowdidJessiebreakherarm?
friends to keep in touch and pass on our news.
She fell off her bike. These days most people do this with emails.
1 WhereisOlivialivingnow? • Use informal, friendly language.
• If you are writing a reply to a letter, don’t forget
to react to your friend’s news. We usually do
2 Where did she live?
this in our opening paragraph.
• Always ask how the person you are writing to is.
3 HowdoesOliviafeelaboutstartingschool? You can do this at the beginning or the end of
your letter.
• Use the main paragraph of the letter to give
2 Read the email again. Write the expressions that your news.
1 Iwassadtohearabout…
3 Write an informal letter to a friend (about 120–150
words). Choose one of these situations.
2 Ithinkaboutyoualot. ● Yourpenfriendwantstoknowmoreaboutthe
● You’regoingtomovehouse.Writetoyourfriendto
3 Pleasewritetomesoon.
4 Say hello to … ● Youarespendingtheholidaywithyourauntand

LISTENING 2 Write two short conversations. Use these situations.

Conversation 1
1 4.33 Listen to the conversations. Complete the ● Boy invites girl to cinema.
table. ● She says yes.
Invitation Invitation not ● They agree on a time.
accepted accepted Conversation 2
Conversation 1 ● Girl invites boy to party.
● He asks what day and when.
Conversation 2
● He can’t make it and says why.
Conversation 3

train to
4.33 Listen again. Complete the sentences.
Kate and Jim
Kate invites Jim to 0 the sports centre .
He says 1 because Problem solving
2 .
1 The town council has money to build one new
Ian and Ruth building. Look at the first three suggestions and
Ian invites Ruth to 3 on match the advantages and disadvantages to
4 . each one.
good to get bands into town
She offers to pay for 5 .
bad for shops on high street
He says the tickets are 6 . create lots of jobs
Dan and Anna stop people parking on street
Dan invites Anna to 7 at could bring more cars into town
8 . could be noisy at night

She is 9 until Suggestions Advantages Disadvantages

10 . concert hall good to get
They arrange to meet 11 . bands into town

car park
1 4.33 Put the first two conversations in order.
Then listen again and check. 2 Think of an advantage and a disadvantage for
1 1 KATE Do you want to go to the sports centre later? these three suggestions.
KATE OK, maybe next week then. Suggestions Advantages Disadvantages
KATE What about tomorrow? football
JIM No, I’m busy all week. stadium

JIM Let’s see. bus station

JIM I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m busy. sports centre

2 IAN It’s Madam Butterfly. I’ve got tickets right at 3 Complete the statement. Use your own ideas.
the front. I think the
IAN No, it’s a present from me. is the best idea because
IAN Well, you deserve it.
IAN Would you like to go to the opera house with
me on Saturday?

RUTH That would be great. What’s the opera?

RUTH Wow. How much were they? You must let me Voiced /ð/ and unvoiced /θ/ consonants
pay for mine. Go to page 121.
RUTH That’s really kind of you.

Reading and Writing part 4
1 Read the article about Shanghai. Are sentences 1–4 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there isn’t enough information to
answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).

Mini-Shanghai 0 ThepopulationofShanghaiismorethan20million.

It’s difficult to know exactly how many people live in the Chinese A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
city of Shanghai, but it’s at least 20 million. For sure, it’s one of the 1 Themodelisonthetopfloorofthemuseum.
world’s biggest cities. Of course, you need a lot of space to find room  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
for so many people, and to give you an idea of just how big Shanghai
2 Youarenotallowedtotakephotosofthemodel.
is, there is a model of the whole city on the third floor of Shanghai’s
Urban Planning Museum. The model is huge. It’s 93 m2 and it  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
covers the whole floor of the museum. In fact, it’s too big to take a 3 ThemodelshowsShanghaiinthefuture.
photograph of the whole thing. You can try but you’ll find you have to
 A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
take quite a few photos.
4 Themodelcityisapopulartouristattraction.
Of course, Shanghai is a city that is growing fast and every year there
are about 200 new skyscrapers. The model does not show what  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
Shanghai looks like now. It shows Shanghai in the year 2020.

Exam guide: right, wrong or doesn’t say

In the KEY Reading and Writing part 4 you must read a text and then decide if the information in some
sentences about the text is right or wrong. Sometimes there isn’t enough information to decide, and for
these sentences you should choose the ‘Doesn’t say’ option.
• Readthroughthetextquicklytogetanideaofwhat • Ifyoucan’tfindanyinformationtodecideifthe
itisabout.Thenreadasecondtime,moreslowly. questionisrightorwrong,thisprobablymeansthe
• Readthroughthequestions.Canyouansweranyof text‘doesn’tsay’.Forexample,question1saysthe
themimmediately?Checkinthetexttomakesure modelisonthetopfloorofthemuseum.Inthetext
youhavethecorrectanswer. itsaysit’sonthethirdfloor.Wedon’tknowhow
• Foreachquestion,findthepartofthetextitrefers manyfloorsthemuseumhas.Thethirdfloormight
to.Usethekeywordsinthequestiontohelpyou bethetopfloorbutwecan’tbesure.Wehaveto
findthecorrectpartofthetext.Forexample,in choosethe‘Doesn’tsay’optionhere.
question0thewords20millionarethereinthefirst • Theorderofthequestionsisthesameastheorder
sentenceofthetext.Thisisthepartofthetextyou oftheinformationinthetext.

2 Read Jenny’s article about moving home. Are sentences 1–5 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there isn’t enough
information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).

0 Jennyis13yearsold.
A move to the countryside
For the first twelve years of my life my family lived in a large city.  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
Two years ago my parents decided to move to the countryside. I 1 Jennywasn’thappywiththeideaofmovingtothe
was horrified. How could I leave all my friends? How could I live
somewhere with no cinema, with no skateboard park, where the
nearest shop was more than 3 km away?  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
But Mum and Dad didn’t listen to me. They were tired of the city life. 2 Jenny’smumworksforanewspaper.
Mum’s a writer so she can live anywhere and Dad looks after me and
my two younger brothers. They thought the country was a better  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
place to bring up children. 3 TherearefivepeopleinJenny’sfamily.
Well, two years later and I agree with them. I love it here. I love the
 A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
freedom of being outside. You can ride your bike everywhere. You
don’t have to worry about cars. Of course, I found new friends. Not 4 Jennyhasgotmorefriendsnow.
as many as I had, but that isn’t a problem. I’m still in contact with
 A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay
my very best friend from the city, Anna, and she comes to visit most
holidays. She loves it here. She wants her parents to move too. 5 JennywenttoschoolwithAnnawhenshelivedinthecity.
 A Right B Wrong C Doesn’tsay

Consolidation Units 9&10
5 There’sanew thatgoesalongthe
LISTENING beach!It’sgreat–weridealongitonSundays.

1 4.35 Listen to the conversations. Circle A, B 6 He’saprofessionalphotographer.Hisphotosare

or C. on all the atthemoment.
1 WhatkindofholidayisEmmagoingtosuggestto
her parents? 4 Correct the sentences. Be careful – one
 A hotel B houseboat C camping sentence has got two mistakes!
2 Who’sgotthebestideaaboutwhattheycando? 1 Amountainismorehigherthanahill.
 A Mike B Dad C Mum
3 WhenareEmmaandherfamilygoingonholiday? 2 Youcantodoallkindsofthingsinournewsports
 A 4July B 18July C 8August centre-youcanswimmingforexample.

2 4.35 Listen again. Answer the questions.

0 Whydon’tMikeandEmmawanttogotothesame 3 LotsoftouristsgoingtoTasmanianextyeartosee
hotel as last year? theoutdoorartgallery.

They think it would be boring.

1 WhatdoesEmmathinkaboutacampingholiday? 4 IgotovisitNiagaraFallsoneday.

2 WhatdoesDadthinkaboutEmma’ssuggestion 5 WhatyouaregoingtodoinShanghai?
6 It’smorewindyonthelakethanhereonthebeach.
3 WhatisMumgoingtosuggesttoherandher
husband’s parents? 7 I’msounlucky!It’sthemosthottestdayoftheyear
4 Mummakesajoke.Whatdoesshesay?

5 HowsoonareEmmaandherfamilygoingontheir GRAMMAR
5 Circle the correct words.
LIL Whenareyougoingonholiday?
OLIVER Nextweekend.Andwearealllookingforwardtoit.It’s
VOCABULARY goingtobethe0 more/most relaxingtimeoftheyear!
LILY T hatplaceonthecoastwhereyouarestaying,isit
3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list. 1hotter /hottest than it is here?
concert hall | postoffi
ce | cyclelane | billboards OLIVER Notreally.It’s2 more cold/colder than it is here, and
litterbin | speedcamera | zebracrossing
there’s usually 3more/mostwind.Sothetemperature
0 Ican’tbelievewecan’tgetticketsfortheshow. isnormallyfiveorsixdegreeslower4 more/thanhere.
There’sroomfor2,000peopleinthe LILY And it’s the world’s 5more/mostattractivecoast.
concert hall . OLIVER Doyouthinkso?Well,it’s6 more/mostbeautifulthan

1 Ineedsomestamps.Canyougotothe otherplaces,butwecan’tswimintheocean.
forme? LILY Can’t you?

2 Careful–don’tdrivesofast!There’sa OLIVER No,thewatertemperatureisjusttoocold.AndIdon’t

ahead,sokeepto50kph,OK? thinkit’s7safe/safely.
LILY Oh,really.Arethereany8 dangerous/dangerouslyfish?
3 Iwanttothrowthispaperaway.Istherea
OLIVER Idon’tthinkthereare.Butthewavesarereally
around here?
4 Didyouseethatdriver?!Therewassomeoneonthe 9 good/well togoin.Butthenyou’dcomeout10 quick /

Units 9&10
6 Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the
goingtogo | goingtocome | can’tgo | I’d
noproblem | liketo | busywith | bewithme
aregoingto | youliketo
EVA Jack,I’m0 going to go totheconcertonSaturday.
Would 1 comealong?MyfriendNick
2 ,soI’vegotaticketifyouwantit.
JACK S aturday?I’msorry,Ican’t.I’m3

a project.
EVA Isee.Well,maybeanothertime.

JACK Yeah,thanksforasking.Oh,wouldyouandNick
So many kinds
4 come over to our place next Sunday,
beautifulweather.GavinandClaire5 of !
EVA 6 loveto.Thatwouldbegreat.Letme
talktoNick.Iknowhe’sgoingtovisitsomerelativeson P eru isn’t just a beautiful country. Tourists
love it because of its attractive jungles, its
stunning beaches and the fantastic Peruvian food.
Saturday,butIthinkhe’s7 backonSunday
And many people come to see Machu Picchu, a
very interesting Inca site that’s more than 500
JACK 8 .TalktoNickfirst,andgivemea ringany years old. But Peru is also famous for its many
time. different climates. If you travel from one place to
(LATER, on the phone) another, you can have very different weather on
JACK Hello? the same day!
EVA Oh,hi,Jack.It’saboutnextSunday.I’mreallysorry.Nick The weather on the coast is usually dry and
won’t 9 onSunday.He’scomingbackafter warm, often hot. In the summer, it’s hardly ever
7intheevening,soI’mgoingtocomealone. rainy there. In winter, the coast is often foggy,
and the fog even has its own name, garúa. In the
areas near the ocean, the so-called ‘rainy season’
starts around late May and comes to an end in
READING October.
In the mountains, the famous Andes, it’s often
7 Read the magazine article about Peru. Circle the cool, and sometimes cold. The summers there are
correct endings (A or B) for each sentence. usually rainy, but the winters are very dry, and
0 Peru is a very popular holiday place … can be freezing. In the east, where there are no
mountains, the weather is usually hot and humid
A becauseitofferstouristsalotofattractions.
all year round.
 B buttheweatherisoftennotverygood.
1 Aholidayonthecoastinsummerisgood…
 A ifyoulikehotanddryweather. WRITING
 B ifyoudon’tmindalotoffoggyandrainydays.
2 IntheAndes,inwinter…
8 Write a paragraph about the weather in your
country (about 80–100 words). Think about these
 A it’susuallyfoggy,andnotverycold. questions.
 B it’susuallydry,anditcanbevery,verycold. Istheweatherthesamealloverthecountry,orare
3 Intheeastofthecountrytherearenomountains… theredifferences?
 A a
 ndtheweatherdoesn’tchangemuchthroughout Iftheweatherisdifferent,canyousaywhy?
theyear. Whattimesoftheyeararegoodfortouristswho
 B a
 ndthereareextremedifferencesbetween want to visit your country?

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