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July 23, 2024

I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving! I do love this holiday, and I love fall, so I’m excited to
go back home where the leaves are changing and it’s cold. I’m nervous about bringing Jack
home to meet everyone, though! He’s going to be so overwhelmed, but I keep telling him that
they’re all going to love him. Which I know they will. I guess I’m most worried about my sister,
since she just got divorced. I’m worried she’ll feel lonely the whole weekend and won’t want to
hang out with us because she’ll be the only one without a significant other. It almost makes me
not want to bring Jack, so I can hang out with my sister the whole time and help her get through
this. But then again, that’s not fair to Jack or myself. I want my sister to be happy, but I have to
do what’s right for me as well. I’m sure it’ll all work out. I just don’t want her to be depressed the
whole time. Man, this has always been my favorite holiday, but this year I can’t wait for it to be

July 24, 2024

Well, today was the big day! Oh, I’m exhausted. I think mostly from worrying so much. Managed
to calm my nerves by writing a poem on the plane:

Today is the day for thanks, food, and fun,

But what do I do if I’m nervous a ton?
I just want it to be the greatest of days,
But Sarah will be there forever in my gaze.
Will she be happy? Will she be sad?
Will Jack feel welcome and not feel so bad?
Today will be fine, today will be grand,
So stop all your worry and let this plane land!

It’s silly, but it helped keep me busy for a bit. Anyway, it went a lot better than I thought!! Thank
goodness! The moment I knocked on Mom and Dad’s with Jack’s hand in mine was the most
nervous I’d been in a while! And I don’t know why I was so nervous. I knew they’d love him, and
I knew he’d love them, but it still scared me. I haven’t brought someone home to meet the family
in a long long time...

Sarah ran downstairs to greet us right away, and she was beaming, so right away I let out a sigh
of relief! Jack made a great first impression. Everyone loved the wine that we brought, and right
away Mom and Sar-bear leaned in and said (not so quietly), “Jules, he’s adorable!” Jack winked
at me.
Dinner was amazing. As usual, Mom outdid herself, but the best part was that Dad and Uncle
Steve took Jack under their wings and did some bonding over football. It was just what I was
hoping for!

The night went really well. I could see my sister getting sad a couple of times, but she
composed herself very quickly and was right back in party mode. I’ll talk more privately with her
tomorrow when we go shopping, but I’m just so glad that she seems okay with everything. And
more importantly, I’m glad Jack hasn’t wanted to run away yet. ;)

July 28, 2024

I haven’t had time to write the last couple of days because we’ve been so busy! Friday, we went
shopping, and even though it was super hectic, it’s tradition, and it was fun! I talked more with
Sarah, who was feeling a little more sad—or at least showing it more than Thursday. She just
knows that the holidays are going to be a hard time for her this year, but that’s completely
understandable. She was even saying that she might come out to visit Jack and me in LA for a
week or two, just to get away! I think that’ll be fun. I really do miss her and don’t get to see her
nearly as often as we used to just because we’re so busy. The rest of the weekend went well.
Only a couple of awkward moments, like when it slipped that Jack and I were living together. I
wasn’t going to say anything until after Christmas (one thing at a time, I said!). It wasn’t a huge
deal—they knew we were serious—but I just didn’t want to deal with any comments yet. It is a
little soon, I guess, but it’s right for us and we’re so happy together. Anyway, it didn’t seem to be
so bad since they like Jack so much and think we work really well together. My mom pulled me
aside last night and said, “Do you think he’s ‘The One’?” I blushed about a million shades of
pink and said, “Mom!” which basically means, “yes” without me saying it. She gave me a hug
and a kiss.

It was really hard to leave them. I miss home a lot, especially around the holidays. But LA is
where my life is right now. I cried on the plane, and Jack comforted me and said that, now that
he knows my family likes him and that he likes them, we can go back anytime I want! That made
me smile. I feel so lucky to have him in my life and to have such an amazing family. What a
perfect holiday to help remind me of this!!!

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