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Defining Ishmael


Use the novel Don’t Call Me Ishmael and the online link for to find the definition of these words.

Germinate (Pg. 5):

Blancmange (Pg11):

Supplementary (Pg.4):

Revelation (Pg. 41):

Repertoire (Pg.42):

Tedious (Pg.42):

Careening (Pg.43):

Stagnant (Pg.49):

Lantana (Pg.50):

Writhing (pg. 59):

Indecipherable (Pg.59):

Compensation (Pg.68):

Rudimentary (Pg.66):

Annihilation (Pg.72):

Ominous (Pg.73):

Spectrum (Pg.74):
Uncoil (Pg.82):

Maniacal (Pg. 82):

Hysteria (Pg.85):

Utopia (pg.89):

Akin (Pg.90):

Excrement (Pg.91):

Gibbering (Pg.93):

Languishing (Pg.96):

Bewilderment (Pg.97):

Exploit (Pg.105):

Ulterior (Pg.122):

Unnerving (Pg.126):

Debilitating (Pg.128):

Infinitesimal (Pg. 136):

Amoeba (Pg.159):

Connotations (Pg.170):

Cretin (Pg.222):

Moronic (Pg.223):

Colloquial (Pg.272):

Inexorable (Pg.251):

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