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Chair Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Roll call indicated that Commissioners Nielsen, Palatella, and Giarraputo were present, thus establishing a quorum. [Commissioners OBrien and Hafner absent.] A member of the general public was also present as was the District Treasurer. The drafts of the June 3rd, 15th and 18th minutes were reviewed by the commissioners. Motion made to approve minutes motion passed. Consent calendar approved the food bill from the hosting of the TOH emergency departments on June 15th in the old library Park across the street. Chair Nielsen proposed the adoption of the Audio and Video Recording Policy and the Whistleblower Policy. Motion made; motion passed. Chair Nielsen distributed a proposed Grant Administration Policy for review by the Commissioners and discussion at the Workshop meeting. Resolutions were presented as follows: WHEREAS section 179(3) of the Town Law provides that fire district elections must be held in such a manner as to maximize the participation by the registered voters in the district; and WHEREAS section 175-b of the Town Law provides for the use of absentee ballots for the election of officers; NOW, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that commencing with the next fire district election for officers, which will be held more than 60 days after passage of this resolution, absentee ballots will be available for the legal electors of the fire district who qualify for such absentee ballots, in accord with the provisions of Section 175-b of the Town Law; and be it further RESOLVED that this resolution shall continue in effect for all such future elections for fire district officers until a subsequent resolution providing otherwise shall be passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Cold Spring Harbor Fire District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, due to the need to keep the truck bays of the fire house clear for emergencies, the inherent danger of prospective voters crossing Main Street on a dark winter night, and the lack of parking spaces at the fire house to safely accommodate the voters, the hours the polls shall remain open for elections shall commence at 3 p.m. and continue until 9 p.m; and be it further RESOLVED that the location of the polls shall in order of priority and availability be: (1) the building currently housing the Francis Roberts Community Center at 75 Goose Hill Road; (2) the Cold Spring Harbor Library; and lastly (3) the Cold Spring Harbor Fire House at 2 Main Street. Motion made to adopt the resolutions as presented regarding absentee ballots, hours of election and location of polls; seconded; all in favor. Discussion of security and camera coverage ensued due to the discovery of some personal debris in the recyclables; motion made and seconded to expend monies to provide the additional security cameras as

needed in accordance with the plan proposed last year by HelloAlert; all in favor. Recycling to be a duty assigned to the firehouse attendants. Discussion ensued as to the status of the Wicks barn project. Resolved, no commitment of money can be made in regard to the Wicks Barn project without full disclosure to the public and the publics vote on a referendum thereon. Discussion ensued as to the status of letters recently sent out in regard to Wicks Barn that were not submitted for review and comment by the Board prior to dispatch. Resolved, no commissioner shall issue letters representing the BOFC outside of their committee authority without approval and review of the majority of the Board. Chair read Open Meetings Law memo from counsel. Discussion of need for elevator for access to the upstairs meeting room to make it accessible, or meetings will need to be at the Library or the High School. Elevator will need to be installed with the interior renovations. Public notices of the meetings and workshops are to be certified by the clerk as to when exactly and where they have been posted and maintained chronologically in a separate binder. Failure to do so will be grounds for termination. Budget hearing will occur on October 19th. Discussion of timetable and decision made that Chiefs Office is to deliver its proposed budget on August 4th and present same to the Board at the August 5th regular meeting. Discussion ensued regarding cooperation with Syosset-Woodbury Fire District. The Board of Syosset has offered the sharing of their Woodbury substation. Four months ago Syosset conveyed this to Commissioner OBrien however this was not disclosed to the rest of the CSH Board. Syosset has offered the use of their gym and trainer, a truck bay, their training facility in the rear. Decision to have our Chief contact their Chief and arrange for joint training on bailout gear and to maximize our cooperation with them. Discussion of need for a District Secretary. Motion made to appoint Karen Herbert as the District Secretary; seconded; all in favor. Status of hiring additional part-time staff to assist in the District Office is presently under review by the office of Civil Service. If Brittany Aliano is approved prior to our next meeting she can commence employment in a training status. Discussion of Home Depot charge card issue that just arose due to the days wildfires. Chair to call Home Depots manager to arrange for an emergency protocol. Travel & Expense Policy has been awaiting comments from Commissioner OBrien. Treasurer suggested a change to specify per diem. Discussion ensued that all travel for CSH Fire District business has to be pre-approved by the Board and all hotel booking is to be done at the lowest rate possible by the District Treasurer. Motion made to change; seconded; all in favor. The District Manager delivered his report at 7:55 p.m. Jetskis were cleaned up and bids to be opened the next day, with minimum bids of $1500 and $2000. The computer data in dispatch is being updated to reflect correct intersections and hydrant locations. Discussion of part-time staff status and dispatching needs. Buildings water issues have been investigated and determined to probably be the gutters. The DMs review of employees is in progress. DM will provide specs for bidding by ladder testing companies to replace the current vendor. Report of damage to an exterior light damaged by one of the contractors.

The Treasurer delivered her report at 8:25 p.m. Treasurer raised the investment rate on c/ds as available at First National Bank of Long Island. Motion made to amend the Investment Policy to include First of Long Island as an approved investment vehicle so long as there is no issue with such bank in conformance with Office of Comptrollers policies; seconded; all in favor. Treasurer raised the issue of bank reconciliations to be done by independent party and has investigated the cost of Pips to do so at $75/hour. Motion made; seconded; all in favor to have Pips do the bank statement reconciliations. Discussion of the damage done to the upstairs copier; decision to hold off on buying any new copier. A new agreement was presented from Jack Geffken; to be sent to Counsel (Bill Glass) for review. Truck Committee not present to report. Hydrant Committee not present to report. Technology Committee reported that the TOH was to provide a letter from the town attorney authorizing CSHFD to go on the Boxer Court tower so long as there is a suitable location and no interference with other antennas there. Old Business: discussion of need for additional part-time clerical help in the district office as originally planned; postponed to workshop meeting. New Business: District Treasurer related that water cooler died; motion made, seconded to acquire water cooler. Discussion on need to go green motion made to mandate that Fire House employees and Department to maximize all possible green activities such as recycling of paper, etc. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

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