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DBMS Question Bank - V semester BSC

UNIT I: Databases and Database Users

2 Marks Questions:
1. Define DBMS?
2. Give the disadvantages of file processing system?
3. What is Data Model?
4. What is relational and Network Data Model?
5. Define Hierarchical and Object Data Model?
6. Explain Object Relational Data Model?
7. What is schema and database instance?
8. What is mapping and data independence?
9. What is DDL and DML?
10. Define DCL and TCL?
11. What is distributed and centralized DBMS?
12. Mention the three layers of DBMS Architecture.
5 Marks Questions:
1. Describe any two types of data models with an example.
2. Explain relational model with advantages and disadvantages?
3. Describe object oriented relational model?
4. What is object relational model?
5. Describe the three schema architecture of DBMS with a neat diagram.
6. What is mapping? Explain two types of mapping?
7. What is data independence? Explain the two types of data independence.
8. Differentiate between logical data independence and physical data independence.
9. Give the classification of DBMS.
8 Marks Questions:
1. Describe the different data models with advantages and disadvantages. Explain one example
for each.
2. Write a short note on database languages.
3. Explain the different DBMS interfaces.
4. Write a short note on distributed and centralized DBMS architecture.
5. Explain briefly Three- Tier Client Server Architecture for DBMS with its advantages and

UNIT II: Data Modeling using Entity-Relationship Model

2 Marks Questions:
1. What is an entity and entity types?
2. Define Relationship with an example?
3. Name the different types of relationship types?
4. What is weak entity and strong entity?
5. Name different types of attribute?
6. Define composite and derived attributes?
7. What is generalization and specialization?
8. What is cardinality ratio and participation constraint?
9. What is primary and secondary storage?
10. What is static and dynamic RAM?
11. What is indexing and indexing structure?
12. Mention the three types of file organization?
13. Define Heap file(or) pile file and hashing.
5 Marks Questions:
1. Explain the hierarchy of computer storage media?
2. Explain various secondary storage devices.
3. Define the following terms.
(a) Track (b) Cylinder (c) Sector
4. Explain multilevel indexing.
5. Explain tuple, domain, attribute, entity, relationship with an example.
6. Define relationship? Explain the different types of relationships with example.
7. Describe the different notations used in ER-diagram.
8. What is an attribute? Explain the different types of relationships with example.
9. Write a short note on Aggregation and Abstraction.
10. Explain types of indexing with an example.
8 Marks Questions:
1. Describe sequential file organization
2. Explain hash and bitmap indexes.
3. Write short notes on indexes on multiple keys.
4. Construct an ER-diagram for university database.
5. Construct an ER-diagram for student database.
6. Construct an ER-diagram for company database.
7. Construct an ER-diagram for supermarket database.
8. Construct an ER-diagram for bank database.
9. Explain optionality and cardinality with an example using neat diagram of possible
10. Differentiate between Generalization and Specialization using an ER-diagram?

UNIT III: Relational Model and Relational Algebra

2 Marks Questions:
1. What is domain constraint?
2. Define Foreign key?
3. What is relational algebra expression? Give an example.
4. What is Integrity Constraints?
5. Differentiate between primary and candidate key?
6. Differentiate between Lossy and Lossless decomposition?
7. What is Normalization? Mention its types?
8. What is Database Anomalies? Mention its types?
9. What is the use of DESCRIBE statements? Give one example.
10. What is the purpose of CREATE and ALTER statements?
11. What is a Key Constraint and Super Key?
12. What is Entity and Referential Integrity?
13. What is First Normal form?
14. What is Second Normal form?
15. What is Third Normal form?
16. What is RDBMS and SQL?
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SQL?
18. What is dual table?
19. What is index and its use?
20. Name some of the Number Functions.
5 Marks Questions:
1. Explain Domain, Attribute, and Tuple with an example.
2. Describe the concept of Relational model.
3. Discuss Referential integrity.
4. Explain Key Constraints with an example.
5. What is relational schema and relational instance? Give one example each.
6. Explain characteristics of Relation.
7. Explain Natural, Outer and Non-Equi Join with an example.
9. Explain Division, Set operation and Aggregate function with an example.
10. What is recursive closure operation with an example.
11. Explain Boyce Codd Normal Form(BCNF)?
12. Write the properties and advantages of Functional Dependency.
13. Write the syntax of CREATE and ALTER statements with an example.
14. Discuss conversion functions.
15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of VIEWS?
16. Explain the basic terminologies used in SQL with example.
17. Differentiate between DBMS and RDBMS. List few RDBMS present in today’s market.
18. Give the classification of data types in SQL.
19. What is function? Give the classification of functions.
20. Explain OUTER JOIN and SELECT statement with syntax and example.
8 Marks Questions:
1. Discuss insert, delete, modify and project operation with an example each.
2. Discuss Unary and Binary Operation with an example.
3. Explain different relation model Constraint.
4. List and explain different Normal Forms with an example.
5. Explain the types of Functional Dependencies with an example.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SQL?
7. Discuss DDL and DML statements with syntax and example.
8. Explain different SQL constraints with syntax and example.
9. Write a note on Data Control Language statements.
10. What is the use of special operators in SQL? Explain with syntax and example.
11. Explain date, aggregate and number functions with syntax and example.
12. Explain ORDER BY, GROUP BY and HAVING CLAUSE with syntax and example.
13. What is JOIN? Explain different types of joins with syntax and example.
14. Write short notes on INDEXES.
15. Explain View with its advantages and disadvantages.
16. Write a short note on embedded and dynamic SQL.
17. Explain the difference between 3NF and BCNF with an example.
18. What is database anomalies? Explain different types of anomalies with example.

UNIT IV: Transaction Processing Concepts

2 Marks Questions:
1. Define transaction.
2. What is transaction processing system?
3. What is System Log?
4. Mention the types of database Failures.
5. What are the different operations of Transactions?
6. What are desirable properties of transactions?
7. What is Serializability?
8. What are the problems that occur when two transactions run concurrently?
9. Mention the transaction states.
10. What is Concurrency?
11. What is Concurrency Control?
12. Define Timestamp and Timestamp Ordering?
13. Mention the Timestamp values?
14. What are the 2 problems caused by use of Locks?
15. Mention the 2 types of Locks used.
16. Define Two Phase Locking(2PL)?
17. How the transaction can be divided into 2 phases?
18. What is lock and what are the problems caused by using Locks.
19. Define database recovery.
20. What is database backup?
21. What is Catastrophic Failures?
5 Marks Questions:
1. What is transaction? Explain the ACID properties of transaction.
2. Explain various transaction Operations?
3. Explain the states of a transaction with a neat diagram.
4. Write a note on database failures.
5. Explain Binary Locking?
8 Marks Questions:
1. Explain locking system for concurrency control.
2. Describe Two Phase Locking.
3. Explain Concurrency Control Based on Time Stamp Ordering.
4. Explain recovery techniques.
5. Write a short note on Database Backup and Recovery from Catastrophic Failures.
6. Explain Embedded SQL.

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