Geography Grade 12 research rubric 2023

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MARKS 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5

STEP 1 - Article chosen is not relevant - Learners could vaguely - Learners could - Learners could formulate a
(Article and or partially relevant to the formulate a hypothesis formulate a hypothesis hypothesis dealing with a
formulation of a topic and not original - Article chosen is relevant - Article is relevant to relevant local geographical
hypothesis) - Learner needs to be guided in to topic topic and deals with a issue
choosing relevant article and - Article is of a local nature local geographical - Good article and deals with
to formulate a hypothesis. - Article shows some issue a relevant local geographical
understanding of - Learner can make the issue
requirements link with syllabus - Learner was not given any
- Learners could vaguely - Learner is able to make guidance in choosing article-
make a statement on the a statement on the - Learner is very able to make
topic identified topic a statement on the topic
identified identified

MARKS 1-3 4 -6 - 7-9 10 -14

STEP 2 - No map indication of location - map and indication of - map with detailed - map with detailed locations
(Mapping) - No indication of a buffer zone locations locations - indication of a buffer zone
- No legend/key - indication of a buffer zone - indication of a buffer - legend/key
- Not drawn to scale - legend/key zone - drawn to scale
- Scale not indicated - not drawn to scale - legend/key - scale indicated
- None of the items are labelled - scale not indicated - drawn to scale - At least 90% of the items are
and located correctly. - Some of the items are - scale indicated labelled and located
- Purpose/content of the map is labelled and located - Most of the items are correctly.
not clear from the title. correctly. labelled and - Title tells the
- Title tells the located correctly. - purpose/content of the map,
purpose/content of the Title tells the is clearly distinguishable as
map, but is not located at purpose/content of the title (e.g. larger letters,
the top of the map. the map and is underlined, etc), and is
printed at the top printed at the top of the map.
of the map.

Grade 12 Research Marking rubric (Task 3) Page 1 of 6 Grade 12 2023

MARKS 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-16
STEP 3 - No explanation of location in - Some explanation - Explanation of - Explanation of location in SA is
(Background - SA . of location in SA location in SA mostly done
information) - No description of position. made. - More description of - Maximum description of
- Couldn’t state relevant - Little description position position
information on e.g. of Position. - Could state more - Could state relevant information
climate/population/relief. - Could state few relevant information on e.g.
- No indication of sources used. relevant on e.g. climate/population/relief
- Not in paragraph information on e.g. climate/population/ - Most indication of sources used
climate/population/ relief - Based on geographical facts
- More indication of - Written in good structured
- Little indication paragraph
of sources used. sources used
- Based on - Information clearly relates to the
- Not based on main topic.
geographical facts
geographical facts - It includes several supporting
Written in paragraph
- Not in paragraph details and/or examples.
- Diagrams and illustrations are
neat, accurate and add to the
reader's understanding of the
MARKS 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
STEP 4 - Poor collection of data - Attempt made in - Good primary and - Many primary and secondary
(Data collection) - Only one article used collection of primary secondary sources sources used
- No statistics. and secondary data. - used to gain information and support
- Only secondary - Limited secondary Data provided is hypothesis.
sources no pictures sources used . - adequate - excellent photographs (need
(need not be original) - Poor Use of Good pictures (need not be original) with explanations
- Poor attempt at referencing - statistics - not be original) used
sources - Not explained. Some sources of - All sources of information have
- less than 75 words - Some photographs information have
- been referenced 75 been referenced
used. - 75 – 100 words
Limited sources of – 100 words
- information has
been referenced 75
– 100 words

Grade 12 Research Marking rubric (Task 3) Page 2 of 6 Grade 12 2023

MARKS 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-20
STEP 5 - No analysis of data. - Poor analysis of - good analysis of data - analysis of data supported with
(Analysis of data) - Poor graphical analysis. data graphs / - graphs / tables with graphs / tables / sketches with
- Information has little or tables / sketches explanation explanation to support research
nothing to do with the without / poor - Information clearly - Information clearly relates to the
main topic. explanation. relates to the main main topic. It includes several
- No graphs. - Information topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or
- No sketches/tables. clearly relates to supporting details examples.
- Paragraphing structure the main topic. and/or examples. - All paragraphs include
was not clear and - No details and/or sketches with introductory sentence,
sentences were not examples are explanation explanations or details, and
typically related within given. - Most paragraphs concluding sentence.
the paragraphs. Paragraphs include introductory - No grammatical, spelling or
- Many grammatical, included related sentence, punctuation errors.
spelling, or punctuation information but explanations or
were typically not - Graphic organizer or outline has
errors. details, and been completed and shows
- Graphic organizer or constructed well. concluding sentence.
- A few clear, logical relationships
outline has not been - Almost no between all topics and
attempted. grammatical, spelling subtopics.
spelling, or
or punctuation errors - Information is very organized
errors. - Graphic organizer or with well-constructed
- Graphic organizer outline has been paragraphs and subheadings.
or outline has completed and - Product shows a large amount
been started and shows of original thought. Ideas are
clear, logical creative and inventive.
includes some
relationships - Covers topic in-depth with
topics and between most topics
subtopics. details and examples
and subtopics.
- Subject knowledge is excellent.
- Makes excellent use of font,
color, graphics, effects, etc. to
enhance the presentation.
- Detailed draft is neatly
presented and includes all
required information.

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MARKS 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
STEP 6 - Only one possible solution or - Only able to list - Able to explain or - Able to explain or discuss four or
(Recommendations future action listed to the two possible discuss at least more possible solutions or future
and possible - problem/issue. solutions or three possible actions to prevent problem/issue
solutions) - Not geographical future actions to solutions or future - Excellent geographical
- Do not relate to prevent the actions to prevent discussions are given on possible
hypothesis problem or issue. - problem/issue. solutions or future actions that
- No paragraphs used Solutions or future could be taken
- Solution is
partially actions are - All sources of information have
geographical. geographical. been referenced
- Limited relation - Good attempt made - good paragraphs used
to hypothesis . to relate to
paragraphs used
MARKS 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
STEP 7 - Poor decision made - decision made - Acceptable decision - good decision made
(Conclusion - No hypothesis not accepted - hypothesis accepted made - hypothesis accepted or rejected
ACCEPT or or rejected or rejected - hypothesis accepted or with relevant
REJECT the - no reasons - Attempt without rejected geographical reasons
hypothesis) reasons - with limited reasons
MARKS 1-2 3-4 5
STEP 8 - No Bibliography (0 marks) - some referencing - comprehensive
(Bibliography) - Poor mentioning of sources made to referencing made to
- bibliography some bibliography
- list of web sites - list of web sites in full
some annexures, - annexures,
questionnaires and questionnaires and
interviews included interviews included

MARKS 1-2 3-4 5

STEP 9 - no cover page irrelevant - cover page included - relevant cover page
(Cover page) - cover page not included related to
related to topic topic

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MARKS 1-2 3 4 5
STEP 10 - Poor presentation made - Attempt made to - Good presentation - Excellent presentation made
(Presentation) present research made with limited with visual material
without visual visual material
TOTAL = 100

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Grade 12 Research Marksheet Task 2 Total: 100

Name of Candidate: _____________________________________ School: ________________________

STEPS Maximum Learner’s EDUCATOR’S Maximum Moderated MODERATOR’S

STEP 1 5 5

STEP 2 14 14

STEP 3 16 16

STEP 4 10 10

STEP 5 20 20

STEP 6 10 10

STEP 7 10 10

STEP 8 5 5

STEP 9 5 5

STEP 10 5 5

Educator’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________

Moderator’s Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________

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