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1. Speak English All the Time

2. Respect Everyone; Treat classmates, teachers, and staff with kindness and respect
and listen when others are speaking and do not interrupt.
3. Be Prepared; Bring all necessary materials (books, notebooks, pens, etc.) to class and
complete and turn in assignments on time.
4. Follow Instructions; Pay attention to and follow all teacher instructions and ask
questions if you do not understand something.
5. Participate Actively; Engage in class discussions and activities and contribute ideas
and ask questions to enhance learning.
6. Stay on Task; Focus on your work and avoid distractions and use class time wisely
and stay seated unless given permission to move.
7. Keep the Classroom Clean; Dispose of trash properly and keep your workspace tidy
and respect school property and the belongings of others.
8. Use Technology Appropriately; Use electronic devices only when permitted by the
teacher and follow the school's technology policy at all times.
9. Be Punctual; Arrive on time for class and be seated and ready to begin when the bell
10. Raise Your Hand; Raise your hand to speak or ask questions during class
discussions and wait to be called on before speaking.
11. Maintain a Positive Attitude; Approach challenges with a positive mindset and
encourage and support your classmates.
12. No Bullying or Fighting; Bullying, teasing, or fighting is strictly prohibited and
report any instances of bullying or fighting to a teacher or staff member immediately.
13. Personal Hygiene; Keep nails trimmed (checking every Tuesday) and clean and use
deodorant or perfume to maintain personal hygiene.

Class Teacher

Ms. Yesika Erina

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