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Paper 1
21/2 hours


Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes
 This paper consists of sections A and B.
 Answer all questions in both sections.
 Answers to this section must be written in boxes provided.
 Answers to this section should be written in the spaces provided and not
anywhere else. No additional sheets of paper should be inserted in this
For Teacher’s use only
Section Marks
A: 1-40
B: 41
Biology-department ©2017 MD

Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
1. Considering the overall chemical reaction for photosynthesis the number of molecules (0r moles) of
carbon dioxide required to make 6 molecules of glucose would be
A. 6
B. 12
C. 36
D. 72
2. Which of the following is not a property of water
A. The hydrogen bonds between water molecules constantly break and reform
B. Water resists changes in temperature by absorbing or releasing heat
C. Water is denser as a solid than in its liquid state
D. The hydrogen bond lattice makes it difficult for non-polar substances to penetrate it
3. The major effect of denaturation of proteins is that
A. Peptide bonds break
B. Alpha helices unwind
C. Quaternary structures disassemble
D. Tertiary structures are changed
4. Which of the following characteristics is not common to carbohydrates, lipids and proteins?
A. They are composed a carbon backbone with functional groups attached
B. Monomers of these molecules undergo dehydration synthesis to form polymers
C. Their polymers are broken apart by hydrolysis
D. The backbone of the polymers are primary polar molecules
5. Which of the following statements is a true difference between RNA and DNA
A. RNA may contain the pyrimidine uracil and DNA does not
B. RNA is always single stranded when functioning and DNA is always double stranded
C. The pentose sugar in RNA has one less oxygen atom than the pentose sugar in DNA
D. RNA is more stable and is broken down by enzymes less easily than DNA
6. The term secondary structure refers to a protein
A. Sequence of amino acids
B. Structure that results from local interaction between different amino acids in the chain
C. Interaction with a second protein chain
D. Interaction with a carbohydrate
7. Which of the following statements about enzyme inhibition is true?
A. Allosteric inhibitors and allosteric activators are competitive for a given enzyme
B. If an inhibitor binds the active site it is considered non competitive
C. If an inhibitor binds to a site other than the active this is competitive inhibitor
D. A non-competitive inhibitor is believed to change the shape of the enzyme making its active site

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8. Figure 1 shows energy changes during the enzymatic breakdown of glucose

The sudden rise in the graph represents

A. Total energy released by glucose when fully oxidized
B. The activation energy required to start off the process
C. The unreleased energy in the products
D. The energy taken up by the enzyme in order to catalyze the reaction
9. Which of the following structures are found in the same organelle?
A. Stroma and vacuole
B. Basal body and flagella
C. Matrix and cristae
D. DNA and ribosomes
10. Which of the following cell structures does not require an immediate source of energy to function?
A. Central vacuole
B. Contractile vacuole
C. Microtubules
D. microfilaments
11. Prokaryotes convert food energy to ATP using their
A. chromosomes
B. cell membrane
C. ribosomes
D. cell walls
12. The ‘mosaic’ part of the fluid mosaic model refers to
A. integral protein that are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer
B. the membrane proteins most of which float individually in the fluid bilayer
C. glycolipids and glycoproteins that give the cells exterior a sugar coating
D. phospholipids molecules that vibrates, flux, spin and move within the bilayer

13. Most of the electron carriers in the electron transfer system are
A. phospholipids
B. carbohydrates

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C. nucleic acids
D. proteins
14. The first carbon dioxide that is released during aerobic respiration is
A. During glycolysis
B. During electron transfer
C. During the citric acid cycle
D. The product of pyruvate oxidation
15. The oxygen in carbon dioxide taken up during photosynthesis ends up in the following except the
A. The oxygen released
B. Carbohydrate
C. Water
16. The energy source that drives ATP synthesis during cellular respiration is the
A. Oxidation of glucose and other organic compounds
B. Flow of electrons down the electron transfer system
C. Transfer of phosphate to ADP
D. H+ gradient produced during electron transfer
17. All of the following are adaptations that assist C4 plants in surviving in hot regions except
A. Closing stomata
B. Using CAM
C. Running cycles at different times
D. Increasing the rate of photorespiration
18. The molecules that link the light dependent and independent reactions are
C. ATP and NAD
19. Which of the following statements in not compatible with Darwin’s theory?
A. All organisms have arisen by descent with modification
B. Evolution has altered and diversified ancestral species
C. Natural selection eliminates unsuccessful variations
D. Evolution occurs in individuals rather than in groups
20. Which of the following does not contribute to the study of evolution?
A. Population genetics
B. Inheritance of acquire characters
C. The fossil record
D. Comparative morphology
21. Phenotypic characteristics that increase the fitness of individuals are called
A. Mutations
B. Founder effects
C. Polymorphism
D. Adaptive traits
22. The phenomenon in which chance events cause unpredictable changes in allele frequencies is called?
A. Gene flow
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B. Genetic drift
C. Inbreeding
D. polymorphism
23. A population of mice is at Hardy Weinberg equilibrium at a gene locus that controls fur colour. The locus
has two alleles M and m. a genetic analysis of one population reveals that 60% of its gametes carry the
M allele. What percentage of mice contains both the M and m allele?
A. 60%
B. 48%
C. 40%
D. 36%
24. Which of the following represents an example of qualitative phenotypic variation?
A. The length of peoples toes
B. The body sizes of pigeons
C. Human ABO blood groups
D. The birth weight of humans
25. Compared with vertebrate most invertebrates
A. Lead more mobile lives
B. Require a higher level of oxygen
C. Have more complex layers of cells
D. Have slower distribution of blood
26. Figure 2 shows a typical animal tissue

The tissue functions mainly in

A. Storage of fat
B. Pumping of blood
C. Constricting blood vessels
D. Secretion of mucus
27. A plant cell is magnified X2000 and the length of the chloroplast P in the diagram is 16mm. calculate the
actual length of the chloroplast P in micrometers
A. 8
B. 0.16
C. 3200
D. 1600
28. The basement membrane is made up of
A. Cellulose fibers
B. Peptidoglycan
C. Collagen fibers and glycogen

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D. Phospholipids and proteins
29. The volume of air which remains in the lungs and cannot be expelled even after forced expiration is
called the
A. Tidal volume
B. Vital capacity
C. Dead space
D. Residual air
30. Figure 3 shows the blood pressure changes on the left side of the human heart during part of the
cardiac cycle

At which of the labeled points does the atrio-ventricular valve close?

A. B. C. D.
31. Victims of cyanide poisoning may die of hypoxia a condition where though the oxygen supply to tissues
is normal but the cells cannot use up the oxygen available because cyanide blocks
A. Haemoglobin
B. Acetylcholine
C. Cytochrome
D. Carbonic anhydrase

32. Figure 4 shows the hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure in the arteriole end and venule end

Given that the osmotic pressure of the tissue fluid in mmHg and the hydrostatic pressure of the tissue
fluid are 0 the net pressure which caused the fluid to move out of the arteriole end in mmHg is
A. 7
B. 10
C. 31
D. 63
Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
33. Which of the following statements is true about the casparian strips?
I. It covers the whole endodermis cells
II.It consists of suberin which is impermeable to water
III. It is a thickening strip of endodermis cells
IV. It ensures that water crosses the root through the apoplast pathway only
A. I and II only
B. I and IV only
C. II and III only
D. II and IV only
34. Which one of the following does not occur during the opening of stomata?
A. Sugar is converted into starch
B. Starch is converted into sugar
C. Water enters osmotically into the guard cells
D. K+ diffuse into the guard
35. During strenuous exercises a person sweats a lot, the best physiological methods of controlling the
person’s internal environment would be
A. Drinking a lot of cold water
B. Lowering the metabolic rate
C. Decreasing the level of ADH
D. Taking a bath with very cold water
36. Which one of these processes concerning regulation of blood sugar is incorrect?
A. The beta islet cells secret insulin when hyperglycemia occurs
B. Glycogenolysis is the conversion of stored glycogen to glucose
C. Glycogenesis is the conversion of glucose to insoluble glycogen
D. Glycogenolysis is the conversion of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol

37. Two adjacent plant cells and their values of ψs and ψp which are in KPa are shown below

What is the pressure potential (ψp) of cell P in KPa when equilibrium has been reached between the
two cells? Assume that changes in solute potential (ψs) are negligible
A. 600
B. 900
C. 1000
D. 1200
38. Figure 5 shows the sequence of movement of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane

Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
The movement of molecules across the membrane illustrated is
A. Osmosis
B. Phagocytosis
C. Diffusion
D. Facilitated diffusion
39. The following structures are found in the heart
I. Bundle of His
II. Purkinje tissue
III. Atrioventricular node
IV. Sinoatrial node
Which of the following structures shows the correct sequence for impulse conduction in the heart?

40. Which of the following involves facilitated diffusion?

I. Transportation of a glucose molecule into the cells
II. Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the alveolus membrane
III. Diffusion of ATP from the mitochondria
IV. Movement of sodium ions across the axon membrane during an action potential
A. I,II and IV
B. I,II and III
C. I,III and IV
D. II,III and IV


41. a). State two pieces of evidence that photosynthesis is a two stage process (02 marks)

Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
Figure 6 shows the results of three experiments on the effects of changing light intensity on the rate of
photosynthesis under different environmental conditions.

b). Compare the rates of photosynthesis in curves P and Q (04 marks)

c). Suggest the factor which has been varied to produce the results in curves
i) P and Q (01 mark)
ii) Q and R (01 mark)
d). suggest the factors responsible for the leveling off of curves
i) R (001/2 mark)
ii) Q (001/2 mark)

Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
e). State the law that can be used to explain these results (01 mark)
42. Figure 7 shows the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity

a) Compare the differences in the rate of reaction in catalyzed and uncatalysed reactions (05 marks)
b) Explain why the enzyme catalyzed reaction finally levels off (02 marks)
c) Describe any three substances that help enzymes to perform their catalytic activity (03 marks)
Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
43. a). State three similarities between the Algae and plantae (03 marks)
b). what advantages did plants find on land during the transition to land? (03 marks)
c). state one physiological adaptation of land plants to solve the problem of water loss (01 marks)
d). State the adaptations that make the fungi effective decomposers (03 marks)
44. Beetroot cells contain a pigment that cannot normally escape from the cells through the cell surface

Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
Figure 9 shows the results of an investigation into the effect of temperature on the permeability of the
cell surface membrane of beetroot cells. Permeability was measured by using a colorimeter to measure
the absorbance of green light by the solution in which samples of beetroot had been immersed. The
greater the absorbance, the more red pigment had leaked out of the beetroot cells
a) Describe the changes in the absorbance of green light with temperature (04 marks)

b) What is the general effect of temperature on absorbance of light (01 mark)

c) with reference to the structure of cell membranes, explain the effect of temperature on absorbance
(04 marks)
d) state one other way membrane permeability could be altered (01 mark)
45. many animals have respiratory pigments free in blood plasma but in mammals the respiratory pigment is
inside blood cells
a) state three advantages of packaging the haemoglobin into red blood cells (03 marks)
Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
b) explain the advantages of packaging the haemoglobin into red blood cells (03 marks)
c) explain why it is chemically more efficient to put enzymes, chemicals and haemoglobin inside a
membrane bound cell (02 marks)
d) What effect would a more negative blood water potential have on body cells? (02 marks)
46. Figure 10 shows the effects of a brief bout of vigorous exercise on the amount of oxygen taken in and
the level of substance X in the blood of a human

a) Identify the following;

i. Regions labeled A and B (02 marks)
ii. Substance X (01 mark)
b) With a reason explain how regions A and B compare in terms of oxygen content (02 marks)
Valley View High school-Biology department ©2017 MD
c) Explain the effect of exercise on the level of substance X (04 marks)
d) State one way how the oxygen taken in after exercise is used (01 marks)


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