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Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
Now, here are two pictures. My picture is nearly
the same as yours, but some things are different.

For example, in my picture, the woman’s hat is

big, but in your picture, it’s small. OK?

I’m going to say something about my picture.

You tell me how your picture is different.

In my picture, it’s sunny. In my picture, it’s cloudy.

In my picture, there are four firemen. In my picture, there are three firemen.

In my picture, the woman’s wearing a yellow In my picture, her coat is orange.

In my piture, there isn’t a building behind the
In my picture, there is a building behind the fire engine.
fire engine.
In my picture, he’s walking with a cat.
In my picture, the boy in the purple shirt is
walking with a dog. In my picture, he’s standing.

In my picture, the boy with the glasses is



Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
Ben and Jane go to different schools. I don’t
know anything about Ben’s school, but you do.
So I’m going to ask you some questions.

What sport does Ben play there? Football

Where is his school? In Boat Street

Is his school big or small? (It’s) big.

Where did he go for his school holiday? To the zoo.

What’s the name of Ben’s school? New Forest School.

Now you don’t know anything about Jane’s

school, so you ask me some questions.
What sport does Jane play there?
Where’s her school?
In East Street
Is her school big or small?
(It’s) small.
Where did she go for her school holiday?
To a castle
What’s the name of Janes’s school?
London School



Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
Paul is inside.

He’s ill. He’s got drinking something hot.

These pictures tell a story. It’s called “Paul gets
Now Paul’s in bed.
sick!”. Just look at the pictures first.
Paul’s mum is giving Paul some medicine.
Paul is walking in the rain. He’s cold.
It’s a sunny day.
Now you tell the story.
Paul is playing outside.

He’s well again.

• Where is Paul?
• What’s the problem?
• What is he drinking?
• Where is Paul now?
• What is Paul’s mum giving him?
• What’s the weather like?
• What’s Paul doing?
• Is he still ill?
Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh

Now let’s talk about your family.

How many people are there in your family?
My mum
Who cooks your dinner?
Go to the cinema
What do you like to do with your family?
My sister’s name is Sally. She’s seven. She’s very
Tell me more about your family.


Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh

Here are two pictures. My picture isnearly the same

as yours but some things are different.

For example, in my picture there are two birds near

the clock but in your picture there is only one bird.

I’m going to say something about my picture. You

tell me how your picture is different.

In my picture the man talking to the old woman

In my picture, the man talking to the old
is wearing a blue uniform.
woman is wearing a grey uniform.
In my picture, the time is twenty-five
In my picture, the time is twenty-five past ten.
past eleven.
In my picture, the man is wearing a brown hat.
In my picture, the man buying a drink
is wearing a green hat. In my picture, the boy eating a banana is sitting
on the suitcase.
In my picture, the boy eating a banana
is standing next to the suitcase. In my picture, the girl who is waving has got
straight hair.
In my picture, the girl who is waving has got
curly hair. In my picture, the old man has got a white
In my picture, the old man has got a white


Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
Mary and Tony have both been on holiday. I don’t
know anything about Mary’s holiday but you do.
So I’m going to ask you some questions.

Where did Mary go on holiday? To the beach

Who did Mary go with? Her grandparents

How long did she go there for? Two weeks

What did she do there? She went swimming.

What did she buy there? A T-shirt

Now you don’t know anything about Tony’s

holiday, so you ask me some questions.
Where did Tony go on holiday?
(To the mountains)
Who did he go with?
(His parents)
How long did he go there for?
(One week)
What did he do there?
(He went skiing)
What did he buy there?
(A scarf)


Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
2 – The family are going for a swim in the sea.
Everyone is laughing and looks very happy.

3 – There are three birds on the towels. They are

These pictures tell a story. It’s called ‘The hungry eating the family’s sandwiches.
birds’. Just look at the pictures first.
4 – The family have come out of the sea. The
A family is spending a day on the beach. They birds have flown away. The parents look angry
are putting their towels and bags on the beach. because the birds have eaten the sandwiches.
Now you tell the story. 5 – The family has gone to a beach café to have
lunch. They are eating burgers and chips. The
children look very happy. I think they are
pleased the birds ate their sandwiches.

• What is the family doing?

• How do you think the family feels?
• How many birds are there?
• What are the birds doing?
• Where are the birds?
• How do the parents feel? Why?
• Where is the family now?
• What are they eating?
• How do the children feel?

Giám khảo Phản hồi tối thiểu được kỳ vọng ở thí sinh
Now let’s talk about friends.

How often do you see your friends? Every day

What do you do with your friends after school? Play football

Where do you go with your friends at To the park

the weekend?
What food do you like to eat with your friends?
My best friend’s Tom. He’s 14 years old. We go
Tell me about your best friend. to school together.


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