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This is a story of a Long-Distance Running competition between Abel Kiprop Mutai and one of
his competitors named Ivan Fernandez. In this story, a very evident expression and manifestation of a
good and morally educated athlete who opted to choose values over opportunity to be a champion.
Their story reflects how human relations works in the life of every individual and it also portrays the
particular implication in every respective quality of human relations. On December 2012, Mutai was
winning the race but at the terminal stage of the race he was confused and stopped running thinking
that he has already finished the race. Subsequently, the next on the line was Ivan Fernandez who
instead of taking his advantage when Mutai stopped, he chooses to hold on to his pride and dignity and
helped Mutai finished their race at the top. Fernandez confused also the people of his actuation and lots
of them asked why he chooses the same despite of the rarest opportunity. But in response, Fernandez
educated the world of how important and critical to uphold the highest degree of human relations, that
being a champion in their race is merely an incidental victory from the weakness of his competitors who
fairly would really have won the race. These series of acts of Fernandez to Abel Mutai educate the


My findings as a student and being an ordinary person is that, fame and title are good if you
achieved them through your hard work and genuine victory without taking advantage of the adverse
situation or circumstances of others. While it is true that nowadays the highest degree of humanity has
been corrupted by the adverse effect of competition in life in general but still, there are people who
were raised with the highest quality of morality that even no matter what circumstances they face in
life, their moral foundation will supersede fame and title.


Winning a title is an achievement to a competitive individual. However, if someone win by

merely taking advantage of other people, the very essence of a competition to assert the most skilled in
a particular field will be defeated. In human life, there are lots of circumstances wherein a person’s
character is being tested. a person who possessed a strong morale foundation will surpass every
challenge of and trial in proving one’s morale character. No matter how big is the price of a victory if
achieving the same is surrounded by unethical and immoral conduct, still it will remain to be a worthless
thing. Nevertheless, success and satisfaction are subjective.


I strongly recommend to each and every individual to strive and aim for a highest level of
morality so we can have the highest quality of relationship to one another.


In every aspect of life, Morality and honesty is still paramount over fake and wrongly acquired

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