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INU6101 – Preguntas tipo ET

VERBS+GERUND (para indicar las acciones que nos gusta o disgusta realizar)

• What do you enjoy doing in the summer?

I enjoy playing with my children in the park. We also enjoy going to Cerro San

• What do you like doing at Duoc?

I like eating at Meraki, and I also like playing pool in the hall.

• What do you hate eating?

I hate eating spicy food, I don’t like it.


• What was your favorite subject at school? Were you good or bad at it?
My favorite subject was history. I was very good at history but I was terrible at math.

• What movies did you use to watch when you were a child?
When I was a child, I used to watch sci-fi movies. I really loved Star Wars and Star Trek.

• What did you do on your last winter vacation? Where did you go?
I went to Panguipulli. It was a fantastic trip because I went with my girlfriend and we had a
great time. We traveled by bus and we stayed with some friends. We ate sopaipillas with
strawberry jam every day. We also drank sidra from the south.


• Do you have a phobia? Explain it:

I’m really afraid of spiders. I’m terrified when I see one in my house.


• Which sports do you think are the most exciting to watch?

I believe that basketball is the most exciting sport. Because players are always
moving, it’s an energetic sport.
• What sports do you practice?
I always go cycling around Santiago. Also, sometimes I play football and on Fridays
I do yoga.


• What movie are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to the next Spider-man movie, the animated movie. The first
and second were excellent films.

• Have you lost something important? How long did you look for it?
Yes, I have. Last month I lost my wallet. I looked for it for two days and I found it in
the kitchen.

• Do you get along with your father?

Yes, we do. He is a great father and we have a very healthy relationship.


• I love dogs, they are my favorite animals.

So do I. Dogs are fantastic.

• I don’t like Alberto Plaza; his music is really boring.

Neither do I, my favorite music is trap.

• I can play video games for hours.

So can I. when I play GTA I do it for hours.

• I wasn’t at Duoc yesterday.

Neither was I, because I had to work.

PRESENT PERFECT (hablar de un período entre el pasado y el ahora)

• Have you ever been to Fantasilandia? When?

Yes, I have. I went last year with my family.

• How long have you studied at Duoc?

I have studied at Duoc since 2021.
• What have you done this week?
This week, I have gone to Duoc, I have studied all week, but I haven’t eaten healthy
because I don’t have time.

• Have you ever gone to Punta Arenas? When?

No, I haven’t. But I went to Puerto Montt last year.

PAST PERFECT (Indicar los eventos pasados que ocurrieron antes de un pasado simple)

• Se muestra una foto en donde aparece un auto que chocó:

The car crashed because the driver had driven very fast.

• Se muestra una foto donde aparece un hombre con dolor de estómago:

The man is sick because he had eaten eggs with Bilz and porotos con riendas.

• Se muestra una foto de un perro que rompió los zapatos del dueño:
The dog ate the shoes because it had been alone all day.


• What did your dentist tell you the last time you visited him?
He told me that my teeth were perfect. He also said that he was the only dentist
that didn’t recommend Colgate.

• What did your girlfriend tell you when you broke up?
She told me that she didn’t love me anymore and that it was time to meet new

MIGHT (possible future plans)

• What are you doing for your birthday?

I might invite my friends to my house. Also, I might buy a lot of wine and things to

• What are your plans for your future vacation?

I might not go out, because I don’t have time. But I think I might visit my family in
the north.
SHOULD (advices for problems)

• Your best friend wants to buy a PS5 from the USA. Give him advice:
You should create an Amazon account and you should have a credit card to buy
the console.

• I want to speak German. What should I do?

You shouldn’t pay for classes, they are expensive. You should practice with chat

MUST/DON’T HAVE TO/HAVE TO/CAN’T (rules and possibilities)

• What are some of the rules in Duoc?

In Duoc, you don’t have to go to every class, but you must have good assistance.
Also, you mustn’t eat in the classroom. Finally, you can’t be late for the exams,
they are really important.


• Complete the following Murphy’s law: “If you drink one liter of pisco…”
If you drink one liter of pisco, next morning you will have to work with a terrible


• What would you do if you were in an earthquake?

If I were in an earthquake, I would try to relax and find a safe space.

• What would you do If you won $500 million pesos?

If I won $500 million pesos, I would buy the house of my dreams, and I would quit
my job immediately.

SIMILARITIES (negative and positive similarities)

• Se muestra una foto con diferentes frases a las que los alumnos deben reaccionar
indicando similitud negativa o positiva:
1. I love Pizza

So do I

2. I will study for the test

So will I

3. I can’t play the guitar

Neither can I.

4. I didn’t eat tacos last week.

Neither did I.

5. I was an excellent football player.

So was I.


• Se muestran fotos con inventos y sus inventores

1. The battery was invented by Volta.
2. Cars were invented by the Americans.

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