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, 'i,-- CHAPTER 4
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The anterotateratabdominalwatl is bounded by the 7th to 10th ln this ímage, the skin and most of the subcutaneous tis-
ribs and xiphoid process of the sternum atong with Ínguinal sue have been removed, except for two smalt areas atong the
ligament, ítiac crests, pubic crests, and pubic symphysis. From inferíor aspect of the right abdaminalwall. The subcutaneous
superficial to deep, the watl is composed of skin, subcutane- layer is shown reflected on the inferior aspect of the left ab-
ous tissue, muscte and aponeurosis, deep fascia, and parietal dominalwall. The anterior layer of the rectus sheath has been
peritoneum. reftected on the left side.

4 colofr e ach of the followíng structures using a different calor for each:
lnferior to the umbilicus, the subcutaneous tissue is arranged cont¡nue to run superficial (anterior) to the rectus ab-
in two layers: dominis muscle to the linea alba.

Q 1
" Fatty layer of subcutaneous#ssue {Camper fascia): Unlike the thoracic region, there is no anterior rnidline
Variable amount of fatty tissue immediately deep to the skin vertical bone equivalent to the sternum. lnstead, one primary
Q ?. Membranous layer af subcutaneous fissue (scarpa vertical muscle reinforced with the aponeurotíc layers of the
fascia): Thin membranous layer deep to superficiai fatty anterotateral musctes exists in its ptace to allow for mobitity
layer and superficiaI to muscutoaponeurotic layers of the intestines and for greater expansion of the abdomen
after a large meal or during pregnáncy.
The muscles of the anterolateralwaltare arranged simitarty
to the musctes of the thoracic watl Three muscles compose 9 4" Rectus abdominis muscle: Paired, princípal vertica[
the anterotateral wall, with their fibers coursing in varying muscte of the anteríor abdominatwatt. Wider superiorly
orientation to each other, than inferior§ and separated by the tínea alba from
each other.
Q 3. Externaloblique muscle: The most superficial of the C5. Anteríor rectussheafá: Covers the anterior aspect of
three anterotatera[ muscles on each side, primarily courses the rectus abdominis muscte
in an inferomedialdirection ([ike "hands in a pocket"). 06. Tendinous intersections: Attachment of the rectus
Superolateratty, fibers interdigitate with the serratus abdominis muscte to the anterior rectus sheath at
anteriar. The rnuscte fibers become the aponeurosis three or more transverse rows, creating butging muscles
of the erternal oblique at the midctavicular line and between when tensed ("six pack")

External obtíque ; External surfaces of i Linea alba, pubic ThoracoabdominaI nerves Compresses abdominal
i sth-lZth r;bs i tubercle, and anterior (T7-I1 1 spinat nerves) and I viscera and rotates trunk
i ' .,-*;-I hatf of iliac crest subcostal nerve
I Pubic symphysis and r Xiphoid process and
Rectus abdominis Thoracoabdominal nerves ¡ Flexes trunk and
i pub¡c crest i 5th-7th costal cartilages (anterior rami f6-f11) and compresses abdominal
subcostal nerve viscera

Neurovasculatt¡re of Anterotateral Abdominat Watt

@ 10. Lateralabdaminalcataneousbranches: Sensory branches
ü 7. Superficial epigastric artery and vein: Branch of the fromTT to T11 that emerge from the muscutature of
femoralarteryltributary of great saphenous vein running the anterotateral wa[[ to run through the subcutaneous
in subcutaneous tissue to/from the umbilicus tissue
ry 8. Superficíal circumflex íliac arteryr and vein; Branch of @tt. Anterior abdominal cutaneeus branches: Sensory
femoraIartery/tributary of great saphenous vein running branches from T7 to T1 1 that plerce the rectus sheath
in subcutaneous tissue along inguinal ligament to enter the subcutaneous tissue. T7-T9 suppty the skin
@ 9. §xternalpudendalarteryandvein: Branch of femoral súperior to the umbiticus; T10 suppties the skin around
artery/tributary of great saphenous vein ruhning in the umbilicus and T1 1 supplies the skin immediatety
subcutaneous tissue tolfrom the pubic bone inferior to the umbiticus.

sft costal caftilago

§en¿tus anterior



a. htuqilln t*stñ &il

6. I ¡ri*,y ,:* ,:,.: i ,. ?.T.


:;¡i{ tr.g¡i
§\N! Aponsurosi§ of
extemal ohlique

A¡lc'¡o Y
rt¡U¡ ¿[c¡a úrrnr;
1. ,{-, § i '* :.$'É \\.
t+ t.. t ,.t:
_ ,1, ü'
,i D

, Ar+E i.t y- z. *]+á:¡-¿l¿-il-{ t ¡Era. ¿

*ft* egXoilr*o i..:*,!,,[. ) *"¡-,.- 1Íü#¡

gltr€¡$r$oI Spermat¡c cord

i1.1. ; ri I,r'¡ i::-.


On the right side, the muscular portion of the externalablique to demonstrate the posterior [ayer of the rectus sheath. ln
has been removed, with íts aponeurosis and contribution to the addition, the muscular portion of the internat obtique muscte
anterior rectus sheath [eft intact. On the left side, the anterior has been cut vert¡catry to reveal the deeper structures of the
rectus sheath and rectg§._§bdoulni§lnus§le have been removed anterolateraI abdominaI wat[.

m CO¿OR e ach of the fol,lowing structures using a different color for each:

Q 1. lntemal oblique muscle: lntermediate muscle of the Q 2. Transversus abdaminis muscte: lnnermost muscle of
anterolateral abdominal watl The muscle fibers spread the anterotateralabdominatwatt. The muscle fibers run
out superornediat§ perpendicular to ths externat oblique transverse§" The fibers, like the external and internal
fibers. lnferior to the level of the anteríar superior iliac obtique, become aponeurotic at the midclavicutar line
spine (AgSl,the muscle fibers course in a more horizontal and continue mediatty to the linea alba.
direction. The fibers become aponeurotic at the midcla-
vicular line and continue mediatly to the fineaaláa.

lnternal oblique Thoracotumbar fascia, lnferior borders of the 10th-1Zth Thoracoabdominal Compresses and
anterior two-thirds itiac crest ribs, tinea alba, pecten pubis nerves (T6-T1Z) supports abdominat !

Transversus lnternal surfaces of!th-1Zth Linea atba, pubic crest, pecten and L1 viscera ,

abdominis costal cartilaqe¡, itiac crest, pubis

»ar. fascia i

Rectus §heath Neurovasculature

Q 3. Anfario r ractus sheaúá: Runs the vertical distance between $ 7. lnfariorepigastricarteryr Arises from the external iliac
the costal margin and the pubic bone. The superior two- artery superior to the inguinal lígament and courses
thirds of the anterior rectus sheath is composed of the superior§ in the transversatis fascia to run between the
interdigitating fibers of the external obtique aponeurosis posterior rectus sheath and rectus abdominis muscle
and hatf of the internal oblique aponeurotic fibers. The to anastomose with the superior epigastric artery
inferior one-third of the anterior rectus sheath is composed
S A. Superiorepigastricartery: Direct continuation of the
of the aponeurotic fibers of allthree anterolateral muscles. interna[ thoracic artery coursing between the poste-
rior rectus sheath and the rectus abdominis muscte to
abdominís muscle; and unlike the anterior layer of the anastomose with the inferior epigastric artery
rectus sheath, onty extends the superior two-thirds (l 9. lliohypúgastric newe; Termina[ superior branch of L1
of the distance between the costal margin and pubic anter¡or ramu§. Pierces transversus abdominis to course
bone. The posterior rectus sheath is composed of hatf between transversus abdominis and internal obtique
of the internal obtique and the transversus abdominís muscles and then pierces externa{obtique aponeuroses
aponeurotic fibers. of the inferior anterior abdominalwall
{}5. Arcuate{ine: Demarcates the inferior edge of the pos- (11O. llioinguinal nerue (cut): Terminat inferior branch of
terior rectus sheath. Below the arcuate line, there are the L1 anterior ramus. Courses between transversus
no aponeurotic fibers from the anterotateralmuscles abdominis and internatobtique musctes and then tra-
posterior to the rectus abdominis. verses the inguinal canpl to emerge via the superficial
§ 6. Iransuersaúifascia: Named portion of endoabdominal inguinatring.
fascia, a serous membrane [ining the internat aspect of
the musctes of the abdominalwall. lnferior to the arcuate
tine, the transversatis fascia lies immediatety posterlor
to the rectus abdominis. Superior to the arcuate [ine,
the transversatis fascia lies immediatety posterior to
the posterior rectus sheath.

Rectusabdominis (cr0

7Sr costal cartllage


J- 1 :L"l;r' t_; ñ'
+'- u

$ uP*r*on

o Votnn de t rcc{o
Extemal oblique (cut sdqes) po*erior

i,t'- i. t"


, Adt'ro Q*#rb*
s.-[ktvo hftq*r
rliohrpp*tito Rectus abdominis

( -ir¿urtls
. ;:i'":l'ilr,
,-: ....r ,,t I i::it.


The inguinal region extends from the Anteu§upüoL-üle§ enter and exit the abdominat cavity via the inguinal canal.
spine (eflilto the pubictuber-cle The inguinat canal is the obtique passageway conneeting the
Structures, such as the testis and spermatic cord in the abdominat cavity and perineum through thÁ inferior poition
male and the round ligament of the uterus in the female, of the anterotatárat muscutoaponuuroi. tayers.

" cotoR e ach af the following structures using a different color for each:
The externaloblíque aponeurosis is expansive in the inferior and bypassing the pubic tubercte. This ligament crosses
aspect CIf the anterior abdominaI wall and forms many of the the linea aláa and btends with fibers of the contratateral
structures of the inguinaI region: externaI obtique aponeurosis.

Q 1. lnguinatligament; lnferiormost fibers of the externai Thesuperficialinauinalrinq is the exit point forthe spermatíc
obtique aponeurosis running from the ASlSto the pubic cord/round ligament of uterus from the inguinaI cana[ located
tubercte. The inguinat canaI lies parattel and superior to superolateraI to the pubic tubercle. The ring appears as a split
the medial hatf of the inguinal ligament. in the externaI obtique aponeurosis and not as a prominent
() 2. l-acunartigament: Composed of fibers from the in- "ring" structure.
guinal ligament that pass posteriorly to the superior
pubic ramus instead of attaching to the pubic tubercle.
Q 4. Lateraf crus." Forms the lateral margin of the superficial
Lacunar tigament forms the medial boundary of the inguinaI ring attachíng to the pubic tubercle
subinguinaI space. Some fibers wil[ continue lateraüy
atong the pecten pubis, forming the pectineat ligament
$ 5. Medialcrus; Forms the medíal margin of the superficial
inguinal r¡ng attaching to the pubic crest
(of Cooper).
Q 6. tntercruralfibers: Fibers that pass between each crus
Q 3. Reffectedinguinalligament: Composed of fibers from across the superolateraI part of the superficia[ inguinat
the inguinaltigarnent that pass superiorly, fanning upr,vard ring to hetp prevent the crura from spreading apart
supERFrcrAL rNcurNAr RrcrcN (MArE) r

€xbrnal oblique

iliac spine (ASl§)

Superfi cial inguinal ring

s $ilor nod'ol

Pubic ürbercle

Pubic symBhysis
Pubic crest




cut into
On the right side, a large rectangularwindow has been
the externil oblique muscle afd apaneurosis with the edges
pinned into ptace. The mediatand latera[ crura along with the

Q 1. tnguinalligament: Acts as a retinaculum over the subin- Q 7. Cremasfernruscle: Composed of slips of internal oblique
guinal space and its contents including the hip flexors, muscle fibers and is carried with the testis and sper-
inauinal lvmph nodgs, and fefiaral3fi94¿, velh, and matic cord as they descend through the internaloblique
nerve muscle. Forms the intermediate layer of the spermatic
2. Reflectedinguinalligament: Superiorfibers of the inguinal cord coverings
tigament that do not attach at the pubic tubercle and @ 8. Con¡o inttendan: Merged inferiormost aponeurotic fibers
instead pass upward to the linea alba and blend with of the internal obtique and transversus abdorninis su-
the contralateral externaI oblique aponeurosis peroposterior to the ref[ected inguinat Ligament' Fibers
3. Lateralcrus: External obtique aponeurosis fibers that from the internaI oblique forming the conjoint tendon
Q attach to the Pubic crest.
form the {aterat margin of the superficial inguinat ring
Q 4. Media I crus: External obtique aponeurosis fibers that Q 9. ttiohypogastricnerve: Pierces through the internaloblique
form the rnediat margin of the superficiaI inguinaI ring muscle and courses in an inferornedial direction
5. /nterc ruratfibers: Fibers from the external oblique apo- C10. ttioinguina! nerve.' Pierces through the internaI obtique
@ muscle and courses through the inguinaIcanat, emerging
neurosis that connect the medial and latera[ crura and
prevent thenr from splitting apart via the suPerficia[ inguinal ring

Q 6. lnternatobliguemuscle: Remains rnuscutar in the infe-

rior anterolateral abdominai watl (uniike the external
u. -Mrirtulo Obliruo
Anterior layer of r$tus sheath

External oblique


a ne¡don [nsunttr

z. uicnrrerrh ln qt^thol
' re{\e\odo '
Aponeur0sis of
s. FrbraÉ inttttvwfolu

d P,lqv lqterol
Femoral art€ry and vein

ffi DEEP INGUINAL REGtoN {nanr-r} r

The externalgáIrqueaponeurosis has been cut and the superficial been cut as they traveted in the neurovascular ptane between
i ngui nal ring and cru ra d isrupt ed. The i nternal ablique m uscl,e the internatobtique and transversus abdominis. The spermatic
has been cut and reflected to reveal the under§íng transversus cord has been retracted inferoiateratty with string.
abdo m i n is. T he i liohv poq a stri c and ili oi nq u i n a l_0 :'jrr¿És h av e

res u si ng a d iffe re nt
ffi coron ea ch of th e fo llowi ng structu color fo r e ach:

{) 1. Iransvercus abdaminis muscle: Fibers pass superior to penetrated by the descending testes and spermatic
the deep inq!ínal rinq and do not participate in the cord (or round ligament of uterus in the femate) during
formation of the inguinal canal or the layers of the embryonic devetopment and becomes evaginated. Forms
spermatic cord the deep inguinatring'internatty at the opening of the
p 2. Iransversus abdaminis aponeurosis: Courses inferomed i- evagination.
alty to the inguinatcanal, participatíng in the formation o 5, I nternal sperm atic fascia: Conti n uation of the transver-
of the conjoint tendon satis fascia covering the testis and spermatic cord
@ 3. Conjo int tandon : lnferiormost fibers of the transversus
abdom n is m e rge with the i ntarn al qbüg ue ¿pstrg ura§!!.
e 6. lnferiorepigastricvessels: Course mediatto the deep
ingu i naI ring f rom/to externa I itiac artery/vein, respectivety
Fibers from the transversus abdominis attach to the o 7 . Deepchcumflexr'liacvessels: Course paralletto the inguinal
pectineattine. ligament on the deep aspect of the anterior abdominal
$ 4. Iransversalisfascia: Named portion of endoabdomi- wall f romlto external i liac artery/vein, respectively
nal fascia that lines the abdominal cavity. First layer



, A[nnttrEous, abdu,sim*

lnternal oblique {cut and reflscted)

llioinguinal nerve

(cut and reillected)

Aponeurmis of
external obliqué

Aponeurosi§ of
intsrnal obllque


Cremaster muscle

Locaüon of deep inguinal ring

s etterl
s. + .. .; -
_ L, i',*¡ f;
{ iltl¡úh
"i. 1", . ;


S i m i lar to Secti on 4.4A, the external obliq ue a pone u ro sis has abdominis and transversatis fascia have been parliatty cut away,
been cut and the superficial inguinal ring and crura disrupted. revea ling extraperita¡rea{ fat and the external iLac ?rteryfl,Qs!
The internal oblique muscle has been cut and reftected to vgin. The spermatic cord has been cut and its components tied
reveal the underlying transversus abdominis. The transversus together with string.

fu§"ioionááitaf iiálat¡;úni;itiiilliili'*ii;dlii;;;;;¿;üi.ili"áiiit)
§ 1. Iransversusabdominismuscle: Fibers pass superior to The external itiac artery and vein change names to the
the deep inquinal rinq and do not parlicipate in the femorala{tervandvein- as they pass deep to the inguinat
formation of the inguinal canal or the layers of the Iigament.
spermatic cord
() 7. n f e ro med -
Tra nsve rs u s a b d o m i nis a po n e u rosis: Cou rses i i

ally to the inguinalcana[, participating in the formation

of the conjoint tendon
§ f. Conlo inttendan: lnferiormost fibers of transversus ab-
dominis merge with the internal oblique aponeurosis.
Fibers from the transversus abdominis attach to the ,Abdorninal wall hernias are one of the most common surgical problems,
with almost 75% orcurring in the inguinat region. Of alt inguinat hernia
tepairt;90% ate perforrned in men. Two types of inguinal hernias exist:
Q 4. Transversalisfascia: Named portion of the endoabdominal indlre'ct, lndirect hernias account for two-thirds of inguinat
fascia that lines the abdominal cavity and comprises hern¡as ¿nd'are common in younger per,§ons, especial§ in men. An indi-
the deep inguinatring reet herñia tr:avels through lhe deep inqainll riltq (tateral to the inferior
5. Spermaticcord: Composed of the úeslicularyessels and epiqaj-tileve!¡glsl and then to the inguinat canal, where it is covered by
@ the,spermatic cord coverings, and exits vía fhe superficial inguinat ring
the dscts§4g&ts!§
insJderthe,sper,matic cord. Direct hernias are l¿ss common and typicalty
Q 6. lnferiorepigastricvesseÍs: Course medialto the deep occur in,adult men because of a weakness in the anterior abdorninalwatl
inguinaI ring from/to external itiac artery/vein, respective§ in the inguinai region" A direct hernia travets media[ to inferiar epigastric
@ 7. Deep chcumflex iliac yessels: Course paratlel to the inguinal vesseis:th¡ough the parietal peritoneum ard transversalis fascia to enter
[igament on the deep aspect of the anterior abdominal through e¡ near the distat inguinal canal, and exits via the superficial
watt from/to externa[ iliac artery/vein, respectively inguina[ ring lateral to the spermatic cord.

t-lrÍ*¿.t^ ^Ltl"*.i¡vrl

-l á
ls. Lr¡*g}*sr

J c"sperryi&m

Locaüon of deep inguinal ring

lnternal obl¡que
(cut and reflected)

Aponeurosls of
extemal obrlique

r&*ts lHo",
@ Extemal iliac artery

Eñemal iliac vein

Femoral artery and vein


i" r'-a't l
: :1:




SimiLar to the mate, the female inguinat region extends from the inguinat structures are tess pronounced than those in the
the A§15 to the pubictubercle. The structures and retation- mate. ln addition, the round ligament of the uterus traver§es
ship of the femate anterotateral abdominat watt and inguinal the inguinat canal instead of the testis and spermatic cord.
region are similar to those of the mate, with the exception that

COLORtlach of ih¿ following struúures uslng a dlfferent color for each:

6 1. Fatty layerof subcutaneoustissue: lmmediatety deep | 5. Roun d ligamentof uüerus: Traverses the ¡nguína[ canal
to skin from the deep inguinat ring to the superficiat inguinal
2. MembranouslayerofsubcutanaossÚissue; Deep to fatty ring fans out to insert into the lablum maius
layer and superficial to externatobtique aponeurosis in
the inguinatregíon
Q 3. Lateralcrus: External obtique aponeurosis fibers forming
latera[ boundary of superfidalinquinalring
J 4. Madiaf crus; Externaloblique aponeurosis fibers forming
medial boundary of superficial inguinal ring
@ 5. lntercrura I fibers: External obtique aponeurosis fibers
crossing from one crus to the other

.i!," .::' i :1¡:-];'i,i:ii'1, Í¡.,,,i:,i". i:".r ;.-l I :i.-i|:l,i':'r,.i lrir ]li':i:! -li ¡:

Antsrior süperior ¡liac spine (ASIS)

Corrr rrwrr{frmrnw
I &t'q*l tuktilí?to
Superficial inguinal ring

Pubic lubercle

Site of ¡nguinal l¡gament

, Wtár to*srd Labium malus

¿ Pilov l&dial

,.i -
i-. *, ,l i; it;:': i. i:-. l' 'r'-1 "'

,,,-.'..,'.'..'' . '1 ., SPERMATIC CORD AND TESTES

Figure A depicts the inguinat region, spermatic cord, and testes. cut to expose the fransversusalbafo4[]lt.{§ and fjaq§,ygfsalis
On the right, the aponeurosis af the eñernal oblique has been fascia along with the layers of the spermatic cord,
cut to reveal the bternal abliqlte and conjoj!.LÍeaglg8. On Figure B depicts the internal structures of the testis with
the [eft, the external oblique and internatoblique have been the epididymis and ductus deferens.

cO¿on áac h of the fo'tlowiig struciiuret using a different color for each:

Coverings of the Testes and Spermatic Cord

@ 1. lnternalspermaticfascia: Forms as the testis and sper- @ 6. Cavity of tunica vaginalis; Potential space between the
matic cord descended through the transversalis fascia parietaI and visceral layers of tunica vaginalis typicatty
of the anterolateraI abdominatwat[. Covers the extent fitled with a smal[ amount of ftuid to atlow the testis
of the testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord. to move freety in the scrotum
$ 2. Cremastericmuscleandfascia: Forms as the testis and
Testes and Epididymis
spermatic cord descended through the interna[obtique
muscle and muscte. Covers the extent of the testis, ep- Q 7. Tunica albuginea: Tough, fibrous outer surface of the
ididymis, and spermatic cord superficiatto the internaI testes
spermatic fascia. Q 8. Serniniferaustubules; Loqg, highly coiled small tubes
@ 3. Éxternatspermaticfascia: Forms as the testis and arranged into lobules comprising a majority of the in-
spermatic cord descended through the superficia[ ring ternat structure of the testes. Developing sPerm travel
of the externaI obtique aponeurosis. Covers the extent along the seminiferous tubutes to the straight tubutes.
of the testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord superficial Q 9. Refe festis; Cottection of canals from the straight tubutes
to the cremaster muscle and fascia" in the mediastinum of the testis
@10. Efferent duct¿¡les: Transport newty devetoped sperm
During the descent of the testis, a portion of the peritoneat to the epididymis from the rete testis
cavity is putted inferiorly with the testis. The connection to the (}11" Head af epididymis: Superior expanded portion rest-
peritoneal cavity regresses and a separate, closed sac is left ing on the superior pole of the testis that receives the
surrounding the testis. efferent ductuies
@"12. Bodyof epididymis; Main component of the tightty
Q 4. Parietal.layeroftunicavaginafis: Eeep to the internal coiled duct of the epididymis
spermatic fascia at the [eve[ of the testis and inferior e)13. Tail af epididymís; Tapering continuation of the duct
spermatic cord of the epididymis leading to ductus deferens
@ 5. Visce ral layer of tunica vaginalis: Covers the surface of the Q14" Duefus deferens: Duct of the spermatic cord that trans-
testís, except where the testis attaches to the epididymis ports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
and spermatic cord and a portion of the epididymis
Apon6ur0§¡s 0f exbrnal 0blique (cut)

lntemal oblique



+. Frri¿{nl de lo
7r, {úniu vogino\

u V¡sr ¿rql tavtr of

tuntccr vogtncrliS
ir, f obezO drel epidrcttwno

/. Fosc{o Y w{r¡rr.^}o o«uastCrico

Q+d "l¡tlirtrlor
Cnvi¿l.'A dc ln lrínirn \,oqt,\ot

+. Cnpo ?üvislc'l de lq {dhllm Vogihcrl

\li rrurnl lnvf* aF
4tinfto vogtnütu !
-Iúbr rlnS s¿r¡f níF+ rClS

i i¡a¡rt


The anterolateral abdominal wall has been removed and the parietal peritoneum. On the right side of the specimen, the
internatáspect disptayed. On the left side of the specimen, the parietai peritoneum has been removed and a verticatct¡t made
layers of the anterotaterat abdominal wa[[ from superflcial to in the tfa[sversalis fascia deep to the rectus abdominis to
deep are visibte in the cut edges: extqrltalobligue, int?lna! reveal the arcuate line.
o b liq u e, tr? nsve fsus a \dS mi n i s, tra nsv e rsa l! s
fasci a, and
íQLOR each of the fotlowíng structures usiing a different color for each:

Q 1. Parietalperitoneurr: Lies deep (internat)to the trans- @8. Medían umbílicalfold: Forms as parietatperitoneum
versatis fascia lies over the urachus
@ Z. Falr{ormligamentr Double layer of peritoneum coursing Supravesicalfossa [ies between the mediatand median
from the liver to the parietaI peritoneum, covering the umbiticaL Iigaments.
anterior abdominaI wa[[ () 9. Transversalrifascia; Lies superficia[ to the parietal
Q 3. Roundligamentof the fiver: EmbryoLogicat remnant peritoneum and imrnediateiy deep to the muscles of
of the umbitical vein coursing in the inferior free edge the anterolateral abdominal wa[t.
of the falciform ligament from the umbilicus to the
liver Forms the deep iflquinal rinqas the structures of the
spermatic cord descend through-the inguinal region:
Along the internal aspect, three structures course from C10. Iestrcularyessels
the inferior antero[ateral abdominat wal[ toward the umbilicus: C'11. Ductus deferens
$lZ. tliapubictract: lnferiormost thickening of the fibers of
@ 4. I nfe rior epigastric vessels; Most lateral structures the transversatis fascia running parallel and deep to the
() 5" Umbilicalartery: Lies medialto the inferior epigastric ingrrinalligament
vessels and is typicatty obliterated as it travels along () 13. Deep cí rcu mf lex i liac yessels: Pa ra llel th e cou rse of the
the anterior abdominaI wall iliopubic tract on the deep aspect cf the antero{ateral
The urachus is an embryotogical remnant that lies in the $ 1 4. Recúu s abdom i nis muscle : nferior one-thi rd is directty

midline, traveling superiorly frorn the urinarv bladder. covered by transversaIis fascia posteriorty
As the parietal peritoneum falls over structures on the Q15. Posteriorrectussheatfr: Directly retated to the posterior
deep aspect of the anterolateral abdominat watt, three rídges aspect of the superior two-thirds oi the rectus abdominis
and three depressions form: muscIe
@6. laferaf srnbilicalfatd: Forms as the parietal peritoneum Q16. Arcuate line: lnferior margin of the posterior rectus
lies over the inferior epigastric vessels on each side sheath
LaíSrplíqqqilalf'pSsa lies lateralto the lateral um-
bilica[ ligament.
07. Medial umbilicalfold: Forms as the parietal peritoneum
lies over the umbilical artery on each side
Medlal inquinal fqsSA lies between the lateral and
medial umbiiica[ ligaments.

tjn.¡lr, ndondo
Fqici Forrüe ¿ál
- híh#
r, uBpnragm
n. Fon*Ésr 4bfrs*r¡E


{cut edge) rs.Ldnriner pos{
(out €dg6) úta,t r¿dú
Transversus abdominis
(cut e{rge) ro tirtq e¡$lt*
Transversalis fascia
{eut edge)

r¿. t,{ trerk tL:!


Lateñl inguinal

unnh*ticn.[ lnhwd oeep inguinal dng

Medial ingt¡inalfosa

,o )hqor terltr,rhrs

Supravesical fossa

Urinary bladder

, Conilurlo &ferenlr

{ iitu ¡t,i

Íhe antqrylatsralabdominal and anterior thoracic wa[s have investing certa¡n abdominal viscera. ParietaI peritoneum not
been removed to revealthe contents of the abdominaI cavity. on§ [ines the internal aspect of the anterolateral abdominal
Erte rn a I ob liq ue, i nte rn a I a b li q ue, tra nsye rsus a bd o m i n is, walt (deep to the endoabdominal fascia) but also [ines the
and reglg§abcloryinis musc[es are visible atong the cut edges. inferior surface of the diaphragm and the anterior or superior
The periloneum is a continuous serous membrane that surfaces of the abdominopelvic structures not located within the
consists of two layers: parietal peritoneum [ining the internal peritoneaI cavity (retroperitoneal and subperitoneaI structures),
aspect of the abdominopelvic cavity and visceral peritoneum

CO{.OR eac h af the following strustures using a different color for each:

() 1. Diaphragm: Separates the abdominal and thoracic peritoneaI cavity and are covered by parietat peritoneum
cavities. Superior§ covered by diaphragmatic pteura on their superior surfaces. Subperitoneal organs include
except where it is pierced by the inferiarvqla c,aya the urinary bladder, uterus, and rectum.
and related to the paricardialsac. lnferioriy lined by
peritoneum except at the bare area of the liver where Peritoneal Structures
the peritoneum reflects away from the diaphragm. With multiple organs in one peritoneatcavity, multiple perito-
neaI connections and structures are created within the cavit;v:
Peritoneat Organs . Mesentery: Double layer of peritoneum that connects an
" lntraperitoneal organs invaginated into the peritoneal intraperitoneaI organ to the body watl
. Omentum: Doubte tayer uf peritoneum that eonnects the
cavity during ernbryonic development and are atmost
completely covered with visceral peritoneum in the adu[t. stomach and pi"oximal duodenum to an adjacent organ
The first iayer pierced by a pin on an intraperitoneal organ ' The greater omentum runs from the greater curvature of
is the visceraI peritoneum. lntraperitoneaI organs include the stomach and proximalduodenum to the diaphragm,
the liver, spleen, very proximaland distal duodenum, taiI spleen, and transverse colon.
of the pancreas, jejunun'1, ileum, cecum, appendix, trans- @4. Casfrocolic ligament: Primary component of the
verse colon, and sigmoid colon. Two other intraperitoneat greater omentum that descends like an apron over
organs are the: the smalt intestine, and then folds back tc attach to
the transverse coton and its mesentery creating a
2. Stomach four-layered peritoneaIstructure. tat is typically de-
posiied within the layers of the gastrocolic ligament.
3. Gallbladder
@5. Gastrosplenicligamenf: Connects the greater curva-
. Retroperitoneal organs are located posterior to the peri- ture of the stomach io the hilum of the spleen; smaller
toneal cevity and have the parietal peritoneum covering component of greater omentum
their anterior surfaces. Retrcperitoneat organs include the . Ligament: Doub[e layer of peritoneum that connects an
kidneys, suprarenal gtands, Lireters, and the continuation organ to another organ or body watl
of the descendinq aorta and inferior vena cava inferior () 6. Falcifarm ligament: Courses from the anterior
to the diaphragm. abdominal watl to the liver dividing the liver into
. Secondarily retroperitoneal organs invaginated into the the following:
peritonealcavity in the developing embryo, but were then () 7. Righttobe
pushed back to the posterior wat[ because of the developing () 8. Lefttabe
gut and the peritoneaI tayers fused. Secondari[y retroperi- @ 9. ñound ligament of tiver $ígamentum teres):
toneal srgans inctude most of the duodenum, most of the Embryoiogicat remnant of the umbiiical vein (not
pancreas (except the taii), ascending colon, and descending composed of parietal peritoneum) located in the
colon. Subperitoneal organs are tocated inferion to the free edge cf the falciform iigament
De6cending (üioracic) aorta

Inftrior vena eava Peficardial sac
' fi¡tciFrrrl
' útulo

\ innrw, ro

¿. Limrvrr{m

abdominal wafl:

Extemal oblique

ffiemal obliquo

Transvsrsus abdominie

Bectus abdomini§

{ }l'¿¡rrt^\
i. i,;ii'ii-illi
- i: ii-.,.
'.-: !i ii.,. -"r:.1!li
r:,..\ t'.r :-¡
: il: i:tr ::ll:i

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