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The thoracic sketeton is composed of the sternum, 12 pairs of ribs and their costatcartitages, and 1 2 th a racic verÍeárae and
the intervertebrat (lV) disk between them.

; CO¿OR e ach of the following using a different color for each structure:

Sternum Ribs
The sternum is a flat, etongated bone in the midline of the Ribs are curved, flat bones that form the majority of the thoracic
anterior thoracic wa[[ and consists of three pads: manubrium, cage. Ribs are numbered sequentiatty from superior to inferior
body, and xiphoid process. {,7st-l2th). There are three ctassifications of ribs:
j 4. True ribs: lst to 7th ribs, which directty attach to
@ 1. Manubrium: Super¡or poftion, primari§ trapezoid the sternum through costal cartilages
in shape, and is the widest and thickest part of the {p 5. False ribs:9lh and 9th ribs and, usual§, the 10th rib
sternurR @ 5. Ftoating ribs: 11th and 'l2th ribs and, sometimes,
@ 2. Body: Longer, narrower, and thinnerthan the manubrium the 1Oth rib with anterior caps of costatcartilage
and is tocated at T5-T9 vertebral levets C 7. Costalcartilage; Articutates with the anterior aspects
of each rib, providing a flexible attachment
The manubrium and body of the sternum tie in stightty (p 8. Cosfalmargin: Formed by the costatcartitages of the
different planes as they meet forming a projection referred to false ribs (Bth-10th) connecting to the costa[ cartitages
as the manubriosternal ioint (§ternal anole). superior to them

Q 9. Xiphoidprocess: Smallest and most variable part of the lntercostal spaces separate the ribs and their costal caftilages
sternum. The inferíor end lies at the T'10 vertebraltevel. from each other. Each intercostal space is numbered for the
rib forming its superior border. For example, the &th íntercastal
Junction of the body and xiphoid process creates the space is between the 8th and 9th ribs. There are onty 11 in-
xiphisternaljoint, which indicates the inferior limit of the tercostal spaces; the space below the izth rib is the subcostal
central part of the thoracic cavity. space.
i,.'i i:i :r :r-
i r,¿t: tt : i r,.i: tr r:-


,. i{anuLrn
ls{ thoracic vertebra

q. (orlilhs- verffiÉrt'E

Manubriosternal jo¡nl
(sternal angle)


Xiphíst8mal ioint

s. Ponmn Xi$nidr.

z. Cü{to¿s f{'*}ol

8th interüoshl space

Body of 1Zth
froracic vertebra

Martrn Cslol o Re]nr.rg

Costol lnferor


,$ COTOR ea ch of the following using a different color for each structure:

Each typical rib (3rd-9th) has the foltowing features:

| 1. Head: Wedge shaped and marked by a crgstof head. Q 7. Tubercle: Located atthejunction ofthe neckand body
The head is demarcated by two facets that articutate (shaft)
with the vertebraI bodies;
(l ?. Superiarfacet The tubercle of each rib wittarticulate with the transverse
$ 3. lnferiarfacet process of the vertebra of the same number, forming the co:-
totransverse ioint The tubercte of the 7th rib, for example,
The head of each typicat rib articulates with the vertebral articutates with the transverse costalfacet of T7.
body of the same number and the vertebral body superior to
it, formi ng th e iai nA of tha head afthe rib. The head of the 7t&
rib, for exampte, witl articutate with the superior costal facet
§ 8. IransversecostalfacetofTí: Articulates with the tubercle
of the 6th rib
of the 7-l vertebra[ body and to the inferior costal facet of 15. {§ 9. eody (shaft):Thin, ftat, and curved component of the rib. The
The heads of the 1st, 1 1th, and 12th ribs only articulate with costatanale occurs where the body turns anterolateralty.
the vertebral body of the same number. eI 0. Costal groove: Stight concave indentation paralteting
the inferior border of the body of the rib that protects
Q 4. Superiorcostal,facet.ofT6: Articulates with the inferior the intercostal neurovasculature
facet of the head of the €$t.ríb
l 5. lnferiorcastalfacetofTT: Articulates with the superior fhe anterior blunt end of the rib mark the site ofqrfigulaüion
facet of the head of the 8táriá with th-e costal cartitaae.
§ 6. Neck Connects the head to the body {shaft) of the ríb

r. Cohe¿E
u. üualltt

Crest of head

6tt rib



Site of artieulation with coshl cartilage

,0. S*..o Cn*¡¡l

+.Fsqrh Co*leñ q,*F

sFdflfl+q ffidrt -
Joints of head of r¡b

Costotransverse joint

s Ffiñ+r¡ frxr,l{rl lnF

\ rlii{iii,

FEM*[r,pE{T, I R:E§.ffit U¡lfn:tHg BfEAsT

Breasts consist of gtandutar tissue sunounded by ft¡[ and are typicatty more devetoped in women.

ffi COf OR ea ch of the followi ng using a diffe rent colar for each structu re:

@ 1. Pectaralismascle (and pqctqralfascía): Underlies the O 5. Lactíferousducú; Drains each of the 15 to 20 tobules
major§ of the breast. Between the breast and the of the mammary gland. The lactiferous ducts ditate
pectoralfascia is a loose connect¡ve tissue plane (po- peripheral§ as the la€tiferous sinuses as they converge
tentiat space), the ret{ofamma¡ This space toward the nippte sunounded by the areala.
atlows a minor amount of movement of the breast on
the pectoraI fascia.
o 2. Sarrafrrs a nterio r m uxle: U nd e rli es a m i no r com ponent
of the lateral breast
@ 3. Atcillary process ftai$i Portion of the mammary gtand
extending along the inferolateralmargin of the pectoralis
major and into the axitla
@ 4. §uqpensoryligaments: Attach the mammarygtand to
the dermis of the overtying skin

¡', f'. :"1 ;¡ ,ii :

THORAX ilffi r.:ll,l

, -I'tds¿ula-Fe+*o'a!

Deltoid Pectoral fascia

Retromammary space

Cephalic vein

Fat (left breast)

3. $Yr.i.** .fr$íLm
dq, i-* Fr.¡.ErrruT



,: i ti=L:i *1-i r: i.:i :1 i Í
: r:l I'.:l a"r I i,: : : :ii.:


cu [a r m uscle s {p§cto ra lk pectoralis
-m a ig. a n d
Axi oa ppe nd i wa[L include the externaI and internaI intercostaI muscles atong
ry! nof) (exte rn a I s b tiq qe.
an d a nterolatera I abd om ina t m usc[es with the transversus thoracis muscte.
and rectus abdgminis) attach to the anterior thoracic watt, but A sma[[window has been cut into the externaI intercostaI
are involved in functions of other regions and have been mostly membrane and internal intercostal muscle near the sternum
removed in this figure. The true muscles of the anterior thoracic on ihe right side to reveal the underlying structures.

CALOR each of the foltowing using a different color for each structure:

Q 1. Extern al intercasta{muscIes.' Fitt the intercostai spaces Q 5. trnüernalthoracicartery: Paired arteries that descend on
from the tubercles of the ribs posteriorly to the junction the ¡nternal surface of the thoracic wall on either side
of the ribs and the costaI cartitages anteriorly. The fibers of the sternurn between the internaI intercostaI and
rr.rn infersanterior§ from the superior rib to the inferior transversus thoracis musctes
rib (direction is like "hands in a pocket"). Q 6. Internalthoracicvein: Travels with the internalthoracic
{) 2. Externalintercostal membranes; Replace the fibers of the artery on each side of the sternurn
external intercostaI muscte between the costaI ca rtilages Q 7. Anteriorintercostalarteries and yeins; Arise from or
antericrty to the sternum. The fibe¡'s continue to run in drain into the internalthoracic artery and vein, respec-
an inferoanterior direction, but the membrane is often tively, supplying the anterior aspects of the superior
thin enough to see the undertying internal intercostaI nine intercostal spaces. Each anterior intercostal artery
muscle through it. and vein wit[ anastomose with a posterior intercostal
o 3. lnternal intercostat rnusc{es.. Atso fitt the inter-costal artery and vein of the same intereosta[ space in the
spaces, birt are located deep to the externa[ intercostaI lateraI thoracic wa[[.
musctes and membranes. The internal intercostaI musctes Q 8. lntercostal nerve: Formed by the anterior ramus of
attach to the costal cartitages and bodies of the ribs spinal nerves T1-T11 and inner'¡ates the extent of a
from the sternum to the angles of the ribs posteriorly. single intercostal space.
The fibers run at right angles tc the externaI intercostaI
muscles and membranes in an inferoposterior direction. Because only one source (the spinaI cord) gives rise to
Posteriorly, fronr the angtes of the ribs to the vertebral the intercostal nerves, anteriorlposterior is not utilized in the
column, ihe muscle Íibers are replaced by the internat naming of intercostaI nerves. ln contrast, anterior/posterior
intercostaI membrane. is used in naming the intercostal arteries and veins because
C 4. Transversusthoracis nrilseJes: Cornposed of four to five there are two sources that give rise to the vascutar supp§ of
s[ips of muscle that extend from the internal aspect of the intercostal spaces (posterior intercostals from the aorta/
the sternum to the internal aspects of Znd to 6th costaI to the azygos system of veins and anterior intercostats from/
cartitages to the interna[ thoracic artery and vein).


¡ I,i** q i*, i ulit:¡''.*¡u?'c* l

u {ena Torrício
tnlerno Brachial plexus

Pectoralis minor

Pecbralis major (trt)

, irr&*,*:rr**&mi * s irrttráirws
r. j'hfxsi?"1ü "á "; {,:t';^3
iu;i*;.s"r,¡*iin- it g tnr ¡'i* ¡".

Psctoralis major (cut)

Recius abdominis

l frsí,i,r efrIo 'inrxf,{rl,ü**

Mernbvqna \nlevos{ol Extervrq

i i-1"!"it ]{.1 F Ir'I',¡t,,t'


The anterior thoracic wall has been removed and the internal been cut and also removed on the right side of the specimen.
aspect disptayed. The endothoracic fascia and costa[ layer of
The arteries from the arch of the aorta and the brachiocephatic
the parietal pleura have been removed. The diaphragm has
veins have also been cut.

COÁOR eac h of the fotlawing using a different color for each structure:

@ 1. I nte rn al i nte rcostal

m usc{es: Campletety f i it the i nter- S 6. Musculaphrenicartery: Terminal branch of internal
costal spaces atong the internal view of the anterior thoracic artery that courses atong the costa[ margin
thoracic wa[[. The innermost intercostal muscles are supptying portions of the diaphragm and muscles of
not present on the anterior thoracic watl the anterior abdomina[ wa[[
ffi 2. Diaphragm: Originates from the internal surface of @ 7. §uperio r e pig astri c arÉery; Term na I bra nch of nterna I
i i

the inferior six costal cartilages, the sternum, and the thoracic artery that continues inferior§ posterior to
superior [urnbar vertebrae rectus abdominis rnuscle
@ 3" lnternaltharacicarteryr: Paired arteries that arise Q 8" lnternalthoracicvein; Fotiows the same course as the
from the first part of the subclavian artery, descend internatthoracic artery, but typicatiy drains to the bra-
lateralto the sternum, and then trave[ anterior to the chíocephatic veins
transversus thoracis muscte @ 9. Bractriocephalicvein; Fonned by the union of the internal
@ 4. Subclavian artery: On the right side typicatly arises from jugular vein and the subctavian on each side
the brachiocephatic trunk, whereas on the left typicatty fll0. Anterior intercostal artery: Arises from the internal
arises direct§ from the arch of the aorta thoracic artery to supply the lst to 6th intercostal
@ 5. Transversusthoracismuscle; Composed of four to five spaces and from the muscutophrenic artery to suppty
slips of muscle that extend from the internal aspect of the 7th to 9th intercostal spaces. Each intercostal space
the sternum to the internaI aspects of Znd to 6th costal is typicatly supptied by a sma[[ pair of anterior intercostal
cartilages. The internaI thoracic artery travels anterior arteries. The 1Oth to i 1th intercostal spaces are only
to the transversus thoracis muscte and terminates in supplied by posterior intercostaI arteries.
the 6th intercostatspace into the musculophrenic and @11. Anferiorintercostalvein; Follows the same course as
superior epigastric arteries. the anterior intercostal artery

s. lrleriq Trydcirn lr,lq.rre

e.Ualo TorcdeÁ h+¿Érts

,,.tüeru hlrcrm*rl
,0 fr*kria ttwm**t*l
2nd intercGtal nerve

Borly of st€rnum




, t¡t¡trmr&ryn üc


The lungs have been removed from the thoracic cavity. A lateral and posterior view is displayed from the right tung (A) and
the left tung (B).

CALOR each of the fatlowlng using a dlfferent colar for each structure:

Each lung has a superiorty positioned apex and a concave, in- and diaphragmatic surfaces atong with qnteríor, inferior, and
feriorly positioned base. Each [ung also has costal, mediastinat, pgsterior borders.

Rigtrt Lung (A)

Divided into three lobes: The superíor tobe of the teft tung is demarcated by two features:
ü 1. §uperior )6. Cardiacnotch: Deep indentation alongthe antero-
| 2. Míddle inferior border
{) 3. lnferior l) 7. tingulal Tongue-like process that extends inferior
I 4. Obligue fissure: Separates the inferior lobe from the to the cardiac notch
superior and middte lobes
) 5. l{arlrutalfisurc: Separates the middte and superior lobes

Left Lung {B)

Divided into two lobes:
,O 1. Superior
§ 3. lnferior
) +. OOtiquefisure: Separates the superiorand inferior lobes

i!Iir!.: .-ll r.i-ia1 iliri"ii..l


o F¡su rts fl}h&ue,qr

Posterior border

Ér,e*rs sr fS^*

FJscsm Flnr i I

lÁhrrln Mp.lin

, t'dh ¿,tm \vrÉ:erur-.*

, SuF rior tci&rutn

o Éstus ei {}k t¿.c,lq

Anterior border

Poser¡or border

6 t$e*¿h {dhrffi

¡ ti


The right lung has been cut at the hílum, removed from the the secondary (lobar) bronchi" The branching of the putmonary
thoracic cavity, and the mediastinatsurface disptayed. ln this artery and veins is also visibte. lmpressions of surrounding
image, the cut was performed stightty lateral (eloser to the structures are atso present, as is common with embalmed
lung) and disptays the right main bronchus as it branches into cadavers.

I COLOR ea ck af the fotlowing using a different calor for each structure:

The fissures continue to the rnediastinalsurface of the right Q 8. Crooveforarchof arygosvein: Passes overthe superior
lung dividing it into superror, rglddle, and ínferiortabes. aspect of the hilum of the lung
Q 9. Groove forsuperiarvena €ava: Lies anterior to the hitum
@) 1. Oáliq{re fissure of the lung
Q 2. Harizontalfíssure C10. Cardiacimpressron; Lies inferior to the groove for the
superior vena cava along the inferior aspect of the
The hilum of the lung is penetrated by the root of the superior lobe and the middle tobe
lung structures. The structures in the root of the right lung are
organized as fotlows:

3. nigrrü main bronchus; Located posteriorly
4. BronchíaI vesse{s: Small vessets [ocated immedíate§
next to the bronchus
) S. eulmonaryartery: Situated anteriorly to the right main Apu'lmonary emboius (btood ctot) typicatty arises from a thrombus that
bronchus originates in lhe deep venous system of the tower limb. The thrombus
travels through the venous system to.the heart and then through one
Q 6. Pulmonaryveins: Located anteroinferiorly
cf lhe pulmonary arteries to either tung. The thrombus then beiome¡
lodged either'at the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery or at the further
The mediastinalsurface demonstrates impressions made by di.visions of the iobar arteries. Consequently, blood flor,r¿ to a lung or a
, pórtion of a iung is btocked. Clinicat presentation of pulmonary embotism
nearby structures that come into contact with the right [ung.
varies greatly. A large rhrorrrbus blocking a putmonary artery may cause
sudden,and catastrophic hemodynamic {blood flow dynamics) eollapse,
Q 7. Groove{oresophagrs: Lies posterior to the hilum of wheieas a smell tlirombus btocking a bronchopulmonary segment may
the [ung cause gradual§ progressive dyspnü (srrortnesi of breatñ).

a, ;.;'-iT i-l ,.},¡:,.i :lI+::L t{r;

'i '" ."'.r 'rr .+¡oi j :'-: .
¿ !h 1 =l

r Fisrrrq §hlicua

c,*$/0 §uPB?iS'r
, Brm,qng fuirqipol

10. :t
--- ri'*',,ñ' if,
t '1^'"--'"tr¡'-
Si -a'- r'l
'. tf{I ,''¡ÚL"¡a'=-t
u Venas-pl{mqnars¡

i-i j-l i- r ,i. a]]:.-i i't::: i..r1,,,..1ri i ,'i;;'_:, :',: "+
: t¡'.-r i i1¡¡1¡ii
._, l"^r ,-:
^. I r,_.:' - r,. -:...i ,: ...


The teft tung has been cut at the hitum, removed from the main bronchus, putmonary artery, and the left superior and
thoracic cavi§, and the mediastinat surface displayed. ln this inferior pulmonary veins. fmpressions of surrounding structures
image, the cut was performed medial to the branching of the are atso present, as iscomrnon with embalmed cadavers.

;$ COíOR ea ú of the following using a diffarent calar far each structure:

) I Ahtiquefssure: Continues to the mediastinalsurface, 0 6. the

Groove fortha descending aotta: Passes posterior§ to
dividing the teft tung into superior and inferior lobes hilum of the left tung
@ 7.'the
Cardiacimpression: Lies atong the inferior aspect of
The anangement of the root of the lung structures at the superior lobe and the anteroinferior aspect of the
hilum of the teft tung differs stightty from that of the right lung. inferior [obe

O 2. Leftmaínbronchus: Located posteriorty, similar in ar-

rangefnent to the right lung
(§ 3. Pulmonaryveins: Located in an anteroinferior location,
É'"'i':{btated iñ fher reglon sf
simitar in anangement to the right lung ..lsrg arrd&r vkcera{
) a. Pulmonaryartery: Shifts to a more superiorposition in
the left lung and vascutar) via the putmonary

r pq$gs tocated at the bifurcation of the

The teft lung atso demonstrates impressions left by nearby
il'trunk, apd then to the thoracic duct or
structures. rt qf tfrese nodes c¿n occur with a variety
rary manifestations of sarcoido§s, lung
@ 5. Grooveforarchofaorta..Passes superiorto the hitum
of the left lung

s, ;{ii,srl* .'S*.1 i¡t :r:,

lh i;,:. r§¡$r't

r. risuro Dblicuo

u ilrlcrm
z Srnnquio -
Ortutrpot' laquiu&

Anterior border

o§¡¡fm d* trn

Cardiac notch

tliaphragirraiic surface

lnferior border

1. Fisl,rq 0hhorr

r. .t
-d l ¡É .*,
1.¡ "-l
L{t at,

' I:i l.' i: l:,,"' I í¡ 'r : a" ?"i 1' . ir i l'¡-'i l: : i".
, '::


The mediastinurn is the central cornponent of the thoracic cavity and T5. The inferior medíastinum
is further subdivided into the
between the two pteuraI cavíties snd contains alt of the thoracic anterior, rniddte, and posterior mediastinum.
The heart and the
viscera and structures except for the tungs" The mediastinum roots of the great vessels contained
within the pericardium
is subdivided into the superior and inferior mediastinum by a compose tne middte mediastinum.
line passing from the sternalangle to the iV disk between T4

The majority of the pericardium (and the heart within the

pericardial sac) iies to the left of the median piane.

Q 1. Badyof thesternnm; Lies anterior to a portion of the @ 5. Superiorvenarava; Forms at the tevel of the 1st right
pericardium (and the heart) to the level of the sternal costal cartilage by the union of the right and teft bra-
angte chiocepha[ic veins
Q Z. Diaphragm: The central portion lies inferior to the
Q 7. lnternalthoracicarteries: paired arteries that course
pericardium fi"om the subclavian artery posterior to the first six
@ 3. Rightand leftbrachiocephaticveins: Forms posterior to costal c,artilages on either side of the sternum
the sternoclavicular (SC)joints by union of two vessels
on each side of the body:
Q 8. Phrenicnerves: Paired nerves that suppty the diaphragm
and the fibrous pericardium;descend anterior fothrypAt
Q 4. Right and left internaljugu{arveins afboth lunqs and run along the fibrous perícardiqln to
Q 5. Rightand leftsubclavian veins pierce the diaphragm

Right common caroüd artery Left common.c¡rolid a¡tery

o qfunms seqEiar ü&lerrg

tnq ? d&

1st cosbl canihg€



znd costal cart¡lage

fiool of lung

(:,, Bmt of lung



\- ..


Xiphoid process

l. qLül H5
r'!..::: r i-j: ,'
94 Thorax srERNocosrAL {ANTERIüR} suRFAcE GF Tt{E HIART

The sternun: and pericardiuln {fibrous and parietal layers) cavity. The majorit_y of the ieft brachiocephalic vein has been
have been removed to visuatize the anterior (sternocostal) removed from thís image to demonstráte the arch of the aorta
surface of the heart and great vessels intact in the thoracic and its branches.

COLOR each of the fotlowing usíng a different color for each structure:

(} 1. RrgfÉ vantrícle: Comprises a majority of the anterior @11. Are& of the aorta: Curved continuation of ihe aorta.
{sternocostat) surface of the heart The areh typicaily gives rise to three branches:
Q Z. Leftventricte: Contributes to a minor component of the ()12. Brachiocephalictrurk: First anC largest bi'anch a*ses
anterior surface cf the heart at the apex of the heart. posterior to the manubriunr, anterior to the trache¿,
The right ventricte is separated frcm the left ventricle and posterior to the left brachiocephalic vein
by the aRteriúr interventrieular groove {sutcus), which Q 1 3. LefÉ c o m mo fi €,a rati d a fi e ry : Seeond bra nch a rises
is oceupieo by two vessets: Bostei'ior to the manubriurn and stightty posterior
$ 3. Anterior intewentricular branch of leftcaronary and to the left of the brachiocephalic trunk. Ascends
artery (teft anterior descending artery) anterior to the trachea initiatty and then cours€s
() 4" Greatcardiacvein along the leit side as it enters the neck posterior
@ 5. Rigáf atriu¡n: Contributes to the right margin of the to the teft SC ioint.
heart and is separated from the right ventricle by the f)ia. lefrsubclavianartery: Third branch arises posterior
at¡'ioventricu[ar groove (coronary sutcus) occupied by io the left common carotici artery. Ascencis iateral
the right coronary artery. Each atrium has an anteriorly to the trachea and left common carotid arterv and
directed earlike projection called the Ag1slg" exits the mediastinum posterior to the left SC joint.
@15. Pu{r?ronarytrunk: A.rises anterior to the or"igin of the
aorta and travels within the atrioventricular groove ascending aorta to then pass to the [eft. The pulmonary
between the right atrium and right ventricle trunk divides into tr,vo branchesl
Q 7. Marginal artery: Arises from the right coronary arterv '-
.,16. Right pulmonary arúery; Courses posterior ta the
near the right margin of the heart ascending aorta and superior vena cava to the hilum
Q 8. Anüeruo r cardiacveins: Superficiall-y cross over the right of the right lung
coronary artery to drain directly into the right atr¡um. ()'17, Left pulmonary artery: Shorter than the right because
These veins are untike the r-ernainder of the venous of its praximity to the left [ung
system of the heart, which drains into the cúronary ()18. Ligarnentum aiteriosum: Passes from the origin of the
sinus before reaching the right atrium. left putmonary ai"ter)/ to the ai-ch of the aorta and is
Q 9. §uperio rvefia cava: tornrs by the union of the b,raqáq: an embryotogic remnant ef the Cuctus arteriosus. The
cephalicveins and eniers the right atrium superioriy left recurrent laryngeal nerve lccps under the arrh of
S10. Ascending aorta: Lies to the left of the superior vena the aoria in proximity to the l¡gamentum a¡"teriosum.
cüva ás it extends from the lefi ventric[e. Two branches, S19. Superior pulmonaryveins: Two veins tright and teft)
the left and right coronary arteries, arise from the as- along with two infei'ior pulmanary veins cirain into the
cending aorta. left atrium posteriorly


Hight brachiocephalic vein

ii Avr:fi rjg, hc',1&r'tm

Left vagus nerve

Left recurreni laryngeal nerve

g. \/c r\i -t ¿.. rl*.di.+

§¡¡,¿,,'r, 6 ri';í 18.-

Avtev io ftri r , ., ¡. ::

d erg ¡kls
rs TrOnc* txrlr¡nmnff
OScf r*€ re Veffii $t*hnnrw¡:r
c;h{¡ Left aür¡cle

Right auricle,:*s*",*u r rk, o,,qt*&* r'"li§\#

{.\tr,{, I u
,,..,{ ,
er .rh {1§ r:.É,r q q11,; t,i.É

¡'i rr :.' ir.,l5a.i{:* ;,: r"4r¡e t X +,&$

o \3*ros «¡*uffiir&
e"Yrá {IYC


Diaphragm / --t-

(cut edge)

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