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Third Term Examination

Answer all question in this section

1. The Universal Declaration for protection of human right abuse and violation worldwide was
adopted in the year. (a) 1948 (b) 1940 (c) 1935 (d) 1955

2. One of the problems facing local government in Nigeria is (a) insufficient councilors (b) lack
of control by central government (c) lack of funds (d) leadership

3. One of the conditions which can limit the enjoyment of human rights in Nigeria is (a)
improving in literacy level of citizens (b) declaration of state of emergency (c) acceptance of
foreign aid (d) periodic review of the constitution

4. To prevent the spread of HIV/AIDs, people should be encouraged to (a) marry every early in
life (b) pursue higher education (c) engage in gainful employment (d) avoid casual sexual

5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based on the resolution of the (a) United Nations
Organization (b) Human Right Watch (c) Amnesty International (d) League of Nations

6. Youth empowerment is best described as (a) practice of engaging in prospective career (b)
Mobilization of citizens for political rally (c) training giving to people for acquiring means of
livelihood (d) Provision of subsidized meals to the citizens.

7. _____________ makes a person see, hear, smell or feel things that aren’t there (a) active drugs
(b) Hallucinations (c) chemical (d) marijuana

8. The repeated use of chemical substances in order to achieve certain biochemical effect is (a)
drug (b) drug use (c) drug abuse (d) drug effect

9. Which of the following is a negative way of engaging in popular participation in a state? (a)
Snatching ballot boxes during election (b) taking part in general election (c) engaging in rallies/
demonstration (d) joining political party of your choice.

10. The senate and House of Representative in Nigeria constitutes the (a) National parliament (b)
National Congress (c) National Legislature (d) National Assembly
11. Which of the following cannot be termed drug abuse? (a) drinking of alcohol in excess (b)
frequent intake of soft drinks (c) using prescribed drugs the wrong way (d) use of self medication

12. Which of the following is a consequence of political apathy? (a) frequent military
intervention (b) unrest and secession in the country (c) emergence of incompetent leaders (d)
Lack of foreign direct investment

13. Democracy could be described as a form of government in which people. (a) participate in
the decision making process (b) produce sound political manifestos (c) Contribute to political
liberation (d) develop interest in good governance.

14. The drug usually referred to as marijuana is (a) caffeine (b) heroin (c) Cocaine (d) Cannabis

15. Citizenship education will not help to achieve which of the following? (a) educating of the
youth (b) promoting democracy (c) moral decadence (d) national unity

16. Which of the following may prevent a citizen from voting in a general election? (a) Political
neutrality (b) non-registration (c) Lack of stable income (d) High cost of living

17. The face to face made of popular participation can also be called (a) traditional (b) future (c)
modern (d) past

18. A common repercussion for drug abuse is (a) medication (b) rehabilitation (c) memory loss
(d) brain drain

19. Which of the following is not a common way by which people abuse drug? (a) ingestion (b)
inhalation (c) injection (d) intrusion

20. Which of the following is the best way through which citizens can participate in the politics
of their country? (a) learning the art/science of politics (b) standing for elective positions (c)
acquisition of higher degree in policies (d) undergoing mentorship under prominent political

21. The following are effects of political apathy except (a) promotes free and fair elections (b)
ensures non-availability of dividend of democracy (c) leads to the enthronement of irresponsible
leaders (d) affects the quality of life
22. The active involvement of people in the decision making in a state indicates political (a)
apathy (b) degeneration (c) discontent (d) participation

23. The following can be classified as forms of political apathy except (a) refusal to register (b)
lack of interest in politics (c) refusal to rig in an election (d) non-challant attitude towards

24. If an individual persists in the use of hard drugs, such individual is likely to exhibit (a)
unfriendly disposition towards foreigner (b) emotional illness and aggression (c) oppressive
behaviour (d) hostile attitude towards religious organization

25. Use of hard drug could best be curtailed through (a) compensation (b) compromise (c)
rehabilitation (d) enlightenment

26. Drug abuse often leads to (a) psychiatric disorder (b) cancerous illness (c) sexually
transmitted diseases (d) incurable ailment

27. One significance of value in society is that (a) promotes influx of aliens to the country (b)
enhances individuals access to education (c) It brings about peaceful co-existence (d) males one
to acquire property

28. The standards that are considered ethical by an individual or the society is known as (a)
rights (b) values (c) dignity (d) materialism

29. Drug law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are not empowered to (a) rehabilitate drug addicts
(b) prosecute drug traffickers (c) execute drug suspects (d) arrest drug barons

30. Which of the following is not a major reason for political apathy? (a) cross carpeting
phenomenon (b) bad governance (c) political violence (d) history of past occurrences

31. The most common form of democracy found across the world is (a) direct democracy (b)
indirect democracy (c) federal democracy (d) representative democracy

32. A political party programme is known as it (a) constitution (b) rally (c) manifesto (d)

33. One of the important functions of political parties is (a) organizing internal conferences (b)
educating the electorates (c) advising the executive (d) hiring thugs for political leaders
34. Democracy thrives most where there is __________ (a) nonpartisan judiciary (b) freedom of
speech/ association (c) absence of universal suffrage (d) one party system

35. One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers is (a) inadequate
finance (b) ignorance (c) selfishness (d) rigid policies

36. Civic education emphasizes on the (a) lifestyle of citizen (b) rights and obligations of citizens
(c) importance of climate change (d) physical properties of the land

37. The characteristics of capitalist democracy include all except (a) arbitrary rule (b) right of
choice (c) multi-party system (d) supremacy of the constitution

38. An average Nigerian political office holder spends a minimum of _______ years (a) three (b)
four (c) six (d) five

39. The greatest hindrance to Nigerian political development is __________ (a) slander (b)
marginalization (c) corruption (d) manipulation

40. Which of the following values is unacceptable in the society? (a) honesty (b) integrity (c)
righteousness (d) selfishness

41. Political apathy often leads to (a) good governance (b) low level of participation (c) political
stability (d) low literacy level

42. An individual who finds it difficult to control intake of drug is (a) addict (b) mogul (c) baron
(d) trafficker

43. One of the following is a form of political apathy (a) refusal to register (b) refusal to eat (c)
refusal to work (d) refusal to pray

44. A situation whereby political lords impose on people their candidate is called (a) capitalism
(b) doctrine (c) imposition (d) god-fatherism

45. The outcome of good values bring about the following except (a) development (b) harmony
(c) conflict (d) cooperation

46. A situation where most citizens fail to vote in election could be described as political (a)
legitimacy (b) stabilism (c) apathy (d) culture
47. The most popular means through which citizens of a country can participate in politics is by
(a) voting in election (b) engaging in constructive criticism (c) engaging in political debates (d)
being members of political parties

48. Political apathy can be discouraged through the following but (a) press censorship (b)
educating the electorate (c) independent judiciary (d) good governance

49. A major characteristic of fundamental Human Rights is (a) alienability (b) divisibility (c)
workability (d) universality

Section B

Instruction: Answer any five questions, Question 7 is compulsory

1a. Explain five roles of individuals in protecting universal declaration of human rights

b. Explain five roles of groups/ government in promoting UDHR

2a. Explain five forms of popular participation

b. Explain five needs for popular participation

3a. Explain four causes of drug abuse

b. Highlight three drugs that can be abused

c. State three signs of symptoms of drug abuse

4a. Define capitalist Democracy

b. State four ways by which political parties compete for power

c. Explain four characteristics of capitalist democracy

5a. What is political apathy?

b. State four consequences of political apathy

c. Explain four causes of political apathy

6a. Explain five ways of preventing drug abuse

b. Highlight five of the seven core freedom of UDHR

7. Write Stanza One and two of the New National Anthem.


Answer all question in this section

1. The judicial powers of a country is vested in the (a) court (b) House of Assembly (c)
Presidency (d) Senate

2. The following are objectives of citizenship education except that it (a) creates political
awareness (b) makes citizens obey the laws of the land (c) Inculcates z sense of patriotism (d)
increases the struggle for political power

3. Civic Education emphasizes on the (a) physical properties of the land (b) rights and
obligations of citizens (c) lifestyle of citizens (d) importance of climate change

4. The declaration of a winner in an election is the responsibility of (a) pressure groups (b)
electoral commission (c) foreign observers (d) party agents

5. The act of being fair and responsible is relating with people is (a) dedication (b) loyalty (c)
honesty (d) commitment

6. Which of the following values is unacceptable in the society? (a) righteousness (b) honesty (c)
integrity (d) selfishness

7. A system of government that guarantees the protection of human rights is (a) democracy (b)
oligarchy (c) socialism (d) monarchy

8. Civil society groups are recognized as (a) pressure groups (b) government agencies (c) public
corporations (d) business entities

9. A shortcoming of presidential system of government is its being (a) flexible (b) expensive (c)
cumbersome (d) controversial

10. Driving within a recommended speed limit is a display of (a) economic (b) legal (c) political
(d) social
11. An ideology that promotes consciousness and identity is __________ (a) nationalism (b)
socialism (c) liberalism (d) colonialism

12. The main idea for the establishment of unity schools in Nigeria is to (a) teach political
ideologies (b) promote relationships (c) foster national integration (d) graduate excellent students

13. Cult activities can be curtailed through (a) social awareness (b) quest for material acquisition
(c) influence of occultist parents (d) crave for popularity

14. Which of the following is a consequence of cultism in schools? (a) empowerment (b)
promotion (c) rustication (d) competition

15. Which of the following factors played a major role in Nigeria’s independence? (a) cultism (b)
unionism (c) citizenship (d) nationalism

16. The body that is responsible for appointment, promotion and discipline of government
workers is the (a) civil service commission (b) public complaints commission (c) National
orientation agency (d) code of conduct Bureau

17. The Tiv and Jakun dispute is an example of _________ crisis. (a) international (b) religious
(c) intercommunal (d) cultural

18. Good parenting can be achieved through (a) promoting sex education (b) inculcating moral
values (c) ensuring population control (d) acquiring good education

19. The rights of a citizen can be denied during (a) state of emergency (b) national mourning (c)
independence anniversary (d) peaceful demonstration

20. The principle that guides the behaviour of people in the society is (a) culture (b) belief (c)
value (d) custom

21. The action group is an example of a/an _________ group. (a) religious (b) media (c)
economic (d) political

22. Which of the following is an effect of discontentment? (a) humility (b) covetousness (c)
passion (d) decorum

23. Which of the following national symbols embodies a descriptive representation of Nigeria?
(a) coat of arms (b) presidential villa (c) national flag (d) national assembly
24. Democracy thrives in a country where there is presence of strong (a) legislation (b) agitators
(c) opposition (d) politicians

25. Service to Nigeria is rendered through the following except (a) Nigeria police force (b)
Youth empowerment service (c) Nigeria armed forces (d) National orientation agencies

26. The mutual understanding that exists between people who stay together is _________
relationship (a) intrapersonal (b) intercommunal (c) international (d) interpersonal

27. Multi-party system encourages _________ in an ideal democracy (a) violence (b) political
apathy (c) unhealthy competition (d) corruption

28. Confraternity in tertiary institutions was originally introduces to (a) fight against oppressive
rule (b) promote intercommunal relationship (c) perpetuate drug abuse (d) condemn indecency

29. The Agency created to check the use of illicit substances in Nigeria is the (a) Nigeria
intelligence agency (b) standards organization of Nigeria (c) National drug law enforcement
agency (d) national directorate of employment

30. The most beneficial means of resolving conflict is through (a) coercion (b) litigation (c)
intimidation (d) dialogue

31. The common symptoms associated with Covid-19 is (a) persistent diarrhea (b) bleeding from
all parts of the body (c) cough lasting for days (d) bleeding from the eyes

32. A major characteristics of fundamental human right is (a) acceptability (b) universality (c)
alienability (d) divisibility

33. Orderliness plays the following roles in a society except (a) propagating favouritism (b)
leading to efficient service delivery (c) encouraging popular participation (d) promoting peace
and harmony

34. Which of the following is a function of the judicial arm of government? (a) maintaining law
and order (b) protecting life and property (c) defending the territories (d) interpreting the law

35. The National Youth service corps was established to promote _______ in Nigeria. (a)
secession (b) disharmony (c) national integration (d) humility
36. In Nigeria, citizenship can be acquired through __________ (a) assimilation (b) birth (c)
migration (d) amnesty

37. Maintaining law and order by the Nigeria Police can be promoted through (a) poor salary
structure (b) substandardized uniforms (c) inadequate weaponry (d) frequent training

38. The rule of law is adhered to where __________ is practiced (a) democracy (b) dictatorship
(c) absolution (d) autocracy

39. Which of the following is not a feature of democracy? (a) multi-party system (b) separation
of power (c) minority rule (d) existence of rule of law

40. The best preventive measure of HIV/AIDs is (a) sex education (b) abstinence (c) use of
condom (d) being unfaithful

41. The formulation and implementation of policies in a democratic system is the duty of (a)
judiciary (b) legislature (c) court (d) executive

42. Which of the following hampers the performance of public service in Nigeria? (a)
regularization (b) training (c) motivation (d) environment

43. A person who finds it difficult to control the consumption of drugs is a/an (a) producer (b)
addict (c) trafficker (d) peddler

44. Matters relating to farmers in the society are handled by the (a) judiciary (b) police (c) prison
(d) army

45. Custom officials work in which of the following environment? (a) seaports (b) train stations
(c) embassies (d) presidential villa

46. One of the major barriers to national development is the (a) low poverty level (b) existence of
multi-party system (c) persistent rural-urban migration (d) prevalence of corrupt practices

47. The public service structure of Nigeria is an off-shoot of (a) India (b) America (c) British (d)

48. Constitutionalism is synonymous with (a) checks and balances (b) supremacy of the
constitution (c) separation of power (d) delegated legislature
49. One of the political responsibilities of a citizen is (a) exercising the right of franchise (b)
participating in social gatherings (c) joining town hall meeting (d) engaging in cultural debates

50. The payment of residential utility bills is a duty of the (a) government (b) prisoners (c)
citizens (d) aliens

Section B

Answer five questions in all

1a. Explain five ways by which employment can alleviate poverty

b. Explain five factors that promote employment, free education and medical

2a. Explain three effects of lack of contentment

b. Explain four attributes of a courageous person

c. State three acceptable values in the society

3a. Explain four causes of human trafficking

b. State three categories of human trafficking

c. State three preventive measures against human trafficking

4a. Define Human Rights

b. Explain four characteristics of Human Rights

c. Highlight four classifications of Human Rights

5a. Explain five features of the rule of law

b. Explain five importance of the rule of law

6a. Explain five features of Democracy

b. Explain five importance of Democracy

7a. What is HIV stigmatization?

b. List four signs/symptoms of AIDs

c. Explain four ways by which HIV can be prevented.

8a. Write the three stanza’s of the New National Anthem

JSS 1 Section A

Answer all question in this section

1. Under the rule of law, one of the following does not apply (a) supremacy of the law (b) rights
of individuals (c) the government is supreme (d) equality before the law

2. The proponent of rule of law is (a) A.V. Dicey (b) Olusegun Obasanjo (c) Karl Marx (d)
Thomas Hobbes

3. Which of the following is not a capital offence? (a) murder (b) examination malpractice (c)
treason (d) armed robbery

4. Rule of law means (a) the law is less important (b) the law is a rule (c) the rule is the law (d)
the law is above all citizens

5. Attempting to remove a government in a violent or unlawful manner is (a) treason (b) perjury
(c) prostitution (d) embezzlement

6. The act of transferring money illegally to foreign accounts is called (a) child labour (b)
burglary (c) money laundering (d) examination malpractice

7. ___________ is not an ethnic association (a) movement of the survival of Ogoni people (b)
People’s Democratic Party (PDP) (c) Oodua People’s Congress (d) Arewa consultative forum

8. Hunger strike means (a) to be starving (b) not to eat till death (c) not to eat to protest and
protect rights (d) to strike against hunger

9. Individuals can protect their rights through all the following except (a) legislation (b) media
coverage (c) protect march (d) demonstration
10. A non-governmental organization that provides free legal services to people are (a) Nigerian
Bar Association (b) Nigerian union of teachers (c) Legal Aid councils (d) Nigerian National
Judiciary council

11. The right of individual in a society are usually written in the __________ (a) constitution (b)
court of law (c) Bible (d) Senate

12. Which of the following is not a good value? (a) Patriotism (b) Discipline (c) Cheating (d)

13. Dedicated to work means (a) getting the wage for work done (b) achieving what you want (c)
being punctual to work (d) putting in the needed attention to work

14. People of integrity are needed in the society for (a) prostitution (b) fraud practice (c)
development and peaceful co-existence (d) drug trafficking

15. Exercising boldness in carrying out positive activity is the (a) force (b) cultism (c) power (d)

16. As a good citizen, your right attitude to work should include the following except (a)
arrogance (b) honesty (c) diligence (d) discipline

17. Negative behaviour in the society are all of these except (a) excessive love for money (b)
child trafficking (c) contentment (d) disregard for time

18. The importance of the Rule of law in the society is that it enables the society to (a) interpret
the law (b) be orderly and perform properly (c) be educated (d) choose leader

19. All these groups assist in protecting the human rights of citizen except (a) Legal Aid Council
(b) Trade Union (c) Civil society (d) Para-military services

20. One of the following does not belong to the fundamental human right, right to (a) own
government property (b) personal liberty (c) life (d) movement

21. Rule of law is also known as (a) leader (b) followers (c) law (d) justice

22. Helping one another is an attribute of (a) disobedience (b) co-operation (c) conflict (d)
23. All the following are examples of values except (a) integrity (b) discipline (c) laziness (d)

24. Democracy as a form of government started in (a) some villages in Europe (b) USA (c)
Britain (d) Some Greek City States

25. In a democratic system, sovereignty lies in (a) the representative (b) judiciary (c) people (d)

26. The _________ protect life and property of the citizen. (a) police (b) judiciary (c) EFCC (d)
prison service

27. One of the following is not a feature of democracy (a) independent judiciary (b) periodic
election (c) minority rule (d) free and fair election

28. Which of the following is not an arm of government? (a) Executive (b) Independent (c)
Judiciary (d) Legislature

29. President Ahmed Bola Tinubu is the _________ president of Nigeria. (a) life (b) future (c)
past (d) present

30. The organ of government that is responsible for making law in Nigeria is the (a) legislature
(b) police (c) judiciary (d) executive

Section B

Number five question is compulsory

Answer any three questions

1a. Mention five fundamental human rights

b. State five examples of the mass media

2a. Highlight five offences punishable under the law

b. Mention five punishment for breaking the law

3a. State five functions of the executive

b. Highlight five functions of the judiciary

4a. Explain five benefits of rule of law

b. Mention five groups that help to protect human rights

5a. Write the first stanza of the New National Anthem

6a. Explain five functions of the police

b. Highlight five political parties in Nigeria.


Answer all questions in this section

1. The 1963 constitution can also be called _________ (a) Lyttleton (b) Independence (c)
Republican (d) Richard

2. The type of constitution operated in Nigeria is ________ and ________ (a) written/rigid (b)
written/unwritten (c) flexible/unwritten (d) written/flexible

3. Nigeria became a republican nation in the year (a) 1960 (b) 1969 (c) 1963 (d) 1965

4. Parliamentary system of government can also be called _________ (a) presidential (b) cabinet
(c) unitary (d) federal

5. Nigeria became a sovereign state in the year (a) 1914 (b) 2015 (c) 1999 (d) 1963

6. The 1999 constitution took effect from (a) Dec 30, 1999 (b) Oct 1, 1999 (c) May 29, 1999 (d)
Jan 1, 1999

7. One major feature of 1979 constitution that differentiate it from 1963 republican constitution
was the introduction of (a) presidential (b) regionalism (c) federalism (d) rotational presidency

8. The head of the 1979 constitution drafting committee was (a) Gani Fawehinmi (b) Justice
Ademola Adetokinbo (c) F.R.A Williams (d) Niki Tobi

9. The mid-west region was created from the western region in the (a) 1963 republican
Constitution (b) 1979 Constitution (c) 1989 Constitution (d) 1960 Independence Constitution
10. The office of the Governor-General of Nigeria was occupied in 1924 by (a) Lord Lugard (b)
Arthur Richard (c) Hugh Clifford (d) Herbert Macaulay

11. One major feature of the Clifford constitution is (a) elective principles (b) regionalism (c)
federalism (d) parliamentary

12. The first political party formed in Nigeria was (a) Nigeria National Democratic party (b)
New Advance Party (c) Action Group (d) National Council for Nigeria/Cameroon

13. __________ constitution introduced presidential system of government in Nigeria (a) 1999
(b) 1963 (c) 1960 (d) 1979

14. Which constitution was regarded as the second Republic constitution? (a) 2027 (b) 1979 (c)
1999 (d) 2011

15. The constitution that introduced regionalism in Nigeria was (a) Lyttleton 1954 (b)
Macpherson 1951 (c) Richard 1946 (d) Clifford 1922

16. All the following are true of the 1960 independence constitution except (a) The legislature at
the federal was unicameral (b) It provided for citizenship (c) Privy council of London was
highest court (d) It introduced parliamentary system

17. The electorates can be educated on the election procedure by all the following except (a)
orientation agencies (b) media (c) police (d) political parties

18. The make of honesty are the following except (a) sincerity (b) truthfulness (c) frankness (d)

19. Two or more people holding hands together symbolizes (a) company (b) cooperation (c)
affection (d) Valentine

20. Which one of the following is odd? (a) protection of public property (b) payment of tax (c)
right to education (d) obedience to the law

21. Nigeria was amalgamated by Sir Frederick Lord Lugard in (a) 1914 (b) 2011 (c) 1960 (d)

22. The name of the current Nigeria constitution is (a) Republican constitution (b) Independence
constitution (c) 1979 constitution (d) 1999 constitution
23. Student that is used to putting on the right type of school dress is said to be (a) school prefect
(b) discipline (c) fashionable (d) brilliant

24. In order to overcome obstacles in our way to success, we need (a) integrity (b) discipline (c)
courage (d) love

25. Nigeria is a/an __________ (a) federation (b) confederation (c) unitary (d) amalgamation

26. Democracy was first practiced in (a) America (b) Great Britain (c) Romania (d) Greek

27. The constitution of a citizen to national development is known as (a) respect to national
symbol (b) duties (c) daily contribution (d) protection of life

28. One of the following is a pillar of democracy (a) manifestos (b) swearing in ceremony (c)
rule of law (d) campaign

29. Which one is not a type of election? (a) Run-bye (b) Referendum (c) Run-off (d) Bye-

30. Which of the following organs of government is saddled with the responsibility of
interpreting the law? (a) Executive (b) Judiciary (c) Legislature (d) No Answer

Section B

Question 5 is compulsory

Answer ant three questions

1a. State five features of 1960 Independence constitution

b. Highlight five features of 1963 republican constitution

2a. List four post-independence constitution

b. Explain five reasons for the supremacy of the constitution

3a. State five features of 1999 constitution

b. Highlight three weakness of the 1960 constitution

4a. Explain five consequences of insecurity in Nigeria

b. State five features of 1979 constitution

5a. Write the first stanza of the New National Anthem

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