Environmentally assisted cracking mechanism of pipeline steel in near-neutral pH groundwater.

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Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795

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Environmentally assisted cracking mechanism of pipeline steel in near-neutral pH

B.T. Lu a,1, J.L. Luo a,*, P.R. Norton b
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G6
Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A modified Devanathan dual cell was used in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) tests to indepen-
Received 2 November 2009 dently control the concentration of dissolved hydrogen and anodic current density. The experimental
Accepted 6 February 2010 evidence indicates that the corrosion may reduce the micro-hardness of steel, suggesting a dissolu-
Available online 13 February 2010
tion-induced degradation of the mechanical properties in the surface layer. An EAC model is described
in which surface micro-plastic deformation can be enhanced by the dissolved hydrogen and anodic dis-
Keywords: solution, and plays a crucial role in cracking processes. The model can provide a reasonable prediction for
A. Steel
the dependence of the cracking resistance of pipeline steel on the applied potential.
B. Hydrogen permeation
C. Anodic films
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Effect of strain
C. Stress corrosion

1. Introduction hydrogen-induced cracking mechanism [5–7]. In the conventional

SSRT test, the cathodic polarization is often used to increase the
The near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of pipelines dissolved hydrogen concentration in specimens [8,10]. Anodic dis-
has received a lot of attention since the first case was found in Can- solution on the specimen surface is suppressed whenever cathodic
ada in the 1980s [1,2]. This transgranular SCC occurs in dilute polarization is applied to charge hydrogen into specimen; i.e., the
groundwater (pH 5.5–7.5) and is distinct from classic intergranular anodic dissolution rate on the test surface and the dissolved hydro-
SCC that has been found in concentrated carbonate-bicarbonate gen concentration in the material are always interdependent. This
solutions (pH 9–11). Its most distinguishing features are: (1) it oc- creates some difficulties to identify the exact contributions of
curs in an active dissolution system instead of an active-to-passive hydrogen and anodic dissolution to the SCC processes. Therefore,
transition system; (2) the lateral dissolution on the crack side is an improvement in experimental techniques would be helpful to
substantial and (3) cyclic or dynamic loads are often necessary understand the SCC mechanism.
for the occurrence of SCC [1,2], although limited experimental Some laboratory data have shown that the SCC resistance does
observations indicated that the cracking was also detected under not decrease monotonically by shifting the potential in the nega-
the action of sustained load with high levels [2,3]. The classic inter- tive direction [8,9]. This phenomenon can be attributed to the ano-
granular SCC has been well recognized as being controlled by a dic dissolution in the SCC process. As pointed out by Parkins [8], ‘‘It
mechanism of preferential dissolution of grain boundaries and re- was inconclusive to say that the anodic dissolution observed on the
peated rupture of passive films, but the mechanism of near-neutral crack wall did not occur at the crack tip and, therefore, difficult to
pH SCC still needs to be further explored. ignore the involvement of dissolution in near-neutral pH SCC at the
Based on the fact that cathodic polarization or pre-charging potentials around the open circuit potential, so that both anodic
with hydrogen degrades the SCC resistance of pipeline steels mea- dissolution and hydrogen permeation are active and their (syner-
sured in slow strain rate tests (SSRT) [4,5], some researchers gic) combination gives rise to this particular kind of cracking”.
believed that the near-neutral pH SCC might be controlled by a Although some researchers believed that both dissolved hydrogen
in steels and active dissolution present on the surface could affect
near-neutral pH SCC of pipelines [2,7–9], the roles of dissolved
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (780) 492 2232; fax: +1 (780) 492 2881. hydrogen and active dissolution in near-neutral pH SCC are not
E-mail addresses: baotong.lu@swri.org (B.T. Lu), jingli.luo@ualberta.ca (J.L. Luo). well understood. To incorporate the contributions of dissolved
Present address: Environmental Performance of Materials, Materials Engineering
hydrogen and anodic dissolution into the development of near-
Department, Mechanical Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute, 6220
Culebra Road (78238-5166), P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510, USA. neutral pH SCC, some researchers [9–11] believed that the SCC
Tel.: +1 (210) 522 2721; fax: +1 (210) 522 5122. was controlled by a so-called hydrogen-facilitated anodic dissolu-

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1788 B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795

tion mechanism. According to this model, the active dissolution 20 DIA - 2HOLE
must be significantly enhanced by the synergistic effect of dis-

solved hydrogen and the local stress field around the crack tip.
However, both thermodynamic analysis and experimental evi-

dence have indicated that the difference of anodic dissolution rates
between the tip and wall of a crack caused by the interaction of the
stress field and hydrogen is insufficient to prevent the crack from 62.5 12 30
losing its sharpness to become a pit [12]. Therefore, anodic disso-
lution must affect, if it does, the SCC of pipeline steel in the near- 50 87.5
neutral pH groundwater via some other mechanisms.
In the past, the bulk of the research effort was devoted to the 195
roles of hydrogen and anodic dissolution in the crack propagation
process [2,5,8,9]. Considerably less attention has been focused on

their effects on crack nucleation. It has been broadly accepted that

the crack advance mode during transgranular SCC is discontinuous
[7,13–15]. Hence, the importance of the crack nucleation stage be-
comes still more apparent from the fact that the same critical
stress–environment interaction must take place in the crack prop-
agation at an accelerated pace, because of the high stress intensity
Fig. 1. Specimen geometry (all dimension in mm).
at the crack tip; i.e., each crack advance event can be regarded as a
re-nucleation process [16]. Therefore, a comprehensive under-
standing of the crack nucleation mechanism may be crucial to acetone. To reduce the influence of scratches produced in the sur-
resolving the transgranular crack propagation mechanism. A well face preparation on the crack nucleation, the grinding was always
known fact is that the incubation time for crack nucleation often in the longitudinal direction of the specimens. All the test solutions
comprises the major part of the service lifetime of pipelines [2,8]. were made with analytical reagents and de-ionized water. Since
Improved knowledge on the mechanism of crack nucleation is also pipeline steels exposed to the near-neutral pH groundwater are
practically important to permit the prediction of the service life- most susceptible to the cracking at room temperature, all the
time of pipelines, to improve the SCC resistance of steels and to experimental measurements were conducted at room temperature
optimize the protection techniques that are used. (22 ± 1 °C).
Since stationary stress required to cause the near-neutral pH
SCC of pipeline steels is close to yield strength of the steel that is
2.2. Tests to investigate cracking behavior
much higher than the operating stress level in pipelines, the inter-
nal pressure fluctuation during service of pipelines is believed to
The test solution present in both sides of the cells was NS4 solu-
play a key role in the development of cracking [1,2]. By definition
tion, which simulates the composition of water trapped on the pipe
this feature is quite different from that of the classic SCC. In the
surface under a disbonded coating. The chemical composition of
evaluation of service life of pipelines exposed to near-neutral pH
NS4 solution (mMol/L) was 1.64 KCl, 5.75 NaHCO3, 1.23 CaCl2
groundwater, the fatigue damage is often neglected because the
and 0.74 MgSO47H2O. The solution was deaerated by continuously
internal pressure fluctuations within the pipes have a very low fre-
bubbling, using a mixture of 5% CO2 + 95% N2 to create a test solu-
quency and a high stress ratio (>0.8) [1]. As pointed out by Parkins
tion with pH 6.7. To control the hydrogen concentration in speci-
et al. [2], the cyclic loads produced by the internal pressure fluctu-
mens and the anodic dissolution rate on the specimen surface
ations promote plastic deformation at the crack tip significantly
independently, a Devanathan cell illustrated in Fig. 2 was used in
and it plays a dominative role in the processes of cracking develop-
the SCC experiments. A specimen with a thickness of 1.2 mm in
ment. Until now, it is still difficult, in view of the damage mecha-
the test section was inserted between the dual cells. In each cell,
nism, to differentiate this type of SCC from corrosion fatigue,
a long platinum wire was used as the counter electrode and a
although some efforts have been made [17,18]. Therefore, in this
Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) was used as the reference
paper, the term ‘‘environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) in near-
neutral pH groundwater” instead of ‘‘near-neutral pH SCC” is used
In this study, the roles of dissolved hydrogen and anodic disso- Gas in Gas out Gas out
RE Gas in RE
lution in the EAC of pipeline steel were explored. With the aid of
the concept of chemo-mechanical interaction [7,19–21], an im-
proved corrosion-facilitated plasticity model is tentatively used
to interpret the mechanism of EAC. It is expected that the results
of the present study will expand the previous knowledge-base
about SCC mechanisms of pipelines.
2. Experimental procedures
2.1. Test material and specimen preparation
Charging side
Oxidizing side
The test material was X60 pipeline steel. Its yield strength was
436 MPa and the ultimate tensile strength was 549 MPa. The geo-
metric size of specimens is shown in Fig. 1. Before testing, the spec- Cyclic loading
imens were ground with SiC abrasive papers of grits up to #1200,
and successively cleaned and rinsed with de-ionized water and Fig. 2. A Devanathan dual cell.
B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795 1789

electrode. The experiments were conducted using a Material Test- 2.3. Hydrogen permeation measurement
ing System under the action of a cyclic load of constant amplitude.
To complete the experiments in a reasonable period, the maximum The hydrogen permeation rates through the specimen were also
stress rmax = 426 MPa, which is slightly below the yield strength of measured with the same dual cell as used for the EAC test. To cre-
steel, was adopted in the tests. The loading frequency utilized was ate a hydrogen concentration close to that in steel pipes in the
0.1 Hz and a stress ratio was 0.5. crack nucleation stage, the solution in the charging cell was the
The hydrogen concentration in the specimens was controlled by anaerobic NS4 solution, and the applied potentials were in the
means of applying a constant potential in a range from 0.6 to same range as those adopted in the SCC tests. The solution in the
1.2 VSCE with a potentiostat at the charging side. On the opposite oxidizing cell was 0.3 M H3BO3 + 0.075 M Na2B4O7 with pH 8.4. A
(oxidizing) side of the specimen, an anodic potential could be ap- fraction of the hydrogen atoms that were generated on the charg-
plied to control the anodic current density on the test surface. In ing side diffused through the specimen and were electrochemically
the present tests, only Ecorr (about 0.74 VSCE) was utilized. The oxidized on the opposite side where the potential was maintained
hydrogen atoms that were generated at the charging side would at 0.2 VSCE. The hydrogen permeation rate was determined from
penetrate the specimen via diffusion. Different from the conven- the experimentally measured current density at the oxidizing side.
tional hydrogen permeation experiments, the hydrogen atoms Since this value is approximately proportional to the hydrogen per-
reached the specimen surface of the oxidizing side would form meation current density [8], it serves as the indicator of the
hydrogen bubbles instead of being oxidized because the value of amount of hydrogen dissolved in the steel during the hydrogen-
Ecorr was lower than the oxidizing potential of hydrogen (around charging.
0.64 VSCE). The dissolved hydrogen concentrations under the sta-
ble conditions were largely controlled by the applied potential at
2.4. Active dissolution of cyclic loaded and hydrogen-charged steel
the charging side. The secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
measurements have indicated that the dissolved hydrogen concen-
In order to demonstrate the effects of dissolved hydrogen and
tration of pipeline steels in the anaerobic NS4 solution increases
applied stress on active dissolution, the anodic current densities
with decreasing applied potential [8,9,22]. Because of the low po-
of the steel specimen at 0.7 VSCE using the same dual cell as
tential at the oxidizing side and the relatively small specimen
shown in Fig. 1 were measured under four different conditions,
thickness, the concentration gradient of diffusible hydrogen within
namely: (1) non-hydrogen-charged and non-loaded; (2) non-
the testing section of the specimen was relatively small (1.2 mm).
hydrogen-charged but cyclically loaded; (3) hydrogen-charged
After cracks nucleated at the specimen surfaces, the nominal
but non-loaded and (4), hydrogen-charged and cyclically loaded.
hydrogen concentration in the surface layer could increase be-
To simulate the effect of large plastic deformation at the crack
cause the crack tips can act as hydrogen traps. On average, the
tip, a maximum cyclic stress rmax = 462 MPa with the minimum/
cracks can be approximately considered as hydrogen traps of
maximum stress ratio R = 0.1 and the loading frequency
the same depth, so that the average amount of hydrogen atoms
f = 0.1 Hz, was applied so that a significant amount of plastic defor-
trapped in the area around the crack tips at both surfaces is close
mation was introduced. The test solution in the cells of oxidizing
after the system is stabilized under the potentiostatic condition.
sides was the anaerobic NS4 solution and the electrolyte at the
Thus, the main difference between the two test surfaces was
charging side was 0.1 M H2SO4 + 250 ppm As2O3. All measure-
the corrosion current densities present at the surfaces. The anodic
ments were conducted at the oxidizing side in the anaerobic NS4
current densities at the oxidizing side were equal to the corrosion
solution after the steady state hydrogen permeation condition
current densities of X60 steel at the open circuit potential. Our
was reached. Continuous hydrogen-charging with a charging
electrochemical measurements have indicated the difference in
current density (iH-charging) of 100 A/m2 was utilized to create a high
the polarization resistance measured at the surface of oxidizing
hydrogen concentration and to simulate the conditions at the crack
side, when the different potentials are applied at the charging side
tip. The dissolved hydrogen concentration under this condition
of the specimen, is less than the error of measurement [12].
measured by SIMS technique was about 20 ppm [22]. The electro-
Therefore, the anodic current density at the oxidizing side could
chemical measurement was conducted after 3 h of pre-charging
be approximately considered to be independent of the applied
and was completed within 2 h to avoid the impact of hydrogen
potential at the charging side. At the charging side the anodic dis-
damage, since blistering would be observed if the total charging
solution rates were controlled by the applied potential, which was
duration exceeded 24 h.
similar to the environmental conditions of the regular SSRT to
investigate the effect of electrochemical potential on the EAC
[2,4,5,9]. 3. Crack nucleation and propagation behavior
Before a cyclic load was applied, the specimen was electro-
chemically charged with hydrogen for more than 3 h until the When the stress cycles reached a critical number, cracks began
hydrogen permeation reached a stable condition, as indicated appearing on the specimen surface. After that time, both the crack
by an independent hydrogen permeation experiment. The tests density, Dc, defined as the number of cracks observed in a unit area,
were interrupted at various intervals for the crack measure- and the maximum surface length of cracks, cmax increased with the
ments; the number of cracks nucleated and the crack sizes were test duration, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
measured by making use of the replica technique. During making In order to evaluate the crack nucleation kinetics, the crack
the replica, a constant tensile stress equal to the maximum nucleation rate, D_ crack , was defined as dDc/dt. As indicated by the
stress applied in the experiments (426 MPa) was applied to the limited data in Fig. 5, the crack nucleation rates within the test
specimens to keep the cracks open. This will be helpful to pro- duration are roughly independent of the test duration. The rela-
duce clear crack images on the replica to facilitate the crack tionship between the average crack nucleation rate and the applied
measurements. In order to remove the corrosion products on potential is shown in Fig. 6. The crack nucleation rate increases, in
the test surface to produce the replica of good quality, the rep- general, as the applied potential is shifted to the negative direction.
lica were made several times until no porous corrosion products This implies that the hydrogen dissolved in the steel promotes
were observed on both the surfaces of specimen and the replica. crack nucleation, since the test results of hydrogen permeation
The tests stopped before the cracks penetrated the specimen indicated that the concentration of hydrogen dissolved in the
thickness. material increases with decreasing applied potential [8,9,22].
1790 B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795

(a) 0.8 Eapp (VSCE) (a) 0.5 Eapp (VSCE)

0.7 -0.6 -0.6
-0.65 0.4 -0.65
0.6 -0.7 -0.7

Cmax (10 m)
Dc (10 m )

0.5 -0.8

-0.8 0.3


0.4 -1.0 -1.2

-1.2 0.2

Oxidizing side Oxidizing side
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t (Ms) t (Ms)

(b) 0.8 (b) 0.4 Eapp (VSCE)

Eapp (VSCE)
0.7 -0.6
0.6 -0.65 0.3 -0.74

Cmax (10 m)
Dc (10 m )

0.5 -0.74

-0.8 -3

0.4 0.2 -1.0

0.3 -1.2

0.2 0.1

Charging side
Charging side
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t (Ms) t (Ms)

Fig. 3. Dependence of crack density on test duration. Fig. 4. Dependence of maximum crack size on test duration.

When Eapp < Ecorr, the higher crack nucleation rate at the oxidizing σmax/SMYS =1.05
side indicates that anodic dissolution also facilitates crack nucle- ν = 0.1Hz, R=0.5
ation. When Eapp > Ecorr, the crack nucleation rates at the both sides
are almost the same. 3
Dc rack (m s )

In the present study, the incubation time for crack nucleation ti

-2 -1

was determined by extrapolating the curves of crack density vs test

duration to zero crack density. The data in Fig. 6 show clearly that
the crack nucleation lifetime at the oxidizing side, where the aver-
age rate of anodic dissolution is almost unchanged, is reduced
monotonically with the increase of the dissolved hydrogen concen-
tration. However, the trend of crack nucleation lifetime at the 1 Oxidizing side
charging side is different. When the applied potential Eapp is no
Charging side
more than 0.8 VSCE, the values of ti at the oxidizing side are lower Ecorr
than those at the charging side. It is worthy to note that the dis- 0
solved hydrogen concentration in the surface layer of oxidizing -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4
side should be a little bit lower than that at the charging side be- Eapp (VSCE)
cause the concentration gradient of dissolved hydrogen within
the specimen is unavoidable, no matter how small it is. Hence, if Fig. 5. Effect of applied potential on crack nucleation rate.
the anodic dissolution were absent, the crack nucleation lifetime
at the oxidizing side would be not lower than that at the charging
side. The lower crack nucleation lifetime at the oxidizing side with- increases slightly. This suggests that the crack nucleation is de-
in the potential region below the Ecorr must result from the anodic layed by the dissolution of crack nuclei because of the relatively
dissolution occurring on the surface. At a potential around the Ecorr higher rate of anodic dissolution.
the steel displays a lower crack nucleation lifetime that is close to In the present investigation, the crack propagation rate was de-
the value of ti at the opposite side. This is mainly because the ano- fined as the slope for the curve of the maximum surface crack size
dic dissolutions rates at each side are very similar in this potential vs test duration (Fig. 3). The crack propagation rates (dcmax/dt) so
range. At a potential range more positive than the Ecorr, the crack determined are shown in Fig. 7. The crack propagation rates on
nucleation lifetime measured on the oxidizing side further the both sides increase, in general, when the potential is moved
B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795 1791

Side Oxidizing Charging around the crack tip to maintain the sharpness of crack tip, as dem-
ti onstrated by the hydrogen-facilitated anodic dissolution model [9–
11]. In line with our previous thermodynamic analysis [12], the ef-
Crack initiation life (10 s)


fects of dissolved hydrogen and applied stresses, as well as their

interaction on the active dissolution, can be evaluated using the ac-
tive current density ratios of hydrogen-charged or stressed elec-
1.2 trode to that of uncharged/unloaded specimen. The hydrogen
factor kH is defined as the anodic current density ratio of the hydro-
gen-charged electrode ia(H) to the uncharged under the stress-free
condition, ia,
ia ðHÞ DU H  T DSH
kH ¼ ¼ exp a ð1Þ
Ecorr ia RT
0.4 where a is the electric charge transfer coefficient for the interface
-1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4
reaction, R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature,
Eapp (VSCE) DUH and DSH are the increments of internal energy and the entropy
of steel electrode due to incorporation of dissolved hydrogen,
Fig. 6. Effect of applied potential on crack nucleation lifetime.
respectively. The stress factor kr is the ratio of the anodic current
density of the loaded electrode ia(r) to that of the non-loaded one ia
" !#
Oxidizing side i a ð rÞ 3Mð1  2mÞr2h M rh ep V p;max Mep
Charging side kr ¼ ¼ exp a þ þ
ia Eq RT ef q RT q RT
¼ ke kp ð2Þ
dcmax/dt (10 m/s)


M, q, E and m are the atomic mass, density, Young’s modulus and


Poisson’s ratio of electrode material, rh ¼ 13 3j¼1 rjj is the hydro-
0.8 static stress, and rjj ðj ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ are the principle stresses, ep and
ep are the plastic strain and the stored strain energy caused by
the plastic deformation, respectively, ef and V p;max are the fracture
0.4 ductility of the material and the maximum volume expansion due
σmax/SMYS =1.05 to the damage produced by plastic deformation. As indicated by Eq.
ν = 0.1Hz, R=0.5 Ecorr (2), the stress factor can be expressed as the product of the elastic
0.0 deformation factor ke and the plastic deformation factor kp. They
-1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 are given by
Eapp (VSCE)  
3Mð1  2mÞr2h
ke ¼ exp a ð3Þ
Fig. 7. Effect of applied potential on the crack propagation rate. Eq RT
" !#
Mep M rh ep V p;max
in the negative direction. When the applied potential was lower kp ¼ exp a þ ð4Þ
q RT ef q RT
than 0.8 VSCE, the crack propagation rates at the oxidizing side
were higher than at the charging side, indicating the contribution The synergistic factor kS is used to evaluated the effect due to
of anodic dissolution to the crack growth. However, at the poten- the interaction of dissolved hydrogen and stress field.
tials around the Ecorr, the difference in the crack growth rates under " #
the same potential was so marked as that observed in the crack ia ðr; HÞ rh C H V H
Ks ¼ exp a ð5Þ
nucleation lifetime. This result implies that the crack propagation kH kr ia RT
process is mainly dominated by the dissolved hydrogen concentra-
tion and is less influenced by anodic dissolution. This is not sur- where ia(r, H) is the anodic current density of the loaded and hydro-
prising because the local hydrogen concentration at the crack tip gen-charged electrode, CH is the dissolved hydrogen concentration
is much higher than that at the free surface. and V H is the partial molar volume of hydrogen in the metallic elec-
The EAC tendency on the charging side shown in Figs. 3–7 trode. The experimental data in Table 1 shows that, although the
agrees well with the results of slow strain rate tensile tests re- dissolved hydrogen and applied stress can increase the anodic cur-
ported in the literature [2,4,8,9]. Since both anodic dissolution rent density slightly, their effects are very limited. In particular, the
and dissolved hydrogen can promote the EAC of pipeline steel, synergistic effect of applied stress and dissolved hydrogen is negli-
their roles in EAC of pipeline steel in near-neutral pH groundwater gible. It is noteworthy to point out that the kp value for a specific
will be further examined. material relies heavily on the dislocation structure formed in plastic

4. Effects of dissolved hydrogen and local stress field on active Table 1

Effects of dissolved hydrogen and applied stress on anodic current density at 0.7 VSCE.
dissolution at crack tip
Unstressed/ Stressed/ Unstressed/ Stressed/
A large number of experimental observations have indicated the uncharged uncharged charged charged
(ia/Am2) (ia(r)/Am2) (ia(Y)/Am2) (ia(r,Y)/Am2)
substantial anodic dissolution at the crack wall [1,2,24]. If the ano-
dic dissolution dominates the cracking, the anodic dissolution at 0.0169 0.0241 0.0206 0.0302
– kr = ia(r)/ia kH = ia(Y)/ia kS = ia(r,Y)/(kHkria)
the crack tip must be enhanced by the interaction between the
– 1.43 1.22 1.02
local stress field and enriched dissolved hydrogen concentration
1792 B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795

deformation processes. The detailed analysis was given elsewhere reached [7,26], especially if the local fracture toughness is lowered
[12]. The experimental data in Table 1 are in good agreement with by the adsorption of hydrogen along the slip plane[32]. The fact that
the thermodynamic analysis [12]. the hydrogen-induced cracking behavior of pipeline steel obeys von
At a crack tip, the local stress level is much higher than that Mises criterion [33] suggests strongly that the dissolved hydrogen
used in our experiment. However, our theoretical analysis has indi- in the steel is likely to affect the cracking process via the mechanism
cated that for pipeline steels, the maximum ratio of the anodic cur- of hydrogen-induced plasticity. Dissolved hydrogen-promoted creep
rent density at the crack tip and the crack wall is not larger than 2.3 has been found in iron and carbon steels [34–37]. In each case, the
[12]. This value is not large enough to prevent the crack from losing creep behavior returned to its original condition after the hydrogen
its sharpness if the crack propagation is controlled by anodic disso- was removed from the hydrogen-charged materials. When a stress
lution at the crack tip. Because of the substantial lateral dissolution gradient existed, dissolved hydrogen reduced the flow stress of the
on the crack side-walls, the crack tip will be blunted. This reduces material and facilitated localized surface plastic deformation
the stress concentration at the crack tip and, in turn slows down [38,39]. Hydrogen enrichment can promote the development of lo-
the anodic dissolution at the crack tip. Eventually, the blunt crack cal stress and tri-axial stress gradients [34] but the plastic deforma-
will likely stop propagating. The synergistic impact of dissolved tion can also accelerate hydrogen release [40]. Hydrogen-induced
hydrogen and applied stress is expected to be even less marked surface plasticity has also been detected by the nanoindentation
during crack nucleation, because both lower hydrogen concentra- technique [41]. These observations suggest that hydrogen-induced
tions and lower levels of local stresses are involved. Therefore, plasticity may be an important contributor to a possible cracking
the cracking of pipeline steels in the anaerobic groundwater of mechanism for the EAC of pipeline steels, i.e., localized plastic defor-
near-neutral pH is unlikely to be governed by a mechanism of ano- mation is enhanced with an increasing concentration of dissolved
dic dissolution type and the anodic dissolution must affect the EAC hydrogen and gives rise to cracking, although more direct experi-
via some other mechanisms. mental proof is still required.
According to the data in Figs. 4–6, not only the dissolved hydro-
5. Roles of dissolved hydrogen, anodic dissolution and plasticity gen, but also the anodic dissolution promotes the cracking pro-
in EAC cesses, especially in the potential region below the open circuit
potential. Magnin et al. [26] proposed a SCC model of corrosion-en-
It has been found that the cracks in pipeline steel, when it is hanced plasticity, based on many experimental observations in FCC
cyclically loaded in the simulated near-neutral pH groundwater, metals. According to this model, the local plasticity will be en-
are more likely to nucleate at the edge of the specimens [24]. It hanced by localized anodic dissolution and dissolved hydrogen.
is well known that the confinement of the plastic deformation Wei et al. [42] measured the plastic deformation at crack tips of
is weakest at the edge of an un-notched specimen. Hence, mi- copper during corrosion fatigue in 3.5% NaCl solution using
cro-plastic deformation may occur preferentially at these loca- speckle-interferometry technique, and found the anodic dissolu-
tions, when the cyclic stress is below the yield strength [23]. tion could promote plastic deformation. Magnin et al. [26] have
This implies that localized micro-plastic deformation plays a studied the hydrogen–dislocation interactions using numerical
crucial role in the crack nucleation process. SEM analysis has re- simulation. However, the mechanism for the anodic dissolution-in-
vealed a trace of plastic tearing on the fracture surface of cleav- duced plasticity needs to be further examined. It is natural to relate
age-like transgranular SCC [24,25]. Several theoretical models the effect of anodic dissolution on the crack nucleation, to the pits
have been developed to correlate the transgranular cracking and formed in the corrosion processes, because pits can offer both the
the local stress caused by the development of dislocation pile- stress concentrators and the local environmental conditions which
ups [25,26]. Parkins et al. [2,8,27] pointed out that the SCC pro- facilitate crack nucleation [43]. In laboratory investigations, two
cess might be controlled by the local plastic strain rate and/or types of cracks have been detected in near-neutral pH SCC, namely,
creep at the crack tip, and that cracks would be dormant if the pit-cracks and non-pit-cracks [24,44]. The former nucleated from
plastic strain rate at the crack tip cannot maintain crack propaga- pits but the latter were related to the localized plastic deformation
tion. The experimental evidence has revealed that the action of a instead of pits. The number of non-pit-cracks found on the speci-
cyclic load can accelerate room temperature creep of pipeline mens with original external pipe surface conditions was much
steels [2,8,28]. Garbtta et al. [29] believed that the strain rate at higher than that of pit-cracks [24]. In the present investigation, pits
the crack tip was a key factor controlling the crack propagation were rarely found and a lot of crack nucleation was not related to
of pipeline steels in near-neutral pH groundwater, and its influ- pits. Therefore, another mechanism for anodic dissolution-pro-
ence was much stronger than the solution chemistry, including moted SCC should be considered, besides the pitting-induced
the dissolved species and pH. The fact that the EAC of pipeline cracking.
steels in the anaerobic groundwater with near-neutral pH takes According to Jones and Jankowski [20,45], Lian and Meletis [16]
place preferably under the action of cyclic or dynamic loads indi- and Duquette [46], anodic dissolution on the surface could increase
cates that the cyclic load-promoted creep may play an important the mobility of dislocations in the surface layer and therefore pro-
role in the EAC processes. mote the localized surface plasticity. Similar to the hydrogen-in-
Figs. 6 and 7 indicate that the crack propagation rate increases duced plasticity, the anodic dissolution-induced plasticity is
generally with an increase in the concentration of dissolved hydro- expected to play a role in crack nucleation [20,47]. Gutman [19]
gen in the steel and that the crack nucleation lifetime at the oxidiz- pointed out that when anodic current was present at the surface,
ing side, where the anodic dissolution rate is essentially unchanged, the flow stress in the surface layer would decrease because of
is reduced almost monotonically with decreasing the applied poten- the chemo-mechanical interaction. With the aid of theories of
tial. These phenomena suggest the dominative role of dissolved non-equilibrium thermodynamics and dislocation kinetics, the
hydrogen in the EAC processes. It is well known that the ingress of authors found that the dependence of the decrease in the shear
hydrogen will reduce the internal cohesive strength of metals flow stress induced by the anodic dissolution Dsa on the anodic
[7,30]. Actually, the occurrence of localized micro-plastic deforma- dissolution current density ia, was approximately formulated as
tion is also necessary to nucleate cleavage cracking in non-corrosive follows [21]
environments [31]. The enhanced mobility of dislocations due to the  
kT ianodic
hydrogen–dislocation interaction is likely to promote cracking Dsa ¼  ln ð6Þ
because the cracking occurs when the local fracture toughness is
vd ith
B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795 1793

where k is the Boltzman constant, T the temperature, vd the average recovers its original value after the current is shut-off [19,53]. It is
activated volume of dislocation sources and ith the threshold anodic known that the mean free path of a dislocation possesses a value
current density to cause the corrosion-induced plasticity effect. no larger than the grain size of a material, and only the dislocations
Note that the anodic dissolution-induced plasticity is only re- situated in the surface layer at a depth less than or equal to the
stricted to a thin layer underneath the surface exposed to the cor- mean free path can reach the surface [19]. Therefore, the anodic dis-
rosive medium, the thickness of which is less than the mean free solution–promoted creep is more likely to be observed in stressed
path of dislocations. It is therefore very difficult to experimentally thin wire or foil [19,53].
measure the decrease in the flow stress induced by anodic Duquette [46] and Lian and Meletis [16] found that both the
dissolution. intensity and localization of surface plastic deformation were en-
An alternative way has to be utilized to characterize the anodic hanced by anodic dissolution and the slip bands were more likely
dissolution-induced plasticity [19,48,49]. It is well known that the to be attacked. Consequently, the synergistic action of hydrogen-
hardness of steels are approximately proportional to the flow and anodic dissolution-induced plasticity may be a possible EAC
stress. To a first approximation, the relative decrease of hardness mechanism of pipeline steels in near-neutral pH groundwater.
(DHv/Hv) can be correlated to the anodic current density via the
following expression [21] 6. A modified model of corrosion-facilitated plasticity for EAC
DH m ianodic
¼ B log ð7Þ According to the above analysis, a modified model of corrosion-
Hv ith
facilitated plasticity for the EAC of pipeline steel in near-neutral pH
where DHv = Hv  Hv0, Hv and Hv0 are the hardness values with groundwater is tentatively described and is illustrated in Fig. 9,
and without the presence of anodic dissolution, B is an experimen- where the cracking process of steel comprises the following steps.
tal constant. The validity of Eq. (7) is confirmed by the test data in
Fig. 8. The experimental facilities and methods to measure the hard- (1) Localized plastic deformation in the surface layer is induced
ness while anodic current is applied is given elsewhere [21]. by the cyclic load and the effect of dislocations slipping out
Although some experimental evidence has implied the existence of the outmost surface and producing fresh bare metal sur-
of the anodic dissolution-induced plasticity, its mechanism is not face which is exposed to the corrosive environment [58].
yet well known. Some researchers believed that the anodic dissolu- (2) The localized plastic deformation resulting from the forma-
tion-induced plasticity would attenuate the strain-hardening of the tion of slip bands, (a single slip band is schematically illus-
subsurface region, and that it might result from the formation and trated for clarity), and/or the dislocation slip within the
diffusion of vacancies in the surface layer, which was produced by slip bands is promoted by the anodic dissolution on the sur-
the anodic dissolution [20,45]. Anodic dissolution-induced localized face, leading to the anodic dissolution-induced plasticity.
plasticity has been observed in low carbon steel [50], brass [51] and Meanwhile, the micro-plastic deformation in the surface
titanium alloy [52]. Magnin et al. [26] pointed out that the weaken- layer is likely to be more non-uniform because the fresh bare
ing of inter-atomic bonds due to the subsurface vacancies would metal surface is prone to being attacked by the corrosive
lead to a local reduction in the energy barrier for dislocation nucle- species [16,46,59]. The localized plastic deformation is more
ation. The chemical potential gradient in the surface layer may lead likely to concentrate at certain locations where the micro-
to an increase in the mobility of dislocations within surface layer structure and mechanical behavior is non-uniform, such as
[19]. This is demonstrated by the accelerated creep of metals while the boundaries of ferrite and pearlite.
anodic current is applied on the surface. The increment of creep rate (3) The local stress gradients at the surface discontinuity pro-
caused by the anodic dissolution e_ Ac can be expressed as [19,21] duced by the slip bands can promote the diffusion of dis-
solved hydrogen into the localized plastic zones. The
c_ Ac ¼ Lia ð8Þ localized plastic deformation can accelerate the reduction
L is an experimental constant. The phenomenon of anodic dissolu- of hydrogen ions due to the formation of fresh surface
tion-promoted creep has been found in austenitic stainless steels [34,35,60] and the movement of dislocations can also assist
[53,54], copper [55,56], magnesium [57], cadium [19] and brass the ingress of hydrogen atoms into the slip bands [34]. The
[51]. The creep rate increases as anodic current is applied and enrichment of hydrogen in the slip bands or the adsorption

-0.04 H H

-0.12 H H H
-0.16 H H

Fe2+ H
-0.20 X60
NS4 solution
-0.24 H H
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10
ianodic (A/m ) Fe2+

Fig. 8. Effect of anodic dissolution current density on hardness. Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of chemo-mechanical model for SCC.
1794 B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795

of hydrogen on a slip plane [26], will in turn promote the ties of the material. Since the fatigue damage results mainly from
movement of dislocations in the slip bands, as well as the mechanical force, D_ F is approximately independent of potential.
development of the local stress and stress gradients [34]. Thus we have D_ F  108 s1.
In this way, the localized surface plasticity will be further The values of D_ HIP and D_ ADIP at various potentials can be esti-
enhanced. Steps 2 and 3 can occur simultaneously. mated using the following procedures.
(4) When the accumulated micro-plastic deformation at critical
points reaches a threshold value which should be a material (1) At 1.2 VSCE and 1 VSCE, the sample surface at the charging
property, a crack will nucleate or re-nucleate. The former side is under the fully cathodic protection and, hence
occurs at the free surface exposed to the corrosive medium D_ ADIP ¼ 0 for the suppression of anodic dissolution. In this
and the latter occurs at the crack tip. case, t i;ch arg ing ¼ 1=ðD_ F þ D_ HIP Þ. Meanwhile, the surface at
(5) After crack nucleation, the crack tip enters an unaffected the oxidizing side is at the OCP and the anodic dissolution
zone and a new plastic zone will form at the crack tip rate is governed by the self-corrosion current density of
because of the stress concentration. The above process will material. Because the hydrogen concentrations at both side
be repeated to bring about the crack propagation. surfaces are similar, the D_ HIP on both surfaces at any given
potential can be approximately regarded as the same. Thus,
Because both the level and gradient of tri-axial stresses at the the value of D_ ADIP at the oxidizing side, denoted as
crack tip are much higher than that within the slip band on the D_ ADIP;oxidizing ; can be given by D_ ADIP:ch arg ing ¼ t1 1
i;oxidizing  t i;ch arg ing .
un-notched specimen surface, it results in a much higher local (2) Since the effects hydrogen and applied stress on the anodic
hydrogen concentration at the crack tip [9,22]. Therefore, hydro- dissolution rate are limited, we can approximately take the
gen-inducing cracking becomes the dominant mechanism for the D_ ADIP;ch arg ing value as a constant and its value is estimated
crack growth process and the anodic dissolution does not play as to be around 6.0  106 s1. The value of D_ HIP at the oxidiz-
important a role there as in the crack nucleation stage. Although ing side under the other potentials can be estimated by
anodic dissolution-induced plasticity may contribute to the crack- D_ HIP ¼ t 1 _ _
i;oxidizing  DADIP;ch arg ing  DF .
ing processes, the crack growth rate cannot be correlated to corro- (3) Since the D_ HIP values of both sides at a given potential are
sion current density using Faraday’s law. approximately the same, the D_ ADIP value at the charging side
As a consequence, the localized damage in the near-neutral pH can be estimated from the values of ti,charging and D _ HIP at same
SCC process results from the cyclic loads (fatigue damage DF), potential: D_ ADIP ¼ t 1 _ _
i;ch arg ing  DHIP  DF .
hydrogen-induced plasticity (DHIP) and anodic dissolution-induced
plasticity (DADIP). The total damage D is the sum of these three 3 t
.i 1.6
components D.
At the initial state free of damage, the total damage, and its .
2 DF
three components as well, are equal to zero. The conditions of
D (10 s )
-6 -1

ti (10 s)
DF = 1, DHIP = 1 and DADIP = 1 correspond to the crack nucleation in-
duced solely by fatigue, hydrogen-induced plasticity and anodic 0.8

dissolution-induced plasticity, respectively. When the pipeline
steel is subjected to the cyclic load and exposed to near-neutral 1
pH groundwater, the damage accumulates with time and the 0.4
nucleation of EAC will occur so long as D = 1. The evolution rate
of each damage component is D_ F ; D_ HIP and D_ ADIP ; respectively. As
a first approximation, we assume that the damage evolution rates
0 0.0
depend only on the test conditions but are independent of time, so -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5
that they are constant during testing if the test conditions are held E (VSCE)
unchanged. Hence, Eq. (4) can be written as
_ ¼ D_ F t þ D_ HIP t þ D_ ADIP t (a) Effects of potential on the crack initiation time
D ¼ Dt ð10Þ and the evolution of damage
The damage evolution rate can be related to the crack incuba-
tion time ti as follows 10

D_ ¼ t1
i ð11Þ -2
In the following analysis, we denote ti,oxidizing and ti,charging as the
iH-permeation (A/m )

ianodic (A/m )

cracking incubation time at the oxidizing side and the charging iH-permeation
side, respectively. -1
The experimental results [61] indicated that the cyclic stress le- ianodic
vel adopted in the current experiments was close to the endurance

limit of the material, and the mean fatigue crack nucleation life of
samples under such a stress level is about 107cycles. The fatigue 10

damage under cyclic loads with constant amplitude is a function Ecorr

of the number of stress cycles N. If the loading frequency f is con- 10
stant, N = ft, then -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5
dDF dN dDF
D_ F ¼ ¼f ð12Þ (b) Dependence of hydrogen permeation rate and
dN dt dN
anodic current densities on applied potential
D_ F will increase with the loading frequency and dDF/dN is a Fig. 10. Dependence of damage evolution rates during the EAC on the dissolved
function the cyclic loading conditions and the mechanical proper- hydrogen concentration and anodic dissolution rate.
B.T. Lu et al. / Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1787–1795 1795

The evolution rates of overall damage and each component on Acknowledgements

the charging side, together with the crack nucleation lifetime
determined at the same side, are plotted against the potential in This project was supported by a Strategic Project Grant of the
Fig. 10a. It suggests that the contribution of fatigue to the total Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Syn-
damage, under the current test condition, is negligible. To evaluate crude Canada Ltd., Dow, IPSCO and NOVA. Dr. R. Eadie’s discussion
the dependence of D_ HIP and D_ ADIP on potential, the anodic current is also appreciated.
density and the hydrogen permeation current density on the ap-
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