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Protecting our world - Activity A

Protecting our world

Aural comprehension.

Remember to upload all your answers in a Word document.

1. Before watching the video, answer the following:

 How important do you think global warming is? Why?

 Do you think your carbon footprint is big or small? Why?

I think global warming is really important because it can make the

weather go crazy and hurt animals and plants. My carbon footprint is
probably not too big because I try to turn off lights and stuff when I'm
not using them, and I don't drive a car a lot.

2. Watch the video.

(The video you are about to watch belongs to a collection
created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. For more
about EPA:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2015). Climate

Change Basics (OLD) [ Video]. Click here

3. After watching the video, choose the correct answer:

According to the speaker, greenhouse gases are produced by ...

a. heat from the sun
b. the sun's rays, an also the action of people.
c. the actions of people

Which of these predictions about climate change does the video

a. If the planet gets warmer, then fuel will become less expensive.
b. If the planet gets warmer, then we can expect more floods.
c. If the planet gets warmer, then polar bears will become extinct.

Which is a clean source of energy?

a. oil
b. gas
c. wind power
Which of these things can help reduce levels of carbon dioxide?
a. driving to work
b. heating with coal instead of gas
c. using public transport

4. Match the topics with the right information from the video.

1. The greenhouse effect. a. If we generate electricity from clean

2. The causes of modern-day sources use public transportation, reduce
climate change. your energy use, we can put less carbon
3. Signs that the climate is dioxide into the atmosphere.
already changing.
4. How climate change affects b. Temperatures and the oceans are
the environment and
rising, giant ice sheets are melting,
human beings.
flowers are blooming earlier, snow is
5. How individuals and society
can help reduce the effects melting sooner, and birds aren't flying as
of climate change. far south for the winter.

c. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide

trap the sun heat and that keeps the
planet warm enough for us to live.

d. Burning fossil fuels to do many of our

everyday activities is trapping more heat
in the atmosphere, making the Earth

e. If the planet keeps getting warmer,

there will more powerful storms, more
flooding, droughts, and heat waves and
this could put entire ecosystems in

5. What do you do to help reduce the effects of climate change?

I try to use less energy by turning off lights when I'm not using them
and unplugging things I'm not using, like my phone charger. I also try to
walk or ride my bike instead of asking for a ride in a car, and I recycle
my cans and bottles.


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