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Section 1. The Barangay ____________-Kababayin-an ha Borongan City’s fiscal year

commence on November 1 and end on 31 October of the subsequent year.


Section 1. The Executive Council – The Executive Council shall have the following officers:

a. President – she shall:

i. Set policies and strategic direction of the organization to promote woman
empowerment, by ensuring compliance with the mandate of the national and
local laws and implementing the same
ii. Preside over all meetings and deliberations of the Executive Council and of
the general membership;
iii. Approve vouchers covering the applications or expenditures of Association
funds before payment or disbursement is made by the Treasurer;
iv. Call special meeting of the Association or the Executive Council whenever
she deems necessary or upon written requests of at least Thirty percent (30% )
of the general membership or a majority of the members of the Executive
Board; and
v. Represent the Association on all occasions and all maters in which
representation of the Association may be agreed upon or required.

b. Vice-President – she shall:

i. Responsible for the coordination of the activities of the organization;
ii. Assist the President in the implementation of the programs and projects,
iii. Preside at meetings and act as the President, in the absence of the
President or when the President is unable to act in that role.

c. Secretary – she shall:

i. Ensure that the meetings are effectively organized and recorded;
ii. Maintain effective records not only of meetings, but also of the
membership profiles and other relevant documents;
iii. Receive and respond to correspondence of and to the organization, and;
iv. Comply with the documentary requirements of different government or
non-governmental organizations.

d. Assistant Secretary – she shall:

i. Assist the Secretary and, act as the Secretary, in her absence or when the
Secretary is unable to act in that role.

e. Treasurer – she shall:

i. Spear head the financial planning and budgeting of the organization;
ii. Raise funds when needed;
iii. Be the custodian of the finances of the organization;
iv. Ensure proper liquidation of grants, donations or financial assistance; and
v. Be the bookkeeper of the organization.

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f. Assistant Treasurer – she shall:
i. Assist the Treasurer and, act as the Treasurer, in her absence or when the
Treasurer is unable to act in that role

g. Auditor – she shall:

i. Review the financial records, the cash on hand and in bank, and the other
assets of the organization at least monthly;
ii. Report during a meeting her findings of the financial records and the
assets; and
iii. Spearhead in crafting the annual financial statement and liquidation.

h. PIO (Public Information Officers) – she/they shall;

i. Inform their respective puroks whenever there are meetings or
announcements concerning the association and its members.

i. THE DIRECTORS – Directors shall be considered part of the Executive Council,

moreover, their duties will focus on participating in the crafting of the annual
livelihood/economic, health, human rights, socials and community involvement
programs, suggesting programs and projects relevant to the current membership, and
ensuring the effective implementation of such. Five directors shall be elected every three
(3) years:
a) Director on Livelihood;
b) Director on Health;
c) Director on Human Rights;
d) Directors on Socials; and
e) Directors on Community Involvement

Section 2. Prohibited Positions - There shall be no duplicated positions as members of the

Executive Council within the Association. Moreover, the Treasurer and Assistant treasurer shall
not hold the same position or any position of the same function in other socio-civic, workers or
people’s organization such as another women’s association, farmer’s association, senior citizen’s
association, persons with disabilities association, solo parent association 4p’s and the like.


Section 1. Annual General Assembly – General Assembly of members shall be held on the first
two months after the election, which shall commence at the principal office of the association or
at any place within its area of operation and at such time that the newly elected officers shall

Section 2. Special General Assembly – A Special General Assembly may be called by the
Executive Council or of any member, in any matter concerning immediate member decision.

Section 3. Agenda – The order of business at each Annual General Assembly shall be as follows:

a. Roll Call;

b. Proof of Due Notice;

c. Consideration of Minutes from the Previous Meeting;

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d. Consideration of the Consolidated Report of the Executive Council, and Committees
involving Disbursement of Funds and Financial Reports;

e. Unfinished business;

f. Election of Officers;

g. New Business;

h. Announcements; and

i. Adjournment.

Section 4. Monthly Meetings – The association shall meet at a date decided upon by the majority
during the General Assembly of the Association at which the time and place shall also be
decided by the Executive Council.

Section 5. Powers of the General Assembly – The general assembly has the power to:

a. Elect and/or remove officers and appointed committee members on valid grounds;

b. Agree or veto any motion from the Executive Council or from the body itself, given
that it is agreed upon by the majority;

c. Decide on matters involving financial policies and other policies concerning the
association; and

d. Determine the amendments in the Constitution and By-laws.


Section 1. To ensure holistic empowerment among members, the annual activity design shall
consist of activities that will focus on the five aspects, mentioned in the Article II section 3 of the
Constitution. These activities will be administered by their respective Directors.

Section 2. Each fiscal year, at least one activity shall be conducted in each aspect which shall be
included in the annual activity design that has been approved by the City Social Welfare and
Development Office (CSWDO).

Section 3. In the event that the association decides to conduct an activity that is in line with the
five aspects but has not been included in the annual activity design, the concern Director shall
submit a project proposal addressed to the President and the Treasurer. Thereupon, the president
shall hold a special meeting of the Executive Council and deliberate weather to accept or veto the
proposal, provided that the availability of funds and resources has been assessed by the treasurer.

Section 4. Each Director shall conduct any activity that they deem fit for the association. The
Directors shall submit to the Executive Council their respective project proposal for the fiscal
year. Every after the conduct of the activity of their concern, the director shall submit an
accomplishment report and financial report to the Executive Council, one week thereafter. The
financial report of the specific activity conducted shall be signed by the treasurer or the assistant

Section 5. Directors shall conduct, plan and organize the following activities:

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a. Director for Livelihood shall plan, organize, adopt and conduct skill development
trainings and financial literacy trainings or any related trainings concerning
Livelihood. The Director for livelihood shall also manage and supervise the
Association’s livelihood business if the association decides to have an income
generating project;

b. Director for Health shall plan, organize, and conduct activities and trainings that will
promote good health among their members. Such activities may include, but not
limited to, rescue trainings, reproductive health trainings, health and disease seminars,
medical missions, health related campaign, Zumba or any activity that will promote
physical health, and others;
c. Director for Human Rights shall plan, prepare, organize and conduct activities which
promotes awareness of its members in matters that concerns their rights, basic laws,
women’s rights and other related seminars, trainings, programs, and projects. The
Director for human rights shall also facilitates any matter concerning violence against
women and children among members. The Director shall assist the member in taking
necessary action and lobby it to the appropriate government agency;

d. Director for Socials shall plan, prepare, adopt and conduct activities that promote
strong mental health and activities that shall strengthen the camaraderie among
constituents, or other related trainings, seminars and programs; and

e. Director for Community Involvement shall plan, organize, adopt and conduct
activities which promotes general welfare of the community and conduct activities
that promotes the association’s noble influence to the community.


Section 1. The Association may source its fund from the following:

a. Internal Administrative Fund. All amounts collected through the following, shall
constitute the Internal Administrative Fund of the Association. This shall be utilized
for the operational and administrative expenses of the fiscal year, to wit;

a.1. An annual membership fee of Fifty Pesos (Php50.00) and shall be paid by the
applicant before she becomes an official member of the Association;

a.2. Monthly dues of Ten Pesos (Php10.00), which shall be collected by the
treasurer monthly, during business operation;

a.3. Any dues or collection authorized by the Executive Council and subscribed
by the majority of the General Membership through a resolution.

b. Annual Financial Assistance. An annual financial assistance from the city

government may be availed by the association through the City Ordinance No.203
Series of 2021, should the association voluntarily agree to apply for the said benefit.
All necessary requirements shall be secured by the Executive Council before the
deadline mandated by CSWDO.

The following are the guidelines in the availment and utilization of the Annual
Financial Assistance:

b.1. The Financial assistance obtained from the City government shall be
appropriated solely for the operations of the activities from the five aspects;

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b.2. A maximum of sixty percent (60%) from the obtained financial assistance
may be allotted to Livelihood business, projects and programs, should the
association agree to operate an Income Generating Project;

b.3. Every aspect shall have a financial allocation from the funds obtained from
the city government;

b.4. The Financial assistance shall not be distributed or divided among members.
Loaning or lending the acquired financial assistance to anyone is strictly
prohibited under the City ordinance, p rovided furthermore, that no portion of this
financial assistance shall be used for any of the following:
i. Money market placement, time deposit, or other forms of investment;

ii. Cash advance of any official or member of the organization, unless

related to the implementation of the programs and projects;

iii. Payment of salaries, honoraria and any form of allowances of the

officers, directors and/or members; and/or

iv. Acquisition of assets or supplies unnecessary for the implementation

of the programs and projects; and

b.5. The Auditor, Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer together with the
Directors shall submit a Financial Accomplishment Report for the allocation and
disbursement of the financial assistance which shall be submitted to the CSWDO
upon the review of the Executive Council.

c. Voluntary Contributions and Donations. The association is encouraged to source

their fund from different private and public sectors in addition to their existing fund
and the financial assistance through donations and voluntary contributions from
private individuals and/or organizations.

d. Other Government Agencies. The association may apply for assistance, in kind or
monetary, to any government agencies, provided that the association meets the
requirements and qualifications. This application shall be agreed upon by the majority
of the General Membership which shall be adopted during a meeting attended by the
majority of the association. The association is also encouraged to request an annual
allocation from the Barangay Gender and Development (GAD) fund, for the support
of their activities.

e. Income Generating Projects. The Association may conduct an Income Generating

Project or a Business Project through a livelihood business agreed upon by the
General Assembly, with the intention to provide an extra income to the association
and its members.

e.1. The Income Generating Project shall be managed and headed by the
association’s Director for Livelihood, or the Association may appoint a Business

e.2. The director for Livelihood together with the Treasurer, Assistant and the
Auditor or the Business Manager shall submit a business proposal in accordance
to the annual project plan submitted to the City Social Welfare and Development

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e.3. The business proposal shall be presented to the General Membership and
shall be ratified through a resolution adopted at a General Assembly, given that
the said proposal has been subscribed by the majority.

e.4. Members shall have the option to participate or not, in the said business

e.5. All income from the Association’s business project shall be accounted under
the Association’s General Fund. A portion of the net income may be allocated as
incentives to members who participated in the said business project.

Section 2. All amounts collected pursuant to the above mention shall constitute the Association’s
General Fund, to be applied to the operational and organizational expenses for the conduct of its
activities, projects and programs or of any purpose or object as may be authorized by the
Executive Council through a written resolution adopted at a meeting duly called for the specific

Section 3. Every payment or transactions of dues, fees, fines, contributions and donations by a
member or any external entity shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the Treasurer or the
Assistant Treasurer or her duly representative, accounted on the records of the Association to be
secured and maintained for this purpose.

Section 4. Every expenditure of funds of the Association shall be evidenced by an official receipt
from the person whom the payment is made, which shall state the date, place and purpose of
such payment. The said receipts shall form part of the financial records of the Association and
shall be audited one (1) month after the disbursement of funds, ensued by the Association’s

Section 5. The book of Accounts and other financial records, income and expenditures of the
Association shall be open for inspection by any member at any time.

Section 6. All official expenditures incurred during a fiscal year shall be taken up in the financial
statement of that year and shall be audited thereof.

Section 7. Expenditures or disbursement of funds in violation of this Chapter and other laws
shall be a personal liability of the official or the member responsible thereof.


Section 1. Objectives of the Grievance Process:

a. Provide due process in resolving internal complaints;

b. Document scenarios and resolve vulnerabilities in the implementation of the activities for
improvements; and

c. Empower every member to oversee and ensure accountability within the association.

Section 2. Any member of Association may be subject for expulsion from the Association after
having been found guilty of any offense stated hereunder:

a. Any member who fails to attend five (5) consecutive meetings and other meetings where
her attendance is required, without being excused;
b. Any member who fails to attend all activities from all aspects, without valid reason;

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c. Any member who fails to renew her annual membership and fails to pay the annual
membership fee for two (2) consecutive fiscal years; or

d. Any member who has grossly violated the Constitution, by-laws, and rules of conduct
and behavior of the Association and has deliberately committed acts injurious to the
prestige, honor, function and security of the organization as a whole may be expelled
from the Association.

Section 3. The Grievance Committee shall be composed of the following persons:

a. Association’s Vice President as the committee head;

b. The President;

c. The Directors;

d. The Secretary as committee members, on the condition that the committee members are
free from any complaints during the grievance process and uncommitted to any of the
complainants; and

e. The Barangay Captain, if not available or if he/she is related or committed to the member
subject for expulsion, any elected barangay official shall join the Grievance Committee
as witness to the proceedings only.

Moreover, if the matter is still unresolved despite efforts from the Association’s
Grievance Committee, the subject matter may be endorsed to the City Council or other
concerned agencies for proper action.

Section 4. Only an official written complaint addressed and sent to the Grievance Committee
headed by the Vice President, can subject any member for expulsion.

Section 5. Delivery of complaint as stated in Section 2 shall require the following:

a. Explicit identification of the name/s of the member/s being subject for expulsion;

b. Reason/s for filing the complaint; and

c. Name/s of complainant/s which may be identified as anonymous provided that the Vice
President and the President affirms the membership of the anonymous complainant/s.

Section 6, Any member who is subject for expulsion must receive an official written notice from
the Vice President not later than one (1) week after the complaint has been delivered. The
official written notice should be signed both by the Vice President and the President as the

Section 7. The member subject for expulsion must be required to perform all of the following:

a. Send an official written response not later than seventy-two (72) hours or three (3) days
upon receipt of the written notice and before the start of the General Assembly on which
the deliberation shall take place, addressed and sent to the Vice President;

b. Be present during the preliminary hearing; and

c. Be present during the General Assembly of which agenda includes the deliberation of the
member/s subject for expulsion.

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Section 8. Upon receipt of the official written response, the Vice President shall immediately
send a copy of the response to the complainant/s and the President. After seventy-two (72) hours
or three (3) days upon the complainant/s’ receipt of the copy of the official response, the
Grievance Committee shall hold a preliminary hearing, attended by the complainant, respondent
and three (3) witnesses from the General Membership, chosen by the committee head. This shall
be the first phase of the grievance process. Thereupon, the committee shall assess and deliberate,
together with the complainants and the respondent if the grievance process shall proceed, or can
be resolved during the preliminary hearing. The grievance committee shall then decide whether
to proceed with the second phase of the grievance process. Should the respondent/s fail to attend
the preliminary hearing without valid reason, the Vice President shall accept the complaint/s and
commence the preliminary hearing. After the duration, the Vice President must then announce
the complaint/s to the organization and must include the details hereunder:

a. Name of member subject for expulsion;

b. Attached complaint letter;

c. Attached response letter; and

d. Indicated date, time and venue of a General Assembly approved by the Executive
Council through the President, upon the recommendation of the Vice President

Section 9. The Vice President shall inform the complainant and the President of the progress of
the complaint, prior to the official public announcement to the organization, including but not
limited to updates related to the following:

a. Notice to the member subject for membership expulsion;

b. Response of the member subject for membership expulsion; and

c. Date, time and venue of the General Assembly.

Section 10. The President shall be the main witness of every complaint submitted and shall
perform the following, unless the President is the complainant or is the subject of the complaint,
in which case, the next ranking member of the Executive Council after the Vice President, shall
become the main witness and shall succeed all duties and responsibilities of the President as
stated in the entirety of this Article:

a. Affirm the identity of the complainant/s, anonymous or otherwise;

b. Sign the written notice sent to the member subjected for expulsion;

c. Receive a copy of the official written response; and

d. Decide on the date, time and venue of the General Assembly of which agenda should
include the deliberation process of all member/s subjected for expulsion. The date, time,
and venue should be recommended by the Vice President.

Section 11. Failure to perform the above mention Section 7 shall automatically subject the case
of the member to the deliberation of the General Assembly and should highlight non-compliance
as heavy ground for expulsion. In this case, excuses for late/non-submission of document or late
attendance/absence in the General Assembly, should there be any, shall be heard out, if and only
if any excuse/s has/have been manifested to any/all of the members of the body of the General
Assembly, including but not limited to the Presiding Officer, Secretary, other members of the
Executive Council and present bona fide members of the Association.

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Section 12. The official response will be considered as submitted late after the 72-hour period
following the receipt of the notice and until before the General Assembly is called to order. Late
submissions shall still be accepted. However, no submission shall be entertained when the
General Assembly is called to order.

Section 13. The President being the main witness of every complaint, the members of the
Grievance Committee, the witnesses and the complainant/s shall not disclose the case of
expulsion until the Vice President announces officially to the organization, after the preliminary
hearing has been held. This is to secure that members will not be subject to any biases prior to
the official release of the letter of complaint and the official response, the two documents of
which members could use to craft their decisions and influence their votes. The failure of the
President and Vice President, or any committee member, to conceal the identity of the
complainant/s can be considered as heavy ground for officer ship termination.

Section 14. In the eventuality that the Vice President fails to respond in any/all of the assigned
duties in relation to the complaint filed, the complainant must report to the President, the
inability of the Vice President to fulfill obligations. The President shall then process the
complaint for expulsion and report to the organization the shift of responsibility while taking
over all the responsibilities of the Vice President as stated in the entirety of the Article. The
delinquencies of the Vice President may result for her to be reprimanded, suspended or even
termination of membership to the Executive Council. In cases when the President also fails to
respond, the complainant shall then report to the next ranking member of the Executive Council
and the next ranking member shall process the complaint succeeding all the responsibilities of
the Vice President as stated in the entirety of the Article. There will be no additional number of
time limits to be given when succession happens and late required official documents shall be
processed immediately.

Section 15. The submitted official response received by the Vice President before the start of the
General Assembly - the signal of which is manifested when the presiding officer, in this case the
Director for Human Rights, calls the assembly to order - must be read by the Secretary or her/her
representative before the General Assembly during the beginning of the deliberation. This will be
the second phase of the deliberation process. Should the member for expulsion fail to submit an
official response, the Secretary may announce the reason of failure or may only indicate the lack
thereof. In which case, the presiding officer may ask the body should any member know of any
manifested excuse for the failed submission. However, when the member subjected for expulsion
is present during this moment of the deliberation process, the subject will therefore be made to
explain the reason of failure to respond or late submission of response. Should the member
subjected for expulsion arrives late to the assembly, she will also be called to explain the case of

Section 16. The reading of the official response shall be followed by a privilege speech by the
member subject for expulsion. This will be the third phase of the deliberation process. The
privilege speech must have a time cap decided by the Grievance Committee. Should the member
for expulsion be absent, the presiding officer may announce the reason of absence or may only
indicate the lack thereof. In which case, the presiding officer may ask the body should any
member know of any manifested legitimate and confirmed excuse for the absence.

Section 17. The privilege speech shall be followed by the deliberation of members which may
include an open forum, interrogations and/or rally of questions and manifestations from the
members of the body. This is the final phase of the deliberation process. The member subject for
expulsion must always be inside the chamber to adhere in the transparent flow of discussion and
must never leave the General Assembly until the body has made a final decision. Failure to do so
will require the final phase of deliberation to be suspended until the member subject for
expulsion is present inside the chamber in the same General Assembly or another.

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Section 18. Only the Grievance Committee shall decide on the complaint for expulsion of any
member provided that it adheres to Section 2 of this Title. The presiding officer of the
deliberation process must not be the one being subject to the Association’s membership

Section 19. Should the General Assembly not reach a quorum, the process of deliberation shall
not proceed after the member’s privilege speech. In this case the final phase of the deliberation
may be suspended. Suspension of the final phase of the deliberation process can also take place
should the General Assembly fail to make a final decision on any member subjected for

Section 20. A two thirds (⅔) vote of all present members in the General Assembly as identified
in the attendance shall constitute the partial decision for appropriate actions. The General
Assembly must always be in quorum in order to implement decisions. The vote may be done
either by show of hands, secret balloting, or an unopposed motion. All types of votes must be
recorded, including but not limited to affirmations, negations/nullifications, and abstentions. The
decision of the General Assembly should fall on either of the categories stated hereunder:

a. Expulsion of Association Member;

b. Denied expulsion of Association Member; or

c. Suspension of the final phase of the deliberation process of the General Assembly.

Section 21. A suspended deliberation on any member subject for expulsion should be convened
with all members having read the minutes of the first and second phases of the deliberation

Section 22. In cases when the General Assembly suspends the final phase of the deliberation
process, member/s subjected to membership expulsion shall have a pending membership status
to the Association and is/are neither required to perform her/her duties and responsibilities to the
Association nor be granted any Association member rights and privileges in all assemblies
including but not limited to speaking and voting rights unless otherwise required as per the
stipulations in the entirety of this Article.

Section 23. Should the General Assembly consist of more than one member subject for
expulsion, the deliberation process shall repeat until all members subject for expulsion have been
given appropriate actions by the Grievance Committee.

Section 24. The Grievance committee has the power to accept or veto the decision made by the
General Assembly, given that the Grievance Committee has found insufficiency in any phase of
the process. In this case, any phase of the process shall be redone, in the discretion of the
committee. Final decision for expulsion or sanctions shall be made by the Grievance Committee.

Section 25. Any member who is expelled from the Association must immediately be pulled out
from the following:

a. Officer ship in the organization and will be required to surrender all necessary
documents, files, and other assets of the Association, keeping no standing copies and/or

b. All of the Association’s social media platforms for discussions, including but not limited
to groups, group chats or chat rooms; and

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c. All standing access to the Association’s official documents, internal meetings and
discussions, and all materials concerning the association.

Section 26. In situations of denied expulsion of Association membership, the Grievance

Committee may decide on any sanctions to be given should there be confirmed cases of

Section 27. The Vice President or the Public Information Officer must announce the decisions
made by the Grievance Committee, as stipulated in Section 18, to the organization through all
media stated hereunder:

a. SMS Updating;

b. Social media posting;

c. General Assembly; and

d. Official written resolution being passed around or sent to all members.

Section 28. Any member who is expelled shall sign a non-disclosure agreement prepared and co-
signed by the Vice President and the President, outlining confidential material, knowledge, or
information that must be restricted from public access/knowledge.

Section 29. This shall title shall also apply in the Impeachment proceedings headed, by the
Director for Human Rights.


Section 1. Any amendment to this Bylaws may be proposed by any member and approved by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of the Association.

Section 2. Amendments to this Bylaws shall become part of this Constitution only upon
ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members present, there being a quorum in a
special meeting or referendum called for such purpose.

Section 3. The amended Bylaws is effective immediately upon the election of the new elected
Executive Council.

Section 4. The amended Bylaws will only be subjected for revision one (1) year after its


Section 1. This Bylaws shall take effect on the day following its ratification.

Adopted and ratified this ________ day of ___________at _______________________

with the list of members, together with their signatures, who ratified the same appearing in
Annex “A” hereof.

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SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this ____day of ________________
at _____________________ Community Tax Certificate No._________________ issued at
_____________________on _______________.


Page No.____
Book No.____
Series of_____

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