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H= HHO) He AAS H|AL|A st ABSIT 7188 ] BEZEAE Publishing Firm 200718 37H HAS HLS UCIE! MBSE, aol SISO} Sol Hst +27} HES] S7ehol Chet 20194 128 GIA GOTH OHA S SICHSIO} MI MP RRO SAO} BA SslS ArtsHoy} SAO} 2 OB7IBOZNS oS OID ISUC Act 1004 32H SIO} Bes HES OHRID, BS SAY ES! CHOFSISIT YSLUCL 2 BIS 712] a | A180] 71481S/01 BO} Af] SIRO! BALAI} SIA] Q}R019} SAAB] SLAISID, AVS SAL Oz BROS MSE SASS 18 DH} BLAO| THe} MEISTCIOWMES (HIALIA BRO} 1, 2) 8 atte StSuc, (IAL S30} 1, NE AIBSAOl HO) SIRO! SSAS olstol hate! WAS alaret AS! Sasol Ag gO] TE HEA HALA ABO BOS HS, AMS MBSIO IBS TASIBSUCL | Ne S Ue Sits - W7| H716I0] SSNS] OlskS Sw, SH STS HOIA SIRSLICL O| DS SoH SABO] SAT} AS ch HIS +} SIG BHILIC, MBSIAAEIOI SRS DAKE +-2|-MB8tShtip:// SAH e-book SALE ASS|OH, NAIA st SA SS ASVS TVMOt OfLfet 0] WAS ASHE SE ae B! SIGAVE BBA > UES Zot TQISUCL, TS PHS SEMI S2]0! BE ARS ABIOR Heal} BS ATS wel + 7H TIKI, POSE MSSIMHS CYS! DS AE HS Ssh SAO} Sol apy Ltzt 24 uu. OXI UIALA $0} 1, 2) HT SEO YS ESS A ofe| MUM ZAIO] SS MEL Cy, O|SIOIICHSHED SRI TAS Ulseo A HOH BOI FAI EI Se TOS AAO aes SSBC, Teln DM BAD SUS Oey 2 Las of EA MEST OS BAA SEAS ze AS S2IUCh o 20194 128 AMBSHSMEL OLS Best Preface in| 2| of 201240] Bo) SRO} BRI} gS Ss Ys AVS Sav! Hot SEE MBSHAAICIO| Bj 740] OI7ET SUESLICE, 2019! SAMY GO7H 100ROH SHO MBSISS SOSH QT LILO cH syate! Oley TSU OM] FUSS ASSIS] MA Aol StwO|aHT ate | Ao] etc seaksuich, 012} ZS L240} S121] MBSISIOIM SBOE MHS SHY 471 EAI S7HUS Wot OFLI2t SIRO} BS wHSE SIs SAS CHPSHASLICL $6 a9] SH 71g] SISEDA SHE SOR SRO wS = SSO] BOIL OSS SI8t AT Sto} aLAH ABO] BLNRIOLSLICL. Ole! HESS I 217104 (US HH HEE AE UIALIA S130} 1, 2S Nwovl El Ms] AwAIseS DA BB MO eID BSH 849] SIX] MBS SAO] MS, SIS 71240 HESIAE SHE ol 8] S12IAI9} OO] Ist SWS, SIA] SS Tiel BIA SS SILI SA LISS OFA AIAHOH JOM! S 2] BY BA, ME AA SB Ssh SAO] FQASO) OS PeIBSUC O| ARIS Wel AE AAS! Bz} AAjol SoH FA! HSL SHO] 1, 2,3 ABSMIS wlREt ho) MISS g S20} MYST SIS, Tel AM ASOl SSS Fu SS My MBS MUS, Ale ANS = TISMHS FA CILIA, E171, SAMIPIAE, HEIZIet SO] ae] ASSIS ME, M7} ASIOIOH Aj SBSH SIAR MSHS 44) SOME AAS, MSIE Se AaesAl OFS Zl 2 AERILICH, CHO} O12} BH SOE 0] A CIx}OLS sh Tole AID OWA BIA, SAH A! HEMEL ate BAM Semis 202 AERC, 2 BME HSURONS Alsto} MSSIGOWA WALA stAo} MEIPY Sei A| ase + gS A/S Uy 7IZAO! SIRO} UAE 52 IIS SHS Se 1B} IS Ol Qs! ALAS Sei sta} B SES SE HOR THEO} AE MAISINSUCL ES MSHS OWA WAH] SEE =O] 2| $e 2} AIS LILIA SRO} DAS $8! KIM} 42) Al BBS 0171 Het +8 SAL S 7| UO, PPT S 40) WA NSE Syd HSISEO! BS} ABO] satel ALAS MASH AIH SSE 0] aN aIVSUCt, Se WM eo| ABS 01 Fa} SRY, SE aS OMcls}a] ET Go} SAIS che SHE O| AE ThOPIE OMS] BASIS MAE HOS LOA SIQSLICH, O| ALA} IX] ASSIS MAIS SAS Of] AZOILOF $0] Sizi wiehO} AS AAISS APS YASMA SLC TSot ops ea Zoi 2:3) 240 2 MM 715 GAL we SEC 201914 128 BH BB aS KfF| Table of Contents AIZEAF Publishing Frm - soon, Df2IBL Preface eee 3 BIMY PAYEE Textbook Scheme Sa 6 27] Explanatory Notes: 10 EEE! FLAY Unit structure cas R SMB charectes . 6 Part 1 StROILt YO} A440] SUM? 16 Part 2 14 Sot H8tl+S HSUICt 20 Part 1 MIBAAOAl FS BHO] USUCt 24 Part2 as018 aes usuct — “om “ 28 ate z Part 1 CHS 04 AMIBO| L+O7| MyseOH V0] BSUICt- 36 Part 2 YO] AHOIQt= BAUCt 40 Part 1 3} BQst Apel] HOP SASUCt 44 Part 2 SOA Soi] U0] 2 BxtSuct 48 (Be 2 Part 1 23 S/26)7| Hol ABSHI2. 56 Part2 SAIS MEel AOIURO1L 60 Part 1 QgHetoy AGS Ly SU0ig 64 Part2 H2| 2S st AO] Qoje 68 eae 2 Part 1 19|8t4{ 7H 2 ASU 76 {think Retshe went toa meeting Part 2 AMMO Ht BS = : 80 Called from trading partner Part 1 37+ 7h SUC 84 i) Fimgoing on vacation. Part 2 & 10AlOl| AIONS SHS HL? “em —ormenmncn Cant checkinat 1pm? OM mes z Part 1 S38 Si} Azet 7IcChal a2. 96 09 Please waita minute because heshe) on the phone Part2 SINS & SSA ASM? 100 ‘Would you like to look around our company? Part 1 S|9| AES SApsH SQ? 104 ‘Canyou copy the meeting material? Part2 QI Bas st Kol SSN? 108 How about advertising on theinteme? Part 1 BAYS Boxset 017 HOF OHA? 116 How do chargefor travel expenses? Part 2 AVS APS aH SAIC 120 Let's do market esearch Part 1 AALt HHS Bol AO] BSUC 124 They ae interested in smal or light Rems. Part 2 HQIP| RIMS S2i7/2 YSU 128 I decided to give my report by tomorrow 7 | CHE! Listening Script 138 AEE Answers so WB $24 A124 Grammar Explanation a 5 153 SAV/SSAL BBE verbs/Acjectives Table 156 048] 3! E81 AHO! Vocabulary & Expressions Index 162 S71 TE) BK table ofFles for istening 166 TAH SE as} uz) Part 1 | | DHE Oloie giz 47] a 73 a owen Part2 | Ol&{Ai 2131 447] Part 1 | AVIA7HA 24a) 47) a} Bia Hl eerie Part2 | AS Ws Si Bov! 61 Part1 | Aj FS Ast SAT Bor] Bt AQ} I a Sa eerste eee = ASS 4 ais a1 47 | en Part 1 | QiAtBt APSOLM AOLALSIZI Part 2 | HIZLIA AtsfoiAy QlAt 218!7] S62 a Part 1 | SIAFOIA12] Sts Soil Cet S42 BSt7| a} SIA oo ae Part2 | At! SS3|0l Het 3S YT 47] Part 1 | GAIA CHS} Slat Qiet CHst Bst7] a} AM a eae Part2 | #2 #5 OH IB ET Boi] 563 Part 1 Part 2 39] Al2HS HIFE S38} US SD S3} WS Su O2sp| Bop| parti | $7} NAMB oD 471 Hare : oe a Part2 | 39 2} HAIOIES 91 gob Ba4 Part | 24 S04 chat Sa Boy eee Sat BAST part? | SINS) AIMS CIUy BIB CHS ED BSI part | S19] HOH BS! OAs ET BVI | fie ion ae part 2 | 2704 cHét CHS ED 71 Ba5 part | 28 AZM etn 47] ot as ee Part2 | Ala ZAjol| 2I8t chat S71 BS}71 tou 11 Part1 | BZ SUA Qj cee ETSp| part | 29 Al Gia A6H71 Ba6 @ vison ee we ws e011 =) /EQ= FA] BE Be of Oat S15 zal OF Ce AP BE O18 _ =7| THEO [AL Bie 044 ~(Q)L AE HOCH AB Be 043] ~SY/AOH BACH ROU Ba Be -(2)- Seo HIALIA QlAp BEE BEY ~7| SIAL Br BEI 712 O18 ~(Q)L-/E8 | 318s Uy ey BY SHAY BEL O18 TAR BY BS 018) =(O)e 40) QICHSCt BE BS Be OF ~(Q)- fe 2 BC at Bet BS! ~(2)e OS BEI HSH ~(Q)ata2 StCt #7 Bees O18] = 0f/04S SICt Se Oot Zet O14) ~ (2) Tyg ~(Q)ARSUTIE BAP ot - 0/04 Be2? Hol 2 Ex Hu 2 ~(2)21e4 ay we O18] =(C)e At ARS BAP Bie 0194 AU PF BT Bet O49 7712 ott Apt Aa) BA O18] auras @ Textbook Scheme iy berg Unit Job-Seeking | Part 1 | Reading and writing Job-Seeking Related Ema 1 Activities Part 2 | Reading and Writing a Resume Unit Preparingfor | Part 1 | Reading &writing Cover Letter 2 — JobInterview | part 2 | Listening to an interview Situation & Speaking Review 1 Unit Department | Part 1 | Reading & Speaking Introduction to Works of Departments 3 and Position Part 2 | Reading & Writing Introduction to People of the Company Unit Part 1. | Saying Hifor the First Time at Work i Greetings omen Part 2 | Exchanging Greetings in Business Situation Review 2 i Listening tothe Daily Schedule at Work & Speaking oe Office Life ~ ~ - Reading & Writing about in-House Clubs Reading instant Message Conversation & Having an Everyday Conversation Unit aity Life = 6 Listening to Weekend Activities & Speaking Review 3 Listening to a Telephone Conversation about Change in Meeting Time & i Part 1 um Business Call Speaking Part 2 | Listening toa Telephone Conversation & Making a Note Unit Part 1 | Reading & Writing aVacation Request Vacation 8 Part 2 | Reading the Booking Website of Hotel & Speaking Review 4 int Guee Part 1 | Listening toa Customer Conversation & Speaking 9 Reception Part 2 Lacie ‘toa Conversation Related to the Company's New Product Guide & peaking - Unit Part 1 | Listening to Conversation Related to Preparation for a Conference & Speaking Meeting 10 Part 2 | Listening toa Conversation about Advertising & Writing Review 5 Unit Part 1 | Reading & Writing a Business Trip Plan Business Trip n Part 2 | Listening toa Conversation about Market Research & Speaking Unit Part 1 | Reading a Report of Business Tip & Making an Oral Report Report 1 12 Part 2 | Reading & Writing in a Daily Work Log Review 6 @) vie wes we Ay wo} CTT ig Vere eee (ODL | Job Seeking Activty-Related Vocabulary set Resume-Related Vocabulary ~(Q)-/feElQVe Work-Related Vocabulary ~(Q= + Ucy/eict Business Practice-Related Vocabulary ~7| THEO] ~(Q)e f= BO|ct Department-Related Vocabulary Position-Related Vocabulary = R/O BAC -(Q)t SEO First Greeting-Related Expressions Business Greeting Related Expressions 7 | Hoy Office Life Related Basic Vocabulary -(Q)L/E8) In-House Meetings and Events-Related Vocabulary -a- Emotion-Related Vocabulary ~(Q)e 40} BEH/stCt Weekend Activities-Related Vocabulary Phone Call-Related Expressions Memo-Related Expressions Esa atc} Vacation-Related Vocabulary ~O1/O1S SICh Hotel Reservation-Related Vocabulary ~(S)U7} Customer Reception-Related Vocabulary AIRES? Company Guidance-Reated Vocabulary = 01/04 Bet2? Meeting Preparation Related Vocabulary -EH Advertising-Related Vocabulary -(Q)e424 Business Trip-Related Vocabulary (Q)esAICt =H -7|2 ott Market Research-Related Vocabulary Oral Report-Related Vocabulary Written Report Related Vocabulary suze @® Ce a7 BHP HHO} DRO] AST} GS Lo} HS HTSHS ASAIS wIALA BAI| af] SRO} StSAp B PSlO} CUES HS! UIE AE MIALIA BIO} 1) ASIC, CUES UH WIR ANE WIALIA BIRO] NS HALA SRO] TRIS AS DMS HWSINOD!, SAGO! AIS UMA THAME! SRO} WAS S 4S SYAVIT 71S SR AS sie 20] RAE Sct eee + (HE HHA] HZ AE VIZLIA BIRO} 1S MBS] HAYA sst0] WADI] Sxl sta) SAAS 0] JIC! SRO] UAT SAIS UO WALA Nao BOs! ge xAIS WET, Ie Sas a SAISS HSSIAC. ABAD BHAll WAUA BHP AAS UY + UTS oe] MSS SHO WAL SS 71 ABS Ss] Ste Ole] ALIA, SF 7iee] BLA B! SBE, 712 SIS YS S QF AIS AAlsIg B, QF BA Bas wyoe ag USS AASV + Sol AW SA SHO} SHA] Qa} Hel Sts} 71g SASS] US +Hotel A\P Yao SQat CH SYS USS YANOE yroIslo| ARI! wR[SIAICh, + SAVE HIZUA SSO KS AST + USS AB MBOWA SO] BE + We AHAO! FA, 4 #, BHOS PMSA. + Boi], S71, HI, A712] AHSS UNAS SAS HAIAl7|S| S7l, BIS we Y7|, 47| Se BVH + USS GSS AAC! aa HSS Beoiaect. + ASESHAL AAS Weslo} MISSA 1, 2S StSst FS MAS ASS + UES OF SE 2S NSS. DAH 3 + GHZ HHe| HEE AS HIALIA BESO} 1S & 127H0] A BAI SH 67k] MEE BAIsIeIct. + 1742) DHE 27H] UES PASpO} aay MAO] WHE “= 24740122, 2742] DOLCE SAH} UO} Mal Se BYS| = 67H0ICL. + Bye ES 1714), BS 247H0/Ch. + OHS URES 2M) BEI O1SIS 67H, AH 11S Bat 57H 7H AVSHO} LAY AMO EOE Algy O48 I0] = & a77H01c4. agi + DSUYS MSHS] APSO Whe] 4BAZHAO|LY GOALS AHStOH Vevat + SUC. + SMES WS A210] AROS WAGES FE AMY 12F SU SSIS SSS Tle Hos =s SIMD, GAAS SSIS +2 AlZiOl Metstoj FS GAIZMY 107 SOt SASS TASHA, @ veanne me usus eso Explanatory Notes King Sejong Institute, which promotes Korean language education and the spread of Korean culture around the world, has developed for overseas Korean learners with business purposes. was developed as a textbook for Korean curriculum for business purposes, with the goal of helping learners to improve basic Korean communication skils and to acquire basic work knowledge in the workplace. Direction of Content Organizing + was developed to help learners learn the business knowledge necessary for business situations and improve their job skills based on the basic Korean communication skills, according to King Sejong Institute's business Korean curriculum, + In order for learners to learn practical and essential business work knowledge, a demand survey of Korean teachers of King Sejong Institutes overseas, prospective employees seeking employment in Korean companies, workers and middle managers of Korean companies, and corporate personnel was carried out. And based on the results, learning contents were selected, + In particular, the demands of Korean language learners for the purpose of work and the opinions of employees of Korean companies abroad were collected, and thus contents that were said to be important in the job situation were actively reflected and arranged sequentially + This text is composed of essential topics, vocabulary, and expressions commonly found in the ‘workplace so that leamers can use them usefully in business situations. + Itincludes a variety of practical task activities to improve the harmonious communication skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and to develop reading and writing skills based on listening and speaking, Considering the connection with , vocabulary and grammar were selected so that, learners could use this textbook after studying . Organization + is composed of 12 subject-related lessons and 6 review lessons. + One lesson consists of two parts, and the total number of parts is 24. There are review lessons for every two lessons, and the total number of review, lessons is six. + There are 24 grammars, one for each part. + With six subject-related vocabularies and average five new vocabularies per part, a total of 257 new vocabularies appear in this textbook Curriculum + The curriculum can be operated by selecting either 48-hour or 60-hour type depending on the circumstances of King Sejong Institute. + Since the education time per part is 2 hours, the 48-hour type is to be run for 4 hours per week for 12 weeks with the review sections as a task; whereas the 60-hour type is for 6 hours per week for 10 weeks with the review sections included in class hours. wis @® ete FAN Unit Structure + (OEE HHS BER A BIRLA SER 0] 1)2 120 O|ROTA QICt, « is composed of 12 lessons. +2 the QiDe MBs FSI 100 MD MBs £2, as, Vor, malo] eae AEC. Each lesson consists of Part! and Part2, Part! and Part2 are organized in the order of introduction, practice, speaking and task. EDD vicducti0n Part2| $eSHS AARC Itpresents learning objectives of the Part Part9| 8 UWSat Beet ARIS MAC, wy ost SIU BES SASS NAAR te UBL SE + WES sch Aphoto related tothe learning content ofthe part is presented, o Through simple listening or irssue isan | estions, the leaers can be comermemnnsicm | patturally guided to the content. Sa @ vere nevus ego Part2| St BEE OF) B BSS MAC O1F] 2 HHS BAL SAL, ABA, ol FO Tel7 THC AOS BACH, ‘The vocabulary and expressions related to the subject ofthe part ate presented. Vocabulary and. expressions are sorted by noun, verb, adjective, and collocation alphabetically SH Swol st Zest ABS AAT BVA ALAIRCH. Abrief explanation of the target {grammar is presented with the translation, AME UE OFS AAI. SH Ewe] ASS New vocabulariesare presented. Speaking activities are presented to practice goal Off] FE HES BAS Ol Al EME SoH S215] SCt. ‘Asking questions helps confirm ‘that learners understood words and expressions correctly. APUOIUY TSS SSH SH BuO| ot] OBA] APSSIEAI 22] SiC The photos or pictures show when and how the target ‘grammar would be used. 17] HESS MAIRACE grammar. SH BS BSS HAA Yeo} Ys) | ASOS PAHC THO .. BE MAI CistS 73e OH SEAS SZO| BF USS AC. It consists of speaking practice in business situations using the target grammar. Pictures or tables are presented to help learners organize conversations. BS FA} BAS Bs} 4718 stead Part2| $5 WSS CHA| S2loha1 a) SOHAL ASD F UES Qt. ‘Speaking or writing about the topic of the activity, learners can re-check the parts learning and apply itn real situations. @ verse se vss wRo11 B52) BASLE APRIOILY Hes Ste BS USS ORR! + LER BIC Pictures and questions related to the activity helps predict the content of the activity. ‘Ea Bap, Am 471, "eI. Wor! So HE is Mee FUER YC, Iallows learners to practice mult- skill such as listening and speaking, ‘reading and writing’ andreading and speaking! Parto| Ro} BSE! S7ILp QV 1S B OlCHRER SHS ‘SoH SOSH Sch Asking questions allows learners teehee toseeif they hada good understanding of listening or reading related to the topic ofthe part. aaa THRE BRS KELSO] et See tre LE2t PROF ols FORE 94 72 a5 Job-Seeking Activities | BEESE Aims of the Lesson or enakn Je slated Bae gol ol interview 7h ololele & 4 2th ait aestaeee eptenieet ca rare }20] 44 eeeeneedentsimeoeene poe ae = SHIOIL} SO] AHO] WSL ——aciey work Do you have Korean or English score? SAKGICH) join a company ALB (StCH) submit 2B AO (OLY BAL AO OVA St BALE SF] A At SOA OL AOE SHS Mes UEC, ‘Attached to a noun to indicate that you can choose either the preceding noun or the following noun. + OE Off SIALOIAL QS ASLIVI? she} el 73 Aol What company do you want to work fo? Seneca + 21 SIAOl| chal IT VE 240] SLI? aisol AR} H014 vs Do you have anything you want to know about the company? eck @B ve sgoe ae usta e011 el 1. OSS FA SMUUCL ES 40] VSO SOI FS FOr AAAQ, Here's the job-seeking process. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. wa Vv SAP RIA, aestct eAretct SIAL Match the sentences with the words and make dialogs as shown in the example below. 3 2.483 ABS ECApst 20] css TS0j HAAlo. ¢ ev FCO Sees Q . Sts, HE ¢ « aMe ager |. : 924, 421 (2) 2130} 40] Qojor Btct | + : 8,55 & (3) % 80] zo] pris ct | - + st20] S41, 0} 4a} c'> | GD g OfCloWA BESHLIM}? €|> SROLY WE LOLA Beech g [tee onaane @® oH CAPS} ZO] Boy AAO. Let's talk like the example 01 SAO] Q4OF SHUM? 30184 | go ay Ul], ARO SAO] Q040F BILICt. 2) 1 IYO] QL40F BLM? StS 01 SAOIL BO} SAO! QOlOF BUC. e BAS Bor UI? a, P & e xl AIS SUM? 2. g BIRO, BPSHOF SLIT? ul, g StS OCA BE BUI? @ se ase se wus wa01 1, SAP HE S|AfOl] SSSt AO] USLIM? VW H ofa! O|Op IaH HAI. Do you have questions about a company you would like to join? Check vand talk about it. ae! oe Ba ARO BA HS JIet 2.43 23 Al BEd] Sole. Read the text and then answer the questions. cusses Bay ea) xe NBAxol galsia YEU mw aye ae ERSe mooOw ohgorale? AE SRUSID SHAOIM ASIA BS SILI, AE MBAAO QIAFSHTL ASL, Atel] BLO] SIO O|IYS SRIUCH. SOIL} Bo} SAO] UoIoy ILM Xie FBO} BIRO AIS PSLICH TSAI! OF AAS =e wSLICE SRO] AI AAS CIMITIA| Bator BLUM Ae AHS! FO} O(CIOLY BPEL}? Nae SRO UNI! BS SOME EOI Wat APSLICL. Tel St PEERILICL, ZAHBILICL BSsace — ee (1) 0] 22 1H SHI SAL? What kind of text is this? @ Ojoe @ BA GAIA @ UA AA (2) AS WI} BOM O, HEA X sHAAIe. Put O ifthe following statement is correct and X if t's wrong, © SS Me Ale SRO] WSU. ( ) @ SY Me SRO} ANS AA] YOY BAO] SteSUCt. ( ) 3. HAO! YAS HE SAO] SSS AS OBIYE W SAA\O. Email your questions about the company you want to join. p — = oY a wm AawAae © mone 7 ee / ‘EESIO{A department oforean language O[0I2 email EH SFEERILICH imouldepprecateyourreny. El youssincerey 01.7188 GD | ef Aims ot tne Lesson a Abst Le Ssbol ASL OS career 3th. Toprepare a resume to submit tothe company ay you want to join. nationality BABS voluntary service S| AB SA 1d Sot SASS ASUC ojstens I attended a language program for a year language training course ciety contact number ay educational background set BAF FIO SHA} OA G10] 015204 Ale 712HS LEHI, Attached to a noun to indicate the period during which something is done. et Set ole + AES SAO OLAS AM BESLIVI? sue Pe eee O{Moll StS e712? What should you write on your resume? @ viz eos ae usu es0h1 ren HB 8 a 1. CSS OAS] St HHCILICL ETDS} BO] VSO SA OFS HOF Meal. Here is part of the resume. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. ED] vay aii ier URAL (Kim, Yu Mi) | 1994, 11, 07, | 010-5572-1004, ©> 2011.03, ~ 2015.02. SIRCHSLD Sofa 2015.08. 2015.12. AISMAP Make dialogs. See the example below. a 2.438 Sil C7) 20] HSS SO BAe, G c G 14 47h €'5 : oF e\> = aM ae A424 name AYABIO) cateofbith QUEL inten IHF month oes BD te EP} ZO] sy BALIO. Let’ talk like the example. OSS ASYM? UY), SIRCHSMOAY 0/8191 B aSLICL @ s2018 wxeum a a Q suse SLI @ ve wsye seus eso 1, AMO] FAS AA FSV? QS VW H SH O/H sf HAAS. What should you write on your resume? Check ¥ and talk about it. ae Alo) 2 sal ARO BAY 2.432 SQ Mt SAtCil MBSHS OARIUICL S71 BE] FStAAl2, The following is a resume submitted by Ms. Huong to the company. Read and answer the questions. Oo, aA ag Bf & SQ (Pham Thu Huong) | ay aE | age 1992. 07.15. | pret | ae 2013.03. ~ 2017.02. Staystal S104} a 2017.03. ~ 2017.08. stds OI JIE At 2015.06. B01 AB 4 2012.12. ~ 2013.02. BIRTHStaL O18t21+(105) 2015.07, ~ 2015.12. ASARUMEY SAE BS (67B) (1) SS M7} 0] SS S ORE SHILA? Why did Ms. Huong prepare this article? @ OfAofa1 OVA} @ FAS OV @ ATS AND HO (2) AS WS} BOR O, CEA X SHYAIS. Put O ifthe following statement is correct and X ifit's wrong, © 5S Me CID SAt BSS ot SUCH @ 5S Me OHA S2t ASS SUCH ( ) 3. HAZ] OMS MW AAAI. Prepare your resume. ol et 4 FE AB aes perry AS 24] Preparing for Job Interview SHES Aims of te Lesson QIAFSED ALS SIApoH| MIB RE AIT SF ale. To prepare a cover letter to submit to the company you want to join MBAAOIA 2st SHO] QS LICt Ihave worked for Sejong Electronics APIA OES stHolme AVIATIMES WM RSL? APIA 1 USS RSL? Have you ever written your cover letter in Korean? What did you write in your cover letter? + OF LISS 4D ASL? What would you like to write on it? @ vague se vsus e301 product 7Ha(SICH) develop 71261) plan AMAHSICh) produce BH(SICh) promote -(2)-feK(2)2 SAt AO ZH 2 HO 2= B APS A131 1 APZHO|LY aH9I7E BPA, SAH, Ole] Boss Let Hct, Attached toa verb to modify the noun that comes afterit and to indicate that an eventor action ‘occurs in the past, present, or future LAE RAO, | APTS Al} el BSHE feels. rpms 8 BC a 1. CSS SAF SFALICL EXP St 20] BS SOA UFS SO MAA/Q. The following pictures show company works. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. Hetstch v 7\88tct asatotch Sststct $2 SIAL IES Ee 2. SS MSA FO MO] SF AHULICL -(Q)-/E(Qe'S MSHA SS StHIaH HHALO. The followings are business introduction presented by Mr. Tuon working for Sejong Electronics. Complete the text using (Oy-felQ\e 19 A a Ae MBSA ED etc WE FAB. ME BHO AFA ASS (1) 7H5¢Ct SHO ASUG. ABS HH MS ASS (2) 71/S1Ch SSS BUC. 7/80] BUA FT Wes Hate BUC. Tel sais |} AZO! (3) SHI AUC. AINE newprocuct 2 experience acne EADY 20] Yay BHAI. Let’ talk ike the example, ae ep SINOIA Beet BHO] USUN? n SAA 2P34Ct 4, RTO BPs BAO] BELIch. (erszian 92] SIAL O18 CIPS OE ELIMI? ce an MAES 718+ 1. g BHO! WSU? SAPO Q54Cf aa (29 SIA) 4 -Q 222, Hav age suet g Fel SIAL O18 GES Bi HELIN? BHO! wsuM? gar ees oct Wo q Ba SE goizeie)) g Quatsiel O18 12s aka SLIM? SER sais aot 3. oy # | atl st a2 a @ veanueae Siete sich (4848) SAS 7HESECE BUA oz0} 1 : aL, AHO! USUNI? e aatetet OW SS ol ASU? 1. APIAAMO 1 LISS ME SSL? BE VF Sf O|Op7 [sy WAALS, ‘What should you write on your cover letter? Check ¥’ and talk about it. AB aa ay on #2 a 2.432 ES Set Mol AVIATHMALICL Bal BE SSAl2. Here is the cover letter of Tihu Huwan. Read and answer the questions. AVIA Acs URS HRUMS SUMSUC 4 Set SOA SHMSUCL Tey BROS OF BELICL SS] QI7/9t 47/B DSU. SHO IAPS AS ALO] VSUC Ae ASAQUC. WS 44 Sot SAb ASS UT, OSHO|ES YO! AUCH QAP SAPO GEE AIMIBOILY SAKE SMSHE SIPS Sl YSUCL MSAAO F Bgst BO) SY] ASUCh, (1) AS US} BOM O, CEA X sale. Put O ifthe following statement is correct and X ifit’s wrong, O ELF $2 Wis BE Ao] MBAAIOLA CIES AESLICE ( ) QEF $2 We BABES 8 AHO! VALICE ( ) (2) El 21 lo} HH SALAS. Wate about Tihu Huwan, wait Si | Mote 2 an ve ae 3. EHS QUE SIAtOI MISS! AVIATHME MW BAAIQ. Write a cover letter to submit to the company you are interested in. AV IATHAL (ae sich beconfident 4=IAYO|Cf beactive HY QSIC need ras @® Oy. bai =| = al ds ea job intervi sHHOE Bet + SSUCt | can speak Korean well +0 ABIES Xia Ste BILInI? What dothese people do now? OHES AES BSUAI? Have you ever had an interview? ARO FAS S0S712? What do the interviewers askat the interview? @ v2mye ne vans wso11 tSBEE Aims ofthe Le a 2 pes) =A document ‘SHE(OHCH) presentation HAU(6{C}) report AS(StCh) consult OlsH(StCH) understand ArH) make out -(Q)2 UCH/ect SAL HO BO 7S BH B7tS ag UENCh Attached to a verb to indicate that it is possible or impossible to do it. pe BL BALE CQ a 1. CSS SAMOA o= SAUCE ECAPSt 20] BBO SA FS st0t MAIO. The following pictures show company work. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. ‘Botct v SDotct absterct AYSStCh 713) WS i) ee Daa} E 2.453 271 ET) 2 20] HSS We] HAO. Lookat the table and make dialogs lke the example. Could you explain? El OnE Vi Dat Soe Sestct Vv (1) StS 0j2 St oHct v v v LUISE content 22H customer 28s B® HEAPS} 210] Sto AAO. Lets talk like the example. com HRS B+ Su? Ul, HHS BE + USUct AS Be + USUM OH2. HE 3 BSUC. e O #202 oma act a, —_ 9 YK 20 omtes act 2 jug, ANS oss Ase FASC 9 @ v2 sine se ss 9041 1, H4BS OS APS St + SLM? St > QUE All WH St O/0f7 SH HAAN. Which of the following tasks can you do? Check ¥ and talk about it. SO STStLC}. SHO1S S71 O1BHEILICH. SRR ENS SISUC. 2.82 Si B20] styl. Listen and answer the questions. (1) SS Me Ale FAS BUM? ‘What is Huong doing now? @ QA Bas Buch @ wABS SHStUC. @ Sts} O84 OloW IE SUC. (2) 52 WS2} ZOW O, HEA X sHAle, Put Oifthe following statement is correct and Xifit’s wrong. © 52 Me HHS ASS S + USC. ( ) @ 5A Me Se BAB Asa + WSU ( ) 3. = AHI S/F OIAt SSA TALAWt SIO] BES Aa CHES AL. ‘As pairwork, take turns playing the role of the personnel manager of the company and a job seeker, and make and. answer the questions. + QIEK 2 aust al + SAS: 2 + 21st}: 2 weed = JIE 7 : 2 aim ve ae . THSBICt beableto owen @ Vocabulary and Expressions B3 eu * [1-5] BB A SEO Aot2 AS VEAL, [1-5] Choose the appropriate answers and fill n the blanks. 1, SERCHSHAOIAY SHO] __ 8/8 #8 Oe @ ABM 2. AAS G 01 sas euct. @ 7|S1SH0F @ STsHOF 3. A: OLE Mie SIMOIA 2S SOS BLT}? B: pts @ ARO Sst OQsMes Seu 4. ROSE Me ee 2 YL, SRO St AUC o ie See AU Ole HES! TILE Oj water AU e rot 08 ey D « @ 8 5. A: SIA Qt = BHO] WSL B: 4) @ Zao] QArorel BRSLICH @ MSA SAS] SWSUC @ SA SAA 1 SOt SeaSUCt @ vege seuss eso @ MBsHOr @ SIA PIF BSLICH Let's review it + Terms 1~2 asi Grammar * [6~9] BE 2 HHO Aste AS TEAM. [6~9] Choose the appropriate answers and fil the blanks. 6. A: OFF SIA}OH FAIS HOR? Bisa es oeteree eae SOL IAS S012 @ SHOlLt @eao2 @ x04 7 A: BY ME SAt BS BHO! USUI? Se SON ee eet. @® 1804) @ 1aech O1 2 i on ro 8. A: +2) ME OF US SUM? BAS SSMS LIC, O 7st @ nest @ HASHES 9. A: BOE ZA AS0l 7S BL? Gi iene se = © Saateuch O3Me + YSU @ {SRI BS AUCt s1@ 10. HS ST UE dS DEYAIS. Listen and choose the right answer. ann o S018 Bez YSUCt @ NBEO YASED ASLICE @ SUS SHOE US ot YSU q it} * [11] S38 22 B20] Fete. {11-12} Listen and answer the questions. 11. SAV} Ale stohe OFS VENAIS. What does the man want to do? © S204 2 @ Sol HaIsHAD @ OfBUHOIES stata. 12. S2 UST V2 AS TEMA. What tue? © BW Me CAFO VISE ZBIO1 QeSLIC @ BY ME BROUR SME ASE + BISLICL @ BY Mie SRO 1 SOl OIG BRELICL @ ve age se sus eso CC Let’s review it « Terms 1-2 [ESV Reading 23.058 2 A0 Wa Ce AS VEYA. Read carefully. What is false? Bea) 45+ ies) age | 1997, 10, 03, ai 2015. 03, ~ 2019. 02. CHEILHSIaR SISt0}2} aa 2019, 03. ~ 2019. 08. MIBSSH SIE! (671B) © 0] MBS! OSS HSTAUC @0| MAE Als ASS eo CHIU @ 0| ABS HSM SOS SHRSUC. * [14-15] HSS A SSO] FSA. {14~15] Read the following and answer the questions. KP IATHAL FAS HOIST SONS SUS! SFHOIILICL CHIT Che wy 24 SO! SOA} SSM HRS FHUC. ( @ ) S61 VeVIs VIC. aoe VAY Ty Age Be AHO] WsUct, FS NANO! MALICE SAO] US Of SBE OBO! BA} ISS HN SIS! SOLS SREOLY VEE NSUCL( © ) $8] SRAM ARE The AES HSUCL( © ) MBA B wast Afeso| Sl ASUICh 14, 1S S80] SO RS TEA, Choose where to put this sentence. AHA MBAINO| QIAPSHOA AIA 7h SIE aH 7 AVSLICE ao @o0 ao 15, 0| 29 LUiSz} ZS WS TEAS, What is true? © ¥7}0| ME shoe ses + USuC. @ B40] MS ROL da Sor BVSSLICE @ Q7}0| MIS CHStMO| CH OH CIES RSLICL x01 @ HAO} 21 Department and Position | SESE Aims oF ne Lesson my PAIL SHE hs Be + ach. department To explain what the department does aie research & development team SE CHS F204] AIO] LEO] OHO] Bee 20) BASLICt ola human resources team. There's lot of work to do because new products are going to be released next week. a are general affairs team ag public relations team —7| HzO] SAILE SBA} Soll BOL ORS etic Attached to a verb or an adjective to indicate a reason, se} de] e}7] ah zo a qed agus + O| AHEHS| OFS FSI}? O1 S|Atoll - S45 Qs) B71 abo )@ ChelLlai? ao] Sue. What is this person's name? What company does this person ~ AS wet AbeO]7| eo work for? a a ehh @ venue RUA B01 spt HBA CQ el 1. G82 SA] SHQUCL EU 20] BHO SO O18} HOt AAA\O. | The following is departments of the company. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. | vere She) outel gee a: ae) 9 U0 ace | Q 8) ete © > Aasoiil AaS2 aM ASS SAS ABS e> wae suuc, | msec. wuct Seeley. THErIUCh, ‘ec | a 2. CHSOM USS AS Bet C1) St AO] Css VSO SAAC. | al G ‘Choose assigned task and the team from each box and make dialogs as shown in the example. : pea) 2 eo @ QB PA] SAPOIAY O1L SA17t TES HE? BTS 71/2/5171 Meo S40] wwe. S ote APS. cEO APB employee D(SHCY) training BIT advertising on eNaa a Hl CHSS AAST PS} ZtO| Bay HALAL. Connect the sentences and try to talk like the example. eee ee v S28 Of He|7} a0] act B AMG! 80] SICt 1, FO HO] SPS MSS Wt + AES 7/2181 2. QUE) SA M7} HEHE tenet se 3, SAAALE/O] SIO}H BOI BIH + + BBO) oF oF L¥gicE ca 28 Su OL HALE Go| Bore? Y|, tore. FS UOl WoL? al M4 getula1e $3617] m0] Go| Boe Le 6 Pe UO] YL? @ BE YO] HQ? Bh . 9 9 @ 2 01 0127 @ vename seu eso 1, HAES OL MOA Vol HSU? VE St O|OP Ish BANAL, Which department do you want to work in? Check W and talk about it. QUA Sey ogee at 2.4082 2M SSS Ast SAUCE Val Deol] SotHALS. The following is an introduction to the work of each department. Read and answer the questions. Se] SOLE Qt, SAS, SHS, SHO] SUC. CA VAS AAS HSH SAAUCL wo] HAO] Qe AraO] Aor SSUCL AVA YOM ES ASS WEBUC TAD AASHME S|AroA HE a B2 70) BUC. SHR0MS LAE] YOM Ba| MOL Ae Bas HUI (1) 3 PAS 1 ASS Aza BAAS, Connect each department with its work. © owe J + ABS BUC. @ sea | + Ate mSeUct @ aa |}: + ABS S2sIUCh, (2) HS UST BOA O, HEA X SAI. Put Of the following statement is correct and X ifit’s wrong, @ DSO] BAO] WE AS SISA Ate SSUCt. ( ) @ QUOI ASHE Arete ASS HSU. ( ) 3. HAEO| US HS HAO] ASS AHS ANAS. Introduce the work in the department you want to work with. Beas 03738 |) 846558 sims orth Lesson = pooner ag SAO] SS DU FS set. position Sips aware ay the person in charge Gel assistant manager uw YO] HOR AALCt 2a ‘The work srather interesting manager a deputy department heed BE department head +=} (2) Bolct SAU SSA, BAHOICY Holl = OA] Tait Bsol Yes YEH ct Attached to a verb, adjective, or ‘noun + OIC} to indicate that there is some tendency toward. + SIALOIAL AQ! SS APES RIL 774? S82 77} B Bolo, TAS O87] SSL? 2 wis A Bh Uo] BE Who isthe highest position in the company? What do you Holole. call that person? ele at fo] SE Bolo, @ v2 4 u2 we uzus Hao pe aE CB El 1, 432 SIAf2| ASAI ECDL} ZO] BBO SOI OFS BO MAI. The following is the positions of the company. Fill n the blanks with the words in the box. See the example. a aR vag a8 Ae Gp +4 cel AbaE a BB aug) wean ormwes ane sou, -(on/e mors ae as eed BYAI2, 2 The following is an introduction to the R&D Team of Sejong Electronics. Complete the passages using (2) /= BoICY. Ae MBSMAL SVS SIELICL Pe] SlAt SI HEMEO! SHE ABS 17/7} CHD ec BS WILIC Tap o-prHEtE! 2) AreSe Sat cn snwect 50] Mog Wats AM M87 BO YO] BSUCh Isle wos marwS BA Bal (2) etch Jaa aie] C 29177F @ Ect TRIM QE ETI SAF AIBtO| THOIQSUC BAKBICH) approval AF document 03. exe aie @ MOSS ABST CUPS ZO| Hoy HAL, Connect the sentences and try to talk like the example, V Snes s0] BESECp coe SAS ict 1, SSS Of FQO] Ba SAt APIS AYE BHLICY + + Sale| Bas etSct 2. S8e eo] wep — + OS FO HBSS wSsHOF Stct 3. QI SO M7} AGAAS BO] wep 0 + 2B BOLO S MSO] BC 2S APH O| Bp? ul, HH BO|oH a. 42? AES 7H, 4 ul, " HQ? ul, @® 2g m2 Me HAYA B01 1, 0] AFBS O1L Let MEQIIL? FOE PAUL? ‘What countries are these people from? What are their hobbies? 2,482 SS M7} Sb ASS 7S! SAUCE Ba BEd HoHAle. The following isan introduction to co-workers of the company written by Ana. Read and answer the questions. ALS MSAA SHO VHS OFAC YA APBAILICE MISSA, SRO MHEUC. ASHE Pel SAt ASS 76D SUC. SS ME WES ASQUCL SHO BSH HOS Boa AAA AtapSap AE SHU, 2)0F CHAISE SISO StSUIC}, WL SAS SOD Ves oF TEtLICh Pel SAF Q2APAILICH, ALM] AIS SRO VSUCL SSS SOIUC AHIR RSS BAUC. Tet AretSoivl 217/7¢ BSUCt. S2| SA MASS AS SAs| Sl SF SPBUCL BS ASO! UAL S|At zo] AIRS UC, (1) OLE Mi AB ANSELM? Who are Ana introducing? Oa NSS Ovats @ Uses (2) HS UST BOA O, TEA X SAI. Put Of the following statement is correct and X ifit's wrong, © a0f Wete Qele SUC. ( ) @ HQAO| AGS 27/7¢ SUC ( ) 3, Pel SIAt APSO] CHOHAL Ota ASHE SS MW BHAI. Write down notes and introduction about the people in your company. SALAS 24 AD Bd at ( OAS Meco BHR aout QUEE a oma @® Greetings S}ESH Aims of the Lesson Ad SPOIL *}712271194 Sh] SIAL SE # a To say hello and introduce yourself on the rst, day ofyournew job & BLS AtHO| HOM SASLICt We want you to be indispensable for our company. + OHSS AIS Ogi] ABIL Sl BE Adil VE sHuAle. How do you introduce yourself? Listen and mark 7 ‘what is right. BY MES OO] Ab HESUICT, BY We 7a sols SILC @ ve mqoe se vaya exo alg AHE newemployee act take on alMg CHIC do the best HO] SAFAA|O Please help mea lot. Sol oHlSUct will work hard, a -VeISeILict Iwill appreciate your help. LBL SACt SALE BBAL HO] OL SiQ0] Uy wrefo| OO} LYEHMICH, Attached toa verb or adjective to indicate hope or desire. #0) UHOe F012, - Udell BFol] Zoe Flo. - AE REE Alo] gigigtoet FAL. Er tn EEC = 1. SS SAO A SASHA SHE QUILICL EP St ZO] VSO] SHA WHS Ot MAIO. The followings are the first greetings on the first day of the new job. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. See the example. BOl SEAALS aS CrevalSLIct (2) Abts S01 es] 2.433 Sil EPPS ZO] HSS SO AAO. Make dialogs. See the example below Vv Sal stu 92| S|A}Ol] 3 Bast AHO! SIct () @eSSeUct aes Baer (2) YO] SEYAIS $2] Aol] SZO| SIC} @) 414g cleHReUCt uot Be XILICt | Hilt senior 5:0] SICH behelptul os. 1 @ BH EMD ZO] sta HYA\2. Let's talk lke the example. ED cays ojo arse se wyQiuict, ongotl2? Ale fe BOIILICH, Vv SIUM Bizrate CHgoH BALI Th fe SetealwsUct 24 gol SUALICE e2 oteH2? etal Zig. paca ots] 7HAI2. wm NgSuC. SILA EPERSLIC. C2 o| S20] Wo] BSUC ci> Gp ce esucr Q a) eer @) 2.433 S11 EPPS 20] sts CSO} HAO. Make dialogs. See the example below. coo 2 2D @ crssince waar eee 2 a 0}, hase? Be E ongenie? etait |, Bui a sich €|2 ce 2 BS Bo] Sesuct Asal FAIL | {ase saybye ICT humbly meet 04, 214 HH EPS ZO] stat HYAIO. Let’s talk like the example. ole eUAt V MsteH SAIL Vv #oee 2 SS SeuUct. 1. CIAQIS BERAICH £ ABCeeSuch, 2, Bus BUSA 92] SAAS SSO] BO] BSC. 3. $2 BSS ArhaH FAC © eateuc. Uo] B BLA CreeeUICy. O| HBO] Asai FA SO S SASUC S2SS2, YOSe FSCRUC. 1G soa zus wav, | 0} #801 - _ geyvaud. 9 g& weseo ee u cao sauce. & 2. g& 10] BU CrevelLict, O| ABO] - a eweud. 9 |. CSO) BASU. 9 Ol eado) __ BBs. 9 & eveza 4). So) BabSUCh. 9 SO v2 wane He was #301 BRIS oowrmentonst, — CLXHEI deson 1, OE LYApOATE SIA} We AS Bert AED} Of] QUAP SILI}? How do you greet someone you first meet with a business contact in your country? REIN ChSol Beat ZO] AW19] HS GSO HAA, Make your own business card like the following business card, 3. 2HO|A| DHE BSS AID WS BAS ASSHA TAL CUPS at NALS. Say hello to your friend with the business card you have made above. Use the expressions you have learned. BS FT BS MH when you exchange business cards LICH, Olay 2171 HAY 27H LICE, GACH HO] OI} Bsa “ASVUC. Al BRO] MEA “et WS CHSOU AIO] BLS FoIor SILICH, siasoy gio: | BSUC. When you greet someone you meet for the first time in your work life, you exchange business cards with your introduction. At this time, the person who introduces himself{herself) first gives the business card with both hands. The person receiving the business card receives the business card with both hands. If he(she) gives you a business card fist, you should receive it and then give your own business card. if you don't have a business card, you may say, “Sorry, don't havea business card,” aH mi ceo oa en Lei EME:S9mg Vocabulary and Expressions * [1-5] BS A SEO Ute AS UEAAe. [1~5] Choose the appropriate answers and fil in the blanks. 1. AWHSOA CSS pee @ gaeiuct @ 7Heretuct @ Sseuct x . HEL AH] At AHO] O14 Qioy] = eis © So] seucr @ sag CHELICt @ #83 SSsuc 3. A: O/B Chale Bt 012? B: Uf, OSH SLICE, CHSEDOY Chet OH XH GO] SSHRSLICH, oz @ wit @ ole! B . A: B70 M), SAH B ASU. Pel SA7l Wate. B: |, 2ARIUCL aS © Beet ICAL @ Sao] oHkSUct @ & CREA ALC 5. A: CHAS2? ASB BO|L-SILICE B: . MBM SAIC senate Let’s review it » Terms 3~4 * [6-9] BS A SHO] Ute AS TEW|2. (6-9) Choose the appropriate answers and fillin the blanks. 6. A: B: Ps 12) AFH B7tO| MB A7HEIUICH. HASIL? SOB SRE] H WLst ApBI0| ro 8 sieuct @ SIA) OQ. « 7 A: A Bs, se Bets? B: Ul, Bansuc, O EMEA @ SHEA SHO) @ EAS + VAAt 8. A: SYM, QS SA MES OIL? B: ® AOI @ MORE 7A @ AOL Hola 2 A: PAI SIAMOIAY 2B OL SAI7} 7H HHH? 8: Og ae QIAEIO| Of HHS. ik IS BAe #2 30) 87 | ZO} 32 @ er Listening 10. C33 21 US HES VERA. Listen and choose the right answer. D SAAT Bane. SHEA UsHQ, @ SAHA Wet + O12. * [N12] CSS BoHAI2. [1112] Listen and answer the questions. £2 ded 2 1 - S70] MI7t FAS ofl Choose what Wang Kai is doing, O71 MH @ Xp| AIH @ SA St AH 12, S7t0| Mo] HAHA SS LSA AS WEA DEA A TEMAS, Choose the same thing you heard about Wang Kai © AHO} YARBASLICL, HMO SRS VS Be ch. @ QABHA ARES e0] 2t @ Hemmer uaua eso eT Let’s review it » Terms 3~4 65 27) ey 13.83 2 Ai Wt CS AS TEMA. Read carefully. What is false? sas a SBA ee O ASA Me WES SUC. TE aI WHE POHSLAFOH CHLICY, SQ Seer | oie wel sate ssor atauict [I4~15] CSS Al SSO] SStHAle. [14~15] Read carefully and answer the questions. AE HSSHA VSLICL P2| SAE SS ASO! BSUCL WAROWA S tal MS SBA SAP ASO 277+ BSUC. Tel LS MSHS SHAS HHBUCL ( @ ) SHRUB Zoe WAU BOA FAAde Ss AreeAiUch. Vo} HOM SAMA] MSHS MAIUCL TsAlet Se SA USUCH Stoll SS ASO! LOWY SIAt NBt0] AHOIRSUICH 14, O0| SUZ V2 BS DEA. Choose the appropriate word to go in the blank © 2eal @7an @ Tata 15. 0| 29] Sz} ZS HS TEA. What is true? © BSAl SYS HY oy Ls ALAC. OAMA We OF HELIS BST YSLUCt @ MMA Ue ASI] WHO AZ'SO] Sovs!Lich S|At Bet Office Life | SESE simnof the Lesson an apo] oF Usts Ae + wet hide! Toexplainthe dally routine ofthe office worker a lounge or=eicy woot aight = Elo} Moll ABol2 R(6ICh) be late for work Submit before you leave work today. ec(etc) goto work S2(6tC)) leave work -7| Mail SAt All SOO} FO] O= aH} U SEH7E SO] Se HSIRICY A] 2S SAE AS EHC. Attached to a verb to indicate that the following action or state precedes the preceding action in time. +? MSHS 7 She Aol VE SHAS. Read the schedule above and mark W’the correct one. ene bu] Moll 213}sI01. 2 9A) 30H S19} SLICh. = Aa}sHo| Hol 0) 52 alo 25 BA $40] WSUCt sia LPI Mall ES Ho}.a, @ see ne ways e011 event HL EQ EB 1. CSS SIAtHO] SH QMSILICL ETP A} ZO] BBO SO1Z 018} StOf AAAI. The following isa daily routine of an office worker. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example, Ofstct RIC v aaotct S\totct e> e'> re 3 BAR 252 = = ae. Ne pcoraeeeinye ie SIArOHL . GC QSe YO] BOY : HO] B= BUT GAO] -| 2.488 S11 CD92 20] HSS BHO) BAA|e. Make dialogs. See the example below. < ‘Goist71 Hol I? ————— ion) oufoF ¢ c CaP @ 2B, S1218121 ON B BHO} BITE? 10/4 1 B Boley SHQ. S124 OF | fc () ERZ8tCt ug ay i ¢ @) Seee etic} Of Alzt j < (3) 7204 ABSECt oles WS J [ e1ofa conerenceroom $42(64C) conten 05, SIA eo. HEMP Zo] Bey AAIo. Let’ talk lke the example. SQ Ml, Ae BH? 2 e UY). 121517] Moll SESS ZH/AHOF a2. e ~ e Bost ojgtsialet See Bulst7] Mol : Ase ofotsh AMIS. © yeah de = sue Sy Biaikd 01 NS en TT | 4), SeSUCh * @ zx a, Xi SHARD? Me © sitar a "yl, BaRSUICH, 9 Zz @ SQM, Ale UHwe? ca. ol 9 e alerarxiet ueaauc & 3. @ 29 u, x1 27 Ou, 7 ai . e olgtaraer a Ul, SAkSUCH 9 BB ve eats we wists BR011 SATA report 218 thenumberofpeople 1, HAE Leto) SAt YES HBSLUM? BS oHFol| B Alt BSL}? How isthe office life in your country? How many hours do they usually work per day? 2.32 SY Mol SHRAUCL Sil BHO] SSHAl2. Here is Ms, Huong's day. Listen and answer the questions. (1) BB A Rol SS AS MAHAL, Fillin the blanks. = su a+) = a Al2t Q - 12 ge = 8:00 32 es | 28 | 430 ager oof, 22% Bul = @ Se} aaa 12:00 @ (oll ciate) S* | 9s | 3:00~ = = $:00 (2) 32 WSat ZOR O, HEA x sHUAle, Put Of the following statement is correct and X ifit’s wrong, © SA ME BS Stoll 747] Moi AMS ORY ( ) @ So ME SAS SO] MAA S01 AHS ASC ( ) 3. Heel ot WIS S FO] S071] oH HAAI2. Write your daily schedule and tell your friends. Az maggagaa arees oman @ 05 Net Eo the | ESE Aims — BIAf9] BAIS} AL 27H 4 ale soclety To introduce company meetings and events. ORS! picnic BU7IsW BA foundation day event SINS HEU MOUML an had a company dinner and it was fun. company dinner THUSECH join BASIC) attend -(2)-/e4l SAU SSA AG BOA HOH OlO{A] Bet US| HAO het 3 UetHICh Attached toa verb or adjective to indicate the background or situation of what is going to be said, “Fe SUL? Sl Be Aol vz sHuAe. S42 52 Fol set What meeting is it? Listen and mark ¥ the wie B48 correct answer. - 0] ARES: a] Seley] ee apie aah. oh: BOILICt. ola zhhe Qe SUC aslsiols, $0| OE ASS SSSUC. @ v2mqua se vaus ogo pte BH EE By i 1. OSS SAS] Bat At SSILICL CAPS} BO] VSO] SOA O1F1S CSO Sof AAD, ‘The followings are the company’s meetings and events. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. ¢ 2 a S33) Vv ORS BB 7e Bat a | | | | | Alt SIAL _OFRSI = BxI7t SIAL Ol Z2 SOMO HSU. ) JIYSD HOM ABsi|2. a |> @) Gas @) > PY ter i t son Sa: a SD) Ug eS 0/7 (yates S/= QF GAO S|AE USUC. QA 10A\7| Bol|2. TA ASO StSUCL SB SASH. A 2.33 Mil ETDS ZO| hss PSO) HAAIo. Make dialogs. See the example below. c c ¢ @ AE OFP SIO] MS BAHL, Ne Of, 2H2? AHO ZEEE! BEE AMO| AR gq ‘ hv oes| Atoll 2h BB MOU é () 34) E}2 SO] ZO] AS CH | eH O|O}71B GO| Bt + 2U €\> 92 ses sq # Bol = 4 Bolct ASAAS & 4 QI} € > 9) Sa71SS Bat OM 1oAlol Alstotct BALE Stl 7/SSH 4Cf 5 JAE sowene § ABYAS Bh relevestess os. arse ED EPS ZO] Boy AAO. Let's talk like the example. ca BBIEU BAYT cIMZIA? a2Lauded Blak 49 BQeIE J Mo} 2217} # UO] Yo1w. + 494 eed Was Eur alg? + Ey uit He! WISE Su sD SH WSS SONGHOF HQ. 01/7} HAIR? 2 Hol $2171 # Yo] Yoe 9 + 9% 240d = Sater +d eur 2. @ . Ol/7t AMIAIQ? aan gai 2 aol g012, & @ agi2? + HAL ols Be + Ate out 2 1/7 AIA? ; ——— 1 Hoy 9217} & Qo] Boe 2 ont! & eged smreet T® waar g @ UES OR EER ANE ISLA BIRO} 1 3121 member 1, SAE SA SSS} USUM? HAZO| ot AS SSSE SAUL VE se. ‘What societies are there in your company? What society do you want to join? Mark vit al az SN 2S IEF 2.083 Hi Az] SorAle. Read and answer the questions. AAA SSSA! 7YOM|2! + BESO] St A BOSC] MS Oe} = SOO QELIC. + S| SS RA 7 AAS ET B= ASA SIS BLICh + S|U[E St Sl] Set BALCH + 7H ABE SIAt SHOR Sta, (1) 0] SSSOl 7YS'D HOP OBA] ASL? How do you apply if you want to join this society? (2) AS WS2} BOR O, CEA X SNAIL. Put O ifthe following statement is correct and x ifit’s wrong, © S33 PASS OF DOHA AAS BUC ( ) @ SSS AMS AAAS EE BAS 2O| ASUCt ( ) 3. HetH0] SOSH SSS SA OY BUS MHAO. Prepare a recruitment ad for your favorite society. __ S850] 7HoH2! HAL DELI? Fs BL? Sbl= SoA? YW AAS ABA BLE {bx} est HOTA home nae 0s. aaa QJAFAHSI oz Daily Life 81353H. Aims ofthe Lesson SES Se F Gol oH olopr at ate. To talk about some plans after work with colleagues. OHO] APSS WHA SAL You will be happy to see your friends aftera long time, SOAS SAA S2St Fol] HS B si2? What do you usually do after you leave work? + OLE MIS} Cl=at MI= EASt Sol] PAS S72? What will Ana and indra do after work? @ v2 age ae usu e301 7icelct wait 7 [HOE be pleased SStct be disappointed OSHC dislike Jc SICH look forward to MSO] UCf be annoyed 2 Yeti Attached to a verb or adjective to indicate a guess from what others have sa. -AHg Woh] 7itto] SUalo1g. & 314} dle] Bol sleaioi2, -Pde aoe Red Sat wHolg. a LOSS US BE OFLC, CHP St ZO] BS] S012 OFS Sto MAAIJo. The followings are emotional words. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. See the example. 7H SEC 2401stCt 7 ICH7t SIC mo] L}ch or > ¢|> | | PS OH] HCHO AELICh, BRE AE DBO ; UA | Bw Teds Buick, AeA Qs ale 2 AUC. ar) @) ¢ ¢\> c\> Of! S20) SSUCH TAHA} 71580] El 2. SS AMS EAP 20] HSS GSO] HALO. G c c Gmc neanneen Make dialogs like the example. U > Vo Alt OF 7+ DOH BO] SSstct 7HRSO] ZICHRICt (1) 25 M40] Bes Sct Q © Of0l7t Saaect (2) 25 A4Ol A7HBS sect e 7ICH7t SICt By SIC (3) OfA4] OFO] Stan BHESIoH) SS ZACH ci cj | € Hi2t O1F| 71% 2210] $40] =BIO12, rr AQ? 7350! ICM. IALO| LICH breakdown —IAICH fx —“L2HQP Realiyy — ATHEY blind date o.2sae @& ERD ZO] Boy HALO. Let’ talk lke the example. upto} Sta AAS ots 71012, | gue om anes er a2? SAL, g aan ul, we] BILE 4J0}2, sie | ——— meee g Os S18 S01 91 34127 oro} O1B LION 71+ | _ i a | a2? i ofolgo1 Borsict | g “h oe A AS ZIG HQ, a 1. 2. Sov SI2Et FO] FY NOL? ee a | sceyetoy ZC+ | . ee @ 2227 a.) SS ___ [ae moa | 4 sa ators. OY O(n NRK BAS | At ERIC | . a [LALA 7 [eH | ae uo f alates cle YL, Be Zojsiwo1. a @ v2 wa se we wus eso 1 Ab EAICH buy treat | 1, HAZS 1M] ESS FO] HAS RSUM? SASt UO] assum? What did you do after work yesterday? Did something special happen? 2. CSS UrAl Mig FO MO] OAL CHSIRILICE S11 BE] SSHALS. ‘The following is an instant message conversation between Kim Su-ji and Tuon. Read and answer the questions. a @ ofa I SLasto}@? 0 ( oa, gol Boise siaaoie. \ 1 ® ) eri oa 6) tint 4 THO] 2S2 Ya sas Hole. ae OIF BF BBO. A @ e197 Hel HES A019?" co ( tf, ela Of 519} BOSH en 2S Buistola, (®) © Fx} 217} BB TlaHoHO1a. (1) 2S AYO FO MS] OFA} SIGUE 71O| OBL? How will Mr Tuon’s girlfriend feel this evening? © 7 |e BUCH, @ age auc. @ MSO] S AUC. (2) AS WSat BOM O, HEA X SHAQ. Put O ifthe following statement is correct and X ifit's wrong. @ FA ME Of S71) SARKSUICY, ( ) @ Fel Me AFA MOA MBS SAU. ( ) fa 4, stoot gato12, | [ ® ) 3. SAL OMIM S12} OS El FO] F VS O07 [Sta IM 7S SAS Bo MAS, Use company messenger to talk with your friends about what you will do after work today, guessing what it feels ike, BEE Interview outfit SAO AAISH7| HOt SS St ASS SUC ASS Mel 2H HH VS VT t= A) FSMAQ? Vela] U Se AS Ge AS SA ASU, SAMS AD ke AS SA MSUCL AAO A dhe HAS LAr HO] SSUCL HS MMHO|L Satay BO] OFS AH YO PHS AT BUC HO] YS LO|Lt Sayst BA), $20] S& lst 40] SSC. People usually have a job interview before they get a job. What should you wear when you go to an interview? Its not a good idea to wear shorts or short skirts. Its not good to wear slippers. Be neatly dressed when going to an interview. People usually wear shoes in dark suits like black or gray. I's also a good idea to avoid clothing that's heavily exposed, colorful rings, or necklaces 06, ast 0) oSeciei SHEE Aims of the Lesson FU B50 ol WE + wet To talk about weekend activities. Hix] BEE st Ao] oie I've done bungee jump. + AAES FAO SAS SLI? 22 2Eol Pee. What do you do on the weekends? Listen and answer the questions SI ME FAO SASH 7120] VASLUI EARS FUO] FAS a ILM 32 @ vesgioe ae uaa e304 wir] I bungee jump Sst as movie appreciation AE concert Hae) watch AE AA WOICt build up tes ASAI} Balch relieve stress =] =(Q)L Aol QUCH/eACt SAL rll BOA I Ye st Be | QIU BSS MEIC Attached toa verb to indicate whether or not you have done it. 13 GALS HE Aho] glia. = A7}eIcho9S 8 0] B01.

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