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I j l Complete Adam’s Setter to his penfriend

I got had made played slept stayed took travelled went went

Dear Mary
How are you? I am fine.
We got home three days ago after our holiday. \
We a great time!

We to the seaside. We

ЛС ^ 'h iTfi in a hotel for a week.

We ________ by train. I some

VW ^
photos of Dad on the train. He ________ all the
We ________ on the beach every day.
I ________ swimming in the sea. Edward
a sand castle.
Did you have a good holiday? Write and
tell me about it!


Q Complete the sentences

1 They didn’t go to the country. 4 Echo didn’t
with them.
2 Edward didn’t ___________ cycling.
5 They didn’t by
3 They didn’t ___________ in a
Щ Write questions for QUESTIONS

your friend 1 Did you ?

2 Did you ? r

3 Did you ?

4 Did you ? r

5 Did you ?

Did you _______________________ ?

nil!штипчм;1 .ПТП1M

О Answer your friend’s


о Odd one out
1 caravan country hotel tent

2 cousin farm mum sister

3 car photo plane train

4 beach cycling riding swimming

О Write the words in order

1 go where on you holiday did Where did you go on holiday?

2 didstay where you ?

3 how there did stay you long ?

4 you how there did go ?

5 with who go you did ?

6 home when did get you ?

О Write about your holiday

I went to the seaside I didn’t go to the seaside.

1 I to the seaside. 4 I a good time,

2 I in a hotel. 5 I with my friends,
3 I with my mum and 6 I an ice cream,
7 I to bed late.
Read and write
I’m sitting on the beach and writing this
postcard. The sun is shining and the sky
is blue. Yesterday we went to the zoo.
Tomorrow were going on a boat. I’m having
a great time!
See you soon.

W e’re in London for four days. Yesterday

we went to the Tower of London. It was
very interesting. W e’re going home
tomorrow. See you next week..

We’re in the country /or ten days. We’re

staying in our tent. It’s very small. The
weather’s OK. It’s cool and windy. The sun
doesn’t shine every day. Yesterday we went
for a long walk. I’m tired today! Tomorrow
we’re going climbing. We’re having a lesson
with a climbing teacher.
See you soon.

Complete the sentences

1 Richard yesterday

2 He tomorrow.

3 Jill yesterday

4 She tomorrow.

5 Kevin yesterday

6 He tomorrow.
Adam Smith.

16 Park Road.

3 - double I - 7 - 0 - 8.

May the thirteenth.

I’m ten.

Yes, I do. Running’s one

of my favourite hobbies.




20th twelfth Л1/'

26th twentieth

30th twenty-sixth

31st twenty-third
ф Match and write
1 Do you like swimming?
Yes, I do.

2 _____________________?
No, I don’t.

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?

ф Write about you

1 name __________

2 age ____________

3 address ________

4 phone number ___

5 brothers and sisters

6 favourite colour

ф Write about you

My name’s ______________________ . I’m
My _________________________________

ДДДДДДДД SM B вяаштшшшташшшяшаятшяшшщшшщ
о Read and write
! Mary’s a discus-thrower. She’s
very strong. She can throw the
discus fifty metres.

2 Janet’s a high-jumper. She’s

one metre sixty tall but she can
jump one metre fifty. That’s
very high.

\ 3 Sarah’s a long-jumper. She

can jump more than four
metres. Her longest jump is
four metres twenty.

4 Karen’s a runner. She runs

very fast. She can run 800
metres in two minutes.

О Write about you

1 1 can throw ___________

2 I can run _____________

3 I can ________________

4 I
1 What’s y o u r -------------------------------- -
ф Write questions
for your friend 2 H o w _____ ____________ ____ L

( 1 д, --------- --------- --------- ---------------------

) в д ° f j
5 _____------------- ------- —
6 ----------- -------- -------------------

/ Э я к ш т — — .... ................... . ' ""|ТТГТТ

Q Answer your friend’s ANSWERS



0 Write about
your friend My friend’s IS

□ i П Ш Ш nil и i п m i iii iii 111 Ц Д Д П и Ш Ш Ш ] iТ Т Л in ч Г ГчЗУ

ф Write
I Here are the

2 Here’s the

© Read and write

1 Minnie’s put the ringmaster’s hat on her head.

2 Minnie’s climbed onto the acrobats' unicycle. u

3 Minnie’s thrown the juggler's rings into the air.

4 Minnie’s fallen over the clowns’ bucket, d

1 Has the ringmaster put his whip on the ground? No, he hasn’t.

2 What have the clowns done with their b r u s h ? ___________

3 Have the acrobats climbed their rope? ___________

4 What has the juggler done with her balls? ___________

5 Has Bill stayed in his seat? ___________

6 What has Minnie done?


© Read

° Circus clowns do
many silly things.
Some clowns try to
paint a wall and cover
themselves with paint.

In a favourite trick, they chase

each other around the ring with
a bucket and fall over. In the
* end, they throw the bucket at
у the audience.
t i * ( i
& &
But the audience doesn’t get wet!
- i i l i
There is no water in the bucket.
Instead the clowns cover the audience
with paper flowers!

О Look at the pictures and write

I Have the clowns painted the wall? No, they haven’t.
2 ? Yes, they have.
3 ? Yes, they have.
4 ? Yes, they have.
5 ? No, it hasn’t.
6 ? Yes, they have.
Q Read and write
I’ve got wet. Yes, I have.
Have you got wet?
I haven’t got wet. No, I haven’t.

W e’ve got wet. Yes, have.

Have got wet?
We haven’t got wet. No, . haven’t.

They wet. Yes,

They wet. No,

He’s got wet. Yes, he has.

Has he got wet?
He hasn’t got wet. No, he hasn’t.

She’s got wet. Yes, ______

got wet?
She hasn’t got wet. No,

It wet. Yes,
It wet. No,
с+ О

Щ | Complete Helen’s letter to her penfriend

|i did had jumped swallowed swam swung was went

Dear Bobby
How are you? I’m fine.
Last week we went to Waterworld with Mum and Dad.

We a fantastic time! Adam and I

on a tyre across the water. We down a river too.

It ___________ great!

Edward into the water. He a

lot of water because he can’t swim! Have you ever been to a
water park?

What you do last week? Write and

tell me about it!

О Write
1 Did Edward swing on a tyre? No, he didn’t.

2 Did Helen swim down a river? ___________

3 Did Adam jump into the water? ___________

4 Did Sally go with her cousins? ___________

о Match and write

I What did Lucy do? 2 What did Ellen do? 3 What did Jane do?
She went down a slide.

4 What did Anne do? 5 What did Clare do? 6 What did Alice do?
© Choose and write
1 She went to Disneyworld in 1996. [She went / She’s been]

2 _________ to a theme park three years ago. [They went / They’ve been]

3 _________ to Disneyland three times. [She went / She’s been]

4 _________ to a theme park last year. [He went / He’s been]

4 Q Write
I Have you ever flown a kite? [flew /
Yes, I my brother’s kite last year. flown]

2 Have you ever ______ fish and chips? [ate /

Yes, I ______ them in England last summer, eaten]
s 3 Have you ever a horse? [ridden /
Yes, I ______ a horse when I was with my cousin. rode]

4 Have you ever ______ an elephant? [saw /

Yes, I ______ one at the zoo a week ago. seen]

|§ f Write about you

1 I’ve flown 5 I’ve been

2 I ate 6 I went _

3 I’ve ridden 7 I’ve

4 I saw 8 I

о Read and write

1 Have you ever been to a zoo?

2 When did you go?

3 Who did you go with?

4 What did you do?

5 Did you take ang photos?

о I went last year,

b Yes, I did.
с I looked at all the animals,
d Yes, I have,
e I went with my class.

Q Write about you

1 I’ve never been to

2 I’ve been to
I went

3 I’ve never been to

4 I’ve been to ____

I went .I

5 I’ve never been to

6 I’ve been to ____

I went


Revision I
I Write
, *st- had a good holiday?) 1 She had a good holiday.
Ч&1 *=*/
сю 2 He went with his mum and dad.
I went with my mum and dad.

We stayed in a hotel. 3 _______________________

J> ^ ^ T= = = = = =
I didn’t make a sand castle. 4 __________________ _ _ _ _ _

(i I didn’t take my bike?) 5 ____________________

gS /)w e didn’t write any postcards") 6

ч favourite colour’s blue. 7

My address is 14 Green Road. 8

ve never been to England. q

,/7ve juggled balls?)) 10

I haven’t ridden a horse.

haven’t swung on a tyre?) 12

© Write about James’s last holiday

I go on holiday in August. I go to my aunt’s with my brother. My mum takes us
there by bus. Then she goes home. We stay with our aunt for two weeks. She
takes us to the zoo and to the cinema. We play in her garden and we go swimming
in the river. We have a great time and we don’t want to go home!

James went on holiday in August. He


0 Complete the answers

Did Adam have a good holiday? Yes, he did.
2 Did Edward go cycling? No, he didn’t.
3 Did Helen play on the beach? Yes.
4 Did Sally go with her cousins? No,
5 Did you go on holiday? Yes,
6 Did you go with Adam and Helen? No,
7 Has Adam been to a water park? Yes,
8 Has Sally been to Waterworld? No,
q Have you jumped into the water? Yes,
0 Have you been to Waterworld? No,

0 Write the words in order

1 your what’s name What’s your name?

2 your birthday when’s ?
3 phone what’s your number ?
4 on did where you go holiday ?
5 have a time did good you ?
6 on did what do you holiday ?
7 have seen ever monkey a you ?
8 you ever g zoo have been to ?

0 Write your answers for exercise 4

1 My name’s _________________ 5 _

2 6

3 7

4 8
о Read and choose
1 a Bill carried Mrs G re e n ’s bag for her.

b Mrs Green carried her bag herself.

2 a Bill opened the door for Mrs Green.

b Mrs Green opened the door herself.

3 a Bill put Mrs Green’s shopping away for her.

b Mrs Green put her shopping away herself.

Dow m
Г ©о > 1 Shall I feed the cat?
2 I’ll put your ______ away.

3 Shall I put your away?

6 I’ll make your

8 Shall I tidy your

AC R O SS ->

4 I’ll water the plants.

5 Shall I lay the

7 I’ll close the

9 Shall I wash the ?

n r 10 I’ll open the __

* a
3 4+
l P 1 a n t s

5-*- 6

7-»- 8

10 ^
О Write

Choose and write

Mrs Green tidied her room herself.
[tidied/didn’t tidy]
2 The nurse
Mrs Green’s bed
for her. [made/didn’t make]

3 Mrs Green
the plants herself.
[watered/didn’t water]
4 The nurse
Mrs Green’s dishes
for her. [washed/didn’t wash]

5 Mrs Green _ her cat herself. [fed / didn’t feed]

6 The nurse
Mrs Green’s clothes [put/didn’t put]
away for her.
0 Write the words in order
you I’ll a for drink make I’ll make a drink for you.

2 I window shall the close ______ _____________

3 I’ll the TV switch on ___________________

4 clothes shall away I your p u t ___________________

5 you I’ll the for room tidy _______________

6 the shall switch light on I _____ ______________


What has the nurse done?

1 The nurse hasn’t put Mrs Green’s clothes away.

2 She _______________ the room.

3 __________________ thewindow.

4 ___________________ the TV.

5 _____ ________________ _____ a drink for Mrs Green.

6 _______________________ the light.

0 Match
a twenty millimetres — t went y centimetres
d two hundred centim etres\ two kilometres
c two thousand metres \ twenty metres
d two hundred millimetres \ two metres
e two thousand centimetres \ twenty kilometres
f twenty thousand metres Хч'— two centimetres

0 Write
a thirty millimetres three centimetres
b ___________________ four centimetres
c five hundred centimetres
d ____________________ six metres
e seven thousand metres
f eight kilometres

0 Complete the questions

1 How far is Mercury from the Sun? 57,900,000 kilometres

2 ____________ does it take Venus to go around the Sun? 225 days

3 ____________ is Mercury? 350°C

4 ____________ is it across the Equator of Venus? 12,100 kilometres

5 ____________ does it take Mercury to go around the Sun? 88 days

6 ____________ is Venus from the Sun? 108,200,000 kilometres

7 ____________ is it across the Equator of Mercury? 4,874 kilometres

8 ____________ is Venus? 480°C

о Write the numbers
a five hundred and two thousand and six
b eight thousand, four hundred

c six million, six hundred thousand

d twelve thousand, one hundred and one

e one hundred and seventeen thousand

f nine hundred and ninety-two

g eight hundred and eight million

h four hundred and five

О Find the words and write

3 C t yfci t v)t c i t t
, M " 5 r o c e o n °ceann\ akei akkmoumi

J m о u n t a i nj i s I a n d n d а r i v r ive r re b u M d i g b u i I d i n g i d s
i s e r d e s e r t l w c i t r e wa t e r f a l l f l l f
0 Complete the sentences
The highest capital city is three thousand, six hundred and
fifty-eight metres high.

2 The _______________ is eight thousand, eight hundred and

forty-eight metres high.

3 The _______________ is eight million, four hundred thousand

square kilometres.

4 The _______________ is four hundred and forty-three metres tall,

5 The is nine hundred and seventy-nine metres high,

6 T h e __________ is eleven thousand, five hundred and twenty-

four metres deep.

7 The is two thousand, four hundred kilometres long,

8 The is six thousand, six hundred and

seventy kilometres long.

Я The is two million, one hundred and seventy-five

thousand, six hundred square kilometres.

0 The is one hundred and sixty-five million

three hundred and eighty-four thousand square kilometres.

Q Read and write Remember!

The Nile is the longest river. It is than the Thames.

Asia is t h e ___________ continent. It is larger than Africa.

The Pacific is the biggest ocean. It is than the Indian Ocean

It is the ocean too. It is deeper than the Indian Ocean.

О Write

yesterday TO D A Y TO M O R R O W
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
------------------------- I-
I - Thursday 1


I Wednesday
■------ ------ ---- i


© Choose and write

My name's Dawn. I’m never late.

I wasn’t late yesterday. I’ll be late tomorrow.
I was late yesterday. I won’t be late tomorrow.
I’m always late. My name’s Tess.

My name’s Tess.
0 Read and write about Dave
I never get up early on schooldays. I always get up late. I never have
a shower. I get dressed and then I have my breakfast. I always have
bread and jam for breakfast. I never have cereal. I brush my teeth and
then I leave for school. I never get to school on time. I’m always late!

-narrow Dave won’t get up early. He’ll

О Write
1 Will Dave get up early tomorrow? No, he won’t.

2 Will he have a shower?

3 Will he get dressed before breakfast?

4 Will he have cereal for breakfast?

5 Will he brush his teeth before school?

6 Will he be late for school? q?>

Q Read and write

I’ll walk to school. Will you walk to school? Yes, I will.

I won’t go by car. ____________ go by car? No, I won’t.

He’ll walk to school. Will walk to school? Yes, will.

____ won’t go by car. ? No, . won’t.

She’ll walk to school. walk to school? Yes,

__________ go by car. ? No,
© Write
Dave might have cereal
for breakfast on Monday.

He ______
to school on

after school on

О Match and write

[always] [yesterday]

2 He

[yesterday] [always]

3 He

[tomorrow] [tomorrow]

Q Write the words in order

1 Dave walk to tomorrow will school
Will Dave walk to school tomorrow?

2 he school walk to always does

does he at school always have lunch


have lunch at did yesterday he school


0 Answer the questions in exercise Я

1 Yes, he will. 3

2 ____________________________ 4 _____________________________

гжж ж м!я^я.штмшттттт$тят шшя штття м t я ттш ни* т я * вша

О Write I bank note coin credit card

4z3\ « 9 2 7242 9251

© Answer the questions

1 When did people first use round coins?
They first used round coins about 2,700 years ago

2 Where did people first use bank notes?

3 When did the first bank open?

4 Where did it open?

О Write about you

1 Have you got any coins in your pocket?

2 Have you got any bank notes?

3 Is there a bank near your school?

4 Is there a bank near your home?

5 Has your father got a credit card?

6 Has your mother got a credit card?

. I
J - . _________________________

omplete the sentences

Mr Old’s had his watch since 1976

2 He ________________________ since 1984,

3 since 1945.

N since 1983.

5 since 1975.

6 since 1992.

7 since 1988.

8 since 1994.

@ Write sentences with fo r

1 How long has he had his toothbrush? He’s had it for years.

2 How long has he had his car?

3 How long has he had his pen?

4 How long has he had his umbrella?

5 How long has he had his watch?

6 How long has he had his bike?

7 How long has he had his computer?

8 How long has he had his telephone?

t -


10.10 10.00 ten minutes
2.30 2.10 twenty minutes
4.15 thirty minutes
6.00 fifteen minutes
, 11.00 8.00
1 5.15 four hours
Friday two days
Saturday five days
s August May
: December six months
■4 ч. ...

О Write
зШ-й. Has Adam got a radio?
Yes. he has. He’s had it for three years.

2 Has he g o t ___________
Yes. he has.

3 Has he

4 Has
1 T\[ close the door for you. Thank you.
2 Wil1_______be at school in May? , I will.
3 ____ I carry your bag? It’s ___ right.
4 _______ Bill be at work tomorrow? No, he
5 _______ I wash the dishes? Thank you _____ much.
6 _______ switch on the TV. Thank you. You’re ______ kir

0 Write about tomorrow

James gets home at four o’clock. He has a drink and then he does his
homework At six o’clock he eats with his family. After dinner he plays
outside with his friends. At nine o'clock he goes to bed. He reads in bed
After an hour he falls asleep!

James will get home at four o'clock. He'll have

© Now write about yesterday

|<сюse and write
~~e ~"ames is the longest river in Britain [in /than]

"~e N :e is longer ____________ the Thames, [in/than]

r e s had her watch three years, [for / since]

- -e s had his computer __ January, [for /since]

5 ~~e Pacific Ocean is __ ocean. [deeper / the deepest]

t It is than the Indian Ocean. [deeper / the deepest]

@ //rite the words in order

home is your from your how far school
How far is your home from your school?

2 will tomorrow where morning you be

3 dinner what time do have you

4 you go did school yesterday to

5 you radio got a have

6 you long pen had how have your

0 Write your answers for exercise 5

1 My home is 4

2 ___________ 5

3 _________ 6


Ц | Write pairs of words

1 The greengrocer said, ‘I’ve got some nice car

2 The woman said, ‘No, I’ll have some --------

3 The baker said, ‘I’ve got some nice ----------

4 The woman said, ‘ _______ _____________

fH Write
1 Her husband said It's raining
TAT 1^0П Щ L
Her husband said,________

2 The woman said It’s snowing

3 The potatoes will be ready by Tuesday said the man

4 Monday said the woman

clean dirty hard heavy light long
new old short short soft tall

hard soft

0 Write
What’s the opposite of old? new

2 What’s the opposite of tall? ___

3 What’s the opposite of heavy? ___

4 What’s the opposite of soft? ___

5 What’s the opposite of long? ___

6 What’s the opposite of dirty? ___

0 Write about your things

1 My clean

2 My short.

3 My new.

4 My hard.

5 My short.

6 My light.
Draw arrows and write
to nto up

□ 1
□ Й [
from off under

r ~ iи
ш 1 п
L^ l n
l_ l m
L J □
1 What’s the opposite of to? from

2 ? to

3 What’s the opposite of out of?

4 ? out of

5 What’s the opposite of on?

6 ? on

7 What’s the opposite of down?

8 ? down

Я What’s the opposite of over?

10 ________________________________ ? over
1 What’s the opposite of always? never

2 ? slowly

3 ? north

4 ? yes

5 ? sad

6 ? big

7 ? open

8 ? disagree
1 Whose gloves are these?
They’re Edward’s.

2 _________________________

It’s _________________

1 Edward’s gloves — is too small for Adam.

2 They \ is big enough for Adam.

3 Helen’s gloves 1 isn’t too small for him.

4 They isn’t big enough for him.

5 Edward’s hat \ aren’t too small for him.

6 It '\ aren’t big enough for him

7 Helen’s hat — are too small for Adam.

8 It are big enough for Adam

Q Write
Mum’s skirt is too big Adam’s trousers
for her. are _________
It isn’t small enough. They aren’t ___

Dad’s jacket is Helen’s

for him.
It isn’t They aren’t

_ ■ ■3
о Write sentences with ARE YOU BETWEEI
6 and 10? C
Wilton Then come along to Ж
dancing lessons **

Primary on Monday evenings £ }/

fo r ch ild re n
a g e d 5 -1 1
P la y g r o u p :
i------------■ — - — , Every morning,
Runners Wanted! 10 am-12 midda

If you’re 12 or older, for children unde,

join our running club

1 Edward isn’t old enough to go to school.

2 Helen’s _____________ _ _ _ to have dancing lessons.

3 Adam _____________ _____ to go to the running club.

4 Edward’s __________________ to go to the playgroup.

5 Helen _________ _________ to have singing lessons.

6 Adam’s to go to the gym club.

Now write sentences with young

F o r C h ild r e n ag
1 Edward’s too young to go to school.
e ig h t a n d u tid i

2 H e le n __________________to have dancing lessons.

Gym Cli
3 Adam’s ________________ to go to the running club.
e v e rg W e d n e s c
4 Edward ________________ to go to the playgroup. 4 -5 p m

5 Helen’s ________________ to have singing lessons.

6 Adam to go to the gym club.
01 Read and complete
But he’s old enough to count to ten.
But he’s big enough to brush his hair.
But he’s old enough to play in the pool.
But he’s tall enough to climb the wall.

Edward’s too young to go to school.

But he’s old enough to play in the pool.

He’s too short to reach the ball.

Edward’s too small to lift the chair.

He’s too young to have a pen. w c y t f& i?

0 Write
1 Why can’t Edward reach the ball? He isn’t tall enough.

2 Why can’t Edward have a pen? He isn’t _________

3 _________________________ ? He isn’t big enough.

4 Why can’t Edward go to school? He isn’t ________

о Read and write
a These animals were the
first reptiles.

b They laid their eggs on


c They had smooth, soft

skin and tails for

d These water creatures

were the first animals.

e They lived both on land

and in water.

f They slowly changed into

land animals.

g These animals were the

first amphibians.
0 -ead and answer W o /y

Fun for all the family

Open every day: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
\‘eet Henry Smith, one of the most famous fossil collectors in the world.
Henry works at Dinosaur World. He was on TV’s Dinosaur Days last year.

Have a look at Henry’s collection of fossils. Some are 195 million years old.
nese are the bones of some of the oldest dinosaurs in the world.

Stand next to full-size dinosaur models. Find out their height and size.

Go for a walk with Henry on the beach. Discover your own fossils.
Learn how to look for fossils safely and correctly. ^

Visit the shop. Buy one of Henry’s fossils. Or buy a

dinosaur book or toy for yourself or your friends. j f

Watch or buy the video showing Henry on Dinosaur Days.

Eat dinosaur biscuits and drink dinosaur drinks in the snack bar.
, ......

1 What time does Dinosaur World open?

2 Who is Henry Smith? _____________

3 How old are some of the fossils?

@ Write
1 At Dinosaur World you can meet a famous fossil collector.

2 You c a n ____________ __________________________

3 You ______________ ____________________________

4 _____ _________________________________________

5 ________________________________________ _ _

мшшж тшшшяявяеяшятзт

Q Read and write

fast faster the fastest

long longer
the tallest

the biggest

stupid more stupid the most stupid

intelligent more intelligent

the most famoi
more interesting

' f /. _. .'.7LJ**-

0 Complete the sentences w m4\W

I Seismosaurus was the biggest dinosaur.


2 Saurornithoides was more intelligent than Tyrannosaurus.

3 T h e _____________________ dinosaur was Struthiomimus.

4 Stegosaurus was _________ than Tyrannosaurus.

5 Tyrannosaurus is the dinosaur.

6 Seismosaurus was _ than Tyrannosaurus.

7 The __________ dinosaur was Saurornithoides.

8 Struthiomimus was ___________ than Tyrannosaurus.

Я Stegosaurus was the dinosaur.

Read and write
wasn’t as big as Seismosaurus.
wasn’t as intelligent as Saurornithoides
wasn’t as fast as Struthiomimus.
isn’t as famous as Tyrannosaurus.

2 _________________
wasn’t as fast as Struthiomimus.
wasn’t as stupid as Stegosaurus,
wasn’t as big as Seismosaurus.
isn’t as famous as Tyrannosaurus.

wasn’t as intelligent as Saurornithoides.

wasn’t as stupid as Stegosaurus,
wasn’t as fast as Struthiomimus.
isn’t as famous as Tyrannosaurus.

Complete the sentences about Tyrannosaurus

1 It was more stupid than Saurornithoides. [intelligent /

2 It wasn’t as intelligent. stupid]

3 It wasn’t as Struthiomimus. [fast /

4 It was _ _ _____________ slow]

5 It w a s _________________ than Seismosaurus. [big/

6 It wasn’t small]

7 It wasn’t as Stegosaurus. [intelligent /

8 It was stupid]

q It wasn’t as Seismosaurus. [heavy /

10 It was light]

о Choose and write

1 You eat too many sweets, [should / shoulc

2 You eat sweets between meals, [should / shoulc

3 You brush your teeth in the morning, [should / shoulc

4 You brush your teeth in the evening. [should / shoulc

2 I’m ten.

3 Not many.

4 Every day before

I go to school.

ф Write about you

1 How often do you go to the dentist’s?

2 How often do you go to the doctor’s?

3 How often do you go to the hairdresser’s?

4 How often do you go to the cinema? ___

0 Find the words and write
hoi a t chocoLate,iZ.S. 1c£
■ e m n a b (Те nn о n a d e ) c KeS c o K & s c
; c o l e c o L a b z b ‘i s c u t Ь s s u g s u g r s u g a r uoes cueeV-SS

0 Write
I use an old toothbrush. I You shouldn’t use an old toothbrush.

I brush my teeth once a day. 2

■ - •/ 1 never go to the dentist’s. 3
I eat sweets between meals. 4

I have sugar in my coffee. 5

I don’t use toothpaste. 6

0 Write about you

1 Do you use an old toothbrush?

2 Do you brush your teeth once a day?

3 Do you go to the dentist’s?

4 Do you eat sweets between meals?

5 Do you have sugar in your coffee?

6 Do you use toothpaste?

ф Read and write

You should drink a lot of water. You shouldn’t drink too much cola.
You _________________ lemonade.

a lot of carrots. You too many sweets.

______ biscuits.
тшштшт тштшшшшл
Q Write
I use an old toothbrush. You shouldn’t use an old toothbrush.

I brush my teeth once a day 2

I never go to the dentist’s 3

I eat sweets between meals 4

I have sugar in my coffee 5

I don’t use toothpaste 6

(J) Write about you

1 Do you use an old toothbrush?

2 Do you brush your teeth once a day?

3 Do you go to the dentist’s?

4 Do you eat sweets between meals?

5 Do you have sugar in your coffee?

6 Do you use toothpaste?

ф Read and write

You should drink a lot of water. You shouldn’t drink too much cola.
You ___________________ lemonade.

You a lot of carrots. You too many sweets,

1 biscuits.
Revision 3
ф Match
1 Can I play outside? Yes, I do.

2 Whose hat is this? I’m fine.

3 Where’s your hat? It’s my brother’s.

4 How are you? I don’t know. I can’t find it

5 How tall are you? I’m 130 centimetres.

6 Do you go to the dentist’s? Yes, all right.

Q Choose and write

1 You shouldn’t eat too much sugar. [many / much]

2 You shouldn’t drink too cola. [many / much]

3 I don’t eat many [biscuits / chocola

4 I don’t eat much [fruit / vegetables]

5 I can’t lift the chair. not big enough. [I’m / It’s]

6 I can’t lift the books. too heavy. [It’s / They’re]

© Same (/) or different (/)?

1 I’m taller than my brother. He isn’t as tall as me.
2 I’m not as old as my sister. She’s younger than me.

3 My bag’s heavy. It isn’t light.

4 My shoes are clean. They are dirty.

5 My jumper’s too big. It isn’t big enough.

6 My trousers aren’t long enough. They aren’t too short.

Revision 3
0 Write
1 He didn’t get on the bus. He got off the bus.

2 He didn’t walk to the village. He walked __

3 He didn’t look under the wall. He ________

4 He didn’t run up the path. He __________

5 He didn’t go out of the house. __________

0 Write the words in order

1 big shoes are your enough Are your shoes big enough?

2 can’t you a drive car why

3 you going to like do the dentist’s

4 do you eat many how sweets

5 lemonade drink much you do how

0 Write your answers for exercise 5


2 5

1 True ( /) or false (X)?
I Bill is going on holiday.

О Choose and write

You have to clean Minnie’s box. You have to feed Minnie.
I have to take Minnie for a walk. I have to change Minnie’s water

^ "L_
0 Match
1 I have to clean — my homework,
2 I don’t have to do the dishes,
3 I have to make my bedroom,
4 I don’t have to wash the plants,
5 I have to tidy my shoes,
6 I don’t have to water the dinner.

0 Write about you

i i make the dinner.

□L 6
ф Write

I have to wash I have to make I have to tidy

the dishes. my bed. my bedroom.

i<OP\\° O,
\ ^ )/J.

I She has to wash the 2 He 3 She

I don’t have to I don’t have to I don’t have to

lay the table. clean my shoes. do the shopping.

© Read and write Remember!

I have to clean my shoes. I don’t have to tidy my room.
Do you have to clean your shoes? Do you have to tidy your room?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

You have to clean your shoes. Y o u ___________ tidy your room.

_____ I ________ clean my shoes? _______________ tidy my room?
Y e s ,_____ do. N o,____________ .

He has to clean his shoes. He doesn’t have to tidy his room.

Does he have to clean his shoes? Does he have to tidy his room?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

She . clean her shoes, _tidy her room,

clean her shoes? tidy her room?
д а й

ф Write

Read and write Remember!

I have to clean my shoes. I don’t have to tidy my room.
Do you have to clean your shoes? Do you have to tidy your room? Ш
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

You have to clean your shoes. You tidy your room.

_____ I ________ clean my shoes? _tidy my room?
Yes, do. No,

He has to clean his shoes. He doesn’t have to tidy his room.

Does he have to clean his shoes? Does he have to tidy his room?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

She _clean her shoes, ________________tidy her room.

clean her shoes? _______________ tidy her room?
Yes, N o ,____________ .
Q l Write

No, she doesn’t. She’s done that.

2 Does she
Yes, she does.
о True (/) or false (X)?
1 Panerak is twelve years old.

2 She lives in a village near the South Pole.

3 She lives with her mother and father.

4 She goes to school in the nearest town.

5 She watches television in her free time.

6 She’s got two sisters.

О Answer the questions

1 How cold does it get at the North Pole in winter?
It gets very cold.

2 How big is Panerak’s village?

3 How many people live there?

4 How many rooms are there in Panerak’s house?

5 How often does Panerak visit the old woman?

6 How far is the village from the nearest town?

H i Write the words in order
How old is Imima?

does live he where ?

live who with he does


to does go he where school


does time in free what his he do


sisters has how got brothers he and many


Q Match the questions in exercise 3 with the answers

a I’ve got one sister and I go to school in the
b I’m fifteen years old.
one brother. My sister’s nearest town to my village.
name is Panerak. It is eighty kilometres from
my village.

At weekends and in the I play computer games and watch

holidays I live in a small TV when I am at school. There is
village near the North no electricity in our village. At home
Pole. During the week I sometimes go hunting with my
my brother and I stay father - but I don’t like it very much.
at school. J

I live with my parents

and my sister.

2 3 4 5 6

о True (/) or false (X)?

1 The Inuit lived a traditional life until about a hundred years ago.

2 They lived in one place.

3 They lived in large groups.

4 The men were all hunters.

5 They ate only fish.

6 They had boats and sledges.

7 Today Inuit life has changed.

8 They use dog sledges and spears.

ф Write
f1'1' I........ '
0) 1 today the Inuit a hundred years
ago they

eat ate
X come


Щ kept
f(o catch

f. gave

^ 4 rL _
ф Write
1 How did the Inuit make water? They used ice to make water.

2 How did they make their tents? ----------------- ----------------------------

3 ? They used dogs to pull their sledges.

4 How did they trap f i s h ? __________________ ___________ _________

5 ? They used animal bones to make tools.

A ? They used ice to build igloos.

/~€&- Щ т\

о It’s four o’clock.

О Read and draw

a It’s quarter past ten. b It’s half past three. c It’s eight o’clock,

О Wn'te about you pave to

1 I go to school on Friday.
2 I go to school on Saturday.
3 I go to school on Sunday.
4 I go to school on Monday.
5 I go to school on Tuesday.
6 I go to school on Wednesday.
7 I go to school on Thursday.
о True (/) or false (X)?
1 You mustn’t work hard.

2 You must bring your books.

3 You mustn’t be late.


4 You must do your homework.

5 You must look out of the window.

6 You mustn’t listen to the teacher.

Q Write

Q Write about your school rules

you must

@ Write the words in order

April August December February January July
June March May November October September

1 January 7

2 ________ 8

3 _______ q
4 _______ 10

5 _______ 11

6 _______
12 December

Q Write about your school holidays

We don’t have to go to school in _________

Q Write
I Is there a dining room at Helen’s school? Yes, there is.

2 Is there a dining room at your school?

3 Is there a playground at her school?

4 Is there a playground at your school?

I Do you have to go to school on Sundays?

2 Do you have to go to school in August?

3 Do you have to stay in the classroom at playtime?

4 Do you have to have lunch at school?

5 Do you have to stay at school in the afternoon?

6 Do you have to wear school uniform?

(D Choose and write

1 I have to work hard at school. [have to / has to]

2 Helen __ _________ have school lunch. [don’t have to /

doesn’t have to]

3 Edward ___________ go to school. [don’t have to /

doesn’t have to]

4 We ___________ go to school in the mornings. [have to / has to]

0 Complete the questions

1 Do you have to learn English at your school? Yes, we do.

2 ______________ wear uniform at his school? No, he doesn’t.

3 ____________ _ do homework every day? Yes, she does.

4 ______________ go to school in the evenings? No, I don’t.

явшияш^ ^ е® яи^^ ш вш ш тв1каш 1тш ш та1тш ймтдмш вт

О Write anyone anything no one nothing someone something

О Odd one out

1 carefully quickly slowly worry

2 come hear know was

3 from got heard went

4 giraffe goodness monkey mouse

5 chair cupboard table there

6 bored moment naughty tired

0 Complete the sentences with someone, anyone
or no one

3 There isn’t

4 There isn’t

5 There’s

6 There’s

ф Write
I is there anyone under the tree? No, there isn’t.

in the water? Yes, there is.

behind the tent? __________

in front of the wall? __________

behind the w a l l ? __________

6 in the tent? ___________


3 Choose and write

I There’s no one on the wall. [anyone /

There isn’t anyone on the wall. no one]

under the tree. [anything

2 There isn’t
There’s under the tree. j/_ nothing]

behind the tent, [anything

3 There’s
There isn’t behind the tent. nothing]

4 There isn’t in the water. [anyone i

no one]

5 There’s in the tree. [anyone

no one]

ф Read and write


There’s someone behind the door. There’s no one behind the chair.
There isn’t anyone behind the chair.

Is there anyone behind the door? Is there behind the chair'

Yes, there is. No,

There’s something behind the door. There’s nothing behind the chair.
There isn’t anything behind the chaii

Is there anything

Y e s ,__________

‘\Ф!т I*_
Q 1 Write about Panerak’s grandfather
Panerak’s grandfather is seventy years old. When he was
(be) a boy, he __________ (live) with his parents and
brothers. The family __________
___ (move) from place to
place to find food. They _______
______ (keep) dogs to pull
their sledges.
Panerak’s grandfather ______ (not go) to school. He
(go) hunting with his father. They (catch) birds and animals.
T h e y ___________ (kill) seals and whales too. Sometimes he
(help) his mother too.
After dinner Panerak’s father _ (play) games with his
brothers. They ___________ (make) their own toys from bones. Their
grandfather ___________ (tell) them stories. They ____________ (sing)
a n d ___________ (dance) too.

© Choose and write Pud m i / иге р о щ out. P/euse ttdij pour bedroom M ip u t ui
e/otbies uioup before Wepetbuebc. (duu рои feed T ubbptoof
Pou ’tpRfc bier too muek food - she fiud sometbifup to eat tbits
mora tup. ijou it)usft the dfcbes too f Рои, b p u t them uwut
/ /’/do tfiu t wfien / pet biome. Рои bpo to bed lute - рои be poi

Adam has to tidy his bedroom. [doesn’t have to / has t<

He put his clothes away. [has to / mustn’t]

He feed Tabby. [doesn’t have to / has t<

He give her too much food. [has to / mustn’t]

He put the dishes away. [doesn’t have to / has t<

He go to bed late. [has to / mustn’t]

Revision 4
е Choose and write
—^ — \


J = J J
1 There’s someone behind the door. [someone / something]

2 There’s __________ in the cupboard. [no one / nothing]

3 There isn’t ___________ under the desk. [anyone / anything]

on the cupboard, [someone / something]

4 There’s _________
behind the cupboard. [no one / nothing]
5 There’s _________

ф Write the words in order

l have your bedroom to tidy you do
Do you have to tidy your bedroom?

2 what home else have do you to do at

3 live who do you with _---------------

4 do you free in what do your time

Q Write your answers for exercise 4

о Odd one out
1 evening last morning night
2 bathroom bedroom kitchen school
3 cards chess dominoes judo
4 cousin grandfatherpenfriend uncle
5 greatgreen orange pink
6 letter pen rubber ruler

© Write the words in order

I do after you school swimming go
Do you go swimming after school?

2 night did watch last TV you

3 you chess play can

4 are this evening the park going to

5 have a you sister got

О Write your answers for exercise 2

Q Write
I’ve got a new bike?)
1 He says he’s got a new bike.

2 She says she likes painting.

3 He says he brushed his hair last night

4 She says she’s made her bed.

He says he’s doing his homework

1 What does Mum say?

She says she’s tired.

2 What does Dad ___

He says _____-------

3 What does _ _ ____

She —------

4 What _ _ _ _ _ ------

о Complete the secret code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Я 10 11 12 13

a c e i
— — — g — __ к m

— — — — — — — — —

14 15 16 17 18 ia 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

0 ci s u w
— — — — — _ У

— — — — — — — — —

О Read and complete

Think of a letter - you’ll find it in boat
In trousers and blouse - and also in goat.
You’ll find it in box and also in bowl.
That’s right, you have guessed it -
The letter is
l b
Think of a letter - you’ll find it in June
p n In aunt and uncle, in sun and in moon.
P 1 M
You’ll find it in pencil and also in pen,
a In now and in never -
The letter is _________ _
Think of a letter - you’ll find it in night
In cat and in parrot, in train and in kite.
You II find it in spot, and you’ll find it in tree.
You’ll Had It la teaals -
The letter is
st V
ф Read these messages from the code ir\ exercise 6
ofk < ^ q 7 I 5 20 21 16 12 I 20 5 20 8 Я IЯ 13 15 18 14 4 14 7

a I got up late

*S\ < q ’ 22 5 7 1 5 20 6 4 22 5 3 1 5 2 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 4

4 ’ 22 5 145 22 5 1 8 16 12 I 25 5 4 3 8 5 1 4 1 4 23 4 20 8 13 25 4 1 4

< 4 43 25 1521 1 4 7 5 1 8 20 81 14 13 25 1 4 4 1 4 20 5 1 8

ф Write messages for

your friend

Щ) Read your friend’s My friend says


Ti 1i rrrjr
У 'П| 1Ы Ч П I' " n i l U U П III п Ш Ш Д П

Ф Read and write Remember!

I’m writing to my friend. He says he’s writing to his friend

I’m speaking to my friend. She says to _____ friend.

О Write
ш You’re still sick
4 -SETSjj-а л, l

aren’t you?

you ve still goto sore throat

too, haven’t you?
7 f 1 ,x/
(, 1\ ■( $ г

s \
У 1 / aJ у
, x ' (

You like soup,
don’t you?

О Find the words and write


4 She’s tired, isn’t she?

5 He’s hungry, isn’t he?

6 She’s thirsty, isn’t she?

О Complete the sentences


Q Write a cough a cold a sore throat

a headache toothache tummy-ache

! She’s got tummy-ache, hasn’t she?

Yes, she has.

2 He’s got hasn’t he?

Yes, he has.

3 She’s got , hasn’t she?

Yes, she has.

4 He’s got hasn’t he?

Yes, he has.

5 She’s got __ , hasn’t she?

Yes, she has.

6 He’s got ___ , hasn’t he?

Yes, he has.

© Match
1 You’ve got a cold, haven’t y o u ? ----- No, I’m not.
2 You’re tired, aren’t you? . No, he isn’t.
3 He’s got toothache, hasn’t he? No, she isn’t.
4 He’s sick, isn’t he? No, I haven’t.
5 She’s got a cold, hasn’t she? No, he hasn’t.
6 She’s hungry, isn’t she? No, she hasn’t.
Щ Complete the sentences
I You like sweets, don’t you?

Yes, I do.
2 Adam soup, he?
Yes, he

3 Helen fruit, she?

Yes, she

4 Dad coffee, he?

No, he

5 Mum milk, she?

No, she

6 You cereal, you?

No, I

ф Write
You like

You like

You __


Q Write your answers for exercise 8


2 ___________________________ 5

3 ________________________________ 6
if j | Write
Dad _______ in the kitchen at ten o’clock last night.

He _______ cooking. He _______ cleaning.

He _______ eating.

Helen _______ in her bedroom at ten o’clock last night.

She _______ reading. She _______ playing.
She _______ sleeping.

Q Read and write

I At ten o’clock yesterday morning Mum was cleaning.

2 At two o’clock yesterday afternoon _

3 At eleven o’clock last night ______

4 At eleven o’clock yesterday morning

5 At four o’clock yesterday afternoon

6 At six o’clock yesterday evening __

Щ Write
1 Was Helen having dinner at six o’clock?
Yes, she was.

2 Was she playing cards at nine o’clock?

3 Was she watching television at seven o’clock?

4 Was she reading at five o’clock?

ф Write
1 What was Helen doing at four o’clock?

She was doing her homework.

2 What was she doing at eight o'clock?

She was washing her hair.

4 What was she doing at five o’clock?

О Complete the sentences

1 Helen ___________ doing her homework at four o’clock.

2 She ___________ washing her hair at six o’clock.

3 She ___________ watching television at seven o’clock.

4 She ___________ having dinner at nine o’clock.

© Match and write
I was doing gym at ten o’clock
yesterday morning.

2 i I was doing karate

o’clock yesterday afternoon.

4 i I was riding my bike

at eight
o’clock yesterday evening

6 / 1 was sleeping

Write about you

1 I ___________ going to school
at quarter to nine yesterday

2 I _______ having lunch

I was sleeping at ten o’clock. I wasn’t reading.
Were you sleeping? Were you reading?

Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

He was sleeping at ten o’clock. He wasn’t reading.

Was he sleeping? Was ________ reading?
Yes, he was. No, _____________ .

She was sleeping at ten o’clock. She wasn’t reading.

________ she sleeping? ______________ reading?
Y e s , _______________ • ________________ •
О Write the words in order

1 did home when Mrs get Green Ь & ге е п с Х -

When did Mrs Green get home?

2 what Minnie was doing

3 was Green’s jewellery wearing Mrs she

____ _______ ______________ _____________ ____________ ?
4 what she did leave on table the
— _________ ______________________________ ___________ ?

5 does wear Bill jewellery

© Answer the questions in exercise 1

1 She got home

ф Write

;аf*y}vj //л\
1 What was Mum doing when Dad got home?
She was cleaning the windows.

2 What was Adam doing when Dad got home?

3 What was Helen wearing when Dad got home?

He was playing with his cars.

She was playing chess.

He was wearing trousers and a jumper.

Q Write
I Was Helen playing chess when Dad got home?

Yes, she was.

2 Was Edward wearing when Dad got home?

No, _____________

3 Was Mum when Dad got home?

Yes, ___

4 Was Edward
No, ______
о Read and put the story in order
Bill had a busy day on Saturday.

a Finally Bill decided to watch b After lunch he decided to water

a film on TV. the plants.

1 /
6 m
The film ended ... but Bill was It started to rain ... and Bill
already asleep. got wet.

c First he decided to have d Next he decided to have dinner.

a shower.

He turned on the show er... but He sat down ... but the plate
the water stopped. fell off the table.

e After breakfast he decided to f After dinner he decided to write

wash the windows. some letters.
x,'- ' Л\ V.V.4\’ "
l§ t§
)Щ 1]'n
R t
-Ру-\ - -
The ladder slipped ... and Bill He switched on the light... but
fell off. it went out.

1 c 2 3 4 5 6
@ Write
1 Did the water stop? Yes, it did.

2 Did the ladder slip? __________

3 Did it start to rain? _________

4 Did the plate fall off the table? _________

5 Did the light go o u t ? _________

6 Did the film end? _________

О Complete the sentences

1 Bill was sleeping________________________.

2 He was watering the plants_______________

3 He was having a shower_________________

4 He was having dinner____________________

5 He was washing the windows_____________

6 He was writing letters____________________

О Write about Bill

1 Was he having dinner when the light went out?

2 Was he sleeping when the film ended?

3 Was he washing the windows when it started to rain?

4 Was he having a shower when the water stopped?

5 Was he writing letters when the plate fell off the table?

6 Was he watering the plants when it started to rain?

Revision 5

I visited my uncle He says he visited his uncle at the weekend.

at the weekend.

I’ve lost my ruler

I’m older than

my brother.

I was at my friend’s
house last night.

I live with my parents. 5

I’m going to the

seaside in August.

Q Write go have play read sleep switch take talk

I At seven o’clock Bill was reading a book and Minnie

___________ with her toys.

2 Bill in his bed when Minnie

on the light.

3 Minnie breakfast when Bill

into the kitchen.

4 Bill to Mrs Green when Minnie

his watch.
о Complete the questions
1 Adam’s got a cold, hasn’t he?

2 Helen’s got short hair, ___________ ?

3 Edward likes bananas, ___________ ?

4 Sally likes reading, ______________ ?

5 Mum’s tired, ___________________ ?

6 Dad’s in the garden, _____________ ?

ф Complete the questions

1 You ’ve got a headache, haven’t you?

2 You like chocolate, _____________ ?

3 You’re ten, ____________________ ?

4 You’ve got black hair, ___________ ?

5 You like swimming, _____________ ?

6 You’re h o t,____________________ ?

ф Write your answers for exercise 4

О Find the words and write a < r e a " d l >r a b c
c a c r a 1 X V a
f c 0 u n t 0 p u
j 1 0 n c r a w n
I She can read.
e r к r e s 0 d 1
s t d r a w t s f
w h 0 t s i n g e
j f g e 1 m n p r
|§ | Write questions

О Answer your

1 My friend

2 _________

3 _______

о Read and write
Tanni Grey is a sporting hero. She’s got five Olympic gold
medals but she can’t run or walk. Tanni is disabled. She
uses a wheelchair in competitions.
Tanni started doing sport at school. ‘I could play netball
with the other girls,’ says Tanni. ‘Netball is like basketball but
in netball you can’t move with the ball. It didn’t matter that I
was in a wheelchair.’
At home and alone wheelchair users can still exercise.
Tanni throws a ball at a wall and catches it herself. She also
goes swimming once or twice a week. ‘Swimming’s good for
disabled people,’ says Tanni. ‘You can also push your own
wheelchair as much os possible. That has made my arms
stronger. And that’s why I won my gold medals.’

о True (/) or false (X)?
1 Tanni can walk but she 4 Tanni always exercises
can’t run. with friends.

2 She played basketball at 5 She goes swimming

school. every day.

3 She was in her 6 Her arms are very strong.

wheelchair at school.

© Write
1 Tanni uses a wheelchair because she can’t run or walk.

2 She could play netball because _______________ ___

3 She pushes her own wheelchair because

4 She won her gold medals because____

. I
© Read and write Remember!

I could walk but I couldn’t talk.

Could you walk? Could you talk?
Yes, I could. No, I couldn’t.

We could walk but we couldn’t __

Could ________
Yes, we ______

He could walk but he __

Could he ___ Could
Yes, he ____ No,

She could walk but

Could ______

0 Write
What did the dog say?

1 c a n ___________ dinner there,’ he _____

2 --------------- late for dinner here,’ he

‘What should I ?’

0 Write
I I’m hungry he said I didn’t get any dinner
‘I’m hungry,’ he said.

2 I’ve rushed up and down he said I’m tired

0 Write
1 Was the dog chasing a bird when he heard the trumpet from the first castle?
Yes, he was.

2 Did he look up when he heard the trumpet from the first castle?

3 Was the dog climbing the first mountain when he heard the trumpet from
the second castle?

4 Did he stop when he heard the trumpet from the second castle?

Q Write
When the dog heard (hear) the trumpet from the first castle, the bird

(fly) into a tree. She _________ (sit) there when the

_________ (run) up the first mountain. She

^ w U dog
Vj (stay) there and ___________ (watch) him. ‘He’ll _ (get)
very tired,’ she ___________ (say)- ‘And he won’t - (get)

any dinner.’

The bird _________ (be) right. In the end the dog didn’t

(get) any dinner. H e ___________ (come) slowly down

the mountain. He (be) very tired. When he

|. (sit) down under the tree, the bird __________ (fly) to the first castle.

S h e ___________ (get) some dinner there. The dog ____________

(sleep) when she ___________ (come) back to the tree. She

___________ not (be) hungry! And she ___________ not (be) tired!
о Write
Next day the bird was (be) hungry. She

___________ (fly) near an open window of the first

castle when she _________ (see) some cheese.

She _ (fly) to the tree and

(begin) to eat the cheese. The dog

Thair blNi'/э jo t
(sit) under the tree. He ________ (hear) a noise 'd o id
Pdou-Ыч -
above him. When he ___________ (look) up, he

(see) the bird. She

(eat) something.

The dog (stand) up. He " beauHjTl Ooi'cgLfcc»

(be) hungry too. He (have) an idea.

The bird ___________ (like) to hear nice things

about herself. So she ___________ (open) her

mouth and (begin) to sing.

The cheese (fall) out of the bird’s

mouth. The dog __ (stand) below the

tree. He (pick) up the cheese and

(run) off!
fH Write
1 What did the bird think when she saw the cheese?
Til have that cheese for my lunch,’ she thought.

2 What did the dog think when he saw the bird in the tree?

3 What did he then say to the bird?

4 What did he say when he picked up the cheese?

Write the final part of the story in your own words

Sp Write
Charlie Chaplin Greek 1977 Maria Callas singer
1889 British 1923 actor 1977

name Charlie Chaplin







© Write about Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was an actor. He was . He was born in
____________ He died in

© Write about Maria Callas

ф Write the words in order
1 was van Beethoven Ludwig who Who was Ludwig van Beethoven?

2 what was he nationality ?

3 when he was born ?

4 die when he did ?

О Answer the questions in exercise 4

1 He was a composer.

Q Write
SALLY I’ll ask you now, Helen. Who was Pablo Picasso?

HELEN He was a ___________ , _____________________ ?

SALLY Yes, he was. What nationality was he?

HELEN He was , __________ ?

SALLY Yes, he was. Next question. When was he born?

HELEN I don’t know. When was he born?

SALLY He was born in ___________ . Last question. When did he die?

HELEN I don’t know. Give me some help.

SALLY OK. Did he die in 1963 or 1973?

HELEN He died in , ?

SALLY Yes, he did. Well done, Helen!

© Write
He was an astronaut, wasn’t he?
1 Who was Yuri Gagarin?

Yes, he was.
? He was a scientist, wasn’t he?
2 _____________ _________

Yes, he was.
? He was born in 1867, wasn’t he?

Yes, he was.
? He was born in IЯ00, wasn’t he?

Yes, he was.
L wm *

7 MM

Wwmmi ШШжмШ
ф Write dSSb 4BSb '
I Who was Alexander Fleming?
Yes, he was.
He was a scientist, wasn’t he?

2 Who was Thomas Edison?

? Yes, he was.
?—-------- -----

3 What nationality was Alexander Graham Bell?

? Yes, he was.
5______ ____

4 What nationality was Wilbur Wright?

? Yes, he was.
5--------- -----

5 When was Yuri Gagarin born?

? Yes, he was.
5--------- —---

6 When was Orville Wright born?

? Yes, he was.
i ------- ------
L ........ ........ - ______
f---------------- “ 4 f^ l
H I Write

Pocahontas, American John Smith, English John Rolfe, English

Indian princess explorer (1580-1631). farmer (1585-1622).
(1595-1617). Pocahontas helped him. Pocahontas married him.

1 John Rolfe was English, wasn’t he?

Yes, he was.

2 John Smith died in 16 3 1, didn’t he?

Yes, he did.

was born in 1595,

Yes, was.

4 John Rolfe died in __

Yes, _______

5 Pocahontas married
_______ , she ____

6 She in 1617,

7 She an American Indian princess,

8 She John Smith,

Revision 6
Read and write

Agatha Christie, British writer^--^ James Dean, American actor

(1890-1976). Wrote more than (1931-1956). Made only three films
seventy books. and died very young.

Jesse Owens, American runner Elizabeth Blackwell, British doctor

(1913-1980). Won four gold medals (1821-1910). The world’s first woman
in the 1936 Olympic games. doctor.

I was Agatha Christie?

She was British, wasn’t she? Yes,

2 _______ ___________ films did James Dean make?

He made four film s ,______________? No,

3 ________ was Jessie Owens?

He was a runner, ___________ ___ ?

4 ________ did Elizabeth Blackwell die?

She died in 1910,______________ ?

5 ________ was James Dean born?

He was born in 1956, ______ ?

________ did Agatha Christie die?

She died in 1890, _________ ?

7 Olympic games did Jesse Owens

compete in?
He competed in the 1936 Olympic games,
________________ ?

8 ________ is Elizabeth Blackwell famous?

She was the world’s first doctor,
Q Write
I Adam was playing (play) cards when Mum

(switch) on the TV. He _______ (put) his cards

away and _______ (watch) the film with her.

«0% S M% 2 Helen ________ (sit) on the wall when she

(fall) off. She _______ (stand) up and

лйм Щ (look) at her arm.
___tz Vi

3 Dad (water) the plants when it

(start) raining. He _______ (go) inside

(wash) his hands.

(wash) the dishes when she

_______ (hear) the telephone. She _______ (dry)

her hands and _______ (answer) it.

0 Write about you

can can’t could couldn’t

I you swim now?

2 When I was five, I _______ read.

3 I _________ ride a bike now.

4 ________ you write your name when you were five?

5 I __________________ when I was five.

6 I __________ now.


| Write
I get up at eight a She got _
o’clock every day. yesterday.

(rm never late for school) 2 a He tomorrow.

b __ yesterday.

3 a
I stay with my cousins
last summer.
every summer.

next summer.

4 a
I don’t wash my
tomorrow night.
hair at night.

last night.

О Choose and write

1 Tabby didn’t have a holiday. [had / have]

2 ___________ I wash the dishes? [Shall/ Will]

3 I’ve had my bike ___________ two years. [for / since]

4 My gloves are big for me. [enough / too]

5 I’m not as old my brother. [as / than]

6 How cola do you drink? [many / much]

7 There’s _ under my bed. [anything / nothing]

8 Adam’s got a cough, _________ he? [has / hasn’t]

Я ___________ you sing when you were two? [Can / Could]

0 Complete the answers
1 Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes,

2 Will you watch TV tomorrow evening? No,

3 Has Edward ever painted his face? Yes,

4 Does Sally have to wash the dishes? No,

5 You’ve got black hair, haven’t you? Yes,

6 You’re tired, aren’t you? No,

7 Can you swim? Yes,

8 Could you swim when you were two? No,

0 Write the words in order

WhatJodidcjjjoujodo(yat jothe cj weed,
I at the did you weekend what do
2 have how this long had you book

3 what at home you have to do do


4 you do when coulc1 four you were what


0 Write your answers for exercise 4


2 _____________________ ____ ______


4 _____________ ________ ___________ ________

I was playing I wasn’t playing
You were playing You weren’t playing
He was playing He wasn’t playing
She was playing She wasn’t playing
It was playing It wasn’t playing
We were playing We weren’t playing
You were playing You weren’t playing
They were playing They weren’t playing

Were you playing? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

Was I playing? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he playing? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she playing? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it playing? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were you playing? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were we playing? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were they playing? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

We use the past continuous for an action that was already happening at a
particular time in the past.
I и/as reading a comic at seven o ’clock yesterday evening.
My dod wos watching television.
When one action interrupts another, we use the past continuous and the past
simple together in one sentence. We use the past continuous for the longer action
and the past simple for the shorter ‘interrupting’ action.
Minnie was playing when Bill got home.
I was playing tennis when I slipped and fell.
W ILL has one form only.

We use W ILL to:

say what will definitely happen in the future.
I ’ll do my homework tomorrow afternoon.
2 make offers. We also use Shall I .... ?to make offers.
I'll open the door for you.
Shall I carry your bags?

Modal verbs have one form only.

We use M IG H T + base form to say what will possibly happen in the future.
I might visit my gran tomorrow.

We use SHOULD + base form to give or ask advice.

You should brush your teeth twice a day.

We use MUST + base form to say what it is necessary to do. HAVE TO + base
form also has a similar meaning.
We must always listen to the teacher.
She has to wear uniform at her school.
There are two negative forms of MUST/HAVE TO. We use M U STN ’T to say what
it is necessary not to do and DON’T/DOESN’T HAVE TO to say what it is not
necessary to do.
You don’t have to have school lunch. You can bring your lunch from home. But
you mustn’t eat it in the classroom.

We use CAN + base form to talk about ability and possibility.

I can ride a bike but I can’t ride a horse.
Can I go to the park? Yes, all right.

We use COULD + base form to talk about ability in the past.

I could draw when I was three.
Could you write your name?

Get Set - Go! is a lively language course for children
learning English for the first time.

• Get Set - Go! has a carefully graded syllabus which

provides steady progression in all four skills. The lower
levels emphasize speaking and listening but also lay a
foundation for the more demanding comprehension and
story-writing skills in later levels.
• Get Set - Go! is based around a variety of texts and
activities, including entertaining stories, songs and
which are al1 farefully matched to the interests
of children.

• “ Go! Workbooks reinforce the language learnt

in the Pupil’s Books and include special revision sections.
• Get Set - Go! Teacher’s Books provide teachers with
clear guidance and lots of extra ideas. They also include
tests which record children’s progress.
• Get Set - Go! is easy to use and fun to use!

Each level consists of: Pupil’s Book

Teacher’s Book

There are also flashcards at the first level.

ISBN 0 19 4351 16 5


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