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Time:Three hours Maximum:75 marks

SECTION A -(5×6=30 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
1. (a) (i) Let (L,  ) be a lattice ordered set. If
x  y  inf  x, y  ,

x  y  sup  x, y  ,

then show that  L, ,   is an algebraic lattice.

(ii) Let  L, ,   be an algebraic lattice. If x  y:  x  y  x , then show that (L,  ) is a

lattice ordered set.

(b) Show that a polynomial p  Pn is equivalent to the sum of all prime implicants of p.
2. (a) Determine the symbolic representation of the circuit given by
p   x1  x2  x3  x1 ' x2  x1 x3  x1 ' x2  x2 ' x3 

(b) A hall light is controlled by two switches, one upstairs and one downstairs. Design a
circuit so that the light can be switched on or off from the upstairs or the downstairs.
3. (a) Let p be a prime and let m,n be natural numbers. Show that
(i) If Fpm is a subfield of Fpn then m | n .

(ii) If m | n , then Fpm  Fpn and there is exactly one subfield of Fpn with p m elements.


(b) Let F be a field with q elements. Show that the multiplicative group (F*, ) of the non .
zero elements of F is cyclic of order q-1.
4. (a) Write Berlekamp's algorithm for factorization.
(b) State and prove the Chinese Remainder Theorem for polynomials .
5. (a) Define a cyclic code and show that a linear code C  Vn is cyclic if and only if C is

an ideal in Vn .
(b) Show that the rows of the generator matrix G of a linear code C forms a
basic of C.

SECTION B- ( 3×15=45 marks)

6. (a) State and prove the representation theorem on finite Boolean algebras.

(b) Define partial order set and represent the poset  P   1 , 2 , 3   , by Hasse

7. In a large room there are electrical switches next to the three doors to operate the central
lights. Each switch has two positions either on or off. Each switch can switch on or switch off
the lights. Determine the switching circuit p and its symbolic representation.
8. (a) Define the Mobius function.
(b) State and prove the Mobius inversion formula.
9. (a) Show that a polynomial f  Fq  x  of degree m is primitive if and only if f

is monic f(0)  0 and the order of f is equal to q m  1.

(b) Let f  Fq  x  be a polynomial of degree m  1 with f(0)  0. Show that there exists a

positive integer e  q m  1 such that f divides xe  1.

10. (a) State and prove the theorem on Gilbert Varshamov bound.
(b) Define the syndrome of a vector and show that S(y)=S(w)  y+C=w+C  y and w
are in the same coset.

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