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Time: Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A-(5×6=30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.
1. (a) Prove that the elements of an arbitrary lattice satisfy the following distributive

(i) x  ( y  z)  ( x  y)  ( x  z) (ii) x  ( y  z)  ( x  y)  ( x  z)


(b) Let p , q  Pn ; p q and let B be an arbitrary Boolean algebra. Then prove that
pB  qB

2. (a) Construct symbolic representation of the following:

(i) Identity-gate (ii) Not-gate (iii) And gate (iv) Or-gate.


(b) In a large room there are electrical switches next to the three doors to operate the central
lights. Each switch has two positions either on or off. Each switch can switch on or switch off
the lights. Determine the switching circuit p and its symbolic representation.
3. (a) The group G of automorphism of F n over Fp is cyclic of order in n and G consists

of the elements  , 2 ,......, n1, n = id.


(b) Let F be a finite field of characteristic p. Then prove that F contains p n elements, where

n   F : Z p  .

4.(a) Prove that an irreducible polynomial f over Fq of degree k divides x q  x if and only

if k divides n

(b) Explain Berlekamp’s algorithm

5. (a) Prove that (i) s  y   0  y  c

(ii) s  y   s  w  y  c  w  c  y and w are in the same coset.


(b) Write Decoding algorithm for t-error connecting cyclic codes c   g   vn .


Answer any THREE questions.

6. Construct Hasse diagram of all lattices with six elements.

7. Explain Full-adder.

8. Let F be a finite field with q elements. Prove that

(a) the multiplicative group ((F*,.) of the non zero elements of F is cyclic of order q-1.

(b) Also prove that all elements a of F satisfy a q  a  0 .

9. Find the factorisation of g  x16  x12  x8  x6  1 over F2 .

10. (a) Define Mattson-Solomon polynomial.

(b) Let J i , i  1,2 be two ideals in Vn with generating elements g i then prove that

(i) J1J 2  J1  J 2  J1, J 2  J1  J 2 .

(ii) J1  J 2 is generated by gcd ( g1 , g 2 ) .

(iii) J1  J 2 is generated by lcm ( g1 , g 2 ).

(iv) J1J 2 is generated by gcd ( g1g2 , x n  1 ).

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