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Time: Three hours Maximum:75 marks

SECTION A - (5×6=30 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
1. (a) Prove that a polynomial p  Pn is equivalent to the sum of all prime implicants of p.
(b) Prove that a lattice L is distributive if and only if the Cancellation Rule
x  y  x  z  y  z exists for all x,y,z  L.
2. (a) Draw the diagram for the switching circuit

 
p  x1 x2 '  x6  x3  x4  x5 '   x7  x3  x6  x8 ' .

(b) Define the following terms:
(i) Identity-gate (ii) Not-gate (iii) And gate (iv) Or-gate.
3. (a) Let F be a finite field of characteristic p. Then prove that F contains p n elements,

where n   F : Z p  .

(b) Let F be a field and p a prime prove that the following are equivalent :
(i) m/n (ii) p m  1/ p n  1 (iii) xm  1/ xn 1.

4. (a) Prove that an irreducible polynomial f over Fq of degree k divides x q  x if and


only if k divides n.
(b) State and prove Chinese Remainder theorem for polynomials.
5. (a) Let G be a generator matrix of a linear code C. Then prove that the rows of G form a
basis of C.
(b) Let h be a check polynomial of a cyclic code with generator polynomial g and v Vn ,

then prove that v  C  v * h  0

SECTION B-( 3×15=45marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
6. State and prove Representation theorem.
7. A motor is supplied by three generators. The operation of each generator is monitored by
corresponding switching elements which closes a circuit as soon as a generator fails. We
demand the following conditions from electrical monitoring system.
(a) A warning lamp lights up if one or two generators fail,
(b) An acoustic alarm is initiated if two or all three generators fail.
Find the symbolic representation as a mathematical model of this problem.
8. State and prove Mobius Inversion Formula.
9. Let F be a field, prove that
(a) Every f  F  x  can be written as a decomposition of finitely many in decomposable

(b) If f has prime degree, then prove that f is indecomposable.
10. State and prove Gilbert-Varshamov Bound.

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