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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2014) 128–131

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Enhanced thermal conductivities of graphene oxide nanofluids☆

Zeinab Hajjar, Ali morad Rashidi ⁎, Ahmad Ghozatloo
Nanotechnology Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West Blvd. Azadi Sport Complex, P.O. Box: 14665-1998, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 17 July 2014 In this study, graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets were synthesized by the modified Hummers method. GO
structure was estimated by XRD, UV–vis-spectrophotometer and SEM imaging. Then homogeneous and stable
Keywords: GO/water nanofluid was prepared. The effects of GO concentration and temperature on the thermal conductivity
Graphene oxide were investigated.
Thermal conductivity The measurements of thermal conductivity indicate that the nanofluids have substantially higher thermal
conductivities than the base fluid.
The thermal conductivity enhancement depends strongly on the concentration of GO and increases with the
increasing loading. When the nanosheet loading is 0.25 wt.%, the enhancement ratio is 33.9% at 20 °C and
when the temperature increased to 40 °C the enhancement is up to 47.5%. Therefore the level of enhancement
is dependent of temperature in the measured temperature range.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Graphene has 2D structure, and the heat transfer properties and
mechanism are different from nanoparticles (NPs) and CNTs [22]. There-
Most industries (power generation, automobiles, air conditioning, mi- fore it is very interesting to investigate the thermal properties of NFs.
croelectronics and cooling systems) use conventional fluids like water, Many methods have been applied to prepare graphene, such
ethylene glycol (EG) and transformer oil as heat transfer fluids [1]. Poor as sonication in various solvents [23], solvothermal synthesis [24],
thermal conductivity of these fluids greatly limits the cooling role in micromechanical methods [25] and chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
heat exchangers [2]. Thus, improvement of the heat transfer capabilities [26]. Among them, the chemical approach is suitable to produce
of fluids is an urgent need. The advances in nanotechnology have resulted graphene nanosheets [27]. Graphite is a usual raw material for produc-
in the development of a class of fluids termed nanofluids (NFs). NFs, tion of graphene nanosheets (GNS) by the chemical methods. Therefore,
which are suspensions prepared by dispersing nanoparticles, rods or in this paper, graphite powder was applied to produce graphene oxide
tubes in the base fluids with high stability have attracted much attention nanosheets (GONs) which are the nanoparticles for water-based NFs.
due to the anomalous thermal conductivity enhancement [3] which Heat transfer by convection process depends in part upon thermal con-
translates into lower operating costs, higher energy efficiency and better ductivity of the fluid. Therefore in all of the physical properties of NFs,
performance [4–6]. thermal conductivity is the most complex and for many applications
Carbon nanostructures have higher thermal conductivity than other the most important one.
nanoparticles because of their large intrinsic thermal conductivity and
low density compared with metals or metal oxides and also due to
strong C\C covalent bonds and phonon scattering [7]. The experimen- 2. Materials
tal results demonstrate that carbon materials, such as carbon nanotubes
[8–13], graphite nanoparticles [14,15], exfoliated graphite nanofibers Graphite powder (99.99%, 45 μm) was purchased from Bay Carbon,
[16] and diamond nanoparticles [17,18], are good candidates for use in Inc., USA. Nitric & sulfuric acids, potassium permanganate, sodium
NFs. For example, axial thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes nitrate and hydrogen peroxide were analytical grade. Deionized water
(CNTs) is 3000 W/mK [19] and in-plane thermal conductivity of (DI) was used throughout the experiment.
single-layer graphene is 5000 W/mK [20]. Superb thermal conduction Graphite oxide (GO) was prepared from graphite powder by the
property of graphene is beneficial for their application in NFs [21]. modified Hummers method as described elsewhere [28]. Briefly, 2 g of
natural graphite powder was treated with 46 ml of mixed concentrated
☆ Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
nitric and sulfuric acids in an ice bath. 1 g of sodium nitrate was slowly
⁎ Corresponding author. added to the above solution, followed by the addition of 6 g of potassi-
E-mail address: (A. Rashidi). um permanganate.
0735-1933/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Hajjar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2014) 128–131 129

Fig. 3. UV–vis spectra of GO dispersed in water.

Fig. 1. Schematic of experimental set-up for measuring thermal conductivity of the NFs.
A transient short hot-wire technique was applied to measure ther-
mal conductivities of NFs from 10 to 40 °C [30] by a KD2 Prothermal
During the reaction of natural graphite flakes with concentrated ni- properties analyzer (Decagon devices, Inc., USA). Fig. 1 illustrates the
tric and sulfuric acids, water molecules, NO− 3 and SO4
cations were experimental set-up for measuring thermal conductivity.
inserted into the graphene layers and expanded the interlayer spacing The instrument had a probe of 60 mm length and 1.3 mm diameter, a
in the graphite crystal structure. At room temperature, specific quantity thermoresistor and a microprocessor to control and measure the
of water was added to the above mixture. After 15 min the suspension conduction in the probe. The instrument had a specified accuracy of
was further treated with hydrogen peroxide and was filtered. The 5%. In order to obtain precise results, the sample and the probe were
graphite oxide can be effectively exfoliated via ultrasonic vibration to maintained at constant temperature for about 15 min.
generate GO. Finally the filter cake was washed with copious quantity A temperature-controlled bath (Ningbo Scientz Co., Ltd.) was used
of DI water. At last, the suspension was filtered and dried in a vacuum to maintain different temperatures of NFs during the measurement
oven at 40 °C for 8 h. The product was a loose brown powder, and it process. After the sample temperature reached the bath temperature,
could be dispersed well in water. sample was kept at temperature for a further 30 min to ensure temper-
ature equilibrium before a measurement was taken. Numbers of
2.1. Characterization techniques thermal conductivity measurements were taken for each sample and
only a mean value of those with correlation coefficient greater than
The size and morphological characterization of the GONs were ex- 0.99 was considered.
amined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Hitachi S-4200
scanning electron microscope). The SEM samples were prepared by 2.2. Graphene oxide structure
dispersing the powder products in alcohol by ultrasonic treatment,
dropping the suspension onto a holey carbon film supported on a The crystal structure of GONs was investigated by an XRD diffractom-
copper grid and dried in air [22]. eter (X-pert Philips, pw 3040/60, Cu, λ = 1/54,056, β = 0/1 or 10%, on a
The UV–vis spectrum (PerkinElmer Lambda 900 spectrometer oper- 2100 series). The XRD pattern of GO was shown in Fig. 2.
ating between 200 and 1100 nm) was used. The samples were diluted As shown in Fig. 2, one high-intensity broad peak appeared about
up to the extent that they were suitable for UV–vis measurements. 2θ = 12.5 corresponding to (002) diffraction line (d-space 3.4 Å) plane
One hour before the measurement, the UV spectrometer was turned of graphite. The GO structure was proved [32].
on to be warmed up. The GO/water NFs were filled in a 1 cm quartz UV–vis spectroscopy analysis is a convenient way to characterize
cuvette. When filling the cuvettes, care was taken to avoid bubbles, the structure of carbon allotropes [31]. It is known that GO is active in
while visually inspected for bubbles [29]. Each measurement was the UV–vis region and exhibit characteristic bands corresponding to
repeated for three times to achieve a better accuracy.

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of GO. Fig. 4. SEM image of GO.

130 Z. Hajjar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2014) 128–131

Table 1
Specification of the samples (GO/water NFs).

Name of sample (#) Weight percentage (%)

Graphene oxide Deionized water

GO-1 0.05 99.95

GO-2 0.10 99.90
GO-3 0.15 99.85
GO-4 0.20 99.80
GO-5 0.25 99.75

additional absorption due to Van Hove singularities [32]. GO bundles,

however, are hardly active in the wavelength region of 230, where
their photoluminescence is quenched [33]. Fig. 3 illustrates the UV–vis
spectra of GO structure solutions, obtained one week after dispersion.
According to Fig. 3 the typical UV–vis absorption peak of GO appears
at 227 nm. Therefore it was found that GO structure was prepared. Fig. 6. Thermal conductivity of the samples versus temperature.

2.3. SEM imaging Volume fraction of the powder could calculate from the weight
of dry powder using the density of graphite (2.62 g/cm3) and the total
In theory, the single-layer graphene sheet is atomically flat with a volume of the suspension [37].
well-known van der Waals thickness of 0.34 nm [34], while GO sheets
are expected to be ‘thicker’ due to the presence of covalently bound ox- 3. Results and discussion
ygen and the displacement of the sp3 hybridized carbon atoms slightly
above and below the original graphene plane [35]. 3.1. Stability of nanofluids
Fig. 4 shows the typical SEM images of GO. The sizes of nanosheets
are in the range of 1–3 μm. GO tend to congregate together to form GO has good hydrophilic nature and good compatibility with water
multilayer agglomerates [22]. because the hydroxyl groups are bonded to the edges of the basal planes
Most GONs exist in the form of thin few-layer graphene, and some of of GONs, which are formed during the oxidation reaction. Therefore
them are folded at the edge of nanosheets [22]. GO/water NFs have long-term stability [22]. Fig. 5 illustrates the stability
of GO in water.
According to Fig. 5 dispersion was observed and no sedimentation of
2.4. Preparing nanofluids GONs was observed in water. Consequently, GO has a good stability and
dispersion in base fluid.
A two-step method was used to prepare the GO/water NFs [36]. The
fixed quality of GO with different concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 & 3.2. Thermal conductivity of nanofluids
0.25 wt.%) was dispersed in water. The NF mixture was stirred and son-
icated (60 kHz, 200 W) using an ultrasonic washing machine (Shanghai Thermal conductivity enhancement of the samples with different
Shengpu Ultrasonic Equipment, SC-350). Specifications of the samples concentrations and temperatures was investigated. Fig. 6 shows
were tabulated in Table 1. the thermal conductivity of water as base fluid and 0.5 to 0.25 wt.%
GO/water NFs at different temperatures.
Thermal conductivity of the NFs increased notably with an increase
of the GO weight fraction (%) in water. For example thermal conductivity
of the NF with 0.05 wt.% of GO showed a 14.75% increase with respect to
water and with an increasing GO concentration up to 0.25 wt.%, thermal
conductivity increases up to 47.57%. Improvement of thermal conduc-
tivity of the samples in various concentrations and temperatures is
presented in Table 2.
From Fig. 3, it can be observed that there is an approximate linear
relationship between the enhancement ratios and weight fractions.
NFs may be used under various temperatures, and some researchers
have investigated the temperature effect on the thermal conductivity
of the nanofluids [1]. For sample GO-5 (when the loading is 0.25 wt.%),
the enhancement ratio is up to 31.03 at 10 °C and improved up to
47.5 by increasing of temperature up to 40 °C. Therefore the thermal

Table 2
Improvement of thermal conductivity of the samples in various concentrations (%).

Temp (°C) GO-1 GO-2 GO-3 GO-4 GO-5

(0.05 wt.%) (0.10 wt.%) (0.15 wt.%) (0.20 wt.%) (0.25 wt.%)

10 1.72 12.07 20.69 24.14 31.03

20 6.78 15.25 22.03 27.12 33.90
30 11.67 15.00 20.00 28.33 45.00
40 14.75 24.59 31.15 39.34 47.54
Fig. 5. Digital picture of GO dispersed in water.
Z. Hajjar et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2014) 128–131 131

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