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Annual Exam WORKSHEET 2023


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Q1. Tick the correct answer

1. A buffalo is a white/ buffalo is a white/black in colour.
2. Parrot is white/green in colour.
3. The duck/fish has webbed feet.
4. The pigeon/deer has wings.
5. The tortoise/earthworm has no legs.
6. Rain/food is the main source of water.
7. All living things needs water/fire.
8. The sun rises in the west/east.
9. In winter we put on woollen/cotton clothes.
10. The sun/moon gives us heat.
11. When the sun rises the day begins/ends.
12. The moon/star twinkle in the sky.
13. The frog/lizard crawls on the ground.
14. Almond/Apple is a juicy fruit.
15. Potato/Carrot can be eaten raw.
16. In summer it is very cold / hot.
17. We wear raincoat in winter/monsoon.
18. We feel cold in winter / summer.
19. The sun rises in the east / west.
Q2. Fill Ups
1. Cereals are our main food.
2. We get spices from plants.
3. We are very active during the day.
4. A fit and healthy person is always be happy.
5. Whale is a largest water animal.
6. Elephant is a largest land animals.
7. Different animals eat different types of food.
8. All animals needs food
9. My mother cooks tasty food for us.
10. We keeps our things in our house.
11. All living things need air for breathing.
12. The sun rises in the morning.
13. We wear gumboots during the rainy season.
14. We enjoy ice-cream during summer.
15. The moon is smaller than the sun.
16. We must keep our nails trim.
17. Games entertain us.
18. Health is wealth.
19. Good food makes us strong and healthy.
20. We watch TV at home.
21. Do not play with a sharp tools.
22. Carelessness leads to accidents.
23. Cross the road only at the zebra crossing.
24. A house is a safe place for us.

Q3. True or False

1. Fish can live without air. – False
2. We can see moving air. – False
3. Every living things need water. – True
4. Water is very precious. – True
5. We can count all the stars in the sky. – True
6. The sun is very far away from us. – True
7. We can hear with our nose. – False
8. Good posture help us to stay fit. – True
9. We should go for a walk on busy roads. – False
10. House protect us from wild animals only. – False
11. We always play near or with fire. – False
12. We are safe if we follow safety rules. – True
13. We bath in the bathroom. – True
14. We always walk on the footpath. –True
15. Behave politely with anyone. – True
16. We should not eat uncovered food. – True
17. Stale foods are good for health. False
18. Mother cooks food in the drawing room. False
Q4. Match Ups
1. Spider - Insects
2. Giraffe - Leaves of trees
3. Coat - winter
4. Cotton shirt - summer
5. Brinjal - vegetable
6. Tiger - wild animal
7. Rose - shrub
8. Blackgram - Pulses
9. Moon - Natural satellite
10. House - Safe place
11. Cross the road - At zebra crossing
12. Fresh air - Garden , park
13.Grabage - Dustbin
14. Sun rise - East
15. Stars - At night
16. camel - Domestic animal
17. Fish - Lived in water
Q5. Question /Answer
1. What we do in house?
A. We can eat , play, and take rest in our house.
2. From whom house protect us?
A. House protect us from thieves and stray animals
3. What are wild animals?
A. Those animals live in forest, they are called wild animals.
4. Which is fastest animal?
A. Cheetah is the fastest animal.
5. Which is the main source of water?
A. Rain is the main source of water.
6. What we enjoy during summers?
A. We enjoy cold drinks, ice cream during summer.
7. Which are the four directions?
A. East, West, North and South.
8. When should we brush our teeth?
A. We should brush our teeth in the morning and at night before going to bed.
9. What is wealth?
A. Health is wealth.
10. Why we need clothes?
A. We need clothes to protect our bodies.
11. What we do in house?
A. We eat, play and take rest in our house.
12. Where we cross the road?
A. We cross the road only at Zebra crossing.
13. Which precaution we take while swimming?
A. 1) Do not go alone.
2) Do not go near the deep pool.
3) Use swimming tube in water.

Q6. Draw and colour the hut.

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