Earth as Our Mother

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Maheshwari Public School, Ajmer


Environmental Awareness Survey

Name of the student: _______________________

Class and Section: _________

Method of survey: Personal Interview Paste a photograph here.

A. Name of the Person: ______________________

Date of Survey: _______________
B. Knowledge about Earth sustainability:
B1. How familiar are you with the concept of sustainability?
a. Familiar b. Somewhat familiar c. Not familiar at all
B2. How often do you segregate your waste into different categories (e.g., recyclables, organic waste, non-
a. Always b. Sometimes c. Rarely d. Never
B3. What barriers, if any, do you face in adopting more sustainable practices in your household? (Select all that
a. Lack of awareness b. Cost of eco-friendly products c. Limited access to recycling facilities

d. Cultural or societal norms e. Other (please specify) ____________________

C. Contribution:
C1. How often do you and your family discuss environmental issues at home?
a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Rarely e. Never
C2. Are you aware of the impact of plastic pollution on the environment?
a. Yes b. No c. Not sure
C3. Do you practice any of the following environmentally-friendly habits at home? (Select all that apply)
a. Recycling b. Composting c. Conserving water and electricity d. Using eco-friendly products
e. Planting trees or maintaining a garden f. None
C4. How often do you utilize eco-friendly bags when shopping or going out?
a. Always b. Frequently c. Occasionally d. Rarely e. Never
C5. Where do you typically discuss environmental issues with others?
a. With neighbours b. With friends c. At work d. During social gatherings e. None of the above
C6. Would you be interested in participating in environmental conservation activities during the summer
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
D. Suggestions:
D1. How can individuals encourage others to adopt more sustainable lifestyles? (Select all that apply)
a. Leading by example through their own eco-friendly practices
b. Engaging in discussions and sharing information about environmental issues
c. Organizing local clean-up events or establishing community gardens or urban green spaces
d. Collaborating with neighbours or community groups on sustainability initiatives
e. Other (please specify) ____________________
D2. Can you share any innovative or creative ideas for promoting environmental sustainability within households
and society? ___________________________________________________________________________________
D3. Please share any additional thoughts, suggestions, or ideas you have regarding environmental conservation in
our community: _________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of the Surveyor Signature of Respondent

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