Why The US Prison System Is The Worst In The Devel

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Why The US Prison System Is The Worst In The Developed World

1. The general perspective of the video.

The video pertains on how the American Prison and Prisoner system works, it

also shows the flaws inside the prison system of the country others called

“The greatest country in the world”. It gives a background on how they run a

facility that holds those individuals who've committed acts against their own


2. Your personal observations.

For my wide observation and understanding the American prison

system contradicts what others called America as the “Greatest country.” The

greatest country but lacks skills, capability, and integrity in running the jail

facilities for its detainees. Also, one of the ironic observations here is that

American politicians are one of the member of high institutions and

organizations: United Nation, International Criminal Court, and promotes

human rights, anti-corruption, and the implementation of laws for humans, and

proper handling of people who are under the jurisdiction of law but based on

the video that America as general is the one who violated, disregard, and

corrupt the rights and privileges its prisoner. They also lead the fight for anti-

corruption around the world where they build an opposition against those

persons they think are corrupt but is it ironic that they have guts to stand

against corruption even so their prison management system is corrupt itself.

It’s like a shiny apple outside then full of worms inside.

In addition, everything about America’s history and position on

humanitarian topics are ironic because all of their ideas contradict what they

are truly doing. America always fight for the independence, rights, and
privileges of other countries, they’re always present in wars waving their sugar

coated principle of “Freedom and rights for all” but when we look to the

America itself particularly to its Prison System Management we can observe

on how it slaves the prisoners to work for private prison, work with minimum

wage, and only to receive a treatment even beggar doesn't want to accept.

3. A conclusion based on your observations.

For the conclusion of this context, America put itself in the global top

dominating country and country with top developing approach in human

treatment but still failed when it comes in managing ang giving the proper

treatment for its prisoners. American Prison system is even worse to 3rd world

countries prison system. It's like a sewage system just flowing without proper

treatment and disposal of its prisoners.

4. Any recommendations you may have.

For the recommendation, America’s biggest opposition in changing its

system is corruption. Americans must first resolve its corruption issues

because this is the root causes of the problem they are facing in prison

management system.

Improving the US prison system is a complex and multifaceted issue,

but here are some recommendations that I suggest that might have been use

for future references:

1. Sentencing Reform: Implementing sentencing reforms, such as reducing

or eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and revising three-strikes laws,

can help address over-incarceration and ensure that sentences are

proportionate to the severity of the crime.

2. Addressing Racial Disparities: Implement policies and practices aimed at

addressing racial disparities within the criminal justice system, including

reforms to policing practices, bail systems, and sentencing guidelines.

Promoting diversity and cultural competency among law enforcement

personnel and judges can also help mitigate bias.

a) Reforming Policing Practices: Implement policies and training

programs aimed at reducing racial bias in policing, such as implicit

bias training and community policing initiatives. Emphasize de-

escalation techniques and fair treatment of all individuals regardless

of race during interactions with law enforcement.

b) Addressing Prosecutorial Discretion: Promote transparency and

accountability in prosecutorial decision-making to ensure fair and

equitable treatment of all defendants. Implement guidelines to reduce

disparities in charging and plea bargaining practices, particularly for

nonviolent offenses.

c) Sentencing Reform: Advocate for reforms to sentencing laws and

guidelines to eliminate racial disparities in sentencing outcomes. This

may include revising mandatory minimum sentences, eliminating

sentencing enhancements for drug offenses, and providing judges

with greater discretion in sentencing

3. Investing in Rehabilitation and Reentry Programs: Increase funding for

education, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, mental health

services, and other rehabilitation programs within prisons to help prepare

inmates for successful reentry into society upon release. Providing support
and resources to facilitate reintegration, such as housing assistance and job

training, can also reduce recidivism rates.

4. Improving Prison Conditions: Prioritize efforts to improve living

conditions within prisons, including addressing issues such as overcrowding,

violence, inadequate healthcare, and access to basic necessities. Ensuring

humane treatment of inmates and respecting their rights is essential for

rehabilitation and promoting public safety.

5. Promoting Alternatives to Incarceration: Expand the use of alternative

sentencing options, such as probation, community service, drug courts, and

diversion programs, for nonviolent offenders and individuals with substance

abuse or mental health issues. These alternatives can help reduce

incarceration rates and address underlying causes of criminal behavior more


6. Ending the Privatization of Prisons: Phase out the use of private prisons

and detention centers, which prioritize profit over the well-being of inmates

and have been associated with numerous issues, including overcrowding,

violence, and lack of accountability. Instead, focus on investing in public

correctional facilities and community-based corrections programs.

7. Promoting Restorative Justice: Emphasize restorative justice practices

that prioritize repairing harm, promoting accountability, and fostering

reconciliation between offenders, victims, and affected communities.

Restorative justice approaches can offer meaningful opportunities for healing

and rehabilitation while reducing reliance on punitive measures.

These recommendations represent just a few potential avenues for improving

the US prison system. Meaningful reform will require collaboration among

policymakers, criminal justice professionals, community organizations, and

impacted individuals to address systemic issues and promote a more

equitable and effective approach to criminal justice.


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