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EFM Assignment 3

Please complete the following tasks using Microsoft Excel. Create a new Excel spreadsheet for this
assignment and provide your answers within the spreadsheet. Show all your work and explanations
where necessary. Submit your completed spreadsheet.

Imagine you are managing a list of customer information for a business. Below is a sample dataset
representing customer first name, surname and email addresses in column A, B & C:

name Surname Email Address
John Smith
Mary Johnson
Robert Brown
Susan Miller
Michael Davis

1. In column D, use the CONCATENATE function (or '&' operator) to combine the first and last
names to create customer name from columns A and B, separated by a space.
2. In Column E, use the LOWER function to convert the customer's email address to lowercase.
3. In Column F, use the UPPER function to convert the customer's email address to uppercase.
4. In Column G, use the PROPER function to capitalize the first letter of each word in the customer's
name from column D.
5. In Column H, use the TRIM function to remove any extra spaces from the customer's name in
column D.
6. In column I, use the LEFT function to extract the first 5 characters of the email address in column
7. In column j, use the RIGHT function to extract the last 10 characters of the email address in
column c.
8. In column k, use the MID function to extract characters 6 to 10 from the email address in column
9. In column L, use the CONCAT function to combine the customer's first name from column A and
the first 3 letter of their last name from column B, separated by a hyphen.
10. In column M, use the TEXTJOIN function to combine all the email addresses from column C into a
single text string, separated by commas.
11. In column N, use the LEN function to calculate the length of the email address in column C.
12. In column O, use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace all instances of ".com" in the email address
in column C with ".net".
13. In column P, use the REPLACE function to replace characters 6 to 10 in the email address in cell
B2 with "XXXXX".
14. In column Q, use the FIND function to find the position of the "@" symbol in the email address
in column C.
15. In cell C16, use the SEARCH function to search for the string "email" in the email address in cell
B2 and return its position.
16. In column R, use the LEFT function to extract the first 4 characters of the customer's last name in
column B.
17. In column S, use the MID function to extract characters 3 to 6 from the customer's first name in
column A.
18. In column T, use the LEN function to count the number of characters in the email address in
column C.
19. In column U, use the REPT function to repeat the customer's name in cell A2 3 times, separated
by hyphens.
20. In column V, use the EXACT function to compare the customer's name in cell A2 with the text
"John Smith" and return TRUE if they match exactly and FALSE if they don't.

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