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Research Methodology

Unit 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

• What is Research?
o The Goals of Research
o Principles of Good Research
o Ethics in Research.
• Process of Research
• Formulating a Problem and Developing a Testable Research Question / Research
Unit 2: Sampling
• Sampling
• Types of sampling
o Probability sampling
o Non-probability sampling
Unit 3: Data collection methods
• Case Study, Observation
• Surveys, Focus Group Discussion, Interviews.
Unit 4: Data Analysis
• Data analysis and various styles of reporting (APA, MLM, Chicago etc.)
• Plagiarism

Reference Books:
1. Chadha, N.K. (2009) Applied Psychometry. Sage Pub: New Delhi.
2. Dyer, C. (2001) Research in Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research
Methodology and Statistics (2nd Ed.) Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
3. Gregory, R.J. (2006). Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and
Applications (4th Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
4. Murphy, K.R. & Davidshofer, C. O. (2004). Psychological Testing:
Principles & Applications, (6thEd.) New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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