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All saint's church sr. Sec.

Class - IX - A and IX-B
Subject: Computer Application
Date: Duration: MM: 70 marks

General Instructions:
1. Read all Questions carefully for each section.

2. Question Paper has 2 sections; Section-A and Section- B

3. Attempt all questions.

4. Answer should be given in python language only

5. Part [C],[D],[E] having choice in questions.


[A] Multiple Choice Questions: (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)

Q1. User defined name is known as :

(a) Identifier
(b) Constant
(c) Syntax
(d) Expression

Q2. Which of the following is not a valid variable name?

(a) num
(b) temp
(c) javascript
(d) 7flag

Q3. Which of the following is not a comment?

(a) “”This is comment””
(b) # This is comment
(c) // This is comment
(d) “This is comment”

Q4. Which of the following input statement is correct?

(a) a = input
(b) a = input(“enter a number”)
(c) a = row_input(“enter your name”)
(d) None of these
Q5. Which of the following print statement is correct?
(a) _print “9” + “9”
(b) _print int(“nine”)
(c) printf 9 + 9
(d) print (9)

Q6. What will be the output on executing the following set of commands in
the shell?
>>>str= “Hello”
(a) He
(b) Lo
(c) olleh
(d) hello

Q7. In order to store values in terms of key and value pairs, which core data
type you should use?
(a) List
(b) Tuple
(c) Class
(d) Dictionary

Q8. Which of the following data type is not supported in Python?

(a) Number
(b) String
(c) List
(d) Slice

Q9. Which of the following operation result in 8?

(a) 65 // 8
(b) 16 % 9
(c) 2**4
(d) 65**0.5

Q10. Choose the correct output of the following code:

a = 100
b = 30
(a) 3
(b) 10
(c) 0
(d) 1

[B] Fill in the Blanks: (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)

Q11. The output of (10==10) will be ______________________________

Q12. The operators that are used to compare two operands are called
______________________ operators.
Q13. The output of (20>5 and 50<80) will be ___________________
Q14. Python is a _________ and _____________ language.
Q15. Python is a case _______________ language.
Q16. Python files are saved with _________________ extensions.
Q17. Python supports _____________ and _____________ comments.
Q18. Python variables has two different scopes ____________ and _____________.
Q19. ___________ and ____________ are types of python conversion.
Q20. Python was developed by ________________.

[C] Very short questions: (2 x 5 = 10 Marks)

Q21. What are some common data types in Python?

Q22. What are variables in Python?
Q23. What are identifiers in Python?
Q24. Why is proper indentation important in Python?
Q25. What are the various types of operators in Python?
Q24. What is meant by input and output in Python?
Q25. Explain the role of logical operators in Python?

[D] Short questions: (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

Q26. What is operator precedence in Python? Explain with the help of example?
Q27. What are the features of Python that make it suitable for diverse applications?
Q28. Explain the difference between = and == operators in Python with examples.
Q29. Discuss the importance of comments in Python programming. Provide examples of different
types of comments.
Q30. What is type conversion? Explain with the help of example?
Q29. How keywords are different from the variable names?
Q30. Write a python program to find perimeter of rectangle by taking user input (Hint: Use
input() function for taking value)

[E] Long questions: (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

Q31. Explain the role and usage of bitwise operators in Python. Provide scenarios where bitwise
operators are commonly used in programming?
Q32. Describe the concept of Python's string operators. Provide examples of string concatenation?
Q33. Differentiate between arithmetic and logical operators with examples?
Q34. Discuss the operator precedence rules in Python. Explain how operator precedence affects the
evaluation of expressions with examples.
Q33. Write a Python program that asks the user to enter the radius of a circle and calculates its
Q34. Suppose a person want to do an addition but don’t know about operators and operands in
python. He taken a one number 30 and string “world”. Justify your answer that what is wrong with
this if that person add 30 and string “world”.

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