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Track 1 8

Teacher ’s Guide

Jess Stockham
제스 스톡햄은 런던에서 북쪽으로 조금 떨어진 작은 마을에서 태어나
대가족 집안에서 자랐습니다. 어렸을 때 무언가를 만들고, 그리고,
색칠하고, 자전거 타는 것을 좋아했다고 합니다. Down by the Station
에 나오는 자전거 타는 소녀가 그녀일까요? 제스는 50권이 넘는 아동
도서에 그림을 그렸습니다. 그녀가 그린 책의 대부분은 오랜 세월 전해 내려온
너서리 라임(Nursery Rhyme)과 동화를 토대로 한 작품입니다.
Track 1 8 Down by the Station
노부영 그림책 Down by the Station 읽기 *예시를 참고하여 나의 그림책 분석을 정리합니다.

읽기 요소 특징 (예시) 재미의 포인트 (예시)

•구멍이 있는 내지
곁텍스트 (paratexts) •‌구멍을 통해 보이는 탈것들
•어디론가 향하는 앞표지의 기차
책의 모양, 종류, •탈것이 모인 이곳은 어디일까?
•탈것이 모여 있는 뒤표지
크기, 표지, 내지 •‌
•강한 색감의 일러스트

•‌구멍이 많아질수록 늘어나는 탈것과 분주해

•점점 많아지는 구멍과 사람들 지는 기차역의 모습
그림 (pictures)
•기차역 주변의 다양한 동물과 사람들 •각기 다른 행동을 하는 운전자들의 모습
분위기, 재미 요소 •생동감 넘치는 그림 •‌꽃을 배달하는 밴, 휠체어 탄 사람, 카페를
• 여는 사람 등 다양한 모습

•반복되는 문장 •‌탈것이 점점 다가오듯 점점 큰 소리로 말해

텍스트 (texts)
•리드미컬한 문장 보기
문장의 반복,
•탈것의 소리 •탈것의 소리에 따라 달라지는 글씨체
재미있는 소리
• •

•‌친숙한 주제(탈것) •‌다음 장면에는 어떤 탈것이 나올까?

스토리 (story)
•구멍의 형태 •구멍의 형태를 보고 기억해보는 탈것의 소리
이야기의 몰입 요소 •각 탈것의 역할 •각 탈것은 무엇을 태울까?
• •

그림에서 찾은 Rhyming Words 그림에서 찾은 Alphabet Words (Ss)

기타 (more)
•beep-sheep-sweep •sandwich
그림에서 찾는 literacy skill •fox-box •seagull
• •

Down by the Station 아이들과의 상호작용 *예시를 참고하여 아이들과의 상호작용 특징을 정리합니다.

특징 (예시)

•이른 아침 사람들은 어디를 가는 걸까?

1 생각하기 •각 탈것은 어디를 가는 걸까?

•책에 나오는 탈것을 본 적이 있니?

•탈것의 소리를 들어본 적 있니?
•기차역에 가본 적이 있니? 무엇을 봤어?

•무엇을 타보고 싶어?

3 생각 숙제 •그것을 타고 어디를 가볼까?

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Track 1 8 Down by the Station
Overview of the Month 1차시는 W-P-W의 수업흐름과 다르게 진행되지만 표에 함께 정리하였습니다.

차시 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Book Sound Letter Word Sentence Word Story Think

학습 내용 Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

Greetings Hello / Weather

Whole Reading •Shared Reading •
그림책 읽기 그림책 •생각 나누기 책 읽기

소리듣기 글자놀이 단어놀이 리듬놀이 단어놀이 이야기놀이 생각놀이

놀이 (PA) (Letter & (Vocabulary) (Fluency) (Vocabulary) (Comprehension) (Think Aloud)
내 Sound)

용 During
Part Reading •‌같은 소리 •Ss •‌Types of •‌점점 •‌Vehicles / •Sequence •‌Playbook
및 그림책 읽기 찾기 Vehicle 큰 소리로 People (pp. 5-8)
and Their 문장 표현
활 Sounds 하기
동 •‌Playbook
(pp. 1-4)

법 p. 9 Any Pages pp. 14-15 Any Pages Any Pages pp. 2-3, Favorite Page
Whole Reading
다시 책으로

Wrap Up 생각 숙제 / Goodbye Goodbye

알파벳 Ss 탈것의 소리 좋아하는 교사가 말하는

찾아 동그라미 내고 좋아하는 탈것의 소리를 그룹에 해당
Extra 하기 소리에 스티커 점점 크게 하는 그림
Activities 붙이기 표현하기 가리키고 이름
그림책 놀이 말하기

*각 차시는 30분 수업을 기준으로 구성되었습니다.

*CD만 먼저 집으로 보내고 책과 플레이북은 8차시 수업 후에 집으로 보냅니다.

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Lesson 1: Book Fun

다양한 탈것의 소리를 들려주며 어디서 나는 소리인지 묻습니다.

1. 그림책의 표지, 내지, 그림을 보고 어떤
T: Brrrm! Brrrm! Brrrm! What is that sound? Is the sound
이야기일지 추측할 수 있다.
Objectives coming from the dog?
2. 그림책의 제목을 말하고 노래를 들으며 율동
Ss: No.
으로 표현할 수 있다.
T: Then, what could it be?
Chug! Chug! Chug! Hey! What is that sound?
Materials 그림책, CD, 플레이북, 포스트잇 Is the sound coming from the birds?
Ss: No.
T: I wonder what is making the sound.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Honk! Honk! Honk! Nee Nor! Nee Nor!
Nee Nor! What is that sound?
Let’s find out what is making those sounds.
Greetings 3 minutes
제목과 그림작가 짚어주며 읽습니다.
아이들과 반갑게 인사하면서 날씨를 묻고 hello song을 부릅니다. T: (제목을 짚으며) The title of this story is “Down by the
T: Hello! Let’s make a window with our fingers. Look out the Station.” Illustrated by Jess Stockham.
window! How is the weather today?
Let’s sing the hello song. 플레이북을 활용하여 작가 사진을 보여주고 작가에 대한 이야기를
T: I will show you a picture of Jess Stockham. She is from
England. Ring! Ring! She loved riding her bike when she was
about your age. Let’s say hello to her.
Before Reading 그림책 탐색놀이 7 minutes

During Reading 그림책 읽기 12 minutes

Read Aloud
다음 페이지에 나올 탈것의 소리를 들려주며 무엇일지 예측하게
그림책 표지에 포스트잇 여러 장을 붙여 가려둡니다. 교사가 책을 합니다. 한적한 역에서 탈것들이 모여들며 점점 분주해지는 모습을
꺼내며 기차 소리를 작게 들려줍니다. 짚어줍니다.
T: (그림책을 꺼내며 아주 작은 목소리로) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! Do
you hear something? Title Page
(그림책에 귀를 대고 아주 작은 목소리로) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! T: Down by the Station. Illustrated by Jess Stockham.
I think the sound is coming from here. Chuff! Chuff Chuff! Here comes the train.
Look! There is a lady waiting for her train on the platform.
아이 한 명이 앞에 나와 그림책 표지에 귀를 대고 교사가 내는 기차
Let’s follow the train.
소리를 듣습니다. 앞에 나온 아이가 표지의 포스트잇 하나를 떼어
pp. 2-3
T: Who wants to hear it?
T: (책을 반으로 접어 p. 2만 보여주며) Here is a man looking at
(아이 한 명이 나와 표지에 귀를 대면 아주 작은 목소리로) Chuff!
the clock! Tick, tock! Tick, tock! He is checking the time.
Chuff! Chuff! Do you hear it? Can you guess what it is? Let’s
(소리를 점점 크게 내며) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!! What is that
find out. Please, peel off a post-it to see what it is.
sound? (p. 3을 펼쳐 기차역을 가리키며) Aha! The trains are
down by the station.
같은 방법으로 아이들이 한 명씩 앞으로 나와 그림책 표지에 귀를 대고
Down by the station,
교사가 들려주는 소리를 들은 후 포스트잇을 한 장씩 떼어냅니다.
Early in the morning,
아이가 나올 때마다 기차가 점점 가까이 오는 듯 소리를 점점 크게
See the little puffer trains
All in a row.
표지의 그림을 보며 이야기합니다. See the engine driver
T: What do you see on the cover? Pull the little handle;
T: Aha! Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!! The sound is coming from the And off we go!
train. Where is the train going? Can you guess?

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Aha! He is the stationmaster. (역장 아저씨 목소리로) It is the Polishing the windows;
time! Here comes the train! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
Shhh! Do you hear that? And off we go!
(작은 목소리로) Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!! What is that sound? Aha! The lady is a taxi driver.
(좀 더 큰 목소리로) Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!! Will there be other vehicles down by the station?
(작은 목소리로) Honk! Honk! Honk!! What could that be? A
pp. 4-5 goose? (좀 더 큰 목소리로)Honk! Honk! Honk!!
T: (p. 4만 보여주며) There are people standing in a line. What
are they waiting for? (소리를 점점 크게 내며) Brrm! Brrm! pp. 10-11
Brrm!! T: (p. 10만 보여주며) Who is the man sitting on the boxes? (운전
(p. 5를 펼치며) Down by the station, 하는 흉내를 내며) Do you think he is also a driver? Let’s find
Early in the morning, him down by the station, then we can see.
See the busy buses (p. 10을 펼치며) It is a lot busier down by the station. Can
All in a row. you find the man?
See the bus driver Look! There he is! He is loading the boxes on the truck.
Calling to the passengers; What a great big truck! He is a truck driver!
BRRM! BRRM! BRRM! Down by the station,
And off we go! Early in the morning,
Aha! The buses are down by the station. The people are See the great big trucks
waiting for buses. They are at the bus stop. All in a row.
(작은 목소리로) Chug! Chug! Chug!! What is that sound? See the truck driver
(좀 더 큰 목소리로) Chug! Chug! Chug!! Loading up the parcels;
pp. 6-7 And off we go!
T: (p. 6만 보여주며) Wow! A lot of turnips! Here is a farmer. (작은 목소리로) Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Nee Nor!! What could it
Hmm. what will he do with all these turnips? be? An ambulance, a police car or a fire engine?
(소리를 점점 크게 내며) Chug! Chug! Chug!! (좀 더 큰 목소리로) Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Nee Nor!!
(p. 7을 펼치며) Down by the station,
Early in the morning, pp. 12-13
See the muddy tractors T: (p. 13만 보여주며) What vehicles are down by the station?
All in a row. Ss: 소방차요.
See the tractor driver T: Aha! Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Nee Nor! The fire engines have
Loading up the trailer; come down by the station. (소방관 그림을 짚으며) Who are
CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! these people?
And off we go! Ss: 소방관이요.
Aha! The farmer is loading up the turnips on the muddy T: Right! (p. 12를 펼치며) Down by the station,
tractor. Early in the morning,
(pp. 2-3을 보여주며) It looks very quiet. (pp. 6-7로 돌아와서) See the fire engines
It is getting busier around the station. All the vehicles are All in a row.
down by the station. Little puffer trains, busy buses and See the fire fighter
muddy tractors. Climbing up the ladder;
(작은 목소리로) Beep, beep, beep! What sound is it? What NEE NOR! NEE NOR!
will come next? (좀 더 큰 목소리로) Beep, beep, beep! And off we go!

pp. 8-9 pp. 14-15

T: (p. 8만 보여주며) Look at the lady in the yellow sweater. She T: There are so many vehicles and so many people down by
is helping this other lady carry her bags. Do you know why? the station. We can hear lots of sounds down by the station.
(p. 9를 펼치며) Can you find the lady in the yellow sweater Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!! Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!! Chug! Chug! Chug!!
around the station? Beep! Beep! Beep! Honk! Honk! Honk!! Nee Nor! Nee Nor!
(택시 운전사와 택시를 짚으며) Down by the station, Nee Nor!!
Early in the morning, Can you see any other vehicles?
See the shiny taxi cabs Ss: 자전거요. 오토바이요.
All in a row. T: Right. There is also a bike and a motorcycle. What sounds
See the taxi driver do they make?

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pp. 16-17 Wrap Up 2 minutes
T: Wow! There are even more vehicles down by the station!
Whoop, whoop, a police car.
생각 숙제
Crunch, crunch, a garbage truck.
Swish, swish, a cleaning machine. 앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
Vroom, vroom, a motorcycle. T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
Hoot, hoot, a car. on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
Ring, ring, a bike. vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.
Clank, clank, a bulldozer.
Squeak, squeak, a tricycle. Goodbye
Read Aloud 후 책 뒤표지를 보며 간단히 이야기합니다. 마무리 인사를 합니다.
T: Do you like the story? I like it very much. There are lots of T: You all did a great job.
vehicles down by the station and they all make different Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
(뒤표지를 보여주며) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! Llittle puffer trains.
Brrm! Brrm! Brrm! Busy buses. Chug! Chug! Chug! Muddy
tractors. Beep! Beep! Beep! Shiny taxi cabs. Honk! Honk!
Honk! Great big trucks. Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Fire
What is the title of the story?

After Reading 표현놀이 6 minutes

장면 표현놀이
그림책 pp. 14-15를 펼쳐 좋아하는 교통수단의 소리를 내며 그
모습을 몸으로 함께 표현합니다.
T: In the story, the vehicles all make different sounds. What is
your favorite vehicle?
Well, I like the little puffer trains. What sound do the little
puffer trains make?
T, Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
T: Right. The little puffer trains go chuff, chuff, chuff (핸들
을 잡아 당기는 듯이) when the engine driver pulls the little
Let’s be the engine driver and pull the little handle. Chuff!
Chuff! Chuff!!

T: What about the fire engines? What sound do the fire

engines make?
T, Ss: Nee Nor! Nee Nor! Nee Nor!!
T: Right. The fire engines go (사이렌이 바삐 반짝이듯) Nee Nor!
Nee Nor! Nee Nor! When fire engines are on the road, they
are always busy making sounds.
Let’s be the fire engines and move quickly. Nee Nor! Nee
Nor! Nee Nor!

스토리송을 들으며 함께 율동을 합니다.

T: Let’s sing and dance to the story song.

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Lesson 2: Sound Fun

pp. 4-5
1. 그림책 이야기를 들으며 반복되는 표현을
T: Right! Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!! Buses make the sound. Brrm!
교사와 함께 말할 수 있다.
Objectives Brrm! Brrm!
2. 세 개의 단어 중 라임(Rhyme)이 되는
Sweep! Sweep! Sweep! Look! Somebody is sweeping the street.
두 개의 단어를 찾을 수 있다.
Which vehicles will come next?
그림책, CD
Materials 그림카드: beep, chuff, sheep, box, fox, pp. 6-7
fire engine, bus, truck, duck T: Chug! Chug! Chug! What is making the sound? Is that the
fox next the box? Or the muddy tractor?

pp. 8-9
T: Which vehicle makes the beep, beep, beep sound? (그림을
Greetings 3 minutes 가리켜 힌트를 주며)
T, Ss: Taxi cab.
Hello / Weather T: Great! let’s make the beep, beep, beep sound.
T, Ss: Beep, beep, beep!
Sing & Dance
pp. 10-11
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다.
T: (p. 10의 그림을 짚으며) Look at the man sitting on the boxes.
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing What does he drive? (그림을 가리켜 힌트를 주며)
and dance to the story song. T, Ss: Truck.
T: Right. What a great big truck! Look! He is loading up the
boxes. They are parcels. Which vehicles will come next?

Whole 그림책 읽기 8 minutes pp. 12-13

T: Nee nor! Nee nor! Nee nor! They are the fire engines. What
sound do they make?
Shared Reading T, Ss: Nee nor! Nee nor! Nee nor!
Sharing Parts: Down by the station
pp. 14-15
아이들이 반복되는 표현을 말할 수 있도록 유도하며 책을 읽습니다. T: There are so many people and so many vehicles. Where are
책을 읽는 동안 오늘 이야기 나눌 단어들을 그림에서 자연스럽게 노출 all the vehicles? The vehicles all come...
해줍니다. T, Ss: Down by the station.
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is... T: Great! There are animals down by the station too.
T, Ss: Down by the Station. The birds go tweet, tweet, tweet.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together. While reading, please The cows go moo, moo, moo.
say, “Down by the station.” Can you do that? The sheep go baa, baa, baa.
Look! The café is opening now. Aha! That is why somebody
Front Cover/Back Cover is sweeping the street.
제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다. Hooray! Let’s start a new day!
T: Down by the Station. Illustrated by Jess Stockham.
(뒤표지까지 펼쳐 보여주며) Look! Here are the vehicles down Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.
by the station. What are they? Let’s name them. T: Do you like the story? I like it very much.
T, Ss: Truck, tractor, taxi cab, bus, motorcycle, fire engine and There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Chuff! Chuff!
train. Chuff! Little puffer trains. Brrm! Brrm! Brrm! Busy buses.
Chug! Chug! Chug! Muddy tractors. Beep! Beep! Beep! Shiny
pp. 2-3 taxi cabs. Honk! Honk! Honk! Great big trucks. Nee Nor! Nee
T: Here come the little puffer trains down by the... Nor! Nee Nor! Fire engines.
T, Ss: (그림을 가리키며) Station. What is the title of the story?
T: Great! It is so early in the morning. What sound can you
생각 나누기
hear when the little puffer trains come? Chu...
T, Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!! 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다.
T: Great! Which vehicles will come next? Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!! T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which vehicle
Ss: 버스요. do you want to ride? What sound does it make? Who wants
to talk about it? Raise your hand.

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소리놀이: All in a Row
Part 소리듣기놀이 14 minutes ① 세 명의 아이가 나와 등에 그림카드를 하나씩 붙입니다.
② 한 명씩 뒤를 돌아 그림카드를 보여주면 나머지 아이들이 다 함께
Phonological Awareness 단어를 말합니다.
③ 모두 함께 라임이 되는 두 단어를 말하고 라임이 되는 그림카드를
Rhyme Discrimination
붙인 두 아이는 서로 하이파이브하고 자리로 돌아갑니다.

T: Let’s play a game. Three players will come forward and

stand in a row. I will put picture cards on players’ back. One
beep chuff sheep
by one, the players will turn and show their cards to you. We
will all say the names of the pictures and find the two that
rhyme. The players who have the rhyming words will high
five and go back to their seats. Can you do that?
box fox fire engine

bus truck duck Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes

그림책 이야기와 연결하여 그림카드를 제시합니다. 세 개의 단어 중

그림책을 p. 9를 펴고 서로 라임이 되는 단어들을 찾습니다.
라임이 되는 두 개의 단어를 찾습니다.
T: Let’s go back to the storybook and see if we can find the
T: I will show you three pictures and you must find two pictures
rhyming words.
that rhyme. As you know, rhyming words are words that
have the same ending sound. In the story, the vehicles down
p. 9
by the station make sounds.
T: See the shiny taxi caps down by the station. What sound do
(그림카드 beep을 보여주며) What sound does the taxi cab
they make?
Ss: Beep! Beep! Beep!
Ss: Beep! Beep! Beep!
T: Great! We also can see animals down by the station . Can
T: Right. (그림카드 chuff를 보여주며) What sound does the train
you find the animal that rhymes with “beep?”
Ss: Sheep!
Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
T: Great! Beep and sheep. They rhyme. What about box?
T: Great! (그림카드 sheep을 보여주며) Baa, baa, baa! What
Which animal rhymes with “box?”
animal says, “Baa, baa, baa?”
Ss: Fox!
Ss: Sheep.
T: Great! Box and fox. They rhyme.
T: Good. Beep, chuff, sheep. Two of these words rhyme. Listen
carefully. Beeeeeep, chuuuff, sheeeeeep. Beep, chuff, sheep.
Which two words rhyme?
Ss: Beep, sheep.
T: Right! Beep, sheep. They rhyme.
Wrap Up 2 minutes
Chuff does not rhyme with “beep” and “sheep.”
What about these ones?
(그림카드 box, fox를 보여주며) There was a fox next to the 생각 숙제
boxes in the story.
앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
(그림카드 fire engine을 보여주며) Nee nor! Nee nor! Nee nor!
T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
The fire engine is down by the station.
on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
Box, fox, fire engine. There are two words that rhyme. Listen
vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.
carefully. Booox, fooox, fire engiiine. Box, fox, fire engine.
Which two words rhyme?
Ss: Box, fox. Goodbye
T: Great! Fox, box. They rhyme. 마무리 인사를 합니다.
“Fire engine” does not rhyme with “fox” and “box.” T: You all did a great job.
Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
같은 방법으로 나머지 그림카드도 라임을 찾습니다. (truck-duck)

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 8

Lesson 3: Letter Fun

pp. 2-3
1. 교사와 함께 즐겁게 책을 읽으며 반복되는
T: Where is this? The trains come...
문장을 말할 수 있다.
Objectives Ss: Down by the station.
2. 알파벳 Ss의 소리, 이름, 모양을 알고 /s/로
T: Right! Look! The trains are loaded up with things. Where will
시작하는 단어를 말할 수 있다.
they go?
그림책, CD What sound do the trains make?
그림카드: station, sit, sandwich, cat, van Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
글자카드: Ss
교구: 빗자루 교구 pp. 4-5
T: What are the people waiting for?
Ss: Bus!
T: Right! What sound do buses make?
Ss: Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!
T: Great! Let’s say, “And off we go!” to turn the page.
Greetings 5 minutes
3 T, Ss: And off we go!

Hello / Weather pp. 6-7

T: What is the time of the day? (자는 듯한 행동을 하며) Dark in
Sing & Dance the night? (기지개를 키며 일어나는 듯한 행동을 하며) Early in
the morning?
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다. Ss: Early in the morning.
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing T: Right! It gets busier as the vehicles come down by the
and dance to the story song. station. Now, what vehicles are coming down by the station
early in the morning?
Ss: Tractors.
T: Right. There are muddy tractors. The farmer is loading up
the trailer with the turnips.
Whole 그림책 읽기 7 minutes (짐을 옮기는 행동을 하며) Let’s help him.
Let’s say, “And off we go!” to turn the page.

Shared Reading
pp. 8-9
Sharing Parts: Down by the station T: There is somebody sweeping the street. Sweep. Which
And off we go! vehicle sound rhymes with “sweep?” Chuff, chuff, chuff?
Chug, chug, chug? Or beep, beep, beep?
아이들이 반복되는 표현과 문장을 말할 수 있도록 유도하며 책을 Ss: Beep, beep, beep!
읽습니다. 지난 시간에 이야기 나눈 라임을 확인하고 오늘 이야기 나눌
단어들을 그림에서 짚어 자연스럽게 노출해주며 책을 읽습니다. pp. 10-11
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is... T: The truck driver is sitting on the box and eating a sandwich.
T, Ss: Down by the Station. I think this is his breakfast.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together. While reading, please
say, “Down by the station” and “And off we go!” Can you do pp. 14-15
that? T: So many people and so many vehicles come down by the
Front Cover/Back Cover Look at the van. I think it is delivering flowers to the shop.
제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다. Hey! There is a kid riding a bike. Ring, ring, ring!
T: Down by the Station! Illustrated by Jess Stockham. Hooray! Let’s start a new day!
Where is the train going? The train goes...
T, Ss: Down by the station. Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.
T: Great! Look! There are animals following the train. A bird, a T: Do you like the story? I like it very much. There are lots of
dog and a seagull. vehicles down by the...
Ss: Station.
Title Page T: Right! What vehicles come down by the station? Can you
T: Look! There is a lady sitting on the platform at the station. think of one? What is the title of the story?
The train comes down by the station.

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 9

생각 나누기 글자놀이: Sweep the Words

무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다. ① 그림카드를 이름을 말하며 바닥에 뒤집어 둡니다.
T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which vehicle ② 아이 한 명이 나와 빗자루 교구로 바닥을 쓸게 합니다.
do you want to ride? Who wants to talk about it? Raise your ③ 빗자루에 붙은 그림카드를 떼어내며 모두 함께 단어의 이름을
hand. 말합니다.
④ /s/로 시작하는 단어이면 두 손을 모아 뱀이 움직이는 듯한 흉내를
내며 /s/ 소리를 냅니다.
⑤ 그렇지 않으면 얼음(정지)을 합니다.

Part 알파벳 글자놀이 15 minutes T: Let’s play the “Sweep the Words” game. Here are the picture
cards. I will put them on the floor. One player will come
forward and sweep the floor with the sweeper. The player
Letter & Sound will take off the cards that are stuck to the sweeper and we
Letter Ss 소개 will all say the words together. If the word has the /s/ sound
at the beginning, we will be a snake with our hands and
make the snake sound. If the word does not have the /s/
sound at the beginning, we will all freeze and do not move.
station sit sandwich cat Can you do that?

Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes

그림카드를 보여주며 첫소리 /s/를 확인합니다. 단어의 첫소리를 그림책을 펴고 /s/로 시작하는 단어를 찾습니다. /s/ 소리가 들리면
강조해서 들려줍니다. 뱀이 움직이는 듯한 흉내를 냅니다. 문장을 읽어줄 때 /s/ 소리를
T: In the story, the vehicles all come down by the... 강조합니다.
Ss: Station. T: Let’s go back to the storybook and see if we can find the
T: Right! (그림카드 station을 보여주며) Down by the station. words that have the /s/ sound at the beginning. I will read
(그림카드 sit을 보여주며) A lady is sitting on the platform the sentence and you will be a snake when you hear the
down by the station. /s/ sound. Down by the station, early in the morning. See
(첫소리를 강조하며) Station, sit. What sound do you hear? the little puffer trains all in a row!
Ss: /s/.
T: Great! “Station” and “sit” have (두 손을 모으고 뱀이 움직이듯)
the /s/ sound at the beginning. Let’s find more words like
that. Wrap Up 2 minutes
(그림카드 sandwich를 보여주며) The truck driver sits on the
boxes and eats a sandwich. Sandwich. Do you hear the /s/
sound in “sandwich?” 생각 숙제
Ss: Yes. 앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
T: Right. What about this one? T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
(그림카드 cat을 보여주며) There was also a cat on the on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
platform down by the station. Cat. Do you hear the /s/ vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.
sound in “cat?”
Ss: No.
같은 방법으로 나머지 그림카드도 제시하고 첫소리 /s/가 들리는지 마무리 인사를 합니다.
확인합니다. T: You all did a great job.
Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
글자카드 Ss를 제시하며 알파벳 이름과 모양을 확인하고 공중에 함께
T: What letter makes the /s/ sound? Extra Activity
(글자카드 Ss를 보여주며) The letter Ss makes the /s/ sound.
Let’s trace it in the air. 각자 그림책을 펴고 알파벳 Ss를 찾아 동그라미 합니다.
T: Can you find the letter Ss in the story? How many do you

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 10

Lesson 4: Word Fun

pp. 2-3
1. 교사와 함께 즐겁게 책을 읽으며 반복되는
T: The little puffer trains come...
문장을 말할 수 있다.
Objectives T, Ss: Down by the station.
2. 교통수단의 이름을 알고 각 교통수단의
T: What time of the day is it? Dark in the night? Or early in the
소리를 표현할 수 있다.
그림책, CD, 플레이북 T, Ss: Early in the morning.
그림카드: bus, truck, tractor, taxi, bike, T: Look! The engine driver is pulling the handle. What sound
Materials bulldozer, brrm, honk, chug, do the little puffer trains make?
beep, ring, clank Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
교구: 게싱 박스, 줄 4개
pp. 10-11
T: Do you remember what does the man drive?
Ss: Truck!
T: Right! Is it the great big truck or tiny little truck?
Ss: Great big truck.
Greetings 3 minutes
T: Right. What sound do the great big trucks make?
Ss: Honk! Honk! Honk!
Hello / Weather
pp. 14-15
Sing & Dance T: As the vehicles come down by the station, it gets busier and
noisier. Listen for the sounds that the vehicles make down by
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다.
the station.
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing
Ring, ring, ring. Which vehicle makes that sound? (자전거를
and dance to the story song.
타는 듯한 흉내를 내어 힌트를 주며)
Ss: 자전거요.
T: Right! It is the sound of the bike.

Whole 그림책 읽기 7 minutes p. 16

T: Here are more vehicles and their sounds.
Whoop, whoop, a police car.
Shared Reading Crunch, crunch, a garbage truck.
Sharing Parts: Down by the station, early in the morning Swish, swish, a cleaning machine.
And off we go! Vroom, vroom, a motorcycle.
Hoot, hoot, a car.
아이들이 반복되는 문장을 말할 수 있도록 유도하며 책을 읽습니다. Ring, ring, a bike.
책을 읽는 동안 지난 시간에 배운 첫소리 /s/를 확인하고, 오늘 이야기 Clank, clank, a bulldozer.
나눌 단어들을 그림에서 짚어 자연스럽게 노출해줍니다. Squeak, squeak, a tricycle.
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is... Which vehicle do you like best?
T, Ss: Down by the Station.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together. While reading, please Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.
say, “Down by the station, early in the morning” and “And T: Do you like the story? I like it very much.
off we go!” Can you do that? There are lots of vehicles down by the station and they all
make different sounds. Do you remember their sounds?
Front Cover/Back Cover Little puffer trains go...
제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다. T, Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
T: Down by the Station! Illustrated by Jess Stockham. T: Busy buses go...
Station. Can you hear the /s/ sound at the beginning? T, Ss: Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!
Ss: Yes. T: Great! What is the title of the story?
T: Great! Do you see the letter that makes the /s/ sound in the
title? Do you also see the letter Ss in the illustrator’s name, 생각 나누기
Jess Stockham?
무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다.
T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which vehicle
do you want to ride? Who wants to talk about it? Raise your

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 11

T: Let’s play a game. I will put the vehicles at the end of the
Part 단어놀이 7 minutes strings and put them in the guessing box. One player will
come forward, pull a card from the box, and make the sound
of the vehicle. We will all guess which vehicle makes that
sound. Can you do that?
Names & Sounds of Vehicles

bus truck tractor taxi

Playbook 플레이북 활동 8 minutes

아이들에게 플레이북을 나누어주고 표지를 열어 그림작가의 이름을

함께 말합니다.
bike bulldozer brrm honk T: This is Jess Stockham, the illustrator of “Down by the
Station.” Let’s say hello to her.
T, Ss: Hello, Jess Stockham.

chug beep ring clank p. 1

이야기가 일어난 장소와 시간을 확인
탈것 그림카드를 보여주며 이름을 말하고 각 탈것이 내는 소리를 확인
합니다. 하단에 제시된 탈것의 이름을
말하고 역에서 찾아 동그라미 한 뒤
T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. They all make
different sounds.
T: In the story, all the vehicles come
Down by the station, early in the morning...
down by the...
(그림카드 bus를 보드에 붙이며) see the busy...
Ss: Station.
Ss: Buses. Book Fun

T: Right. Early in the...

T: Great! See the busy buses all in a row. What sound do the
Ss: Morning.
buses make?
T: Right. Say the names of the vehicles (tractor, bus, taxi cab,
Ss: Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!
fire engine, truck). Then, find the vehicles down by the
T: (그림카드 Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!을 보드에 붙이며) Right. Brrm!
station and circle them. Connect them to the vehicle at the
Brrm! Brrm! And off we go!
bottom of the page.
What about this?
Down by the station, early in the morning...
(그림카드 truck을 보드에 붙이며) see the great big... p. 2 ch
beep beep chu
ff uff f
beep chuf

Ss: Trucks. 그림의 이름을 말하고 세 단어 중 라임을

T: Great! See the great big trucks all in a row. What sound do 이루는 단어 두 개를 찾아 동그라미
the trucks make? 합니다.
Ss: Honk! Honk! Honk! T: Say the names of the pictures
T: (그림카드 Honk! Honk! Honk!를 보드에 붙이며) Right. Honk! (beep, chuff, sheep, box, fox, fire
Honk! Honk! And off we go! engine, bus, truck, duck). Circle
the two pictures that rhyme on Sound Fun

그림책의 문장으로 나머지 그림카드를 소개하며 탈것의 이름과 소리를 each line.
p. 3
그림의 이름을 말하고 첫소리를 확인
단어놀이: Off We Go!
합니다. 알파벳 Ss의 이름과 소리를
① 줄에 탈것 그림카드를 하나씩 붙여 말하며 색칠합니다. 첫소리 /s/로 시작하
상자에 넣어둡니다. 는 그림과 알파벳 Ss와 연결합니다.
② 아이 한 명이 나와 줄을 당겨 나오는 T: Say the names of the pictures
그림카드를 확인하고 나머지 (van, sandwich, cat, sit, station)
아이들은 볼 수 없게 합니다. and find their beginning sounds. Letter Fun

③ 나온 아이가 카드 속 탈것의 소리를 Then, say the sound and the name
냅니다. of the letter Ss on the bus stop sign and color the letter
④ 나머지 아이들은 탈것의 이름을 Ss. Connect the pictures that have the /s/ sound at the
맞힙니다. beginning to the letter Ss.

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 12

p. 4
탈것의 이름을 말하고 어떤 소리를 내는지 Wrap Up 2 minutes
확인합니다. 점선을 따라 그림과 알맞은
소리에 연결합니다.
생각 숙제
T: Say the names of the pictures
(bulldozer, bus, truck, tractor, bike, 앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
taxi cab) and their sounds. Trace T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
the lines to match the vehicles to Word Fun
on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
the sounds. vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.

마무리 인사를 합니다.
Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes T: You all did a great job.
Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
그림책 pp. 14-15를 펴고 교사가 가리키는 탈것의 소리를 내봅니다.
T: Let’s go back to the story and see if we can make the vehicle
(기차 그림을 짚으며) Down by the station, early in the
Extra Activity
morning. See the little puffer trains all in a row. What sound
do the trains make? 각자 그림책 pp. 14-15를 펼쳐 교사가 말하는 탈것을 손으로 짚고
Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! 소리를 표현합니다. 가장 좋아하는 소리에 스티커를 붙입니다.
T: Find these vehicles in your book and make their sounds.
See the little puffer trains, all in a row.
Where are they? Point at the picture and make the sound.
Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
Which vehicle sound do you like best? Put a sticker next to

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 13

Lesson 5: Sentence Fun

T, Ss: Down by the station, early in the morning.

1. 교사와 함께 즐겁게 책을 읽으며 탈것의
T: Great! (조금 더 큰 소리로) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! See the little
이름과 소리, 반복되는 문장을 말할 수 있다.
Objectives puffer trains all in a row. See the engine driver pull the little
2. 목소리 크기를 다르게 하여 리듬감 있게
handle; Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And...
문장을 읽을 수 있다.
T, Ss: Off we go!
그림책, CD T: Great! (점점 목소리를 크게 하며) Brrm! Brrm! Brrm! What
그림카드: train, fire engine, chuff, nee nor, comes next?
whisper, talk, shout Ss: Bus!
문장카드: _______! _______! _______!
And off we go! pp. 12-13
교구: 역할 목걸이 2개 T: Which vehicles come down by the station?
Ss: Fire engines.
T: Great! Let’s make the sound of the fire engines.
T, Ss: Nee nor! Nee nor! Nee nor!

Greetings 5 minutes
3 Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.
T: Do you like the story? I like it very much.
There are lots of vehicles down by the station early in
Hello / Weather
the morning and they all make different sounds. Do you
remember their sounds? Muddy tractors go...
Sing & Dance T, Ss: Chug! Chug! Chug!
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다. T: Shiny taxi cabs go...
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing T, Ss: Beep! Beep! Beep!
and dance to the story song. T: Great! What is the title of the story?

생각 나누기
무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다.
Whole 그림책 읽기 7 minutes T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which
vehicle do you want to ride? Who wants to talk about it?
Raise your hand.
Shared Reading
Sharing Parts: Down by the station, early in the morning
And off we go!
The names and sounds of the vehicles
Part 문장표현놀이 15 minutes
아이들이 반복되는 문장, 탈것의 이름과 소리를 말할 수 있도록
유도하며 책을 읽습니다. 책을 읽는 동안 오늘 이야기 나눌 문장을 Oral Fluency
그림에서 짚어 자연스럽게 노출해줍니다.
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is... 문장 소개
T, Ss: Down by the Station.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together. While reading, please
say, “Down by the station, early in the morning,” “And off
we go!” and the names and sounds of the vehicles. Can you train fire engine chuff nee nor
do that?

Front Cover/Back Cover

제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다. whisper talk shout
T: Down by the Station! Illustrated by Jess Stockham.
(속삭이듯이) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! See the little puffer train.
Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! ______! ______! _______!
pp. 2-3
T: Where are the little puffer trains? And what time of the day
And off we go!
is it?

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 14

그림카드를 보여주며 각 탈것이 어떤 소리를 내는지 이야기하고
목소리를 점점 크게 하여 문장을 읽습니다. Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes
T: In the story, the vehicles come down by the station, early in
the morning. And they make different sounds. 그림책을 펴고 페이지를 넘기며 목소리 크기를 점점 크게 하며 문장을
(문장카드 ______! ______! ______! And off we go!를 보드에 말해봅니다.
붙이며) OO! OO! OO! And off we go! T: Let’s read the story again. We will only read the part, “OO!
What sound do vehicles make? Let’s find out. OO! OO! And off we go!” As I turn the pages, we will raise
(그림카드 train을 보여주며) See the little puffer train! What the volume of our voices.
sound does the little puffer train make?
Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
T: (그림카드 Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!를 문장 빈칸에 붙이며) Right!
Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go!
When the little puffer train is far away, it may sound very Wrap Up 2 minutes
(그림카드 whisper를 보여주며) Let’s whisper!
T, Ss: (속삭이듯) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go!
생각 숙제
T: Great! When the little puffer train comes closer, it may sound 앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
a little louder. T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
(그림카드 talk를 보여주며) Raise the volume, like we are on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
talking. vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.
T, Ss: (말하는 목소리 크기로) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go!
T: Great! When the little puffer train is right by you, it may Goodbye
sound very loud.
(그림카드 shout을 보여주며) Raise the volume, like we are 마무리 인사를 합니다.
shouting. T: You all did a great job.
T, Ss: (소리치듯) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go! Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
T: Great!

같은 방법으로 그림카드를 보여주며 목소리 크기를 다르게 하여

문장을 읽습니다. Extra Activity
그림책 pp. 14-15를 펼치고 좋아하는 탈것의 소리를 점점 크게 표현
문장표현놀이: Louder!
① 역할 목걸이에 그림카드(whisper, talk) T: Let’s be the vehicles and come down by the station.
를 하나씩 붙여 준비합니다. Choose your favorite vehicle and make its sound.
② 아이 두 명이 나와 역할 목걸이를 건 뒤 First, we will say the sound very quietly, and then we will
교사가 보여주는 탈것의 그림카드를 say it louder and louder.
보고 각자의 목소리 크기에 맞게 When we shout the sound last, we can say “And off we
문장을 말합니다. go!” Can you do that?
③ 나머지 아이들이 어떤 교통수단의
소리인지 맞히면 교사가 보여주는
그림카드 shout을 보며 다 함께 문장을
큰 소리로 외칩니다.

T: Let’s play a game. We will say the sentence louder and

louder. Two players will come forward and put on these
necklaces with “whisper” and “talk.” These necklaces tell
the player how loud he or she can read. When I show the
picture of the vehicle, the player will say the sentence at the
volume of “whisper” and “talk.” We will all say what vehicle
it is. Then, we will all shout the sentence together. Can you
do that?

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 15

Lesson 6: Word Fun

T: Right! Look! There is the bus driver calling to the passengers.

1. 교사와 함께 즐겁게 책을 나누어 읽을 수
Objectives pp. 8-9
2. 책에 나온 단어를 알고 탈것과 사람으로 구분
T: What is the taxi driver doing?
할 수 있다.
Ss: 유리 닦아요.
그림책, CD T: Right! The taxi driver is polishing the windows. Aha! That is
그림카드: truck, tractor, train, fire engine, why the taxi cabs are shiny. See the shiny taxi cabs. Beep!
truck driver, tractor driver, fire Beep! Beep!
Materials fighters, stationmaster, bus Look over there, one more taxi cab is down by the station.
passengers, vehicles, people,
station 포스터 pp. 14-15
교구: 게싱 포켓, 솔팅 포켓 T: There are so many vehicles and so many people. A lot of
cars and people.
They are ready to start the day! Hooray!

Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.

T: Do you like the story? I like it very much.
Greetings 3 minutes
There are lots of vehicles down by the station early in
the morning and they all make different sounds. Do you
Hello / Weather remember their sounds? Great big trucks go...
T, Ss: Honk! Honk! Honk!
Sing & Dance T: Fire engines go...
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다. T, Ss: Nee nor! Nee nor! Nee nor!
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing T: Great! What is the title of the story?
and dance to the story song.
생각 나누기
무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다.
T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which vehicle
Whole 그림책 읽기 7 minutes do you want to ride? Who wants to talk about it? Raise your

Shared Reading
Sharing Parts: 책을 함께 읽습니다.

교사와 아이들이 책을 함께 읽습니다. 반복되는 부분은 아이들이

Part 단어놀이 15 minutes
읽을 수 있도록 유도합니다. (어려워하는 부분에는 동작이나 단어로
도움을 줍니다.) 다음에 나오는 탈것을 물으며 페이지를 넘깁니다. Vocabulary
오늘 이야기할 단어들을 그림에서 짚어 자연스럽게 노출합니다.
Word Sorting: Vehicles / People
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is...
T, Ss: Down by the Station.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together. Can you do that?

Front Cover/Back Cover

vehicles people truck tractor
제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다.
T: Down by the Station! Illustrated by Jess Stockham.

train fire engine truck driver tractor driver

pp. 2-3
T: (p. 2의 그림을 짚으며) The stationmaster is checking the
time. The cat is near him. Can you find the cat down by the
station? Look! The cat is on the street.
fire fighters stationmaster bus passengers
pp. 4-5
T: What are the people waiting for?
Ss: Bus!

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 16

보드에 기차역 포스터를 붙이고 그림카드를 보여주며 탈것과 사람으로 the storybook pocket and say its name. We will all shout if
구분합니다. the picture belongs to vehicles or people. Then, the player
T: Down by the station early in the morning, there are lots of will put the picture card in the correct sorting pocket. Can
vehicles and people. you do that?
(그림카드 train을 보여주며) See the little puffer...
Ss: Train.
T: Right! (그림카드 vehicles를 보드에 붙이며) Look! Here is the
bus and taxi. And they are vehicles. (바퀴를 가리키며) Vehicles
have wheels and move. They also carry people or things. The Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes
train is one of the vehicles too.
What about this one? 그림책에서 교사가 짚은 단어의 이름을 말하고 탈것과 사람으로 구분
(그림카드 truck을 보여주며) See the great big... 합니다.
Ss: Truck! T: Let’s go back to the storybook and see if we can say the
T: Great! Is the truck one of the vehicles? names of the pictures that I point at. And say if they are
Ss: Yes. vehicles or people.
T: Right! “Trucks” and “trains” are vehicles.
What about this one?
(그림카드 truck driver를 보여주며) See the truck driver.
Is the truck driver one of the vehicles?
Ss: No. Wrap Up 2 minutes
T: (그림카드 people을 보여주며) Here are the taxi driver and the
passenger. They are people, like us.
생각 숙제
Aha! The truck driver is one of the people.
What about this one? 앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
(그림카드 fire fighters를 보여주며) See the... T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
Ss: Fire fighters. on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
T: Great! Are the fire fighters one of the vehicles? vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.
Ss: No.
T: Then are the fire fighters one of the people?
Ss: Yes.
마무리 인사를 합니다.
같은 방법으로 나머지 그림카드를 제시하며 사람과 탈것으로 T: You all did a great job.
구분합니다. Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!

단어놀이: Down by the Station

Extra Activity
각자 그림책에서 교사가 말하는 그룹에 해당하는 그림을 손가락으로
짚고 이름을 말합니다.
T: Let’s see if we can point to the pictures in the story. If I
say “vehicle,” point to a picture that is one of the vehicles
and say its name. If I say “people,” point to a picture that
is one of the people and say its name. Can you do that?
① 솔팅 포켓에 그림카드 vehicles와 people을 붙여둡니다. 분주한
역의 모습이 담긴 포스터는 게싱 포켓 위에 붙이고, 포켓 안에는
그림카드를 넣어둡니다.
② 아이 한 명이 나와 게싱 포켓에서 그림카드를 꺼내어 단어의 이름을
말하면 나머지 아이들은 그림카드의 해당 그룹을 외칩니다.
③ 앞에 나온 아이는 그룹에 맞는 포켓에 카드를 넣고 자리로

T: Let’s play a game. Here are the sorting pockets for vehicles
and people. I will put the picture cards in the storybook
pocket. One player will come forward and pick a card from

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 17

Lesson 7: Story Fun

pp. 4-5
1. 교사와 함께 즐겁게 책을 나누어 읽을 수
T: Who is the bus driver calling?
Objectives Ss: 버스 기다리는 사람들이요. Passengers!
2. 이야기의 시작, 중간, 끝을 알고 이야기를
T: Right! The bus driver is calling to the passengers. What
순서대로 말할 수 있다.
sound do the busy buses make?
그림책, CD Ss: Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!
장면카드: pp. 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, T: Right! Where are the people going? To school, to work?
12-13, 14-15 Which vehicles come next?
그림카드: train, bus, tractor, taxi cab, truck, Ss: Tractor.
fire engine
교구: 마스킹 테이프 pp. 6-7
T: Right! See the muddy tractors. Can you find the tractor
driver? What is he doing?
Ss: 순무를 싣고 있어요.
T: Right. The tractor driver is loading up the trailer with the
Greetings 3 minutes turnips. What will he do? Will he sell the turnips at the

Hello / Weather
pp. 14-15
T: Where are all the vehicles and people? They are down by
Sing & Dance the...
책을 읽기 전 노래와 율동을 합니다. Ss: Station!
T: Do you remember the song and how we danced? Let’s sing T: Right. What time of the day is it? Early in the...
and dance to the story song. Ss: Morning!
T: Great!

Read Aloud 후 간단히 이야기합니다.

T: Do you like the story? I like it very much.
Whole 그림책 읽기 What is your favorite part of the story?
7 minutes

생각 나누기
Shared Reading
무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각을 나눕니다.
Sharing Parts: 책을 함께 읽습니다.
T: There are lots of vehicles down by the station. Which vehicle
do you want to ride? Who wants to talk about it? Raise your
아이들과 책을 함께 읽습니다. 다음 장면에 나오는 탈것이 무엇인지,
어떤 소리를 내는지 물으며 페이지를 넘깁니다.
T: Here is our story. The title of the story is...
Ss: Down by the Station.
T: Good. Let’s read the story together.
Part 이야기놀이 15 minutes
Front Cover/Back Cover
제목과 그림작가를 짚어주며 읽습니다.
T: Down by the Station! Illustrated by Jess Stockham. Comprehension
pp. 2-3
T: Which vehicles come down by the station first?
Ss: Train!
T: What sound do the little puffer trains make?
pp. 2-3 pp. 4-5 pp. 6-7 pp. 8-9
Ss: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!

pp. 10-11 pp. 12-13 pp. 14-15

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 18

장면카드를 보드에 붙이며 이야기의 순서를 확인합니다. 이야기가 When I say, “See the little puffer trains all in a row,” the
일어난 장소와 시간을 묻고, 이야기의 처음과 끝을 먼저 확인한 뒤 players will say, “Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go!”
중간을 순서대로 확인합니다. Then, I will ask for the next vehicles to come forward and
T: Let’s retell the story. Where does the story take place? Down do the same. Can you do that?
in the jungle or down by the station?
Ss: Down by the station.
T: Right. What time of the day is it?
Ss: Early in the morning.
T: Right. In the story, the vehicles come down by the station,
early in the morning.
Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Whole 다시 책으로 3 minutes
Which vehicles come first?
(장면카드 pp. 2-3을 보드에 붙이며) Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
그림책을 펴고 첫 장면과 마지막 장면을 찾아 이야기합니다.
Ss: Train! T: Let’s go back to the storybook and see if we can find the
T: Right! The little puffer trains come down by the station first. beginning and the end. I will turn the pages. If you see the
How does the story end? beginning page, say “beginning.”
(장면카드 pp. 14-15를 보드에 붙이며) All the vehicles and people
If you see the end page, say the “end.”
come down by the station. What happened in the middle?
(장면카드 pp. 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13을 순서대로 중간에
붙이며) The busy buses, the muddy tractors, the shiny taxi
cabs, the great big trucks and the fire engines come down by
the station. Wrap Up 2 minutes
What sounds do they make?

생각 숙제
이야기놀이: All in a Row
앱의 영상을 본 후 무엇을 타고 싶은지 생각해보게 합니다.
T: Did you like the story and the song? You can watch the story
on your mother’s mobile and think about one thing. Which
train bus tractor vehicle do you want to ride? We will talk about it next time.

taxi cab truck fire engine 마무리 인사를 합니다.
T: You all did a great job.
① 보드 앞에 마스킹 테이프로 아이들이 줄을 맞춰 설 수 있는 줄을 Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
만들고 탈것 그림카드를 아이들 숫자만큼 준비하여 무작위로
나누어 줍니다.
② 교사가 Down by the station, early in the morning이라고
말하며 가장 먼저 나오는 탈것이 무엇인지 묻습니다.
③ 그림카드 puffer trains를 갖고 있는 아이들이 앞에 나와 마스킹
테이프로 표시된 줄 위에 섭니다.
④ 교사가 See the little puffer trains, all in a row. 라고 말하면
앞에 나온 아이들은 Chuff! Chuff! Chuff! And off we go!라고
말하고 자리로 돌아갑니다.
⑤ 교사는 다시 Down by the station, early in the morning이라고
말하며 이야기 순서대로 아이들과 활동을 이어갑니다.

T: Let’s play a game. I will make a line in the front of the class
where you will stand in a row. I will give you a picture of
a vehicle each. Down by the station, early in the morning,
which vehicles come first?
Ss: Trains.
T: Right. The children who have the trains will come forward
and stand in a row on the line.

Copyright Ⓒ JYbooks TRACK 1-8 Down by the Station 19

Lesson 8: Think Fun

그림카드를 보며 탈것의 소리를 표현합니다.

1. 리듬을 살려 모두 함께 즐겁게 노래로 책을 T: Here, we have the vehicles.
읽을 수 있다. (그림카드 train, bus, tractor, taxi cab, truck, fire engine을
2. 무엇을 타고 싶은지 이야기하고 탈것의 보여주며) Can you name them?
소리를 표현할 수 있다. Ss: Train, bus, tractor, taxi cab, truck, fire engine.
T: Right! They all come down by the station. What sounds do
그림책, CD, 플레이북 they make? Let’s go down by the station.
그림카드: train, bus, tractor, taxi cab, truck, (그림카드 train을 짚으며) See the little puffer trains. They go...
Materials fire engine, police car, garbage T: Chuff! Chuff! Chuff!
truck, motorcycle, car, cleaning T: Great! What about this one?
machine, bike, bulldozer, tricycle (그림카드 bus를 짚으며) See the busy buses. They go...
T: Brrm! Brrm! Brrm!

같은 방법으로 나머지 교통수단의 소리를 표현합니다.

Greetings 3 minutes 기차역 주변에 다른 탈것이 온다면 어떤 것이 있을지, 어떤 소리를

내는지 그림카드를 보며 이야기합니다.
T: There are more vehicles and they all make different sounds.
Hello / Weather (그림카드 police car를 보드에 붙이며) Down by the station,
early in the morning, what is this?
Ss: 경찰차요.
T: Right! See the police car! What sound does the police car
Whole 그림책 읽기 4 minutes make?
Ss: 삐뽀, 삐뽀.
T: Sounds similar. (사이렌이 돌아가는 손동작을 하며) Whoop!
노래로 책 읽기 Whoop! Whoop! Let’s whoop and off we go!
T, Ss: Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! And off we go!
Story Song Contest T: Great! What about this one?
그림책을 넘기며 스토리송을 합창합니다. 페이지를 넘기며 목소리를 (그림카드 tricycle을 보드에 붙이며) Down by the station early
점점 크게 합니다. in the morning, what is this?
T: What is the title of the storybook? Ss: 세발자전거요.
T: Right! See the tricycle! What sound does the tricycle make?
Ss: Down by the Station.
(자전거 타는 동작을 하며) Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Let’s
T: We will sing the story song together. As the vehicles come
squeak and off we go!
down by the station, we will raise our voices. Can you do
T, Ss: Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! And off we go!
같은 방법으로 탈것의 이름을 말하고 소리를 표현합니다.

제시된 그림카드를 보며 가장 좋아하거나 타고 싶은 것을 고르고

Part 생각놀이 10 minutes 소리를 표현합니다.
T: Now, there are lots of vehicles. They all make different
sounds. Which is your favorite one? Which one do you want
to ride? Let’s say the vehicle names and make their sounds.

train bus tractor taxi cab

truck fire engine police car garbage truck

motorcycle car cleaning machine bike

bulldozer tricycle

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Playbook 플레이북 활동 8 minutes Whole 다시 책으로 4 minutes

p. 5 모든 아이들이 플레이북을 마무리하는 동안 플레이북을 끝낸 아이들은

탈것의 이름과 소리를 말합니다. 탈것의 스토리송을 부르며 율동을 합니다.
소리를 넣은 문장을 목소리를 점점 크게 T: Let’s sing and dance to the story song. Finish your work on
하여 말한 뒤 박스에 표시합니다. the playbook while we sing and dance.
! ! !
T: Say the names and the sounds of And off we go!

the vehicles. Fill in the blanks with 그림책에서 가장 좋아하는 장면에 플레이북을 꽂아 넣고 그림책을
the sound of a vehicle and read 좋아하는 만큼 표현해 보라고 합니다.
the sentence at different volumes. Sentence Fun
T: What is your favorite part of the story? You can put your
Then, check the boxes. playbook between the pages that you like most. How much
do you like this book?
p. 6
그림의 이름을 말하고 탈것과 사람으로
구분하여 색깔을 다르게 동그라미 합니다.
T: Say the names of the vehicles
(truck, tractor, train, bus, taxi cab, Wrap Up 1 minutes
fire engine) and people (truck
driver, tractor driver, train driver,
bus driver, taxi driver, fire fighter). Goodbye
Word Fun

Circle the pictures with different 마무리 인사를 합니다.

colors to make the groups. T: You all did a great job.
Take care, shaky bear! All in a row, off we go!
p. 7
이야기가 일어난 장소가 어디인지, 어떤
탈것을 보았는지 묻습니다. 이야기의
처음, 중간, 끝을 확인하고 이야기 순서에
맞게 길을 따라갑니다. 가장 좋아하는
탈것에 동그라미 합니다.
T: Where does the story take place?
What vehicles did you see in the Story Fun

book? Let’s check the beginning,

middle and end of the story. How does the story begin?
How does the story end? What happened in the middle?
Follow the path to retell the story in order. Then, circle your
favorite vehicle.

p. 8
탈것의 이름을 말하고, 어떤 소리를 내며
움직이는지 이야기합니다. 가장 타보고 Answers will vary.

싶은 것에 동그라미 합니다.
T: Say the names of the vehicles and
their sounds. Which one do you
want to ride? Circle the vehicles
that you want to ride. Think Fun

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Teacher’s Tip

More Activities More Books (함께 읽으면 좋은 책)

Lesson 4
단어놀이: Be the Vehicle

줄에 탈것 그림카드를 하나씩 붙여 게싱 박스 안에 넣어둡니다. 아이

한 명이 나와 줄을 당겨 나오는 그림카드를 확인합니다. 다 함께
탈것의 이름을 말하면, 앞에 나온 아이가 탈것의 소리를 내며 운전하듯
교실 한 바퀴를 돌고 돌아옵니다.
노부영: Dump Truck Disco
T: I will put the vehicles at the end of these strings and put
them in the guessing box. One player will come forward and 모두가 잠든 깜깜한 밤, 덤프트럭 데이지(Daisy)는 중장비 친구들과 함
pull a string. We will all shout the name of the vehicle. Then 께 비밀스러운 작업을 하기 시작합니다. 쓰레기차, 덤프트럭, 불도저,
the player will be the driver of that vehicle and drive around 포크레인, 레미콘 등 중장비 친구들이 모여서 하는 비밀 프로젝트는 과
the class while making the sound of the vehicle. 연 무엇일까요? 신나는 디스코 음악에 맞추어 중장비 친구들이 놀이터
를 만드는 과정을 보다 보면, 자연스럽게 각 중장비들의 이름과 하는
일을 알 수 있는 책입니다.
Lesson 6
단어놀이: Point It!

분주한 모습의 station 포스터를 보드에 붙이고 포인터 2개를

준비합니다. 아이 두 명이 나와 교사가 말하는 그룹에 해당하는 그림을
찾아 포인터로 짚습니다. 나머지 아이들은 포인터로 짚은 탈것의
이름을 말합니다.
T: Let’s play a game. Here, I have a picture of the train station.
There are lots of vehicles and people down by the station.
노부영: We All Go Traveling By
Two players will come forward and take a pointer each. If
I say “vehicles,” the players will point to a vehicle in the 빵빵거리는 버스, 덜컹덜컹거리는 트럭, 그리고 칙칙폭폭 기차를 타고
poster. If I say “people,” the players will point to a person in 신나는 여행을 떠납니다. 반짝반짝 빛나는 자전거는 따르릉 따르릉, 작
the poster. Then, we will say the names of the pictures that 은 초록색 배는 칙칙칙, 커다란 하얀색 비행기는 휘이잉, 오렌지색 차
the players point to. Can you do that? 는 부릉부릉, 작은 보라색 신발은 타박타박, 그리고 사람들이 도착한
곳에서 커다란 은빛 종이 딩동댕 울립니다. 학생들이 각자 교통수단을
이용해 학교에 도착하는 과정을 의성어를 이용해 재미있게 표현해 주
Home Activity 었습니다. 염색한 천 위에 한 땀 한 땀 바느질을 한 삽화는 아이들의 시
자동차 그리는 순서를 참고하여 나만의 자동차를 완성합니다. 선을 사로잡습니다. 아이들에게 익숙하고 친근한 교통수단과 색과 관
T: If you could add one vehicle that comes down by the station, 련된 의성어들이 장면마다 점층적으로 반복되기 때문에 책을 덮고 나
which vehicle would you want to see? Look! Here are the 서도 오랫동안 기억됩니다.
steps to draw a car. Let’s follow the steps to draw our own
cars that come down by the station.

My Reflection

① 오늘 수업에서 아이들의 독특했던 반응은?

② 오늘 수업에서 좋았던 점은?
③ 더 좋은 수업을 위한 보완점은?

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