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hard or soft
Software – a set of instructions or
programs that tells a computer what
to do or how to perform a specific
task (computer software runs on
Main types of software – systems
software and application software.
Application software

a computer program that provides users
with tools to accomplish a specific task.

Examples of application software:

word processing, spreadsheets,
presentation, database management,
Internet browsers, email programs, etc.
System Software
it is de sign ed to ru n a co m pu te r’s
ha rd war e an d ap pl ic at ion so ft w are, an d
make th e co m pute r sy st em av aila bl e fo r
us e. It se rv es as th e in terf ac e be tw ee n
hardwar e, appl icat ion so ftw are, an d th e
Main functions of system software
allocating syst em resour ces, mana ging stor age
space, storin g an d retrieva l of files, prov idin g
security, etc.

Main types of systems software

operating system, device driver, utility software,
programming software, etc.
Operating system (OS)
software that controls and coordinates the computer hardware devices and runs other
software and applications on a computer. It is the main part of system software and a
computer will not function without it.
Main functions of an operating system
booting the computer, managing system resources (CPU, memory, storage devices,
printer, etc.), managing files, handling input and output, executing and providing
services for application software, etc.
Examples of operating system:
Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, Android OS, macOS, Linux, etc.
Device driver
A software program that is designed to control a particular hardware device that is attached to a
The main purpose of device driver
it acts as a translator between the hardware device and operating systems or applications that use
It instructs a computer on how to communicate with the device by translating the operating system’s
instructions into a language that a device can understand to perform the necessary task.
Examples of device driver
- printer driver, display driver, USB driver, sound card driver, motherboard driver, ROM driver,
Examples of device driver
- printer driver, display driver, USB driver, sound card
driver, motherboard driver, ROM driver, etc.
Utility software
-a type of system software that helps set up, analyze,
configure, strengthen, maintain a computer and performs a
very specific task (e.g. antivirus software, backup software,
memory tester, screen saver, etc.).
Computer Hardware
– any physical device or equipment used in or with a computer system (anything you can see and
External hardware
– any hardware device that is located outside the computer.
Input device
– a piece of hardware device which is used to enter information to a computer for processing.
-keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, joystick, microphone, light pen,
webcam, speech input, etc.
Output device
– a piece of hardware device that receives information from a computer.
-monitor, printer, scanner, speaker, display screen (tablet, smartphone …), projector,
head phone, etc
Internal hardware
-Internal hardware devices (or internal hardware components) – any piece of
hardware device that is located inside the computer.
hard disk drive, ROM, RAM, etc
5 most important components of your computer

Regular servicing and timely upgrades are necessary to maintain your PC in its
prime condition, so you can keep enjoying it without interruption.

PCs can slow down for many different reasons, and most of the time, you can
solve it without touching delicate computer components. That said, for more
critical issues, an upgrade often is the best solution. These are the 5 major
components of a computer that you need to know about.

-is the main circui t bo ar d in a co m pute r sy stem . It

connects all of the in tern al co m po nent s, like th e
memory, pr oc esso r, gr ap hi cs ca rd an d ot her
hardwar e. It also pr ov id es po w er to ea ch co m po ne nt
and allow s th em to co m m un ic at e w ith ea ch ot he r.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)

also referred to as the “central” or “main”

processor, is a complex set of electronic circuitry that
runs the machine's operating system and apps. The CPU
interprets, processes and executes instructions, most
often from the hardware and software programs running
on the device.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

- a specialized processor originally designed to

accelerate graphics rendering. GPUs can process
many pieces of data simultaneously, making them
useful for machine learning, video editing, and
gaming applications.
Random Access Memory (RAM)

is a common computing acronym that stands for random-

access memory. Sometimes it's called PC memory or just
memory. In essence, RAM is your computer or laptop's
short-term memory. It's where the data is stored that your
computer processor needs to run your applications and
open your files.
Storage Device
-A hard disk drive or solid state drive holds all
of the data; files, photos, programs, music, and
movies, that the user wants to keep. Removable,
external media storage devices such as flash
drives and read/writeable CDs and DVDs are also
secondary storage. A computer can't function
without a storage drive,
Write the best and right answer in a 1/4 sheet of paper.
Write the letter only.
1-5. Give the 5 major components of a computer
6. It is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application software.
A. Hardware B. Software C. System software
7. It is a type of system software that helps set up, analyze, configure,
strengthen, and maintain a computer and perform a very specific task.
A. Software B. Utility software C. System Software
8. It is a piece of hardware device that receives information from a
A. Hardware B. Output Device C. Device Driver
9. It is a physical device or equipment used in or with a computer
A. Hardware B. Internal Hardware C. External Hardware

10. It connects all of the internal components, like the memory,

processor, graphics card and other hardware.
A. Motherboard B. Input Device c. Output Device
In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write a 150 words narrative
essay entitled:

The new technology around Me.

Criteria Score

Uniqueness 5

Clarity and Content 5

Grammar 5

Total: 15
from: Sarino, Rochelle Jean R.

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