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1) Addition of two numbers using 1st category

2) Even or or odd using 2nd category

3) A function that takes an integer n as argument and returns 1 if it is a Prime
number and 0 otherwise
4) A function that takes a real number x and a positive integer n as arguments and
returns xn
5) A function that takes a positive integer n as an argument and returns the n th
Fibonacci number
6) Write a function to swap two numbers (Using Call by value)
7) Write a function to swap two numbers (Using Call by reference)
8) Write a function to find out factorial of given number
9) Write a function to find out GCD of two numbers
10) Write a function to find out LCM of two numbers
11) Factorial of given number
12) Number of combinations of n things taken r at a time (ncr=n!/((n-r)!*r!)
13) GCD of two numbers
14) Write a c program to find Nth Fibonacci term using recursion
15) Max ,Min of two numbers and sum of the squares of two numbers
16) File inclusion
17) Addition of two matrices
18) Subtraction of two matrices
19) Multiplication of two matrices
20) transpose of given matrix
21) Check whether given matrix is scalar or not
22) Check whether given matrix is unit or not
23) Check whether given matrix is diagonal or not
24) Check whether given matrix is upper or not
25) Check whether given matrix is lower or not
26) Area and circumference of circle using pointer
27) Write a program to find the number of vowels in given string
28) Write a program for reverse of a string
29) Write a program to count the number of letters, words, and lines in a given
30) Write a c program to check given string is a palindrome or not
31) Define functions- length of a string, copy, concatenate, convert into
uppercase letters, compare two strings for alphabetical order- over strings and
implement in a program
32) Create a file by the name given by the user and add the text given by the
user to that file
33) Write a program to open file and display the contents of file
34) Write a program to copy a file into some other file
35) Write a program to append file to another file


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