Interacciones Sociales - Actividad A

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José Gómez Gutiérrez

Carnet 202005359

A. Aural comprehension. Watch the video:
Write all your answers in a Word document and upload them.

1. Say whether the following statements ae True or False. Account for the false ones.

1. Daisy and Oliver are husband and wife. False

They are not spouses, they are siblings. They received a call from their mother.
2. Oliver is making soup. True
3. They are going to invite Amy for dinner. True
4. Amy is going to take an apple cake. -True
5. Amy celebrates Chinese New Year. True
6. Amy invites Daisy and Oliver to celebrate Chinese New Year with her and her
family. False
She didn't invite them because she was going to make a cake to bring to the
dinner they invited her to.

2. Match the two sentence halves and write a – h next to the number 1 – 8.

1h Would you like to come for lunch this a. Oh, yes, please! Could you?
2e Can you help me with this table a b. Well, actually, my mum’s not feeling well. Maybe
moment? another time.
3f Could you tell me where the nearest bank c. I suppose so. But I need it back before Friday.
is, please?
4c Would you like me to ask my brother? d. Yes, of course. Here you go.
5d Can I come round to your house later? e. Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?
6g Could you lend me £20, please? f. I’m sorry, I’m not from around here.
7b Can I get you a cup of tea? g. No, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just had one.
8a Would you mind passing me that menu, h. Oh, I’d love to, thank you.
1. Would you like to come for lunch this weekend? - h. Oh, I’d love to, thank you.
2. Can you help me with this table a moment? - e. Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?
3. Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please? - f. I’m sorry, I’m not from around here.
4. Would you like me to ask my brother? - c. I suppose so. But I need it back before Friday.
5. Can I come round to your house later? - d. Yes, of course. Here you go.
6. Could you lend me £20, please? - g. No, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just had one.
7. Can I get you a cup of tea? - b. Well, actually, my mum’s not feeling well. Maybe another time.
8. Would you mind passing me that menu, please? - a. Oh, yes, please! Could you?

Ingles III, Lcda. Renatta Sophia Dubón Barillas

José Gómez Gutiérrez
Carnet 202005359
3. Fill the gaps to complete the following invitations, offers and requests.
1. Can I get you something to drink?
2. Would you mind if I closed the window?
3. Would you like to come skating with us?
4. Can I give you a hand?
5. Could you possibly lend me a pen, please?
6. Dad says we can borrow his bicycle if we’re careful.
7. You could carry this, could you?
8. Will you be free for lunch on Saturday?

4. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. have some I Can water?
Can I have some water?

2. coffee Would like? you a

Would you like a coffee?

3. How? I help can you

How can I help you?

4. do Could a favor me? you

Could you do me a favor?

5. giving a you me mind Would hand?

Would you mind giving me a hand?

6. up please? me Can pick you later,

Can you pick me up later, please?

7.explain you Could this, please?

Could you explain this, please?
8.come for you round to like Would dinner?
Would you like to come round for dinner?

Ingles III, Lcda. Renatta Sophia Dubón Barillas

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