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José Gómez Gutiérrez

Carnet 202005359

A. Reading Comprehension

Before you do the reading activity, have a look at these three questions below.

1. Before you go on vacation, do you ever read flyers?

Yes, I usually try to inform myself before making a decision about where to go on vacation.
2. What do you think tourists can do on Christmas Eve in the US?
Another option that tourists have would be to attend a gala dinner and enjoy the music and dancing.
3. Do you prefer travelling abroad in summer or in winter?
Definitely, I prefer to travel abroad in winter.

Please read these four flyers:

Ingles III, Lcda. Renatta Sophia Dubón Barillas

José Gómez Gutiérrez
Carnet 202005359

After you read the suggested four flyers, please check (✔️) the right column (A, B, C or D) that refers to that
flyer in particular. The columns can be checked more than once.

Which flyer says that …? A B C D

1. The admission price is the cheapest.

2. You can have drinks for free.

3. Two DJs are appearing on Xmas Eve.

4. There is entertainment on a major avenue in New York


5. Spending your time in Central Park is mentioned.

6. Luggageless travelling is possible.

7. You can go to a live gig.

8. There’s an e-mail address if you wish to write.

9. A sightseeing tour is offered on this flyer.

10. Three DJs will be performing on Xmas Day on this flyer.

Ingles III, Lcda. Renatta Sophia Dubón Barillas

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