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PR1-Reviewer-Q1 - practical research 1

Research (Batangas State University)

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Definitions and Functions of RESEARCH Ethics is one of the things we need to take into account
when conducting research. Social Research usually deals
Research with people. Over the course of the study, we have to
an investigation done in a systematic manner to reveal ensure that no harm comes to them.
particular truth about a topic, phenomenon, or reality.

v/ is an investigation - involves inquiry and looking into
a topic.
v/ is systematic — there is logic, discipline, and a
procedure in going about it.
v/ reveals truth — aims to unearth a fact, insight or
realization about reality.
v/ is about a topic, phenomenon, or reality — revolves
around a particular area of interest.

Aims of Research
1. Acquisition of new knowledge.
2. Verification of existing knowledge.
3. Application of new knowledge Research Ethics
4. Advancement of expertise. • Voluntary Participation
• Anonymity
Functions of Research • Confidentiality
1. To EXPLORE— best used in pioneering studies, • No Harm to Participants
topics that have not been investigated before. • Data Privacy
2. To DESCRIBE - researcher simply describes what he
or she has found out about it Comparison between Quantitative and Qualitative
3. To EXPLAIN - to explain things, events, and RESEARCH
phenomena, discovering the answers to "why" is has
become so. Types of Research
1. Basic or pure research if the aim is to come up with a
Characteristics, Processes and Ethics of RESEARCH new knowledge or contribute to the existing body of
knowledge. An explanation is introduced about an
Research Characteristics existing (or new) idea
1. Empirical. It is based on direct and actual 2. Applied Research if the aim is to find applications for
experiences and observation by the researcher. the theories or create a product employing the existing
2. Logical. It is based on valid procedures and idea or theory.
3. Cyclical. It begins and ends with a problem. Qualitative vs. Quantitative
4. Analytical. It utilizes proven analytical procedures in Research can be classified according to the method or
data gathering. approach it uses. Basically, there are two general
4. Critical. It exhibits careful and precise judgment. methods of inquiry employed in conducting research —
5. Methodical. It is conducted in a methodical manner qualitative and quantitative.
without bias using systematic method and procedures.
6. Replicability. The design and procedures are QUALITATIVE RESEARCH employs qualitative
replicated and repeated to enable the research to arrive at method and deals with the characteristics observed from
valid and conclusive results. the respondents with minimal to no use of statistical
Research Ethics
According to Merriam-Webster's Learner's QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH uses quantitative
Dictionary (2016), ethics is defined as "rules of behavior procedures where the respondents' trait are
based on ideas about what is morally good and bad". It translated numerically. It focuses on the analysis
deals with what society thinks is right and wrong in a and interpretation of the raw numerical data gathered
particular situation. based on statistical outcomes.

– Findings, Participants
Quanti – Results, Respondents

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Characteristics of a good researcher

(Curiosity) Is curious and determined to investigate the
intracy of things

(Efficiency) Manifested in the proper use of time, effort,

and resources for an intended purpose. Doing things

(Logic) Do not venture on any methods to attain their


(Effectiveness) Being effective means doings the right


(Active) Always responds to the challenges of the

modern world. They get involved in all research

(Practicality) In the event where resources are limited.

Phenomenological Study – explore the essence of an
(Inventiveness) experience interview, observation
Ethnography – description of culture-sharing groups,
(Honesty) Not swayed to what is expected. mainly interviews and observation.

(Cost-Effectiveness) Resources will not be wasted. A Case or multiple case study – study a particular even or
single peso is important and must be utilized properly. activity, multiple sources


No follow-up

Manner of




FGD – (Focused Group Discussion) a qualitative

research method and data collection technique in which
a selected group of people discusses a given topic or
issue in-depth, facilitated by a professional, external
MMR – Mixed Method Research
Instruments of Qualitative
Observation, immersion, audio visual analysis, and
document analysis.

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Narrative Study – tends to explore a topic that has never

been explored.
Grounded Theory – develop a theory ground of on data.
- mainly interview

-is purposeful
-Follows an inductive approach (no sure answers/wrong
-Based on holistic perspective
-Requires neutrality and engagement

1 Qualitative data complement quantitative data
2 Qualitative research explain in detail, complex issues.
3 Is cost efficient.

1 non-generalized findings
2 Is difficult to analyze.
3 Is time consuming.

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