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Chemistry Sasidhar Naidu

Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Standard : 11 Practice Paper Date : 03-07-2024
Total Mark : 160 Time : 1H:0M

............................................. Chemistry - Section A (MCQ) .............................................

(1) The increasing order of electron affinity of the electronic configurations of element is
(I) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 (II) 1s2 2s2 2p3
(III) 1s2 2s2 2p5 (IV ) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
(A) II < IV < III < I (B) I < II < III < IV (C) I < III < II < IV (D) IV < III < II < I
(2) How does the energy gap between successive energy levels in an atom vary from low to high n values?
(A) All energy gaps are the same (B) The energy gap decreases as n increases
(D) The energy gap changes unpredictably as n
(C) The energy gap increases as n increases increases
(3) Which of the following ionic radius would be maximum
(A) C 4− (B) N 3− (C) O2− (D) M g 2+
(4) If the electronic configuration of A− is [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4P 1 , then A+2 will belong to which group and period
(A) Group −9, Period −3 (B) Group −10, Period −4 (C) Group −12, Period −4 (D) Group −9, Period −4
(5) Which of the following element has smallest size?
(A) K (B) Sr (C) Rb (D) Ba
(6) Number of atoms present in 224 dm3 of oxygen gas at ST P is
(A) 6.0 × 1023 (B) 1.2 × 1023 (C) 6.0 × 1024 (D) 1.2 × 1025
(7) Incorrect order of ionic radius is
(A) N a+ > M g +2 > Al+3 (B) V +2 > V +3 > V +4 > V +5
(C) K + > Sc+3 > V +5 > M n+7 (D) O−2 > Rb+ > Sr+2 > Cs+
(8) Which of the following species has the highest electron affinity
(A) F (B) O (C) O− (D) N a+
(9) The wave mechanical model of atom is based upon
(A) de Broglie concept of dual character of matter (B) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
(C) Schrodinger wave equation (D) all the above three
(10) Chlorine atom differs from chloride ion in the number of
(A) Proton (B) Neutron (C) Electrons (D) Protons and electrons
(11) In a given shell, the order of screening effect is
(A) s > p > d > f (B) f > d > p > s (C) p < d < s < f (D) d > f < s > p
(12) The size of the species, P b, P b , P b decreases as
2+ 4+

(A) P b4+ > P b2+ > P b (B) P b > P b2+ > P b4+ (C) P b > P b4+ > P b2+ (D) P b4+ > P b > P b2+
(13) Which of the following order is correct for the property mentioned in brackets ?
(A) S 2− > Cl− > K + > Ca2+ (Ionisation energy) (B) C < N < F < O ( 2nd Ionisation energy)
(D) N a+ > Li+ > M g 2+ > Be2+ > Al3+ (Ionic
(C) B > Al > Ga > In > T l (Electronegativity) radius)
(14) Which of the following have maximum electronegativity
(A) Al (B) S (C) Si (D) P
(15) If in hydrogen e− jumps from 3rd lymen line to Ist lymen line then obtained wavelength is
(A) 3R16
(B) 4R
(C) 4R
(D) 4R

(16) In the following reaction, which choice has value twice that of the equivalent mass of the oxidising agent
(A) 64 (B) 32 (C) 16 (D) 48
(17) Arrange in the order of increasing basic character (N O2 , K2 O, ZnO)
(A) N O2 , ZnO, K2 O (B) K2 O, ZnO, N O2 (C) ZnO, N O2 , K2 O (D) K2 O, N O2 , ZnO
(18) Which statement is not true, regarding 2 s orbital.
(A) Number of radial nodes is greater than zero (B) Angular nodes is equal to zero
(C) Ψ (θ, ϕ) = constant (D) Probability density is zero at nucleus
(19) Calculate atomic number of A and B respectively

(A) 71, 72 (B) 58, 72 (C) 57, 72 (D) 57, 71

(20) Which sample contains the largest number of atoms ?
(A) 1 mg of C4 H10 (B) 1 mg of N2 (C) 1 mg of N a (D) 1 ml of H2 O
(21) Match the Column I with Column II and select correct answer by given codes.

Column I Column II

(Element types) (Electronic configuration)

A. Inert-gas elements 1. (n − 1) d1−10 ns1−2

B. Transition elements 2 .ns2 np6
C. Inner-transition elements 3. (n − 2) f 1−14 (n − 1) s2 p6 d0−1 ns2
(A) A − 1; B − 2, C − 3 (B) A − 2; B − 1, C − 3 (C) A − 3; B − 2, C − 1 (D) A − 2; B − 3, C − 1
(22) Which of following is correct ?
(A) Radius of orbit r2H > r1He+ > r1H (B) Ionisation energy I.EH > I.E He+ > I.ELi+2
(D) Energy difference
(C) Total Energy E1H < E2H < E3H E2H − E1H < E3H − E2H < E4H − E3H
(23) Which of the following represents an excited state of an atom?
(A) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8 (B) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5 (C) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1 (D) 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1
(24) In which of the following arrangement the order is not according to the property indicated in bracket
(A) Al+3 < M g +2 < N a+ < F − (Ionic size) (B) B < C < N < O (1st IP )
(C) I < Br < F < Cl (EA) (D) Li < N a < K < Rb (Metallic character)
(25) Nitrogen has lower electron affinity than its preceeding element carbon because
(A) Electron affinity decreases along a period (B) Electron affinity generally increases along a
(C) Nitrogen atom has half filled p-orbital (D) Nitrogen is a p-block element
(26) In hydrogen spectrum; If n = 4 then ratio of number of lines in emission spectrum, in the ultraviolet and
visible regions isIn hydrogen spectrum; If n = 4 then ratio of number of lines in emission spectrum, in the
ultraviolet and visible regions is
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 3 : 2 (D) None of these
(27) The angular momentum of electron in ′ d′ orbital is equal to [NEET 2015]
√ √ √
(A) 2 3 h̄ (B) 0 h̄ (C) 6 h̄ (D) 2 h̄
(28) The first ionisation potential of N a, M g, Al and Si are in the order :-
(A) N a < M g > Al < Si (B) N a > M g > Al > Si (C) N a < M g < Al < Si (D) N a > M g > Al < Si
(29) Which of the following species must have maximum number of electrons in ′ dxy ; orbital ?
(A) Cr (B) F e3+ (C) Cu+ (D) Both (a) and (b)

(30) The melting point of RbBr is 682 o C while that of N aF is 988 o C. The principal reason for this fact is
(A) the molar mass of N aF is smaller than that of RbBr
(B) the bond in RbBr has more covalent character than the bond in N aF
(C) the difference in electronegativity between Rb and Br is smaller than the difference between N a and
(D) the internuclear distance, rc + ra is greater for RbBr than for N aF

............................................. Chemistry - Section B (MCQ) .............................................

(31) X , Y & Z are elements of same period & also belongs to p− block elements. Y has positive value of
∆ Heg & ′ Z ′ has highest value of 2nd I.E among them. Then correct order of their atomic number is
(a) X < Y < Z (b)X < Z < Y
(c)Y < Z < X (d)Z < Y < X
(A) only a (B) a & c (C) b , c & d (D) all are correct
(32) The maximum number of electrons in subshell is given by the expression :
(A) 4l + 2 (B) 4l − 2 (C) 2l + 1 (D) 2n2
(33) A, B and C are hydroxy-compounds of the elements X, Y and Z respectively. X, Y and Z are in the same
period of the periodic table. A gives an aqueous solution of pH less than seven. B reacts with both strong
acids and strong alkalis. C gives an aqueous sohuion which is strongly alkaline.
Which of the following statements is / are true ?
I : The three elements are metals.
II : The electro negativities decrease from X to Y to Z.
III : The atomic radius decreases in the order X, Y and Z.
IV : X, Y and Z could be phosphorus, aluminium and sodium respectively.
(A) I, II, III only correct (B) I, III only correct (C) II, IV only correct (D) II, III, IV only
(34) Proton is
(A) Nucleus of deuterium (B) Ionised hydrogen molecule
(C) Ionised hydrogen atom (D) An α particle
(35) Which of the following set of quantum numbers are allowed ?
(A) n = 1, l = 1, m = 1, s = 12 (B) n = 2, l = 1, m = 1, s = 1
(C) n = 3, l = 0, m = −1, s = 12 (D) n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = 21
(36) What is the separation energy (in eV ) for Be3+ in the first excited state in ............... eV ?
(A) 13.6 (B) 27.2 (C) 40.8 (D) 54.5
(37) The amount of water that should be added to 500 ml of 0.5 N solution of N aOH to give a concentration of
10 mg per ml is
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 250 (D) 500
(38) What is the radius of Bohr’s fifth orbit for B +4 . .................. A
(A) 4.645 (B) 1.645 (C) 3.645 (D) 2.645
(39) You are given 500 mL of 2 N HCl and 500 mL of 5 N HCl. What will be the maximum volume of 3 M HCl
that you can make from these two sotutions ? .............. mL
(A) 250 (B) 750 (C) 500 (D) 1000
(40) The element with atomic number 36 belongs to . . . . . . block in the periodic table
(A) p (B) s (C) f (D) d

Chemistry Sasidhar Naidu

Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Practice Paper
Standard : 11 Date : 03-07-2024
Total Mark : 160 (Answer Key) Time : 1H:0M

Chemistry - Section A (MCQ)

1-A 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-D 8-A 9-D 10 - C

11 - A 12 - B 13 - B 14 - B 15 - A 16 - B 17 - A 18 - D 19 - C 20 - D
21 - B 22 - C 23 - D 24 - B 25 - C 26 - C 27 - C 28 - A 29 - C 30 - D

Chemistry - Section B (MCQ)

31 - B 32 - A 33 - C 34 - C 35 - D 36 - D 37 - D 38 - D 39 - B 40 - A

Chemistry Sasidhar Naidu

Subject : Chemistry Paper Set : 1

Practice Paper
Standard : 11 Date : 03-07-2024
Total Mark : 160 (Solutions) Time : 1H:0M

............................................. Chemistry - Section A (MCQ) .............................................

(1) The increasing order of electron affinity of the electronic configurations of element is
(I) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 (II) 1s2 2s2 2p3
(III) 1s2 2s2 2p5 (IV ) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
(A) II < IV < III < I (B) I < II < III < IV (C) I < III < II < IV (D) IV < III < II < I
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(2) How does the energy gap between successive energy levels in an atom vary from low to high n values?
(A) All energy gaps are the same (B) The energy gap decreases as n increases
(D) The energy gap changes unpredictably as n
(C) The energy gap increases as n increases increases
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) As value of n increases, energy gap decreases due to increasing Zef f . on valence shell.

(3) Which of the following ionic radius would be maximum

(A) C 4− (B) N 3− (C) O2− (D) M g 2+
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a)C 4− has largest radius due to least nuclear charge per electron.

(4) If the electronic configuration of A− is [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4P 1 , then A+2 will belong to which group and period
(A) Group −9, Period −3 (B) Group −10, Period −4 (C) Group −12, Period −4 (D) Group −9, Period −4
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Addition/removal of an e− from an atom/ion doesnot change its period no. and group no. because at no.
(z) remains same

(5) Which of the following element has smallest size?

(A) K (B) Sr (C) Rb (D) Ba
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
As you go across a period, electrons are added to the same energy level. At the same time, protons are
being added to the nucleus. The concentration of more protons in the nucleus creates a higher effective
nuclear charge, In other words, there is a stronger force of attraction pulling the electrons closer to the
nucleus resulting in a smaller atomic radius. So, all these elements belong to the 4th group and Kr has the
smallest atomic radii as it lies across the period.

(6) Number of atoms present in 224 dm3 of oxygen gas at ST P is

(A) 6.0 × 1023 (B) 1.2 × 1023 (C) 6.0 × 1024 (D) 1.2 × 1025
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
224 dm3
= 224 L
Moles = 22.4
= 10
No. of atoms = 10 × 2 × 6.02 × 1023
= 1.2 × 1025

(7) Incorrect order of ionic radius is
(A) N a+ > M g +2 > Al+3 (B) V +2 > V +3 > V +4 > V +5
(C) K + > Sc+3 > V +5 > M n+7 (D) O−2 > Rb+ > Sr+2 > Cs+
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Cs+ > Rb+ > Sr+2 > O−2 order of Radii
(8) Which of the following species has the highest electron affinity
(A) F (B) O (C) O− (D) N a+
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) Halogens have the highest e− affinity.
(9) The wave mechanical model of atom is based upon
(A) de Broglie concept of dual character of matter (B) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
(C) Schrodinger wave equation (D) all the above three
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(10) Chlorine atom differs from chloride ion in the number of

(A) Proton (B) Neutron (C) Electrons (D) Protons and electrons
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) Cl and Cl− differs in number of electrons. Cl has 17e− while Cl− has 18e− .
(11) In a given shell, the order of screening effect is
(A) s > p > d > f (B) f > d > p > s (C) p < d < s < f (D) d > f < s > p
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) The order of screening effect in a given shell are in order s > p > d > f .
(12) The size of the species, P b, P b2+ , P b4+ decreases as
(A) P b4+ > P b2+ > P b (B) P b > P b2+ > P b4+ (C) P b > P b4+ > P b2+ (D) P b4+ > P b > P b2+
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(13) Which of the following order is correct for the property mentioned in brackets ?
(A) S 2− > Cl− > K + > Ca2+ (Ionisation energy) (B) C < N < F < O ( 2nd Ionisation energy)
(D) N a+ > Li+ > M g 2+ > Be2+ > Al3+ (Ionic
(C) B > Al > Ga > In > T l (Electronegativity) radius)
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(14) Which of the following have maximum electronegativity

(A) Al (B) S (C) Si (D) P
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Electronegativity increases across a period.
(15) If in hydrogen e− jumps from 3rd lymen line to Ist lymen line then obtained wavelength is
(A) 3R16
(B) 4R
(C) 4R
(D) 4R

[ ]Answer:A)
1 1 1
&=R 2 − 2
λ 2 4
[ ]
1 1 1
&=R −
λ 4 16
[ ]
1 3
λ 16
λ& =
(16) In the following reaction, which choice has value twice that of the equivalent mass of the oxidising agent
(A) 64 (B) 32 (C) 16 (D) 48
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b)SO2 +2H2 O → S +2H2 O2 EW = M
= 64
= 16;
+4 0
Twice 16 × 2 = 32

(17) Arrange in the order of increasing basic character (N O2 , K2 O, ZnO)

(A) N O2 , ZnO, K2 O (B) K2 O, ZnO, N O2 (C) ZnO, N O2 , K2 O (D) K2 O, N O2 , ZnO
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(18) Which statement is not true, regarding 2 s orbital.

(A) Number of radial nodes is greater than zero (B) Angular nodes is equal to zero
(C) Ψ (θ, ϕ) = constant (D) Probability density is zero at nucleus
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(19) Calculate atomic number of A and B respectively

(A) 71, 72 (B) 58, 72 (C) 57, 72 (D) 57, 71

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(20) Which sample contains the largest number of atoms ?

(A) 1 mg of C4 H10 (B) 1 mg of N2 (C) 1 mg of N a (D) 1 ml of H2 O
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
1mg of C4 H10 = 14N
× 10−3 atoms
1mg of N2 = 2N ×10 atoms
1mg of N a = 23 atoms
N ×10−3

1mL = 1gH2 O = 3N 18

(21) Match the Column I with Column II and select correct answer by given codes.

Column I Column II

(Element types) (Electronic configuration)

A. Inert-gas elements 1. (n − 1) d1−10 ns1−2

B. Transition elements 2 .ns2 np6
C. Inner-transition elements 3. (n − 2) f 1−14 (n − 1) s2 p6 d0−1 ns2
(A) A − 1; B − 2, C − 3 (B) A − 2; B − 1, C − 3 (C) A − 3; B − 2, C − 1 (D) A − 2; B − 3, C − 1
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(22) Which of following is correct ?

(A) Radius of orbit r2H > r1He+ > r1H (B) Ionisation energy I.EH > I.E He+ > I.ELi+2
(D) Energy difference
(C) Total Energy E1H < E2H < E3H E2H − E1H < E3H − E2H < E4H − E3H
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(23) Which of the following represents an excited state of an atom?

(A) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8 (B) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5 (C) [N e]3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1 (D) 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(24) In which of the following arrangement the order is not according to the property indicated in bracket
(A) Al+3 < M g +2 < N a+ < F − (Ionic size) (B) B < C < N < O (1st IP )
(C) I < Br < F < Cl (EA) (D) Li < N a < K < Rb (Metallic character)
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(25) Nitrogen has lower electron affinity than its preceeding element carbon because
(A) Electron affinity decreases along a period (B) Electron affinity generally increases along a
(C) Nitrogen atom has half filled p-orbital (D) Nitrogen is a p-block element
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Since N has half-filled p-orbital which provides extra stability. So it has lower electron affinity than carbon.
(26) In hydrogen spectrum; If n = 4 then ratio of number of lines in emission spectrum, in the ultraviolet and
visible regions isIn hydrogen spectrum; If n = 4 then ratio of number of lines in emission spectrum, in the
ultraviolet and visible regions is
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 3 : 2 (D) None of these
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(27) The angular momentum of electron in ′ d′ orbital is equal to [NEET 2015]

√ √ √
(A) 2 3 h̄ (B) 0 h̄ (C) 6 h̄ (D) 2 h̄
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

Angular momentum = l(l + 1)h̄
For d orbital, l = 2 √ √
Angular momentum = 2(2 + 1)h̄ = 6h̄
(28) The first ionisation potential of N a, M g, Al and Si are in the order :-
(A) N a < M g > Al < Si (B) N a > M g > Al > Si (C) N a < M g < Al < Si (D) N a > M g > Al < Si
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
As we move across the period, nuclear charge increases, atomic size decreases hence, ionization enthalpy
For Al (3s2 3p1 ), electron has to be removed from partially filled 3p orbital whereas in M g (3s2 ), electron
has to be removed from stable fully filled 3s orbital.
Removal of an electron from stable, fully filled orbital requires more energy than removal of electron from
partially filled orbital.
Thus, ionisation enthalpy for M g is greater than ionisation enthalpy for Al.
So, the correct order of first ionization enthalpies is: N a < M g > Al < Si

(29) Which of the following species must have maximum number of electrons in ′ dxy ; orbital ?
(A) Cr (B) F e3+ (C) Cu+ (D) Both (a) and (b)
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) (a) Cr : 4s1 3d5 (each d− orbital has 1e− )
(b) F e3+ : 4s0 3d5 (each d− orbital has 1e− )
(c) Cu+ : 4s0 3d10 (each d− orbital has 2e− )

(30) The melting point of RbBr is 682 o C while that of N aF is 988 o C. The principal reason for this fact is
(A) the molar mass of N aF is smaller than that of RbBr
(B) the bond in RbBr has more covalent character than the bond in N aF
(C) the difference in electronegativity between Rb and Br is smaller than the difference between N a and
(D) the internuclear distance, rc + ra is greater for RbBr than for N aF
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
In ionic compounds as internuclear distance increases, the melting point decreases so as we move down
the group, the melting point decreases.
So, as rc + ra is greater for RbBr than for N aF so N aF have higher melting point.

............................................. Chemistry - Section B (MCQ) .............................................

(31) X , Y & Z are elements of same period & also belongs to p− block elements. Y has positive value of
∆ Heg & ′ Z ′ has highest value of 2nd I.E among them. Then correct order of their atomic number is
(a) X < Y < Z (b)X < Z < Y
(c)Y < Z < X (d)Z < Y < X
(A) only a (B) a & c (C) b , c & d (D) all are correct
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(32) The maximum number of electrons in subshell is given by the expression :

(A) 4l + 2 (B) 4l − 2 (C) 2l + 1 (D) 2n2
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
The maximum number of electrons in a given subshell is given by 2(2l + 1) or (4l + 2)
s - subshell (1 = 0) contains 2 electrons.
p - subshell (1 = 1) contains 6 electrons.
d - subshell (1 = 2) contains 10 electrons.
f - subshell (1 = 3) contains 14 electrons.

(33) A, B and C are hydroxy-compounds of the elements X, Y and Z respectively. X, Y and Z are in the same
period of the periodic table. A gives an aqueous solution of pH less than seven. B reacts with both strong
acids and strong alkalis. C gives an aqueous sohuion which is strongly alkaline.
Which of the following statements is / are true ?
I : The three elements are metals.
II : The electro negativities decrease from X to Y to Z.
III : The atomic radius decreases in the order X, Y and Z.
IV : X, Y and Z could be phosphorus, aluminium and sodium respectively.
(A) I, II, III only correct (B) I, III only correct (C) II, IV only correct (D) II, III, IV only
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
A is acidic so it belongs to the right side of table and X belongs to the left side of table.
The electronegativities decrease from X to Y to Z.
The atomic radius increases in the order X, Y and Z and X, Y and Z could be phosphorus, aluminium and
sodium respectively.

(34) Proton is
(A) Nucleus of deuterium (B) Ionised hydrogen molecule
(C) Ionised hydrogen atom (D) An α particle
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
Proton is ionized hydrogen i.e. H + . It contains only protons and no neutrons or electrons.

(35) Which of the following set of quantum numbers are allowed ?

(A) n = 1, l = 1, m = 1, s = 12 (B) n = 2, l = 1, m = 1, s = 1
(C) n = 3, l = 0, m = −1, s = 1
(D) n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = 1

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(36) What is the separation energy (in eV ) for Be3+ in the first excited state in ............... eV ?
(A) 13.6 (B) 27.2 (C) 40.8 (D) 54.5
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Be+3 z = 4
first excited state n = 2
En = −13.6
( n 2
= 0 − −13.6 × 22
= 54.4eV

(37) The amount of water that should be added to 500 ml of 0.5 N solution of N aOH to give a concentration of
10 mg per ml is
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 250 (D) 500
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) N1 = 0.5 N → 10mg per mL
−3 gm
N2 = 10×10
× 1000 = 0.25 N
V1 = 500 ml, V2 =?
N1 V 1 = N2 V 2 ;
0.5 × 500 = 0.25 × V2
V2 = 1000 mL final volume water added = 1000 − 500 = 500 mL.
(38) What is the radius of Bohr’s fifth orbit for B +4 . .................. A
(A) 4.645 (B) 1.645 (C) 3.645 (D) 2.645
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(39) You are given 500 mL of 2 N HCl and 500 mL of 5 N HCl. What will be the maximum volume of 3 M HCl
that you can make from these two sotutions ? .............. mL
(A) 250 (B) 750 (C) 500 (D) 1000
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
3 = 500×2+5×v
v = 250
maximum volume = 500 + 250 = 750 ml

(40) The element with atomic number 36 belongs to . . . . . . block in the periodic table
(A) p (B) s (C) f (D) d
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) Kr has atomic no. 36 which is a noble gas and all noble gases are included in the p-block.


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