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Functions of the Nervous System

Through its receptors, it keeps us in

1.Sensory Input: touch with both the external and internal environment
Action potential (touch: stimulus)
Sensory Receptor
Nerves in the Spinal Cord
2. Integration:
it is the major controlling, regulatory. and communicating system of the body
3. Homeostasis:
Together with the endocrine system, it is responsible in regulating and maintaining
4. Mental Activity:
It is the center for all mental activity including thought, learning and memory
5. Control of Muscle and Glands:
It participates in controlling skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles, and many

The Nervous System

Major control system of homeostasis and the "main processing center"
It provides monitoring, response, and regulation of all systems in the human body
and other organisms


-coordinates and regulates the body's feedback mechanisms to maintain
It is a highly organized and complex collection of nerves (collection of neurons)
and neurons.

Science 1
NEURONS- specialized cells that transmit messages to and from the brain and
spinal cord to other parts of the body.

AFFARENT NEURONS - neurons that

receive messages from the senses and send them to the central nervous system.
EFFERENT NEURONS - send messages from the central nervous system to the
different parts of the body.

Parts of neurons(nerve)
➤DENDRITES - receive signals from other
neurons or from the body, and pass those messages along the cell body.
CELL BODY - is the support system of the
AXON - passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or
MYELIN SHEATH - protective layer around some axons and helps speed up the
signal messages

The Nervous System

It is divided into two Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System

The Central Nervous System

Made up of brain and spinal cord
Acts as body's control center, coordinates body's activities
✔ Controls conscious activities, intelligence, memory, language

✔ Muscle coordination is developed here as well as the memory of physical skills.
Brain Stem
controls involuntary activities

Science 2
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord lies within the spinal cavity, extending from the foramen magnum
to the second lumbar vertebra

Functions of the Spinal Cord

Serves as the reflex centre for all spinal reflexes
- Provides the 2-way conduction routes to (afferent) and from (efferent) the brain

Covering of the Brain & Spinal Cord

Dura mater - outer layer lining skull
Arachnoid (mater) - contains blood vessels
Subarachnoid space - filled with CSF
Pia mater - covers brain

Science 3

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