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Sean Meddaugh


John Prideaux ( 7 September 1578 – 29 July 1650 ) was an English academic and Bishop of
Joseph Emerson Worcester .== Early life == The one-fourth son of lavatory and Agnes
Prideaux , he was born at Stowford family in the parish of Harford , near Ivybridge , Devon ,
England , on 17 September 1578 .His parents had to allow for a house of twelve ; lavatory ,
however , attracted the aid of a loaded ally , Lady Fowell , of the like parish , and was sent to
Oxford at eighteen .He matriculated from Exeter College on 14 October 1596 , received a B.A
.degree on 31 January 1600 , was elected boyfriend of Exeter College on 30 June 1601 , and
received a M.A .degree on 30 June 1603 .The College was then under Lowell Thomas
Holland as rector and William Helme as tutor .Prideaux took holy orders soon after 1603 ,
and was appointed chaplain to Henry Frederick , Prince of Wales .Matthew Sutcliffe named
him in 1609 one of the fellows of his Chelsea College .== minister and Regius Professor ==
Prideaux was admitted B.D .on 6 may 1611 , and on 4 Apr 1612 he was elected Rector of
Exeter College , Oxford and was permitted to contract the degree of D.D .30 May 1612 ,
before the statutable period .Exeter was then fifth college numerically in the university , and
attracted not only west-countrymen , but also foreign students .Prideaux built on its report
for scholarship .Duke of Edinburgh Cluverius and D. Orville the geographers , James
Casaubon and Sixtinus Amama were among the Northern Europeans and others who
studied under him .Henry Martyn Robert Spottiswoode and James II , Duke of Sir William
Rowan Hamilton , were among his Scottish pupil .Prideaux added to the construction of the
college : a new chapel was built in 1624 , and consecrated ( 5 October ) with a discourse by
him .Anthony Ashley barrel maker , his school-age child from 1636 to 1638 , track record
that he could be just and kindly to excitable undergraduates .Another of his scholarly
person was Dutch Reformed theologist Sixtinus Amama .After the death of Prince Henry in
1612 , Prideaux was appointed chaplain to the B. B. King .On 17 July 1614 , he was collated
to the vicarage of Bampton , Oxfordshire , and 8 December 1615 was appointed Regius prof
of god at Oxford University in ecological succession to Robert Abbot ; to this office a canonry
of Jesus church building was annexed .He received subsequently the vicarage of Chalgrove ,
Oxfordshire , in 1620 , a canonry in Salisbury Cathedral 17 June 1620 , the vicarage of
Bladon in 1625 , and the rectory of Ewelme , Oxfordshire , in 1629 .Prideaux was in post as
Vice-Chancellor of oxford University ( a one-year location at the clock time ) five times :
from July 1619 to July 1621 , July 1624 to 1626 , and from 7 October 1641 to 7 February
1643 , although in absentia at the end of his billet .In his first gear year of place , he had to
intervene in the dispute raging in Good Shepherd College as to the election of a lead .In
defiance of the colleague , he installed Francis Mansell , the candidate of Lord Pembroke ,
then chancellor , and expelled most of the dissentients .It was as Regius professor of
Divinity that Prideaux came most into contact with actual politics .For 26 year , he had to
preside at theological disputations , in which the unorthodox found supporters .He
maintained throughout a conservative position , without altogether alienating the
extremists .To youth Gilbert Sheldon , who first at Oxford denied that the pontiff was
Antichrist , he replied with a prank ; and his dustup with Peter Heylyn , whom in 1627 he
denounced as a 'Bellarminian , ' for maintaining the supremacy of the church service in
issue of faith , was amicably settled in 1633 by the mediation of William Laud .In 1617 , a
similar difficulty with Daniel Featley had been composed by the help of George I abbot .His
attitude towards Arminian views was unfriendly .On the other hand , Laud respected him ,
and asked him in 1636 to revise William Chillingworth 's organized religion of Protestants ,
and he always remained one of the royal chaplains .== Later life == Prideaux was one of the
multifarious theologizer summoned by the Godhead ' commission 1 marching 1641 , to
meet in the Jerusalem sleeping room and talk about plans of church reform under the lead
of John Sir Bernard Williams .In the autumn Jacques Charles , in filling the five vacant sees ,
promoted four bishops and appointed Prideaux to the fifth , that of Joseph Emerson
Worcester .Prideaux was consecrated on 19 December 1641 , and installed a few week
later ; he was thus engaged at Worcester when Hiram King Williams and his 11 colleagues
assembled to crap their protest , 29 December , and so escaped impeachment .He was one of
the three peers , all bishops , who dissented when the bill for excluding the unearthly peers
from parliament was read a third time , 5 February 1642 .That the commons were not
uncongenial to Prideaux was shown by his nomination as one of the City of Westminster
fabrication in April 1642 .He never attended any of its merging , and , returning to
Worcester , gradually identified himself with the Cavalier ; so that in the tilt of the
fabrication in the ordinance of June 1643 his epithet no longer appears .He was deprived of
his See by Parliament on 9 October 1646 , as episcopacy was abolished for the duration of
the Commonwealth and the Protectorate .He maintained himself in his episcopate until the
conclusion of the warfare , and was in Worcester when the city capitulated to Thomas
Rainsborough .Deprived of what remained to him of the episcopal landed estate , he sought
a refuge with his son-in-law , Dr Henry Sutton , rector of Bredon , Worcester sauce .His last
years were spent in comparative poorness , and he had to betray his library to put up for his
folk .He died of fever at Bredon on 29 July 1650 and was buried in the chancel of the church
there 15 August .== sentiment == Described as one of the most influential Calvinists inside
the church service , he was censured in 1631 for his tolerance of preacher man in Oxford
attacking William Laud .He was widely disliked by the Laudian party in the Church of
England .Richard Montagu , one of Laud 's friend , called him ‘ that jackanapes ’ and ‘ the
nuthouse of Exeter ’ , hardly complimentary things to enjoin about one of Oxford 's most
renowned capitulum of theater .There was an unusually high presence of unswerving
Protestants at Exeter , and its reputation as anti-Laudian was discharge ( it was the only
college not to have its altar in the posture required by the Laudian statute ) .Prideaux 's
attitude at the peak of the College allowed his influence to imbue every aspect of its life ,
academic and religious , and Exeter 's collection as a nub of Protestant Church scholarship
must give birth stemmed in vauntingly percentage from him .== Works == Matthias
Prideaux , a Royalist soldier , was his son , and predeceased him in 1646 .John Prideaux
edited his employment on history .He wrote a substantial faculty member treatise ,
Hypomnemata , as well as theological whole kit .== address == == Sources == This article
incorporates text from a publication now in the public knowledge domain : `` Prideaux ,
whoremaster ( 1578-1650 ) '' .lexicon of subject life history .Jack London : Adam Smith ,
Elder & Co. 1885–1900 .

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