02- Long Term Strategy of EMS (1)

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— ——5 Clifton Apparels Ltd. Environmental Management Strategy 0 ~~ Environmental Management Strategy Commitment Clifton Appares Ltd. i commited to proteting the envionment ofthe Earth, To minimize environmental impacts canceming our activities and produ, we must comply ‘with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the Company subscribes which relate fo its environmental aspects. The facility is commited to contin improvement of environmental performance. Objectives: “The main objectives are in the following: “© Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimize the consumption of resources. 4 ducate, train and motivate employees to carry out tasks in an environmentally tespnsible manner + Encourage environmental protection among suppliers and subcontractors. ‘This Policy wil be communicated t al sa, contractors and supplies. Establish Environmental sustainable management at al stages ofthe value chain and troughout the entre life eyele of eur products by reducing harmfl emission and waste, prevent pollution and minimize consumption of resources ‘Scanned with CamSeanner or <3. © - Long Term Target Seuing Of Energy and GHG Reduction Plan, Base Line-2022 30% redstonof Energy and {GHG emissions by 2030 (Grom 2022 slne, 1 Repl ot Trent nd andes iging wi LED 2: nsaling energy saving servo meter instead of of motor. 5 Istaling PFT pel and LT pel side in each oor. “4: Proper insulation for tera syste (pin, wales and Manes. 5. Tomof lights, fas and machines when notin ws. {6 Coninsusly monitor and eps equipment like leaking facets, leaking in compres sit systems steam rap leakage ermal maging hc ine & wer valve leakage, ad moifcation ae Ad lo check and mnennce gener, bole & i condition on regular bass 5 Regul clean the ei om eat paps sr-comitones {Provide sficct taining to incase avaenes 0 all testa and workers regain Ene Expected vimetine _Reeponste | | neauetion Target | eateagy mt | Desnter | Asp EMS nGrinctony | 305 Se Tilsen Sean Candee covey ene 2. Fach steam recover from ret condense tak 5. Aenting compres ekage 1 Uplate Tecnology re in Boe ike EGB boiler. | S-Replacing GU MS dsb piptins wih ow fon HDPE-Aluniinm DPE | PE pipelines. | 6 Insaling Enerey meter on proces wie | tinge et HVAC espe | ing ia ight fe bee 20 oat | 5-Tum ops, asad machines when notin se 10. Continuously meitor and repair equipment ike leaking foes ekg in compressed sit systema team ap eakage tema apn chs sine & wate vale leakage, nd mifestion ie And ala check and minennce gery, oiler & it contin on eu bass. 11 Regula Inspect insltion nl steam ie ike piping and valve, 12. Regula clean he aso heat pumps, arcondon=s 15. Provide slice tining to increase aware ol he tan worker rearing Frey ‘eEnerey nt | Desmber | Asner EMS GiGreaconty | 2 | tom sa ‘Scanned with CamSeanner SS Long Ten Tange! Seuing Of Energy and GHG Redesion Plan (Continue ___| Preside sun wining nerese ens 0 al he sal and workers ‘Reduction Plan cane Boo! | bom rag TE | iniincuemens | neem res a : | se ha Tica eee ad| mitnen mgr | Damier | Ap PS eee i anita tetionucctnes| “eiseanaes | sms | ton ee ny psi a anf pi PPeeesgropinpreaaiesieta | | 1st arenes te eat dn pcearaeees nena pte pn ena ee yee | | s0%e reduction of Eacrey and | 3, Tam of ips, fn nd machines when not in ae ox | “Goenitay " | Coma rp cp ko cree snes Ea mes | Dante | AES | | “Gastron,” matic Rona ts arbre “angie | am” | “Se foieeainean ens cooe cgi amairencnpme meme | {posuere oe ash ete en Taare Piast Sper emt | 5. Tam fights, fn and machines when none | 4 Continuously monitor and repair equipment like leaking faucets, leaking in compressed air S| stems stem tp leakage, themalimopag chsh ine & water valve lekage, ani | 4% Energy andGHG | December | As pcr EMS ‘modification ec. And also check nd maintenance generar, oiler & air condition on regular | reduction by 2027 027 - | = = = ser |°aat | Ma {Rte pins mat ome ln ‘Scanned with CamSeanner Long ‘Term Ta Of Enes 1 sall modere sna Bor 2 Inst ean bm engine. 3. Asal inverter (Energy saving) AC. 4 Ital apaior ba i fad end, ‘5. Tum igh, fans and machines when non se, 6. Continous monitor and pair equipnent ike leaking fc, aking in compressed ir systems seam tap leakage, thermal aging check, aie & wer valve Feskape, and ‘molileaton ee, And also maintenance generator, bier sir contin on eu basi 7-Regulrly Inspect insulation o al team ine ke piping ad ales. 4 Reultlyclean the evportor and condense enon het pnp, conn, 9. Provide sficlen waning to inrese aero al he aad workers. tment | thier | Aspe weocenipaen | sor | oe 34% edeton of Energy and (GHG emisins by 2030 (ry 202 baseline) T:nsl occupancy sensors oatomatcaly um ofits when po oe presen 2 TarmofT lights. fs and machines when ot ins 3. Coninutsy mostr and repr equipment ike leaking faucets aking in compresed ie ‘ystems steam tap leakage, emul naging check, ating & water valve lehage, and modification ec. And also maintenance generator, bier sr condion on regula bai. 4. Replay Inspetinslation onal tea ine ike ing a aves. 5. Regula clean th evapratar and condenser eis on eat pur si-oitons. 6. Provide slicer wining to inrease awareness al he aad workers energy and GHG | December | As per EMS reduction by 2029 | 29” | tam, Ta VSD fr ng ve a a ar noo wae Fa ATT Ton igs, fiend tiny wna 2. Commo ostream the king fests lig in compe le ‘paces sem tap lalag teal glee hoe te lege, ‘ations, i some pc coon npr {Ttepuy es son sen hepa aes 5 Reparation nine | ne tin sng wine meso al Se ta me 2% Energy and GHG | December | Asper EMS reducionby 2030 | 2030 | am ‘Scanned with CamSeanner eal 2 | 3 wea | soe i swapdsy | aqua ole 2 “yap Ks PERE PoE 3 dey | somea eupeenzcor | 20 —- soe) osu Sas rn oem npS 0 wa | came | sweasdsy | soquio9q | wonsnporsomn sis 4 | = une np ones nb nt Ba craven | cunmunt | yononpen parsedes | a | BEOR-PUTT PSEA “gonna sae JO Sumag y4re], wu] #007] aes Sing OF Water Redo? 1. apove sealing tower ean By stalling conloiniy coon on eas oalng 2 Mody and upgrade bller condense water recovery system. 5. Coniuouly monitor and repieqipent ie leaking ole wins faucets showerheads ‘sater ose, roken dation ine, tuck Moat valve, and maieaioncc. And alio check and ‘msntenance generator, oiler sea ins, and steam Wap ‘Provide suficet ncing wo al the staff and workers egg water we wewatrredtion | Dovember | As per EMS by 2026 2126 | eam 20% redaction of water ‘emissions by 2030 (rom 1. Eau cooling ower with ovefow las 2. Upeade existing euipment with ore water ficient euiment. 3. Continuouly monitor snd epieuipment ike leaking il rina, facets. showerheads, ‘wnterbose roken ditto in, stuck at ave and modetion And also check and tlntenane generator, boiler steam lies and steam as 4. Provide slicer tring tal the sal ard workers epartng water se water edstion | December | Asper EMS by 2027 ao | tem, 2022 baseline). T vor al ase ae equipped wih an atone uff ole 2 Uperade boiler condense wer covery sem 5. Coninuouly monitor snd epi equipment ie leaking tlt, inal, facts, showerheads, ‘rater bose broken disiibaton in, stuck ost ave and modification. Adal check and ‘msntnance generator, bier scan ins, and iam Wop. £2 Provide suficet usning tal the staf and workers epi water se. Pewatereducton | Dovember | Axper EMS by 2028 poor | team o T.Uackigh-fsieney do inant | 2 Uponae existing equipment wih moe water ficient equipment 5. Conincusly msior and repireqipneat ie leaking ile, wns. faucets, showerheads, ‘tterbose, broken dba lin, tuck Not ave and modifeation ee. Anal check and ‘maintenance generator, bile stew ines, and star taps. 2% wate reduction | Dosember | Axper EMS 2029 m9 | team, T- Upgrade existing oquipnent with more water eet sap 2 Cominuously monitor and repr equipment ike leaking ile inal. faves. showerheads, sraterbone broken dsb ine, stuck Nossal ad modiiton ete. Anal eheck and Imaintenace pensar, bles team ines, nse aps 2% wate reduction | December | Axper ENS ‘Scanned with CamSeanner » ™s Long Term Target Setting Of Waste Reduction Plan, Base Line-2022 Expected o 30% reduction of waste by Ample an ffcem invenory management system, 2. Ensure machines re being sed fii by uaining designated employees. 5. Regulaly msintin & update equipment, machinery to ensre everthing is ronning 35 ciel as possible. |, Redacethe mount of operin workplace comsmusiaton by using email nd digital document storage a frm of communication a slash paper use during manufutring operations. 5: Provide slit ining oncrease arenes o all the tall & workers wo reduce waste & rmakeitacultre, Adal educate waste management eam on the imponance of waste eduction. 6. plement informative posers & leaflets regarding wate redaction roughout the workplace. 7. Dscourage employees from throwing aay ies by using he appropri signage by your bis. And ensure here are adequately abled tach ins. Minimize the volune of pper se ost by making two-sided printing or oping the dealt practice and go digital where possible to aed paper we inte Fis lace 7% waste reduction | December by 2023 2023 AsperEMs | 2030 (rom 2022 baseline. |. Repurors or rete raps rom lis manufacturing process 2 Reyeleut canon poy glas. plastic ates, pt bulbs, econ & ter onhazarous hazardous waste and run areeeling program ttn staff on how to recy effectively, 5. Ensure machines are being a ficient by tining designated employers “6 Redace the mount of paper used for woekplac communication by wsing email online lstart mesenger chat apps online video call softare, and digital document storage as a form of communion slah papers during mautactring operations 5. Provide sulin waning to increase awareness oll he taf ard workers to reduce waste sd make taco. 6 tmplement informative posters & lel regarding waste edution & inprovement. 7. Minimize the volame of ape ised onsite by mang ose printing or copying the defaalt practice, and go digit! where possible wo aid paper usin the fist place. (race reduction | December by 2004 2004 As per EMS SS | erences SSS ‘Scanned with CamSeanner o T, Conscton wise such a emer, rss ad wood ae reused within the projets | 2 Intodoce he correc procure to dispose of hazardous wast by working with specialist waste | disposal companies to tsport hazardous mates othe appropriate fits. "Ensure machines are being usd icin by ning designated employees, {Matin update equipment machine Yo enue everthing rening scent. | 5 Reduce the amount of pape in workplace communication y wing email and digital document "orage a form of communist slash pape se. {Provide suicet aming to neeas awaenest tall he ta & worker to reduce waste ‘Implement informative posters & leaflets egardng wate redaction thoughout the workplace. | {1 Discouage employers fom thing avayiems by ang the appropiate signage by 3o4" ‘ns. And ensure thee ae adequately abled tas is. ‘9, Reel jut, carlon poly las, plat, ters, ight bulbs electronics & other aoshazardous |& bazads wastes and ran tejeling program to instal on how to eeycl fletive Srewaste reduction | December by 2025 ams AsperEMS, 30% reduction of wast by 2030 (from 2022 baseline). T-Usig and siockingprodocts made fom feyced content, and also soppr suppl who =| ‘ecyling mites 6 make new products, | 2 onstrction waster suchas concrete, rick and wood ae reused within the projet ite. 5 woduce the comet provedue to depos of hazardous waste by working with specialist waste dlsyual companies fo tanspor hazardous mates othe appropri fies. 4 Ensure movhines ate being wot efcenly by wainingGsinated employee, 5.Mainan & update equipment machinery to ensure everthing is rsnning as ficiently. 6 Reduce the amount paper in workplace commanitony using ema and digital document ‘Sorage a a form of eomamunicaton lash oper use 7 provide sft tang t nrese awareness ol the staff & workers to edo {Implement formative posters & lefts regarding waste reduction woughou th workplace. 9. Recycle jut, carton, poly gas pat, ates ight bulbs electronics other nohazardous & hazardous waste aod rn recycling program oan staf on ov 1 eel effectively. 2% wasterduction | December by 2026 2026 1. Upeeling by taking old mater, and makes something new and wefulout of hose stra | 2. Sich tm evenly environment Hendy packaging 3 Using and stocking podacts ma from eycled content -£ Consiveton ase sucha conor, ck nd wood are eased within the project site ‘5 Ensure machines oe beng used ficiently by traning designated employees | {& Recyete jt caton py glass, plat bate, ight bulbs, electrics other noshazardous {& haardous wane and va a eeycling program to wain taf on bow 1 reyele efectvey. “7 Maintain & update equips. machinery o ensure everthing i runing effceml: {vide ace vaining wo inreteawateess all the sal & wks to redo 5 implement informative postr leaflets regating was reduction noughout the workplace, See wate reduction | December by 2027 2027 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner As per EMS Of Waste Redwess Plan (Con | Timetine | Responsible 1- Recover, reuse, and vor based on eletolsi flration, revere osmosis. and cetifuaton. | 2 Mauifyeco-cnly envionment end packaging. | 5. Upeyling old materials and make somcting new aod useful out of those materials 4 Using and stocking products made from recyled conte 5: Contraction wastes are eused within the project she 284 waste rouction 6 Ensure machines are being used fey by taining designated employes. ty 2008 7. Maintain & update equipment, machinery to ensure everything i runing efficent. {Provide sucen taining increase awareness tall he aff @ worker fo ede 9 plement informative poses & leas eprding wae reduction thoughout the workplace. 10-Minimize the volume of paper used by making two-iedpiting go digit! where posible 11 espe jh, carton, poly. gas, plasti, bate, light bul, elecronics & other nontazardous & hazardous wart | | Decent | sapere | co 30% reduction of waste by 2030 (frm 2022 baseline. 1. tmlement an erly defect detection proceso Keep waste defect tan absolute minimum, 2 Mody & upgrade eon environmen ready packaging 3. Upepling old materials and mes something now a wel ot of those materials 4 Using and stocking rods made from eyed costes ‘5. Construction wastes ae eased within the project si baste redution 6 Ensure machines are Being used efcenly by tinng designated employees, aes 7. Maintain & update equiprent machinery to ensure everything is ung efficiently. 8 Provide slice ain to iocrease awatnens tlhe af & workers W rece 9. implement informative posters & leaflets egarding waste redo thoughout the workplce. 10. Reel hat carton, poly & other nonhazardous & avardos waste December As per EMS, 2029 team, 1. Go completly pperess instead fuking paper documents & save everyting inthe coud. 2 Switch toa renewable energy provide that ede fsa fil combustion waste 1. Upeyeling old materials, and makes something new and ufo of those matrls 44 Using and stocking products made fom recyled cont | sre ast reduction 5. Consircton wastes are resed within the projet ste pe 6 Ensure machines are Beng wed efit hy taining Ssignaed employees 2 7 Maintain & update equipment. machinery to crsure everthing i ening effceny. {Provide sufient ining to ncreas warencs tal he aff workers reduce | Implement informative posters & leat regarding wast eduction thoughout the workplace. | | 10. Recycle jut carton. pol elas. pac, bates, igh Bul. electronics & her | onharardous & hvstdous was December | Asper EMS 2030 team, ‘Scanned with CamSeanner 01] “Tarim” |] sw ein orf nite Sse | tami | peas | 4. Always recipe update for chemical consumption, i it -_ | bby 2025, Waste Water Reduction and Improvement Plan = ‘Goal _ ‘Reduction ana improvement [_Timetine | Responaibi : a 2 beset Gao Heel (Gree 2822 heneline, 5. Install reverse osmosis system am ‘ ie eect eae ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ——<———— en ~S. a Chemical Reduction/improvement plan and ZDHC Gateway Level-I or Above Chemical used 75% by 2028 apn ZO popen | Wane SGA BT HID OE . 7 Jt ttaspacn ECeeglat | Cot Ete eal ed MAS | tatetaee sity et ang ol at “itch tn BBN Gacy anata | ZONE Gateay Lett DNC Gatcen Le | ZOE Yas p88 Team abere Cement | acereet era | Betting chen i ed ate te os ie Semialy ™ | Rican oan aces oct Ah hi eine | 2 | LS TRE ZDIC |) ransing hips isin von mi L Roinperay oN ner Eee ahve Cenc win | 2 at a ion TS rp a peice] Re ra | Sa ak ean] Cana we ig ag TS SCE + tare |slingeanduiepesemive | preainerainames estecked Asp ES Tem Zl pore cng a] rig | al ca Rang st | Tana iting aT RBIS 4 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘Air emission Reduction/ Improvement Plan ‘ir emission Reduction/ improvement Plan ae Fon Goal [ Tamsine | Resp Reson Raa 7] Genernons | + Aircon onl sabato. Ton oan ‘ifr intasion | ac0s | asper eM Team z > Air eso cone see allan, “ire iT Raon 7 FES Tea Aifiterinaiiaon 2am x 3 Gree sone cee by pie A aaog ST a ERA | 2005 | — As parE Tea x = as Ei fn “reo ona ad Fah A ‘epeENS Tem - 3 + Tsao pid aco vom “iremision contol Reducion | 2056 1 Regular tenes check aged ostorig. Asper EMS Ten z [IBSEN ar Resse AC tay Ti eon Savon ReperENS Team z 2007 | 7] Generator, | + Arma oars aii enisin nian SPM, PTO, | — AFenision onal Raon | rocr samier |" PMS. CO'ndCO2 puncte | ASRrEMS Team mchinrcs | nslaton pe ol EZ] Generator] — = estan pa eco Ti eon ronan —| 3008 | As pr ES Tee ‘ace Fem | gud a ae oh oe Lm. ‘ppt Si Exec: Eninamert shee Clon Gun s ‘Scanned with CamSeanner

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