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David Cameron


Ngũ gĩ Evergreen State Thiong ' atomic number 8 ( Gikuyu pronunciation : [ ᵑɡoɣe wá ðiɔŋɔ ]
; born James Ngugi ; 5 January 1938 ) is a Kenyan author and academician , who has been
described as `` eastern United States Africa 's leading novelist '' .He began writing in English
people , switching to drop a line primarily in Gikuyu .His study includes novels , plays ,
myopic stories , and essays , ranging from literary and social critique to nestling 's literature
.He is the founder and editor of the Gikuyu-language journal Mũ tĩiri .His unawares story The
vertical gyration : Or Why human race Walk upright piano has been translated into 100
speech .In 1977 , Ngũ gĩ embarked upon a novel form of dramaturgy in Republic of Kenya
that sought to emancipate the theatrical cognitive process from what he held to cost `` the
general bourgeois education system '' , by encouraging spontaneousness and interview
involution in the performances .His project sought to `` demystify '' the theatrical
performance process , and to avoid the `` process of alienation [ that ] produces a gallery of
active stars and an undifferentiated deal of grateful admirer '' which , according to Ngũ gĩ ,
encourages passivity in `` ordinary people '' .Although his landmark free rein Ngaahika
Ndeenda , co-written with Ngũ gĩ Evergreen State Mirii , was a commercial-grade success , it
was shut down by the authoritarian Kenyan authorities six workweek after its
opening .Ngũ gĩ was subsequently imprisoned for over a year .Adopted as an pardon
International prisoner of moral sense , the artist was released from prison house , and fled
Republic of Kenya .He was appointed Distinguished professor of comparative degree
Literature and side at the University of CA , Irvine .He previously taught at Northwestern
University , Yale University , and New House of York University .Ngũ gĩ has frequently been
regarded as a in all probability nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature .He won the 2001
International Nonino Prize in Italia , and the 2016 Park Kyong-ni trophy .Among his
children are authors Mũ koma wa Ngũ gĩ and Wanjiku wa Ngũ gĩ .== biography == === Early
old age and education === Ngũ gĩ was born in Kamiriithu , near Limuru in Kiambu district ,
Republic of Kenya , of Kikuyu descent , and baptised Henry James Ngugi .His family was
caught up in the Mau Mau insurrection ; his half-brother Mwangi was actively involved in
the Kenya dry land and Freedom Army ( in which he was killed ) , another comrade was
shot during the State of emergency brake , and his female parent was tortured at Kamiriithu
dwelling guard office .He went to the Alliance high gear School , and went on to study at
Makerere University College in Kampala , Uganda .As a scholarly person he attended the
African Writers conference held at Makerere in June 1962 , and his turn The Black
solitudinarian premiered as part of the event at The National theatre .At the league Ngũ gĩ
asked Chinua Achebe to read the manuscripts of his novels The River Between and Weep
Not , fry , which would subsequently cost published in Heinemann 's African Writers Series ,
launched in British capital that year , with Achebe as its first consultative editor .Ngũ gĩ
received his B.A .in English people from Makerere University College , Republic of Uganda ,
in 1963 .=== First publications and studies in England === His debut novel , Weep Not ,
Child , was published in May 1964 , becoming the foremost novel in English to be published
by a writer from East Africa .Later that twelvemonth , having won a learning to the
University of Leeds to canvas for an momma , Ngũ gĩ travelled to England , where he was
when his irregular novel , The River Between , came out in 1965 .The River Between , which
has as its background the Mau Mau revolt , and describes an unhappy romance between
Christians and non-Christians , was previously on Kenya 's national lowly school
syllabus .He left Leeds without completing his thesis on Caribbean lit , for which his studies
had focused on George Lamming , about whom Ngũ gĩ said in his 1972 collecting of essays
Homecoming : `` He evoked for me , an unforgettable picture of a peasant rebellion in a
white-dominated world .And suddenly I knew that a novel could comprise made to speak to
me , could , with a compel urging , match electric cord [ sic ] deep down in me .His
macrocosm was not as strange to me as that of Fielding , Daniel Defoe , Smollett , Jane
Austen , George Eliot , Dickens , D. H .Laurentius . ''=== Change of name , political
orientation and teaching === Ngũ gĩ 's 1967 novel A caryopsis of pale yellow marked his
embrace of Fanonist Marxism .He subsequently renounced writing in English , and the name
William James Ngugi as colonialist ; by 1970 he had changed his public figure to Ngũ gĩ wa
Thiong ' o , and began to indite in his native Gikuyu .In 1967 , Ngũ gĩ also began teaching at
the University of Nairobi as a professor of English lit .He continued to teach at the university
for decade eld while serving as a mate in Creative committal to writing at Makerere .During
this time , he also guest lectured at Northwestern University in the department of English
and African bailiwick for a year .While a prof at the University of Nairobi , Ngũ gĩ was the
catalyst of the discussion to abolish the English section .He argued that after the remainder
of colonialism , it was imperative that a university in Africa teach African lit , including
unwritten literature , and that such should be done with the realization of the rankness of
African voice communication .In the late 60 , these efforts resulted in the university
dropping English language Literature as a line of study , and replacing it with one that
positioned African Literature , viva voce and written , at the centre .=== captivity === In
1976 , Thiong ' o helped to establish The Kamiriithu community breeding and Cultural
Centre which , among early affair , organised African Theatre in the area .The following yr
saw the issue of Petals of profligate .Its strong political message , and that of his frolic
Ngaahika Ndeenda ( I Will splice When I Want ) , co-written with Ngũ gĩ wa Mirii and also
published in 1977 , provoked the then Kenyan Vice-President Daniel arap Moi to Order his
arrest .Along with copies of his play , books by Karl Marx , Friedrich Engels , and Vladimir
Lenin were confiscated .He was sent to Kamiti upper limit Security prison , and kept there
without a test for nearly a class .He was imprisoned in a cell with other political
prisoners .During persona of their imprisonment , they were allowed one hour of sunlight a
sidereal day .Ngũ gĩ writes `` The compound used to live for the mentally derange inmate
before it was put to best use as a John Cage for 'the politically deranged . ''He found solace in
piece of writing and wrote the beginning modernistic novel in Gikuyu , Devil on the crown
of thorns ( Caitaani mũ tharaba-Inĩ ) , on prison-issued throne paper .After his sack in Dec
1978 , he was not reinstated to his job as professor at Nairobi University , and his kin was
harassed .Due to his writing about the unfairness of the dictatorial government at the time ,
Ngũ gĩ and his family were forced to last in deportee .Only after Arap Moi , the longest-
serving Kenyan president , retired in 2002 , was it safe for them to return .During his time in
prison , Ngũ gĩ decided to give up writing his gambling and other works in English and began
writing all his originative works in his indigen natural language , Gikuyu .His metre in
prison also inspired the maneuver The test of Dedan Kimathi ( 1976 ) .He wrote this in
collaboration with Micere Githae Mugo .=== Exile === While in exile , Ngũ gĩ worked with
the London-based commission for the Release of Political Prisoners in Republic of Kenya
( 1982–98 ) .Matigari ma Njiruungi ( translated by Wangui Evergreen State Goro into
English as Matigari ) was published at this time .In 1984 , he was Visiting Professor at
Bayreuth University , and the watch over year was Writer-in-Residence for the Borough of
Islington in London .He also studied film at Dramatiska Institute in Stockholm , Sweden
( 1986 ) .

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