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Association of Recall Rates with

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Sensitivity and Positive Predictive

Values of Screening Mammography
Bonnie C. Yankaskas 1 OBJECTIVE. The performance of screening mammography is measured mainly by its sensi-
Rebecca J. Cleveland 2 tivity, positive predictive value, and cancer detection rate. Recall rates are also suggested as a sur-
Michael J. Schell 3 rogate measure. The main objective of this study was to measure the effect on sensitivity and
Robert Kozar 1 positive predictive value as recall rates increase in the community practice of mammography.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. Mammography and pathology data are linked in the
Carolina Mammography Registry, a population-based registry of screening mammography.
Our mammography database is created from prospectively collected data from mammogra-
phy facilities; the data include information on the woman and the imaging studies. Our pa-
thology database is created from prospectively collected breast pathology data received from
pathology sites and the Central Cancer Registry. Women in the registry who were 40 years old
and older and who underwent screening mammography between January 1994 and June 1998
were included. “Recall rate” was defined as the percentage of screening studies for which fur-
ther workup was recommended by the radiologist.
RESULTS. The study included 215,665 screening mammograms. The mean age of the women
was 56 years. The recall rates of the average practice ranged from 1.9% to 13.4%. Sensitivity rose
from a mean of 65% in the lowest recall rates to 80.2% at the highest level of recall rates. The pos-
itive predictive value of screening decreased from 7.2% in the lowest level of recall to 3.3% in the
highest. As recall rates increased, sensitivity increased very little beyond a recall rate of 4.8%, and
positive predictive value began decreasing significantly at a recall rate of 5.9%.
CONCLUSION. Practices with recall rates between 4.9% and 5.5% achieve the best
trade-off of sensitivity and positive predictive value.

B reast cancer is the most commonly

diagnosed malignancy in women
in the United States. Although the
mortality rates are declining because of early
ber of reviewers, and the number of images
[4–12]. Although guidelines suggest that set-
ting a recall rate at less than 10% will translate
into maximizing the trade-off between sensi-
detection and treatment at a more curable stage, tivity and PPV [13, 14], no study to date has
182,800 women in the United States are likely shown how recall rates affect sensitivity and
Received January 24, 2001; accepted after revision to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 [1]. PPV. We performed this analysis on prospec-
March 19, 2001. Screening mammography has been shown to tively collected screening assessment data
Supported by grant NCI U01-CA-70040 from the National be an effective means for detecting early-stage from a broad representation of mammography
Cancer Institute. breast cancer in women and has resulted in a facilities in community practice.
Department of Radiology, CB 7515, Mason Farm Rd., decrease in breast cancer mortality [2, 3]. The objective of this study was to estimate the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, The performance of mammography is often association of recall rate with PPV and sensitiv-
NC 27599-7515. Address correspondence to
B. C. Yankaskas. determined by examining accuracy indexes, ity of screening mammography among a wide
Department of Epidemiology, CB 7400, McGavran-
including sensitivity, specificity, positive pre- range of community-based mammography facil-
Greenberg Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, dictive value (PPV), and cancer detection ities that are linked to a population-based tumor
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400. rates. Additionally, recall rates are often calcu- registry for outcome data. Knowledge of how re-
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, CB 7295, lated by mammography practices and are used call rates relate to both sensitivity and PPV, with
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, as a surrogate measure of practice perfor- information of other factors that are indepen-
NC 27599-7295.
mance. Several studies have been conducted dently associated with these rates, should be a
AJR 2001;177:543–549
showing how these indexes relate to age, fam- useful guide for practices to interpret their own
0361–803X/01/1773–543 ily, personal history of breast cancer, history of recall rates as surrogate measures of the perfor-
© American Roentgen Ray Society biopsy, breast parenchymal density, the num- mance of screening mammography.

AJR:177, September 2001 543

Yankaskas et al.

Materials and Methods “Recall rate” is defined as the proportion of Results

The Carolina Mammography Registry was cre- screening mammography examinations resulting Recall Rates and Screening Mammography Results
ated for the purpose of collecting population-based in a recommendation for further workup, includ- A total of 273,105 mammographic studies
data for the study of screening mammography prac- ing recall for imaging studies and invasive proce-
were recorded in the Carolina Mammography
tice and performance in the community. The Caro- dures if they were recommended on the basis of
Registry for the period from January 1994
lina Mammography Registry is a member of the the screening mammography findings. Women
national Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. who were recommended for recall were consid- through June 1998. After the diagnostic mam-
Full descriptions of the registry and the consortium ered to have a positive screening mammogram. A mograms were excluded, 215,665 screening
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have been published previously [15, 16]. The Caro- true-positive study was a positive mammographic mammograms obtained in 155,289 women
lina Mammography Registry collects prospective examination that showed invasive breast cancer or were included for study. The mean age of this
mammography data from mammography facilities ductal carcinoma in situ that was diagnosed within population was 56 years; two thirds of the
and links these data to a breast pathology database 12 months of the screening examination. A true- screening mammograms were obtained in
that includes benign and malignant breast pathology negative study was a negative mammographic ex- women younger than 60 years. These women
records collected in an ongoing process from the pa- amination that did not show invasive breast cancer were 82.5% white, 16.2% black, and 1.3%
thology facilities themselves, from the North Caro- or ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosed within 12
“other.” Of all screening mammograms,
lina Central Cancer Registry, and from hospital and months of the examination. A false-negative study
13,552 led to a recommendation for further
private pathology departments. was a negative mammographic examination that
The study group included all screening mam- resulted in a breast cancer diagnosis within 12 workup—an overall recall rate of 6.3%. Recall
mography examinations for women living in North months of the study. A false-positive study was a rates and associated sensitivity, PPV, and can-
Carolina who underwent screening mammography positive mammographic examination that resulted cer detection rate are shown by demographics
in any participating facility between January 1994 in no diagnosis of cancer within 12 months. and breast history in Table 1. The highest re-
and June 1998. We identified all standard two-view Sensitivity was defined as the proportion of can- call rate (13.6%) among all the subgroups was
bilateral mammography examinations in the regis- cers that had positive mammographic findings seen in women who reported a breast problem
try, then selected those that were performed as within 12 months before the cancer diagnosis date, at screening; the lowest (2.4%) was in women
screening studies and excluded those that were diag- calculated as true-positive / (true-positive + false- with breasts categorized as almost entirely fat.
nostic studies. Mammography was considered a negative). The PPV for recall was defined as the pro-
The distribution of recommended follow-up
screening study if the patient was classified as as- portion of positive mammograms for which cancer
was diagnosed within 12 months of the screening,
visits was 68%, further imaging follow-up;
ymptomatic by the radiologist, the examination was
bilateral, and the examination was conducted at least calculated as true-positive / (true-positive + false- 16%, biopsy or surgical consultation; and
9 months after previous mammography. positive). Practice volume was calculated as the 0.5%, clinical follow-up. Fifteen percent of the
The mammography database contains data col- mean number of screening mammographic exami- recall follow-ups were missing the specific
lected from all patients at the time their mammography nations performed at the facility per year. For most recommendation for follow-up (not shown in
is performed, including demographic information, his- analyses, a missing response for family history of table). The 1-year cancer detection rate was
tory of breast procedures, reason for visit, hormone early breast cancer or personal history of breast can- 3.5 per 1000 mammograms obtained.
use, and family history of breast cancer (defined as a cer was classified as a negative response. The “can- In this population, recall rates decreased with
first-degree relative with premenopausal breast can- cer detection rate” was defined as the number of
increasing age, from 7.3% in women younger
cer). At each visit, the technologist and radiologist cancers discovered through mammography per 1000
than 50 years old to 4.9% in women 70 years
record information about the type of examination per- women screened. Sensitivity, PPV, cancer detection
rates, and recall rates were calculated for each prac- old and older. Women with a history of breast
formed (screening, diagnostic, sonography, or other di-
agnostic imaging modalities), comparison with tice. cancer were recalled at a greater rate than
previous films, density of breast parenchyma, mam- Reduced monotonic regression analysis [18] was women whose mammograms were negative for
mographic impression using the American College of used to model PPV and sensitivity rates as functions breast cancer: 7.4% and 6.3%, respectively. For
Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System of the recall rate for each of 31 radiology practices women who had a history of breast surgery or
(BI-RADS) [17] and recommendations for type of fol- included in the study. Reduced monotonic regres- breast procedures, the recall rate was 7.2%,
low-up study and follow-up time. Recommendations sion is a nonparametric approach based on the iso- compared with 6.3% for women who did not
for follow-up care may include additional mammogra- tonic regression theory. The reduced monotonic have this history. The recall rate decreased with
phy at specified intervals (immediately, 6 months, or 1 regression method simplifies the isotonic fit, identi-
decreasing breast density, from nearly 7.0% in
year), additional mammographic images, breast imag- fying cut points from an isotonic regression fit, re-
flecting locations in the recall rate at which the trend
the extremely dense and heterogeneously dense
ing using another modality, biopsy, or surgical consul-
tation. The number of mammograms obtained in the dependent variable (sensitivity or PPV) is groups to 2.4% in the almost entirely fat group.
annually at each facility can be calculated from data in most manifest. To avoid identifying a cut point be- Recall rates increased as elapsed time since pre-
the Carolina Mammography Registry database. tween two practices with nearly identical recall rates, vious mammogram increased: 5.2% in women
Outcome data from the pathology database in- practices whose recall rates differed by less than 1% having recent previous mammography versus
clude date and type of pathology, method of bi- of the range (i.e., by 0.12% in recall rate) were auto- 8.7% in women whose previous mammography
opsy, date of biopsy, breast site, number of nodes matically grouped together. For all analyses, the data was more than 36 months previous or who had
tested and number positive, estrogen and proges- for each practice are weighted by the number of no previous mammography.
terone receptor status, and tumor grade and stage. mammograms interpreted.
The largest difference was found between
All data are reviewed for quality. Detected errors Linear regression analysis was performed to ex-
women who reported symptoms at the time of
are corrected before the data are entered into the amine the association of recall rates with sensitiv-
registry. This project has the approval of the inter- ity and with PPV and to adjust for relevant their screening mammogram and those who did
nal review board of the Medical School of the Uni- covariates. In a second linear regression analysis, not report symptoms: 13.6% for women report-
versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and holds the recall rates were put into the models according ing symptoms, which was twice the 6.1% for
a certificate of confidentiality from the United to the groupings that resulted from the reduced women not reporting symptoms. Recall rates
States Public Health Service. monotonic regression. were greater in black women than in white and

544 AJR:177, September 2001

Recall Rates of Screening Mammography other women. No difference was seen for family
TABLE 1 Mammography Performance by Demographic Characteristic
history of breast cancer. The characteristics of
Recall Cancer women giving rise to greater recall rates in this
No. of No. of Sensitivity PPV
Characteristic Rate Detection population included black race, age less than 50
Women Examinations (%) (%)
(%) Rate a years, extremely dense or heterogeneously dense
Age group (yr) breasts, a history of breast biopsy or surgery, re-
<40 13,596 14,454 7.3 60.6 1.9 1.4 port of a current breast problem, and no previous
40–49 49,595 61,378 7.3 69.1 2.7 2.0 mammogram or an elapsed time of more than 36
50–59 41,053 60,057 6.2 74.4 5.2 3.2 months from the previous mammogram.
The relationship of recall rates to practice vol-
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60–69 28,096 43,544 5.8 77.0 8.2 4.8

ume is seen in Table 2. Recall rates decreased
≥70 22,949 35,232 4.9 83.9 12.7 6.2
with increasing practice volume: 8.3% in the
practices with mean volumes of fewer than 200
Black 26,163 33,779 7.2 74.8 4.8 3.4 mammographic examinations per month com-
White 120,986 171,907 6.2 76.8 5.8 3.6 pared with 5.6% in practices with mean monthly
Other 2,259 2,792 6.2 75.0 3.5 2.1 volumes equal to or greater than 500.
Unknown 5,881 7,187
History of breast cancer Recall Rate and Sensitivity
Self Sensitivity was inversely related to recall rates
Yes 1,387 2,022 7.4 71.4 10.1 7.5 for age; that is, as age increased, the recall rate
No 153,902 213,643 6.3 76.3 5.6 3.5 decreased and sensitivity increased. This same
inverse relationship (decrease in recall rate and
increase in sensitivity) was seen for a decrease in
Yes 10,977 18,650 6.6 74.8 7.0 4.6
breast density, for a personal history of breast
No 99,921 142,708 6.7 75.4 4.9 3.3
cancer, for a history of breast surgery, and for the
Unknown 44,391 54,307 presence of breast symptoms. Mammograms of
History of breast biopsy or women with almost entirely fat breasts showed a
surgery high sensitivity (91.9%) and the lowest recall
Yes 34,522 52,545 7.2 70.0 6.0 4.3 rate (2.4%). Sensitivity was directly related to
No 120,767 163,120 6.0 79.2 5.5 3.3 time since the last mammogram, increasing with
Parenchymal density increasing recall rates as the time increased.
Extremely dense 10,875 14,394 6.9 58.0 4.1 2.8 Screening mammograms with the shortest time
Heterogeneously dense 58,165 82,783 7.0 68.3 4.4 3.1 since the previous mammogram had a recall rate
Scattered fibroglandular 71,952 99,290 5.9 84.0 6.6 3.9 of 5.2% and a sensitivity of 73%, and screening
densities mammograms with the longest time or with no
Almost entirely fat 9,526 13,349 2.4 91.9 10.8 2.5 previous mammogram had a recall rate of 8.7%
Unknown 4,771 5,849 and a sensitivity of 80.7%.
With respect to the volume of mammogra-
Current breast problem
phy by practice, we found that sensitivity did
Yes 3,619 4,873 13.6 64.9 7.5 10.3
not show an association with recall rates.
No 151,670 210,792 6.1 77.1 5.5 3.4
Sensitivity seemed to remain in the mid 70%
Time since last mammogram range, although the recall rate decreased with
Within 24 months 71,962 125,809 5.2 73.3 6.4 3.3 increasing mean practice volume (Table 2).
24–36 months 23,165 27,635 6.0 78.3 5.7 3.4
>36 months 60,162 62,107 8.7 80.7 4.7 4.0 Recall Rate and PPV
Total 155,289 215,665 6.3 76.2 5.6 3.5 PPV was inversely related to recall rate for
Note.—PPV = positive predictive value. age; that is, as age increased, the recall rate for
a Number detected per 1000 mammographic examinations performed. age decreased and the PPV increased. This same
pattern was seen for an increase in breast density
TABLE 2 Mammography Performance by Monthly Volume of Practice and an increase in the time elapsed since previ-
ous mammography. For age, the recall rate de-
Mean Practice No. of No. of Recall Rate Sensitivity PPV creased from 7.3% for the youngest women to
Volume a Women Examinations (%) (%) (%) 4.9% for the oldest women, and PPV rose from
Rate b
1.9% to 12.7%. For breast density, as the recall
<200 30,344 37,132 8.3 77.3 4.4 3.7 rate rose from 2.4% in the almost-entirely-fat
200–499 36,539 46,605 6.7 73.8 4.9 3.3 category to 6.8% in the extremely dense cate-
≥500 88,406 131,928 5.6 76.7 6.4 3.6 gory, the PPV decreased from 10.8% to 4.1%.
Note.—PPV = positive predictive value. PPV was directly related to the recall rate for his-
a Mean number of screening mammographic examinations. tory of breast cancer, history of breast procedure,
b Number detected per 1000 mammographic examinations performed.
and presence of a current breast problem. No as-

AJR:177, September 2001 545

Yankaskas et al.

for the 31 practices ranged from 1.9% to 13.4%.

TABLE 3 Mammography Performance by Practice
These data were fit using an isotonic regression
Cancer technique for evaluating the relationship be-
No. of No. of Recall Rate Sensitivity PPV
Practice Detection tween practice-specific recall rate and sensitiv-
Women Examinations (%) (%) (%)
Rate a ity. A graphic representation of the results is
1 95 106 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 presented in Figure 1. The line running through
2 1,097 1,563 2.1 50 6.1 1.3 the data points shows the isotonic regression fit
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3 2,172 2,862 3.6 62.5 4.8 1.7 to the data and provides an estimate of how sen-
4 18,186 28,053 3.8 63.7 7.3 2.8 sitivity increases with increasing recall rate. Fig-
ure 2 shows the analogous results for the
5 17,127 21,415 4.4 67.6 7.3 3.2
relationship of PPV as a function of recall rate,
6 812 814 4.9 100 2.5 1.2
where PPV declines with increasing recall rate.
7 897 909 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
The reduced monotonic regression shows that
8 4,743 6,230 5.2 76.5 8.0 4.2 the trends for both sensitivity and PPV are sta-
9 1,310 1,310 5.5 77.8 9.7 5.3 tistically significant. (Reduced monotonic re-
10 627 634 5.8 50.0 16.2 9.5 gression models the outcome variable as a
11 7,867 11,284 5.9 65.2 4.5 2.7 constant within groups defined by cut points.)
12 33,485 47,338 5.9 83.9 5.6 3.3 For sensitivity, a single cut point was identified
13 1,460 1,743 6.2 75.0 2.8 1.7 at a recall rate of 4.6% ( p < 0.0001). A cut point
for the relationship between recall rate and PPV
14 4,163 4,368 6.4 72.2 4.7 3.0
was identified at a recall rate of 8.8% ( p <
15 921 926 6.4 100 6.8 4.3
0.001). A second suggestive, although statisti-
16 4,282 5,205 6.5 72.7 7.1 4.6
cally not significant, cut point for PPV ( p =
17 3,133 4,497 7.0 77.8 6.6 4.7 0.13) was obtained at a recall rate of 5.7%. For
18 7,404 8,100 7.2 78.0 5.5 4.0 practices with recall rates between 1.9 and
19 19,608 35,122 7.2 82.7 6.6 4.8 4.4%, the average sensitivity was 65%; for the
20 1,984 2,149 7.5 80.0 5.0 3.7 remaining practices with recall rates greater
21 1,100 1,417 7.6 80.0 3.7 2.8 than 4.4%, the average sensitivity was 80% (Ta-
22 906 1,330 8.3 90.0 8.1 6.8 ble 4). The average PPV was 7.2% for practices
with recall rates of 1.9–5.5%, 5.9% for practices
23 695 782 8.6 75.0 4.5 3.8
with recall rates of 5.8–8.7%, and 3.3% for
24 833 848 8.7 80.0 5.4 4.7
practices with recall rates of 8.9% or greater.
25 1,963 2,692 8.9 83.3 2.1 1.9
Linear regression analysis was first per-
26 5,199 8,360 8.9 78.6 3.0 2.6 formed for recall as a continuous variable con-
27 2,374 2,945 9.5 84.6 3.9 3.7 trolling for the covariates of age, race, family
28 898 907 9.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 and personal history of breast cancer, history of
29 4,124 4,955 9.8 75.0 4.9 4.8 breast surgery or biopsy, presence of symptoms,
30 4,496 5,448 12.0 87.5 3.2 3.9 and breast density. The analysis showed that
31 1,328 1,353 13.4 75.0 3.3 4.4 practices with greater recall rates have greater
sensitivity ( p = 0.003, r 2 = 0.64). When the re-
Note.—Reported values of zero indicate no cancers occurred for that practice during the study period. PPV = positive pre-
dictive value. duced monotonic regression cut point of 4.6%
a Number detected per 1000 mammographic examinations performed. was used for the recall rate, the fit improved to
r 2 = 0.68. Linear regression analysis likewise
sociation of the recall rate with the PPV was 1000. The cancer detection rates are displayed showed that PPV decreased as recall rate in-
seen for racial group or family history of breast in the last column of Table 1. The largest differ- creased ( p = 0.0002), with an overall r 2 of 0.56.
cancer, although the PPV was greater in women ence in recall rate and associated cancer detec- When the practices are split into groups based
with a family history of breast cancer (Table 1). tion was seen for the presence of symptoms at on the reduced monotonic regression cut points,
Looking at practice volume, we found an in- screening. Recall rates rose from 6.1% in the model fit improved to 0.66.
verse relationship of PPV to recall rate for mean women who did not have symptoms to 13.6%
practice volume, with PPV increasing from 4.4% in symptomatic women, with the associated
in practices with the lowest volume to 6.4% in cancer detection rate rising from 3.4 to 10.3 per Discussion
practices with the largest volume, and recall rates 1000. No association between recall rate and The main purpose of this study was to ex-
decreased from 8.3% to 5.6% (Table 2). cancer detection was seen with respect to race, amine the association of recall rates with
family history of breast cancer, or breast density. sensitivity and PPV. We found no published
Recall Rate and Cancer Detection Rate study that focuses on recall rates alone. A
The overall cancer detection rate (cancers Recall Rate, Sensitivity, and PPV search using the terms “recall rates” and
seen on screening mammograms as a percent- The individual data for each practice in the “performance” turned up studies that men-
age of the total screened population) was 3.5 per study are displayed in Table 3. The recall rates tioned recall rates in the pursuit of measuring

546 AJR:177, September 2001

Recall Rates of Screening Mammography

rates are in the range of what has been re-

ported previously in this literature.
Comparing our results directly with those in
the literature is difficult because of the variation
in the definition of recall (often, a definition is
lacking). In previous studies, “recall” has been
defined on the basis of clinical judgment [29];
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need for further workup (including clinical

breast examination, sonography, or cytology)
[26]; recommendation for further imaging, in-
cluding repeated mammography, for technical
reasons [11]; recommendation for workup for
clinical or radiographic suspicion of malignancy
[32]; and other factors. Some studies restrict re-
call to further imaging only; other studies may
include recommendations for biopsy. Obviously,
the definition affects the recall rate and thereby
its relationship with PPV and sensitivity. Our es-
timates are internally consistent and were based
Fig. 1.—Line graph shows isotonic regression of recall association with sensitivity according to mammography practice. on recall defined as the proportion of screening
mammography examinations resulting in a rec-
ommendation for further workup, including re-
call for imaging studies and invasive procedures
if they were recommended on the basis of the
screening mammography findings. We did not
include cases recalled for repeated mammogra-
phy requested for technical reasons.
Recall rates in the non–United States litera-
ture tend to be reported separately for prevalent
and incident screening programs [13]. That
method of reporting occurs less often in the
United States, where both are usually com-
bined. We were able to analyze our data by time
elapsed since the previous screening examina-
tion, which approximates the prevalence and in-
cidence screening data. In the Canadian
screening programs, the recall rates were 9.5%
for initial screening and 4.6% for subsequent
screening [24]. Our recall rates were 8.7% for
an interval longer than 36 months (including no
Fig. 2.—Graph shows isotonic regression of recall association with positive predictive value according to mam- previous screening) and 5.2% for an interval of
mography practice. 24 months or less. More than 60% of the
women had previous screening within 3 years
of the present screening. Our evaluation of the
TABLE 4 Sensitivity and Positive Predictive Value of Mammography by Recall Rate
effect of elapsed time between mammograms
No. of No. of No. of No. of shows that decreasing the time between subse-
Recall Rate (%) Sensitivity (%) PPV (%)
Examinations Practices Recalls Cancers quent mammograms reduces recall and im-
1.9–4.4 53,999 5 2,165 238 65.1 (59.1–71.1) 7.2 (6.1–8.3) proves other performance measures. Hunt et al.
4.8–5.5 9,263 4 482 44 77.3 (64.9–89.6) 7.1 (4.8–9.4)
[33] found similar results in their study, indicat-
ing a significant 30% reduction in recall for an-
5.8–8.7 125,743 15 8,232 607 79.7 (76.5–82.8) 5.9 (5.4–6.4)
nual mammography versus biennial, a finding
8.9–13.4 26,660 7 2,673 111 80.2 (72.7–87.6) 3.3 (2.6 –4.0)
that was consistent across age groups.
Note.—Numbers in parentheses are 95% confidence interval. PPV = positive predictive value. Our study was performed on data prospec-
tively collected from 31 community practices
performance [8, 19–25], recall rates related addition, a few specific reports related recall for mammography in North Carolina. The
to the question of double interpretation [10, rates to history of a previous benign biopsy women in this screened population represent
26], and recall rates obtained from single- [8] and the presence of implants or a history approximately 25% of the women more than
view versus two-view screening [27–30]. In of breast cancer [31]. Our findings of recall 40 years old in North Carolina. The women in

AJR:177, September 2001 547

Yankaskas et al.

our population are similar to the population creased, and PPV decreased. Black women Netherlands: results of initial and subsequent screen-
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eral, not just in North Carolina [34, 35]. As was also greater for black women than for 7. Kerlikowske K, Grady D, Barclay J, Sickles EA,
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ily history on the sensitivity of first screening
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were higher for women who were younger; with increasing elapsed time since screening
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10. Warren RML, Duffy SW. Comparison of single
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