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Name: ___________________________________ Form: ____________


2023 /2024
1 2 jam Satu jam tiga puluh minit

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of FIVE parts, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Part 4 and Part 5.
3. All answers should be shaded or written in the Answer Sheet, at
the back of the question paper.
4. Answer all the questions.
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Possible Marks Marks Obtained

1 8
2 8
3 8
4 10
5 6
Total 40
Parent’s signature:
Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each of the question,
shade A, B or C in the answer sheet.

Superstition (noun)
-a belief that some objects or actions are lucky
or unlucky, or that they cause events to happen,
based on old ideas of magic

Taken from

1. Based on the dictionary entry, what is superstition?

A. Superstition is an old and a new belief.

B. Superstition is magic and belief that someone is very lucky.
C. Superstition is a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky.

The Oldest Road

The Road to Giza is a passage that existed more than 4,000
years. It is the oldest known paved road in the world, and it has a
distance of 12 km from the Southwest of Cairo to the Quay
situated at Lake Moeris, which links to the Nile. During its
thousands of years of presence, the road was at one time used to
transport gigantic blocks of boulders to Giza.

2. The Road to Giza is more than 4, 000 years old and was once used to

A. link the West to Cairo

B. transport boulders to Giza
C. located at the Nile and has a distance of 12 meters

3. From the poster above, we learn that _______________.

A. Culture Tour is part of the Luxury Package

B. in the Basic Package, there is a River Cruise
C. the Luxury Package is more expensive than the Basic Package


Serena Williams
Did you know that many athletes would do certain ‘rituals’ before or during competition to ensure a
win. One of them is Serena Williams. She is one of the greatest and most feared female tennis player
in the world. For the 27-year-old, these quirks include bringing her shower sandals to the court, tying
her shoelaces a specific way and bouncing the ball five times before her first serve and twice before
her second. The three-time Wimbledon champ will even wear the same pair of socks throughout the
tournament. Williams is so set in her superstitions; she has chalked up major losses to not following
her own routine correctly.

4. Which of the following beliefs / superstitions did Serena Williams do during
tennis competition?

A. She would bring her shower sandals to court.

B. She would put on different pair of socks during the whole tournament.
C. She would bounce the ball twice before the first serve and five times
before her second serve.

Dear Kim,   
I want to share with you a new video game that I am playing. It is Taxi
Boss. It’s quite an easy game. I have to take passengers from one point to
another in a limited amount of time. At the same time, the faster you do it and
the richer the passenger you are carrying, the more tips he will pay you upon
arrival. I find it quite difficult as I have to drive really fast and the roads are
usually congested. I will have to practice more. You might want to try this game.


5. The video game, Taxi Boss is a game that you play _____________.

A. solo
B. with a friend
C. in groups of four


Good and quality sleep This activity has a myriad
A balanced nutritional can stimulate the immune of health benefits, such as
intake means food whose system in top condition; preventing obesity,
nutritional content is in so that it is ready to fight protecting yourself from
accordance with one's disease-causing pathogens the risk of cardiovascular
needs. Sources of that enter the body. disease, and reducing the
nutrients are found in risk of osteoporosis.
various types of food.

6. Which of the following is a suitable title for the above poster?




35 32
20 18


7. Rina would like to save money to buy a new iPhone. Which of the following
should she do to enable her to save money faster.

A. Rina should reduce the amount of money spent on food by bringing food
from home.
B. Rina should reduce the amount of money spent on transportation by taking
a taxi every day.
C. Rina should reduce the amount of money spent on buying new video
games by buying more clothes.


Money Skills for Teens, by Ferne Bowe, provides everything a teen needs to
know about personal finance. From budgeting and saving to investing and
building credit. This book covers all the essential money skills every teenager
should know.
Using real-life examples and easy-to-understand language, the book provides
practical advice to help teens develop a healthy relationship with money. From
budgeting and saving for emergencies to investing in stocks and using credit
responsibly, this book covers it all.
Adapted from

8. The book review above recommends the book because it_______________.

A. covers certain parts of personal finance like investment and savings.

B. shares on how teens can be responsible by using easy-to-understand
C. uses every day examples and has a simple way in explaining all aspects
of money management.

Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each of the question,
write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

About fifty years ago, my grandfather and my father used the steam train to travel.
(0) It’s speed was slow as it (9) cover a distance of 100 kilometres in several days.
The seats were made of wood and uncomfortable. The trains were also very noisy,
due to early locomotives which were not turbocharged. There were also lots of
smoke coming out from it because of burning of coal and wood in the locomotives
fire box which (10) polluting the air. Technological development in transportation
(11) have provide benefits that have brought all countries economic progress and
growth. Today, we (12) rode an electric express train. It (13) were run at 100 km in
several minutes, and its seats (14) is leather, which is very comfortable, and it does
not pollute the environment. Based on research by scientists, cities (15) can been
move towards networks of driverless taxis. Trains (16) must used alternative fuel
such as maglev technology, short for magnetic levitation, which has the advantage of
having no friction having the capability of traveling 600 kmph. UAM (Urban Air
Mobility) will begin to be a common method of transportation. All these
advancements will reduce global warming through the use of alternative fuels.

[ 8 marks]

0. Its

Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24. For each question, write your
answer in the space provided on your answer sheet

Ways to Earn Money

Money is the medium of exchange (paper or plastic), in which people use to buy things
that they want. It is important to understand the value of money. One way to instil in teens
the value of money is to get them to save, in order to buy things that they like. Teenagers
can save money by putting aside a portion of their pocket money. Teenagers can bring
food from home and do not have to buy food from the canteen. The extra money can be
put aside. When the piggy bank is full, we can put in all the money into our savings
account. Now banks accept coins too.

Besides that, we could also sell unused toys, books and old shirts. This method will not
just give us some money, it also helps in clearing the storage at home. The most strategic
way to sell this item is by selling them online.

Another good way to get money is to start a business. If you have a big garden at home,
you are lucky. Those land can be used to plant vegetables, fruits and beautiful flowers.
When these plants grow, you can sell this natural resource to the neighbours. Some of
the money should be used to buy new plants so that you can get more money the next

Apart from that, in order to save money, we can do some part-time jobs. We can work at
shops, restaurants, petrol stations and shopping malls. Then, we can save all of the
wages in our savings account or use them for emergency. Even though these are
effective ways to save money, but as a teenager, we should manage our time to study

Questions 17 to 24
Complete the mind map.

Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet. Besides notes, banks also Types of money
2 things you will get when accept
17 ______________
you sell unused toys 20 __________________
21 _______________ How teenagers learn the value
Ways to earn money of money
22 _______________
By 18 _________________
The number of
An advantage of having a suggested ways teens We do this, when the piggy bank is
big garden can earn money filled
23 grow ______________ 24 ______________ Put money 19 __________________
Part 4
Read the information below and answer questions 25 to 34.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Teenagers are now using the internet more than ever. They view the internet and
even more so the mobile phones as positive aspects of our society. On the other
hand, these same technologies are also often used negatively. How so? There are
people who troll the internet to bully others. It is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is
bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.
Teenagers are often fall victims to cyberbullying. They are being followed around the
clock, and into the safety of their homes.

Cyberbullying can be physical, verbal, and emotional. Physical cyberbullying happens

when the bully makes fun of the victim’s appearance, sends them pictures of
themselves with hurtful messages written on their bodies, or posts pictures of them
online with derogatory comments. Verbal cyberbullying occurs when the bully
threatens to harm or embarrass the victims in public, posts hurtful comments about
them on social media, or sends them offensive emails. Emotional cyberbullying
happens when the bully makes fun of or criticises the victim’s personal life or

The effects of cyberbullying are in many ways worse than traditional bullying. It
infiltrates every part of a victim’s life, causing psychological struggles. Victims of
cyberbullies may feel distracted and pre-occupied with the bullying, spending the time
thinking of ways to avoid it. They may also experience lack of interest and motivation
due to depression or anxiety, which eventually leads to not attending classes and
come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid school.

Victims of cyberbullying should not suffer in silence. Victims should speak to their
parents or teachers regarding this. Besides that, victims may also want to consider 7
filing a police report if the bullying is physical or threatening. Victims should not just sit
and take the abuse. Speak out against the bullies and tell them that their behaviour is
not right. You may also want to consider using social media to spread awareness
Questions 25 - 32
Write no more than five words and / or a number from the text for each of the
answer. For each of the question, write your answer in the space provided on your
answer sheet.
25 Cyberbullies are people who use the internet _________________________.
[1 mark]

26 _______________________________ are usually the target of cyberbullying.


27 The three types of cyberbullying are _______________________________.


28 ___________________________ is described as the victims being

intimidated that they will be harmed in public by the bullies. [1mark]

29 Cyberbullying is worse off than traditional bullying because it affects all

aspects of the __________________________. [1mark]

30 Teenagers who are being bullied suffer depression and will ultimately stop

31 Victims of cyberbullying should share their experience of being bullied with

______________________________________. [1mark]

32 The main cause of cyberbullying is the _____________________________.


Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
Meaning Word

33 insulting ______________________________

34 penetrates ______________________________

Part 5
Questions 35 to 40
You are going to read about An Unlucky Boy who became Lucky.
Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A -H)
to fill in each gap (35 to 40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need
to use. For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer
For each of the question, shade the
An Unlucky correct
Boy whoanswer (A-D)
became on your answer sheet.
There was a boy name Lionel. He is a lonely boy with no friends because
he was very poor. Both his parents died when he was ten years old.
All his relatives abandoned him. He earned a living by begging on the streets.
One day, while he was seated near the bridge, a beautiful woman
approached him. Lionel was shocked and ran away. It happened for the next few
days. This time, Lionel remained where he was. The old lady spoke 36
to Lionel and asked about his family. Lionel opened up and spoke to the old
woman. The old lady offered to walk with Lionel. After walking for 37
fifteen minutes, they reached the old lady’s house. After much
persuasion, Lionel relented. Once they were in the house, the old lady told Lionel
to wash up while she prepared dinner. Lionel was speechless at who he saw at
the dinner table. Lionel tried to run away but was caught by one of the
bodyguards. The beautiful lady introduced herself as Lionel’s long-lost aunt who
has been searching for him for the past two years. Lionel wonders if it
was luck
A orOnhisthe
destiny to meet
fifth day, his
an old long-lost
looking aunt.sat near Lionel.
B A man with long beard and wearing a suit approached him.
C Lionel was reluctant to enter because it was a mansion.
D Since then, Lionel stayed in the big mansion and no longer had to beg.
E He has no one to depend on.
F There was so much food and children in the house.
G Lionel lost track of time and told the old lady that it was late and he had to
H The beautiful woman who approached him near the bridge was seated at

the dinner table.


Name: ___________________________________ Form: ____________


2023 /2024
1 jam Satu jam

1. You may only open the question paper when instructed.
2. This question paper consists of TWO parts, Part 1 and Part 2.
3. You need to answer both the questions.
4. All answers should be written in the space provided in the question
5. Check your answers.

For Examiner’s Use

Name of Examiner:
Parts Possible Marks Marks Obtained

1 20
2 20
Total 40
Parent’s signature:

Part 1

[20 marks]
Read a message from you friend, Hilda.

How’s everything with you? I need your advice. My school is organizing a
leadership camp for all the prefects this December. However, my parents
have other plans. They want me to go for a holiday with them. I really want
to go for the leadership camp. What should I do? Any advice?
Your friend in need,

In about 80 words, write an email to Hilda giving her some advice.


Part 2

[20 marks]
You listened to a talk in school about the importance of being healthy.
In about 80 – 100 words, write an essay on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
You may use the notes below to help you.

Exercise Drink lots of

regularly water

Healthy Lifestyle

Have enough Eat lots of

sleep fruits and

Write your essay here.


2023 / 2024 PAPER 1

Part 1 (8 marks)

1. C 2. B
Clue: a belief that some objects or
Clue: During its thousands of
actions are lucky or unlucky, years of presence, the road was at
one time used to … Giza.
3. C 4. A
Clue: Luxury Package – RM 1 753 Clue: For … these quirks include
Basic Package – RM 845 bringing her shower sandals to the
court, … second.
5. A 6. B
Clue: I have to take passengers Clue: Eating nutritious food,
from one point to … time. getting enough rest and doing
exercise are tips for staying
7. A 8. C
Clue: Rina spent the most on food Clue: Using real-life examples and
and the solution of bringing food easy-to-understand language, …
from home is the best solution to with money.
help Rina. From budgeting and saving to
investing and building credit, …
should know.

Part 2 (8 marks)

9. covered (past tense) 10. pollute (present tense)

Clue: It’s speed was slow … Clue: There … because of burning
of coal and wood in the
locomotives fire box which …the
11. has provided (present perfect 12. ride (present tense)
tense) Clue: Today, we … an electric
Clue: Technological development express train.
in transportation … progress and
13. is running (present continuous) 14. are (present tense)
Clue: It … at 100 km … Clue: …and its seats …leather,
environment. which is … environment.

15. will be moving (future tense) 16. will use (will-future tense-
Clue: Based on research … affirmative)
networks of driverless taxis. [an Clue: Trains … capability of
event that will happen in the traveling 600 mph.

Part 3 (8 marks)

17. paper or plastic 18. saving / getting them to save

Clue: Money is the medium of Clue: One way to instill in teens
exchange (paper or plastic), … the value of money is to get them
want. to save,
19. into our savings account 20. coins
Clue: When the piggy bank is full, Clue: Now banks accept coins too.
we can … account.
21. gives us money (helps clear the 22. helps clear the storage (gives
storage) us money)
Clue: This method will not just Clue: This method will not just
give us some money, it also helps give us some money, it also helps
in clearing the storage at home. in clearing the storage at home.
23. vegetables, fruits and beautiful 24. Four / 4
flowers Clue: 1. Bringing food from
Clue: If you have a big garden at home, 2. selling unused toys…3.
home, you are lucky. Those land Start a business
can be used to plant vegetables, 4. Work part-time
fruits and beautiful flowers.

Part 4 (10 marks)

25. to bully others 26. Teenagers

Clue: There are people who troll Clue: Teenagers are often fall
the internet to bully others. victims to cyberbullying.
27. physical, verbal, and 28. Verbal cyberbullying
emotional. Clue: Verbal cyberbullying occurs
Clue: Cyberbullying can be when the bully threatens to harm
physical, verbal, and emotional. or embarrass the victims in public.
29. victim’s life 30. attending class or school
Clue: The effects of cyberbullying Clue: They … depression or
are in many ways worse than anxiety, which eventually leads to
traditional bullying. It infiltrates not attending classes and come up
every part of a victim’s life with all kinds of excuses to avoid
31. parents or teachers 32. internet
Clue: Victims should speak to Clue: Teenagers are now using the
their parents or teachers regarding internet more than ever.
this. Without internet, there will be no
33. derogatory 34. infiltrates

Part 5 (6 marks)

35. E 36. A
Clue: All his relatives abandoned Clue: The old lady spoke to
him. Lionel and asked about his
37. G 38. C
Clue: Lionel opened up and spoke After much persuasion, Lionel
to the old woman. relented.
39. H 40. D
Clue: Lionel was speechless at Clue: Lionel’s aunt is rich. He can
who he saw at the dinner table. stay and doesn’t have to beg
The beautiful lady introduced … anymore.
two years.


2023 / 2024 PAPER 2

Part 1 (20 marks) Suggested Answers

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.

Suggested Answer 1
Dear Hilda,
I am overjoyed to have received your message. I am in the best of
health. How about you? I hope you are well too. You mentioned in your
message that you needed my advice. Well, I think you can go for both the
activities if the timing does not clash with each other. Before you miss out on
both, find out the date for the camp. as well as the dates for the holiday.
Hope it helps!

Your name
77 words

📌Content – Good points mentioned with the correct format for an email

📌Communicative Achievement – The points are simple to understand with

appropriate tone used for writing an email to a friend.

📌Organisation – Ideas are well organized. Good flow of ideas.

📌Language – Proper use of good vocabulary and grammar with no errors in


Suggested Answer 2
I am well, thank you. How about you? I hope you are well to. I am
happy to hear that you have been selected to attend the Leadership Camp. You
are in a dilemma. I do understand. My advice is for you speak to your parents
on why you want to attend the Leadership Camp. They might allow you to go
for the camp instead of a holiday. It is worth a try.

Good luck!
Best of Luck,
Your name
73 words

📑Content: Student understood the format of an email and wrote a reply

📑Communicative Achievement: Student managed to explain the ideas well and

has developed a personal way of writing.

📑Organisation: The email ideas are well organized, with introduction, body and

📑Language: Student clearly has a good grasp of the English Language, with
appropriate use of words for writing to a friend.

Part 2 (20 marks) Suggested Answers

 Accept any relevant / acceptable answers.
Suggested Answer 1
I am fit as a fiddle. I seldom fall sick. I think it is because of the healthy
lifestyle that I lead. Every day, I will drink at least eight glasses of plain water.
However, during hot weather, I will drink more.
Another advice, is to have an early night. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.
every night and wake up at 6 a.m. every day. This is to make sure that I have
eight hours of sleep and have adequate rest. It is important to lead a healthy

96 words

📌Content – Mentioned good ideas based on the topic.

📌Communicative Achievement – The ideas are well-explained.

📌Organisation – Ideas are well organized. Makes it easy to understand.

📌Language – Proper use of good vocabulary and grammar with no errors in

punctuation or spelling.

Suggested Answer 2
Teenagers today do not have a healthy lifestyle. As we grow, we need to

realise the importance of healthy lifestyle, so that we are able to live to a ripe old
age and not be a burden to our parents or family members.
One of the things that we can do is to go to bed early. Teenagers usually go
to bed late because they spend time playing video games or watch Tik Tock
videos. Sleep deficiency is closely linked to many serious health problems like
diabetes. Hence, it is important to have enough sleep.
95 words

📑Content -Good introduction. Ideas are relevant to the topic.

📑 Communicative Achievement - It has a topic sentence at the beginning of the

second paragraph. The subsequent sentences expand on the ideas mentioned in
the topic sentence.

📑Organisation - The essay has ideas that are well organized, with introduction,
body and

📑Language - There is good use of vocabulary such as sleep deficiency and



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