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Mata Pelajaran :BAHASA INGGRIS Hari : ..........
Kelas / Semester : IV/ I Tanggal : .........
Nama : ...... Waktu : 90 menit
Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf a, b, atau c pada jawaban yang benar !
1. Look at the picture below!
How many math books are there?
A. eighty seven
B. eighty six
C. ninety seven
D. ninety six

2. Look at the picture below!

How many pencils are there?
A. sixty eight
B. sixty nine
C. fifty eight
D. fifty nine

3. 45 + 35 = . . .
A. sixty
B. eighty
C. seventy
D. ninety

4. Look at the picture below!

What number is Mr. Made's house?
A. ninety eight
B. ninety seven
C. eighty nine
D. eighty five

5. Look at the picture below!

Where is jojo?
A. he is in bathroom
B. he is in living room
C. he is in dining room
D. he is in bedroom

6. Look at the picture below!

Where are siti and family?
A. they are in kitchen
B. they are in garage
C. they are in living room
D. they are in dining room
7. Look at the picture below!
How is the condition?
A. clean
B. dirty
C. tidy
D. empty

8. Look at the picture below!

Where is the kitchen?
A. The kitchen is behind the bathroom
B. The kitchen is beside the dining room
C. The kitchen is behind the bedroom
D. The kitchen is beside the living room

9. Look at the picture below!

Tiyas in the bedroom
A. Sleeps
B. read
C. writes
D. draws

Arrange the words for number 14-17

10. R E T U C I P
A. Retupic
B. Tucirep
C. Picture
D. Picuter

11. C K L O C
A. Colkc
B. Ckloc
C. Clokc
D. Clock

12. M L A P
A. Lamp
B. Lapm
C. Lmpa
D. Mlap

13. V I L E T E S I O N
A. Telesiovin
B. Televisión
C. Viletesion
D. Vitelesion
14. My mother is cooking in the .....
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen

15. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the .....

A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen

16. Putri and Salma the pool

a. cleaning
b. swimming
c. playing marbles
d. Sleeping

17. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the .....

A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen

18. What is “seratus” in English….

a. One hundred
b. Two hundred
c. Minus
d. Times

Look at the picture and complete the sentences for number 19-22!

19. Mr. Udin ...... a newspaper in the living room

A. Watches
B. Reads
C. Cooks
D. Studies

20. Cici and mom watch .... in the living room.

B. A Book
C. A Lamp
D. A doll
21. Lili plays doll in the ........
A. In the living room
B. In the bedroom
C. In the kitchen
D. In the bathroom

22. What does Ujang do in the living room?

A. Studies
B. Plays
C. Eats
D. Sleeps

23. The dining room memiliki arti dalam bahasa Indonesia……

a. ruang makan
b. ruang keluarga
c. makanan
d. ruang tertutup

24. The living room memiliki arti dalam bahasa Indonesia…..

a. ruang keluarga
b. kamar tidur
c. ruang tamu
d. ruang belajar

25. Putri and Salma the pool

a. cleaning
b. swimming
c. playing marbles
d. Sleeping

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