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Mata Pelajaran :BAHASA INGGRIS Hari : ..........

Kelas / Semester : III / I Tanggal : .........
Nama : ...... Waktu : 90 menit
Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf a, b, atau c pada jawaban yang benar !

1. We have two ....

a. hands
b. nose
c. mouth

Text for number 2 to 4

We have one nose.
Nose is for smelling.
We can smell the flowers with our nose.
We should take good care of our nose.

2. We have .... nose.

a. one
b. two
c. three

3. We use our nose for ....

a. tasting
b. speaking
c. smelling

4. We can .... the flowers with our nose.

a. hear
b. smell
c. taste

5. We have .... for hearing.

a. eye
b. ear
c. lips
6. We can taste food using our ....
a. tongue
b. teeth
c. lip

7. We chew the food using our ....

a. tongue
b. nose
c. teeth

8. Look, Anita’s .... is long and black.

a. hair
b. hand
c. head

9. My brother wears a cap on his ....

a. neck
b. head
c. hand

10. Your .... is chubby.

a. nose
b. mouth
c. cheek

11. Fatimah : hi, Anton. Do you like playing soccer?

Anton :.........
Jawaban yang sesuai untuk mengisi dialog anton adalah....
a. Yes. I like playing soccer
b. Yes. I like reading
c. Yes. I like gardening

12. look at the picture!

Fatimah like....
a. Reading book
b. Playing music
c. Gardening

13. Nita : Do you go to school by public transportation?

Made : ..........

Jawaban yg sesuai dengan gambar disamping adalah......

a. Yes, I go to school with taxi
b. No, I go to school with bicycle
c. No, I go there on foot
14. look at the picture ?

a. made washes his hair with shampoo

b. anton washes his body with soap
c. Adi brushes his teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste

15. Kakek dan nenek dalam bahasa inggris adalah….

a. Grandfather and grandmother
b. Uncle and aunt
c. Brother and sister

16. Paman dan bibi dalam bahasa inggris adalah….

a. Grandfather and grandmother
b. Uncle and aunt
c. Brother and sister

17. Look at the picture !

a. she doesn’t brush her teeth after eating
b. She brushes her teeth
c. She washes her body with soap

18. Look at the picture!

a. She dries her hair with hairdryer
b. she washes her body with soap
c. She brushes her teeth with toothbrush

19. Look at the picture!

a. She dries her hair with hairdryer
b. she washes her hand
c. She brushes her teeth with toothbrush

20. I take a bath twice a day artinya….

a. Saya mandi dua kali sehari
b. Saya menggosok gigi dua kali sehari
c. Saya mencuci rambut dua kali sehari

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