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Vote of Thanks

Cooking MaMa Workshop

April Monthly Fellowship Gathering 2024
National President Senator Ben Mak, National Immediate Past President Kenneth Yu,
National Assigned Executive Officer Rex Choi, JCI Officers, Past National Presidents,
National Officers, Chapter President, Past Presidents, Senators, Fellow Jaycees and

Our April Monthly Fellowship Gathering: Cooking MaMa Workshop was successfully held on
30 April 2024.

[photo here]

We are grateful to be able to rent SoMa Kitchen studio as our venue and be honoured to
invite Elle Ng, chief of SoMa kitchen as out guest chief. Cooking MaMa workshop is a family
events that emphasize on the children's play right, we believe that providing enough play
time for children and family activities in occasion can benefit the mental and physical growth
of children. As one of JCITW's flagship projects is about children play right, I am sure this
MFG can raise the awareness of children's right.

[photo here]

In addition to matching the theme of our JCITW flagship project, this MFG aims to provide
more diversity to our JCITW's monthly fellowship gathering. The workshop requires us to use
our creativity to garnish our food and communicate with others in order to finish cooking. At
the end of this event, I believe JCITW members will bond a closer relationship with each
other and potentially benefits the future development of JCITW.

Here are the highlights of the event:

[more photo here]

This MFG cannot be held successfully without the help of the following members:
Supervisor : Kay Lam
Supervising officer : Hobe Lai
Secretary & treasurer : Chloe Chow
Program & logistic: Janie
MC : David Li

Last but not least, I would like to thank JCITW president Carmen Choi and every JCITW board
members for giving me the opportunities to be the chairman. And thank you everyone who
participated our MFG event.

Thank you for reading this vote of thank till the end. On behalf of JCITW, we hope to see
everyone in the coming events!

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