The impact of social media on society

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The impact of social media on society

Almost a quarter of the world’s population is on Facebook. In the usa nearly 80% of all the
internet users are on this platform. Because social networks feed of interactions among
people, they become more powerful as they grow.
And when these people find one another via social media, they can do things- create memes,
publications and entire online worlds that bolster their world view and then break into

Without social media, social, ethical, environmental and political liis would have minima
visibility. Increased visibility of issues has shifted the balance of power from the hand of a
few to masses.

With the use of platforms like face book, twitter, and instagram, how people socialize has
been greatly has made it easy to connect to our family members, friends and
relatives on a real-time basic.

With social media, people can share pictures and videos and communicate with therir.close
ones. This has strengthened relationship and it is bringing families together in a way that was
not possible in the past.

Families, friends, relatives and businesses have opportunity to share skills and improve on
different precedencies, additionally, people get to make and meet new friends.
But the scope and impact of social media is certainly very huge on the world we can say that
social media has been impacting several fields and sections in its own way. While it helps in
helping people know about business online due to social marketing, it also helps people
increase communication with the help of sites to be present and tell us about what is going on
with the world.

However, the impact of social media hasn’t always been a positive one to be honest. Yes
there are many negative impacts of having social media in our lives as well, cybercrime such
as bullying have increased due to this have the security threats as well.

Positive impact of social media on social

Here are some of the positive effects that social media
1. Enhancing the communications and connectivity
We all know that social media is a great tools for connecting with people from all around
the world. Juts with click of a button, you will be to befriend anyone sitting in any corner
of the world. Just one click of a button, you will be able to befriend any one siting in any
corner of the why wouldn’t try and take benefit of it.

2. Business strategies and planning

There is no doubt about the fact social media is a great tool for businesses. How do we all
known that most of the business these days are online businesses? So, how do you think
get to know about these business and that they exit? It is through the platforms of social

3. Social media helps in the noble deeds

Many of people might know about it but social media is fantastic tool that you can y use
in order to make sure that able to conduct some noble deeds.

4. Mental health benefits

We, we all known that emotions that you express in the online world have great capacity
of affecting that moods as well. You will not only be able to relive the social isolation
that you feel but it will also make you bit open so that people deal.

5. Social media saves the lives

Yes, you heard it right, people. Social media is a platform where you will find many
suicide help-lines and their deatails.these help-lines are a great deal when it comes it
comes to preventing the suicide cases that are rampant in our country.

Negative effects of social media

Till now you have just heard about the positive effects of having social media. But trust,
there is a negative side in there as is true the social media has helped us in many us
ways possible. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a dark side to it.

Here some the negative effects that social media has had on us and society as a whole

1. Anxiety and depression

It is definitely true that spending some time on social media can be help you up to
people. But it is also true that if you trend to do it too much, then it can have a
negative impact of the brain as well. There are many cases where people were
reported to have improper mental health because they spend too much time on social
media. That is not even it as there are many people who have got anxiety as well as
depression from doing too much social media.

2 cyberbullying
When it comes to cyber issues, the bullying on the internet is one of the gravest issues
that the people face this is all due to social media. Through the hidden
platform of social media, many teens are getting bullied in the most horrible way.
Social media platforms allows the users to hide behind the screen and attacks people
in the most gruesomeway.they can be many negative effects due to that.

3 lack of privacy
Stalking, identity theft, personal attacks, and misuse of information are some the threats
faced by the users of social media. Most of the time, the users themselves are to blame as
they end up sharing content that should not be in the public eye. The confusion arises
from a lack of understanding of how the private and public and public element of an
online profile actually work.

Unfortunately by the time private content is deleted, it’s usually too late and can cause
problems peoples personal and professional lives.

4. LOW self-esteem

We all feel insecure at some point in our life that we may or may not speak about openly
to others. Avoid comparing yourself to others by stalking their perfect social media
accounts. Such things could do little to assuage your feelings of self-doubt and self-
esteem. You risk placing you happiness in a variable that is completely beyond your
control this way.

5. Emotional issues
Though social media help you connect easily the whole world, the increased tendency of
comparing with others makes them feel left out or inferior than others. Excessive use of social
media makes on socially isolated and lonely than those who are not a frequent user of this

How social media impact culture

Social media has been a major part of our daily totally effected our in positive and
negative ways. There are so many positive impacts of social media on our culture.soical media
increased the connections between people and created an environment in which you can share
your opinions, pictures and lots of stuff.soical media improved creativity and social awareness
for our society by interacting with others people and sharing new ideas and is also
important for any business because at some point.

Following are the examples on how social media has impacted our culture

The effect of social media on politics-media’s influence in political campaigns has increased

The impact of social media on society- nary 80% of all internet users are on this platform.
Because social networks feed off interactions among people, they become more powerful as they

The impact of social media on commerce

The rise of social media means it’s unusual to find an organization that does not reach its
customers and prospects through one social media platform or another. Companies see the
importance of using social media to connect with and build revenue.

The effects of social media on the world of work

Social media has had a profound effect on recruitment and hiring.19 percent of hiring managers
make their hiring decisions based on information found on social media. According to career
builders 2016 social media recruitment survey, 60 percent of employers use social networking
sites to research jobs candidates.

5 the impact of social media on training and development

Job candidates who develop skills on the latest and most advance social media techniques are far
more employable.
To explain, social media culture is broken down into three parts
1. Communication
2. Socialization
3. Change

1. Communication
By connecting individuals who were towns, states, countries or continents apart
individuals to quickly and easily communicate, thereby leading to an increased sense of
Facebook, instagram.twitter, linked in and many other social media sites were created
with purpose of giving users the ability to communicate and feel connected

2. Socialization
Social media serves, more recent, important purpose of teaching individuals what is
socially acceptable present one self.

When these individuals interact with their peers on social the social contagion effect takes
place an effect which can lead to adopting certain behaviors and belief from those with a
social network

3 change
While communication and socialization are necessary parts of social media, change is by –
product change can be political or social and involve many different facets of life. By
communicating and socializing on social media, individuals challenge their own biases and
force others to do the same which sometimes leads to powerful change. Social media culture has
three very important parts communication, socialization and change these parts can both harm
and benefit the is society’s responsibility to limit social media’s possibility of harm and
increase its possibility of benefit.

Social media is a good way to stay connected to people home country so can be aware of what
going on here and back goods to link people across countries so that they can understand
each other. For people who traveling to another country social media is a good place to learn
about the host culture .

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