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Japanese Soft Power in Indonesia on Anime Entitled Ufo Baby: Study of

Popular Culture

Article in IZUMI · November 2021

DOI: 10.14710/izumi.10.2.328-337


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3 authors, including:

Mulyadi Muhammad
Universitas Padjadjaran


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IZUMI, Volume 10 No 2, 2021, [Page | 328]
e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
Available online at:

Research Article

Japanese Soft Power in Indonesia on Anime Entitled Ufo

Baby: Study of Popular Culture
Risa Yuliani*, R.M Mulyadi, M. Adji

Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Indonesia


Received: Jan 14th, 2021; Revised: Oct 4th, 2021; Accepted: Nov 1st, 2021
Available online: Nov 13th, 2021; Published regularly: Dec 2021


Anime as Japanese popular culture has been successfully consumed by mass in many countries. It indicates that
Japan's strategy to make anime one of its soft powers has been successfully accepted by the world community. In
Indonesia, since anime entered the television, the enthusiasm given by the community has been good and
positive. Anime is liked by various circles, especially children, even today. Ufo Baby is one of the shows on
RCTI, even though it's not as global as Doraemon, for example, but apart from an interesting storyline, this anime
also incorporates many elements of Japanese culture. The aim of this study is to explain the soft power of Japan
in Indonesia on anime entitled “Ufo Baby”. The research method uses a qualitative approach with interpretive
analysis. The researched part is scenes from anime that contain cultural elements. The approach used is John
Storey's cultural theory and Nye Joseph's theory of soft power. Data collection was conducted to examine the
influence of Japanese culture on Indonesian society by using interview techniques. The results of this study reveal
that in the Ufo Baby anime there are elements of soft power culture used by Japan. From the results of research,
the culture shown in anime has an influence on Indonesian society marked by the community's participation in
celebrating traditional Japanese festivals and the discovery of many typical Japanese goods sold in local shops.

Keywords: Anime; Japan; Popular Culture; Soft Power

How to cite (APA):

Yuliani, R., Mulyadi, R. M., & Adji, M. (2021). Japanese Soft Power in Indonesia on Anime Entitled Ufo Baby:
Study of Popular Culture, 10(2), 328–337.


1. Introduction to please people and is liked by many

In this era of globalization, which makes it people. Popular culture today is almost
easier to exchange or mix cultures owned and developed by many countries.
between countries as it is today, it creates One of the countries whose popular
new cultural trends such as popular culture is famous almost all over the world
culture. Popular culture is a mass culture is Japan.
as a culture that is produced and consumed Japan is known as a developed
on a mass basis, stated by (Crothers, country which is also still very thick with
2013). In addition (Avenue et al., 2015) its traditional culture and is famous for its
explains about four “popular” meaning, popular culture. The term Japanese
namely popular with many people, low- popular culture is more accurately
level work, works made with the aim of described as taishuu bunka which means
pleasing people, culture for themselves mass culture (Kamei-Dyche, 2017). Kato
that people make. In short, popular culture also added that mass culture means culture
can be interpreted as a culture that is made that is not only liked by Japanese people,

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IZUMI, Volume 10 No 2, 2021, [Page | 329]
e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
Available online at:

but also people from other countries. Farina (2018), when compared to other
Japanese popular culture includes anime countries in Asia, Japan has more potential
(cartoons), manga (comics), J-pop (as soft power. It is proven by the many works
Japanese songs are called), games, and creativity of the people that can be
technology, films, and dorama (Japanese well received, not only in the country but
television dramas). Because of its in various countries. One of Japan's soft
popularity and the rapid development of powers which is the main focus in this
Japanese popular culture, it is used by the research is anime.
organizers of the Japanese state apparatus Anime is an animation show or
as an attraction for Japan to attract animation used by the Japanese (Susan J,
international attention. The attraction in 2005). Anime as a soft power as well as a
question is Japan's ability to lure other forum for introducing Japanese culture in
countries without an element of coercion many countries is no longer in doubt, as
which is known as soft power. evidenced by the fact that 30 countries
Soft power is a concept that has a have signed anime cooperation contracts
meaning, the skill of a country that does with Japan, including Indonesia (Annett,
not use the military and economy to 2014). The profit generated from the
achieve its goals but prefers to use its anime industry itself is very large for
attractiveness (Sergunin & Karabeshkin, Japan. A 2016 report from the Association
2015) reveals about culture into two of Japanese Animation (AJA) through the
aspects; first, high culture or high value Akiba Nation website shows that, since
culture such as works of art, literature, and 2013, the anime industry has continued to
education for the elite and second, popular grow by 171% (Cunningham & Craig,
culture that is liked and can attract the 2019). From these data, it can be
masses. There are three sources of soft concluded that anime has been well
power which are the culture of a country, received by the world community as
political values, and foreign policy Japanese popular culture.
(Callahan, 2015). Soft power through It must be admitted that the
culture that characterizes a country must phenomenon of Japanese popular culture
have an attraction to be able to influence as soft power has attracted many
other countries. The culture in question researchers to discuss and research more
can be in the form of art, technology, food, deeply. For example, the journal, written
literature, or entertainment that focuses on by (Puji Wisanggeni, 2019), focuses on
attracting the masses. Therefore, it can be not only the traditional Japanese culture
said that besides being able to be used as a shown in the Samurai Chaploo anime
diplomatic tool between nations, it can series, but how elements of culture from
also be a source of soft power (Philip et outside have managed to blend into their
al., 2019). native culture. There is also Rastiati
Director of the Marubeni Research (2015) who published a journal about
Institute, Tsutomu Sugiura said that Japan cosplay as Japanese popular culture
has found a new place in this world, as associated with the hijab as opposed to
well as benefits through its cultural cosplay clothes, the entry of the Pokemon
obsession around the world, especially Go game as a popular culture that has
popular culture. Japan's soft power has spread throughout the world and how its
succeeded in influencing Asian countries influence can be found in journals written
through its popular culture over the last by Iqbal (2017).
few decades, for example through art, In the previous paragraph, it has
fashion, hairstyles, food, animated films, been described that there are several
and comics (Brienza, 2015). According to articles on Japanese anime popular culture

Copyright@2021, IZUMI, e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249x

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e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
Available online at:

as soft power, but no one has discussed the collected becomes a reference to be able to
Ufo Baby anime as the object of research. draw conclusions about understanding the
Therefore, the researchers are interested in message or meaning contained in the Ufo
discussing the soft power of Japan in Baby anime. This interpretive analysis uses
Indonesia on anime entitled “Ufo Baby”. the story telling method or in the form of a
This anime is not as global as its peers, narrative, several pieces of pictures related
such as Doraemon, Dragon ball, Naruto, to this research are also included to further
One Piece and Detective Conan. However, clarify the data. In addition, data collection
this anime was chosen because it contains to describe the influence of soft power in
many elements of Japanese culture, even Indonesia is conducted through interviews.
though the story is themed on the life of a Interviews are conducted with a
junior high school child. The Ufo Baby group of 27-year-old young girls who are
anime itself entered Indonesia in 2002 and members of the Anime Addict group,
became one of the anime broadcasts on the which consists of 12 women and has been
RCTI television station. On the ufo-baby involved since they were in college.
website, it is stated that Ufo Baby itself Sample is carried out using purposive
was previously a manga (as Japanese sampling. This is because the interviews
comics are called) which was published in are conducted with only 4 members who
the Japanese weekly magazine Nakayoshi like the Ufo Baby anime and personally
in 1998. Then, it was made into an anime influence them on Japanese culture. All
series with a total of 78 episodes. informants are private employees currently
However, despite having many episodes, working in Japanese companies and
the authors limit the study to a few graduates of majoring in Japanese
episodes. The research only focuses on literature at a public university in
episodes that show Japanese popular Bandung. The informants include Anita
culture as soft power. (28), Novelia (28), Dinda (28), and Rini
(28). All interviews are conducted via
2. Methods personal WhatsApp chat for approximately
The research method in this study uses a 10 minutes each.
qualitative approach with interpretive
analysis. Research using a qualitative 3. Result and Discussion
approach is a technique of collecting 3.1 Japanese Soft Power through
information through interactions carried Popular Culture
out on the subject and object of analysis to Japan as one of the developed countries
obtain effective data and analyze it with a has strong feeling with its culture, even
predetermined approach (Liang, 2019) though the flow of globalization is growing
Meanwhile, according to Bakhsh et al rapidly. In maintaining traditional cultural
(2017), the use of interpretive methods traditions, of course, requires cooperation
focuses on "meaning making practices” and high awareness of the community. In
and shows how the configuration of the addition, efforts from the government to
results that have been observed. The use of support and develop activities and
this method has the aim of being able to creativity related to culture are no less
understand and interpret the events shown important, one of which is through anime.
in the Ufo Baby Anime. Almost everyone knows something about
The data in this study is in the form anime and admits that anime has become a
of scene by scene shown in the Ufo Baby symbol of Japanese culture. The
anime which shows the existence of seriousness of the Japanese government in
cultural elements contained in the dialogue making anime and manga as soft power
and pictures. The data that has been can be seen from the stipulation of a

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e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
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famous anime character, namely moral message and fantasy displayed have
Doraemon as the Japanese Animation cultural elements and there are many
Ambassador (Brienza, 2014) positive things that we can learn. This is
Hayao Miyazaki, one of the well- one of the factors that anime can be well
known authors of the Studio Ghibli anime received in many countries. In addition,
stated that anime has a "limited animation" another factor is that the Japanese always
style that was popularized through pour high creativity so that it produces
Japanese studios and only broadcast for good quality as well (Hui, 2013). It is no
television (Posadas, 2014). According to wonder that nowadays many people from
Hernández-Pérez (2019), originally anime various countries come to Japan to learn
came from a manga in the form of pictures how to draw anime. The above explanation
with dialogue in it and made into a book, further supports the statement that anime
while anime is an adaptation of manga. as Japan's soft power has succeeded
Japanese anime has its own characteristics worldwide.
that distinguish it from cartoons
originating from America. The storyline,

Figure 1 Main female character bathing in Ofuro

Figure 2 Miyu's Mother Sleeping on Futon

3.2 Analysis of Japanese Soft Power on Mikoshi, objects used by Japanese people
the Anime Entitled Ufo Baby such as Futon, Onsen, Ofuro, and Yukata,
The soft power that Japan carried out or their trademark food such as Misoshiru
through the anime media Ufo Baby is to and Dango, divided into several scenes in
include and display several Japanese the episode. This is the main attraction for
cultures such as Chanoyu and Matsuri some people to observe more and want to

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e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
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know more about things related to Japan e-commerce platforms, they also sell a lot
(Chan & Wong, 2017). of mishosiru cooking ingredients. It
In the first episode, the object indicates that Japanese food introduced
displayed on Ufo Baby as part of Japanese through anime has succeeded in becoming
soft power is Ofuro (Figure 1). Ofuro is a popular culture in Indonesia.
typical Japanese bath. In an article about In the 6th episode, one of the typical
bathing culture in Japan published on the Japanese drinks is shown, ocha, as part of
Japanese station website, it is stated that Japanese soft power. Ocha is known as
the Japanese habit before entering Ofuro is green tea originating from Japan. This
to wet the body, use soap, and shampoo in drink is shown through the scene when
the shower first. It must be considered Miyu's mother comes to visit Kanata and
because Ofuro is used only for bathing and Miyu's residence after coming from
later the water is used for one family. This America. His mother drank a typical
is to save water and not throw away after Japanese green tea, namely ocha while
use. Ofuro in the anime Ufo Baby appears saying that Japanese tea is the best. In
in the first episode which shows a scene Japanese restaurants in Indonesia, ocha is
where Miyu as the main character is often served in their drink menu, which is
bathing in Ofuro as soon as she arrives at a sign that Japan's soft power over
her new residence. Indonesia has succeeded. Talking about
In this scene, it is shown that both ocha, it cannot be separated from the
Japanese houses and Japanese inns have tradition of drinking tea or Chanoyu which
small square-shaped baths with quite deep is a tradition of Japanese society for a long
water. Thus, when people bathe, the water time. However, even though this tradition
will cover their shoulders; but because the has been around for a very long time, it is
width and length of the tub is small, people still being preserved by the Japanese
who bathe can only sit while bathing with people. Chanoyu is a tradition of formal
their knees folded. Still referring to the tea drinking which is carried out with
same article, Japanese culture before complicated stages in serving drinks made
bathing must pay attention to the order of from green tea powder and will later be
bathing based on the oldest person in the given to distinguished guests (Yu & He,
house. If there are guests who come, then 2018)
the guest must be a priority. In the same episode, a Japanese bed
In the same episode, there is a called a Futon is shown (Figure 2). Futon
traditional Japanese food called Misoshiru. is a traditional Japanese mattress that is
Misoshiru is one of the traditional Japanese thin and filled with cotton, consisting of
foods in the form of soup which is usually two thin mattresses; the first serves is as a
served with a Japanese first dish menu base for sleeping and the other is used as a
(Zhang & Chiu, 2020). The basic blanket (Puspitasari et al., 2014). Futon is
ingredients used to make Misoshiru are featured in the scene when Miyu's mother
fermented soybeans, rice, salt, or yeast falls asleep on the Futon from exhaustion
(Stefanello et al., 2019). Misoshiru is after her long journey from America. This
shown in the scene where Kanata as the scene caused some people to be attracted
male lead offers Miyu if she wants to add to the feeling of sleeping on a Futon. This
more Misoshiru to their dinner dish. In is evidenced by a statement from an
Indonesia, this typical Japanese Misoshiru informant named Anita (28) who even
soup has spread widely in Japanese went to Japan because of Ufo Baby and felt
restaurants in Indonesia so that Japanese sleeping on a Futon.
foodies know about Misoshiru. In addition, “Gue dulu pergi ke Jepang karna suka
in large supermarkets and online sales via banget sama Doraemon, terus beberapa

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anime juga gue suka, apalagi yang unique thing that is served on this Dango
anak-anak sekolahan. Termasuk si Ufo cake called Mitarashi Dango, namely the
Baby itu, makin-makin pengen traveling addition of a sweet and salty sauce on top
ke Jepang. Sampe akhirnya tahun 2009 that is made from shoyu (Weller et al.,
gue pergi juga kesana… ngerasain
2019). It can be said that the Japanese food
nginep di ryokan pake Futon ala ala
tidur orang Jepang haha.”
contained in episode 15 has become quite
Translation: “I used to go to Japan well known to the Indonesian people since
because I really like Doraemon. Then, I the Ufo Baby anime aired in Indonesia.
also like some anime, especially school The introduction of traditional Dango
kids. Including the Baby Ufo anime, the cakes because of the Ufo Baby anime is
more makes me want to travel to Japan, supported by the opinion of an informant
until finally in 2009 I went there too… I named Dinda (28). During the interview,
felt like I was staying in a ryokan the thing she remembered most about this
sleeping on Japanese-style Futon, haha.” anime is Mitarashi Dango. In fact,
The experience told by Anita was felt according to her, because she wanted to
by her because of the influence of taste how Dango cakes tasted, she had to
watching anime series on Indonesian wait for an opportunity to go to Japan.
television, including the anime Ufo Baby. “Aku akhirnya bisa ngerasain kue
She managed to feel what it was like to use Dango itu pas ke Jepang tahun 2015.
the Futon shown in the Ufo Baby anime. Rasanya unik sih...”
Another Japanese food featured on Ufo Translation: "I finally could taste
Baby is Dango. Dango is a sweet food Dango cake when I came to Japan in
made from rice flour, shaped into rounds, 2015. The taste is really unique..."
and boiled. However, there is another

Figure 3 Miyu Wearing Yukata

In addition, there is a typical Japanese Matsuri attended by Kanata and Miyu is a

culture that is in this anime in the 18th festival of joy related to the Japanese
episode, namely Matsuri Mikoshi. Matsuri belief, namely Shinto. In Indonesia,
is a celebratory ritual performed by the Matsuri Mikoshi has been held quite often
Japanese as a symbol of their religion during diplomatic events between Japan
(Wulandari, 2018) while Mikoshi has the and Indonesia like the Jak-jak Matsuri
meaning of the vehicle of the Gods which event held at Plaza Tenggara GBK, Jakarta
when implemented is carried out by being in 2019 (Van Hecken et al., 2019). It
paraded by many people (Wulandari, indicates that Matsuri Mikoshi, traditional
2018). Matsuri Mikoshi is shown in the Japanese culture, has entered and is well
scene where Miyu is invited by her received by the Indonesian people.
classmates to take part in the change of In the Mikoshi Matsuri festival, usually
season festival (Matsuri Mikoshi). Mikoshi women will look more graceful and

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e-ISSN: 2502-3535, p-ISSN: 2338-249X
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beautiful when wearing a Yukata. Yukata is an interest in visiting Japan and trying to
traditional Japanese clothing that is use traditional Japanese, Yukata.
informal, meaning that there is a type of In episode 30, an object named
Yukata that is used after bathing, at home, Samurai appears. Samurai has the meaning
and festival events (Permana et al., 2019). of serving, a word used in ancient times as
In addition, there are many variations and personal servants, because the loyalty of
colors in the Yukata because the material is the Samurai to his master was like the
made of thin cotton and seems simple; loyalty of slaves to their masters in feudal
Yukata is also more often used in summer times (Masaaki, 2021). The Samurai are
by the Japanese (Permana et al., 2019). It featured in the scene where Wanya, an
is shown by Miyu who were wearing her alien babysitter named Ruu, is on her way
Yukata to the Mikoshi Matsuri festival home from the supermarket. The presence
(Figure 3). of the Samurai is said to have attracted the
The experience of using Yukata was attention of many people, causing a crowd.
felt by an informant named Novelia (28). This episode shows that Japan is still
She shared her experience of going to including part of its historical elements in
Japan when she was still in high school anime to be introduced to the world
and tried wearing a Yukata while on community.
vacation to Kyoto by renting it for 3000 In episode 36, Onsen appears as part of
yen for 2 hours. She learned about Yukata Japan's soft power. Onsen is defined as a
through the Ufo Baby anime that he hot spring used by Japanese people. The
watched in high school. Japanese culture of going for a bath in an
“Kalau aku nonton Ufo Baby agak telat Onsen has been around for a long time
sih justru pas SMA kelas 1 liat si Miyu because, in general, Japanese people like to
pake Yukata jadi pengen pake juga. take a hot bath, especially when winter
Kebetulan pas ke Kyoto ada rentalnya, arrives (Harisal, 2019). Onsen locations
pake deh...” are usually in mountainous areas. Until
Translation: "When I watch Ufo Baby,
now, there are tens of thousands of Onsen
it's a bit late, but when I was in 1st
grade, I saw Miyu wearing a Yukata. So, in Japan with the number growing every
I wanted to wear it too. Incidentally, year (Harisal, 2019). Onsen is featured in
when I went to Kyoto there is a rental the scene where Kanata and Kenta go to
there; then I used it..." the mountain and soak in the Onsen. If you
The influence of the Ufo Baby anime search on the Google page, several hotels
that the informant watched, made her have in Indonesia even have Onsen facilities
inspired by Japanese culture.

Figure 4 Koinobori Flag

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Available online at:

The attractiveness of the Onsen was According to the culture that exists
also felt by an informant named Rini (28). in the Ufo Baby anime, things that affect
She expressed her interest in Japanese the Indonesian people are expressed
culture by questioning how Japanese through informants who like Japanese
people bathe in Onsen. She also culture because they are inspired by
experienced the sensation of soaking in an watching the Ufo Baby anime series. The
Onsen when she attended language school informants became interested in visiting
in Shizuoka, Japan. While enjoying the Japan and trying and experiencing the
natural scenery, she took a hot bath like the culture that characterizes the Japanese
Japanese. Her initial interest started when people based on what they watched.
she watched the anime Ufo Baby in the
same year she went to Japan.
“Aku nonton Ufo Baby itu karena di References
kasih tau sama Anita, pas nonton jadi
pengen rasain berendam di Onsen...” Annett, S. (2014). Anime fan
Translation: "I watched Ufo Baby communities: Transcultural flows and
because I was told by Anita; when I frictions. In Anime Fan
watched it, I wanted to feel like soaking Communities: Transcultural Flows
in an Onsen..." and Frictions.
Another episode in the Ufo Baby anime
that features things about Japan is episode 04
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